LETTER TO A CUBAN SOCIALIST NEW by A. Alvarez .. I NT ERN AT ION A-L Tile First Authentic Report on the Anti· Stlllin UndergrDund in the Russilln Ukrlline • Stlliin IInti Germllny hy Jacques • APRIL 1949 The Struggle lor the World: (llpitlliism, Stlliinism, WilT TWENTY -FIVE CENTS Resolution of the ISL IN THIS ISSUE IMEMO I MARTIN ABERN .................................................................. 99 This is the first issue of THE NEW INTERNATIONAL By the Editors to appear after the formation of the Independent Socialist League. THE RUSSIAN UKRAINIAN UNDERGROUND .................. 100 THE NEW INTERNATIONAL will continue to carry the message of independent socialism for the ISL as By Vs. F. it has done in the past for the Workers Party. Our weekly newspaper, Labor Action, will reaeh its sub­ LETTER TO A CUBAN SOCIALIST .... ..•. .............................. 103 scribers in all countries of the world regularly, as it By Amelio Alvarez has done up to now. We checked thro}.lgh our files the other day and STALINISM IN GERMANY ................................................ 107 found that these pUblications go out to readers in 43 By Jacques different countries on every continent; from Wagga­ Wagga, Australia, to Cochabamba, Bolivia; to read­ THE INEVITABILITY OF SOCIALISM---I1 ........................ 114 ers in almost every state in the Union and all of its major cities. We regard it- as one of our primary tasks By Thompson Conley that the flow of information concerning the develop­ ments in the working class and in the socialist move­ CAPITALISM, STALINISM, AND THE WAR ...................... 116 rnent shall not cease. Resolution of the Independent Socialist Leaque The cost of sending thousands of copies to the four corners of the world, to socialist comrades who are unable to pay, plus the present high costs of printing have placed a heavy drain upon our financial re­ ~ources. Therefore the ISL has launched a Fund Drive THE NEW INTERNATIONAL for $14,000 in order to sustain the press. A Mont,,,y Orgo" of Revo'ut'o"Of'y Morxlsm We know that our readers will wish to contribute Yol. XY, No.4 APRIL 1949 Whole No. 135 to the success of this effort. Every contribution en­ Published monthly, except May and JlJne, by the New ables us to send more copies to brother socialists International Publishing Co. at 114 West 14th Street, New abroad who write frequently asking us to continue York 11, N. Y. Re-entered as second-class matter June 30, 1947, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the Act to send our periodicals. We ask you to send us your of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: $2.00 per year; bun­ dles, loc each for five copies and up. Forei~n, $2.25 per contribution to enable us to continue this work. All year; bundles, 20c each for five and up. contributions of whatever size will be gratefully ac­ Address all editorial and business communications to The New International, 4 Court Sq'Uare, Long Island City 1. ('epted and acknowledged by return mail. N. Y. Telephone: IRonsides 6-5117. Editorial Board THE NEW INTERNATIONAL BEN HALL HENRY JUDD MAX SHACHTMAN 4 Court Square Staff Long Island City 1, N. Y. I REVA CRAINE WALTER KOCH Dear Friends: Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Enclosed please find $.. ........................ as my Business Manager: JOSEPH ROAN contribution to the first Fund Drive of the Inde­ pendent Socialist League. Name ............................................................ Address ........................................................ City ............................................................... SUBSCRIBE NOW The NEW INTERNATIONAL 4 Court Square Long Island City 1, N. Y. As il our practice. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL will not Please enter my subscription for: be published during the summer month I of May and June. The next Illue will be dated July 194'. and will feature o 1 year, $2; 0 6 months, $1.25; 0 3 years, $5 articles on Congress: Germany ond the New Europe: a o Remittance enclosed. 0 Bill me. Report from En91and ond on extremely Interesting piece NAME ............................................................................................. on lIya Ehrenburg. This 'ssue will appear on time. and we expect to re­ ADDRE88 ......................................................................................... lume our regular appeorance with thll 'Ilue. CITY ................................................ ZONE........ STATJl ................... THE NEW INTERNATIONAL THE NEW INTERNATIONAL A MOllthly Orgall of R.evolutiollary Marxism VOL. XV APRIL 1949 NO.4 MARTIN ABERN The name of no socialist comrade came the central organ of the world Trotskyist move­ is more closely connected with our publication, THE ment. As business manager at that time, Comrade NEW INTERNATIONAL, than that of Martin Abern. Abern was tireless in pushing forward its expanding Founder, builder, manager and contributor to it, his circulation to all corners of the world. Our many sudden and unexpected death at the end of April 1949 friends in Asia, Europe and Latin America will well is a grievous loss to those many thousands who knew remember Marty's letters to them-filled with friend­ him through his long association with our publication. ly interest and suggestions regarding our common If, in recent years, circumstances beyond his control socialist problems and activities. had made it impossible to continue his active role on behalf of THE NEW INTERNATIONAL, nothing can dim We Salute His Memory his long years of service to it. After a short period of suspension, THE NEW IN­ TERNATIONAL resumed its pUblication again in Janu­ Comrade Abern's long years in the American rev­ ary 1938. Again, it was Martin Abern who insisted olutionary and socialist movement, dating back to the upon its revival, simultaneous with the formation of First World War, are familiar to all of us. The story the Socialist Workers Party. Publication has been of his devotion to the cause of socialism, and the facts uninterrupted since this period, and Comrade Abern of his over thirty years' dedication to this movement, was again the active manager for many years. It was have already been published in Labor Action. We shall during this period that the magazine's publication not repeat them here. But Martin Abern's relation to reached an aU-time high in terms of copies printed, THE NEW INTERNATIONAL formed an important part circulation and international influence. of his socialist life and career. Comrade Abern was more than our magazine's Instrumental in Founding HI business manager. He took an active part in its edit­ orial life and the selection of material considered of Perhaps more than any other comrade in the pUblication merit. While literary and theoretical anal­ American movement, he was instrumental in its foun­ yses were' not the foremost qualities of his political dation as an organ of Marxist politics in the United life, he contributed valuable articles on American la­ States. This was in 1934, approximately fifteen years bor politics, events in England, etc. But above all, his ago. At that time, the Trotskyist movement in Amer­ loyalty to THE NEW INTERNATIONAL was surpassed ica was a small force, with still tinier means at its dis­ by no one, and his patient ~fforts to expand its influ­ posal. The launching of THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ence or to overcome its innumerable obstacles are the was more than a feat of organizational skill-it signi­ truest possible reflection of his real personality. fied endless effort and devotion to the conception that a Marxist movement required a theoretical organ just Thus it is that with full sincerity we can say that as surely as man requires oxygen to breathe. Martin our NEW INTERNATIONAL was the creation of Com­ Abern understood this need and he, as perhaps no one rade Martin Abern more than of any other single in­ else co'uld have done, made it a reality. THE NEW IN­ dividual. We know that all our readers who know its TERNATIONAL was born under his guidance and story will share this belief with us. In these difficult through his initiative. times, very few revolutionists. have left as much be­ hind them to testify to their devotion and capacities. It was an immediate success. Those fortunate We know, too, that our readers will join with us in enough to still possess copies dating from the found­ saluting his memory and expressing our desire to con­ ing yeats of the magazine can testify to its high qual­ tinue this vital work so well begun and handled by ity and value. Its name and its circulation spread rap­ him. idly among Marxists throughout the world, and it be- " THE EDITORS The Russian Ukrainian Underground A People's Revolt Against Stalin Weare particularly pleased to present this historic and time protected the Ukrainian population of the terri­ theoretical account of the Ukrainian national-revolutionary tories along the Curzon line, which territories had movement against Stalin to our readers. The world preS8 has made numerous allusions to the existence of this movement, been taken from Poland, from forced deportation. to but we believe this.is the first authentic and detailed account East Prussia and Pomerania. Establishing the centers to appear in English anywhere. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL of its military operations in Volhynia and Carpathia, can verify the authenticity and accuracy of this report, a8 well the Ukrainian Revolutionary Army in 1946 trans­ as the reliability of its author.-ED. ferred the main part of its work to underground ac­ tivity of separate small groups throughout the terri­ • tories of the Ukraine. The underground revolution­ ary work consists in the strong development of anti­ October, 1948, marked the fifth Bolshevik propaganda and in the preparation of the anniversary of the organization in the northwestern people for a possible revolutionary uprising. forest regions of the Ukraine of the first revolution­ In what field of action is the Ukrainian revolu­ ary divisions which took the name of Ukrainian Rev­ tionary underground in the USSR today? olutionary Army (UPA).
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