LEX SAXONUM CHARLEMAGNE SUBDUES THE SAXONS - VIII CENTURY Lex Saxonum is a two player game that si- vements and/or combats (in order to simu- mulates the conquest of Saxony by Charle- late the difficulty for an army to cross the magne in the last quarter of the 8th centu- river) but the right bank cannot be pillaged ry. One player represents the Carolingians and has no fortifications. The Cologne units of Austrasia, Hesse, Thuringe and West are always deployed on the left bank (where Friesland. This player is called “the Caro- the town is). lingian”. The other player controls various The territory Aix-la-Chapelle (that repre- Saxon tribal federations and their Danish sents all of Charlemagne’s residences and Frisian allies. This player is called “the in Austrasia: Thionville, Attigny... Aix-la- Saxon”.. Chapelle) is linked to Cologne (city side), Koblenz (Coblence) and Büraburg. 1 - DeScription oF tHe GAMe Treva and Verden are adjacent. 1.1 - MAp Certain territories are grouped into larger The map approximates medieval Saxo- ensembles. (Austrasia, Hesse, Westphalia, ny and the surrounding regions. It is divi- Angria, Eastphalia). These ensembles have ded into territories corresponding to the no affect on the activation of units. Saxon, Slav and Frisian tribal zones, and to the Carolingian counties. Each territo- 1.2 - tiMe ScALe ry is identified by a name, a symbol, a re- Each game turn represents one year. source point value (RP) symbolised by one of more coins and a fortification. The Saxon 1.3 - UnitS fortresses, the Carolingian cities and stron- Each unit represents between a few hun- gholds as well as the abbeys and bishop’s dred and a thousand combattants. The palaces symbolise both a territory’s fortifi- units are identified by the name of their ori- cations and the combattants defending this ginal territory and a possible combat bo- territory. nus. The colour of the symbol on the back A friendly territory is any territory control- side of the unit indicates its owing nation. led by one’s camp at the beginning of the game or later conquered and free of ene- my units. An enemy territory is one that is controlled by the opposing camp at the be- Army ginning of the game or later conquered. The presence or absence of a unit from Bonus of Name of unit one’s camp has no impact on the territo- combat ry’s status. The Cologne territory is divided by the Original territory Rhine. It counts as two territories for mo- Back 2/ VaeVictis - n° 147 - septembre/octobre 2019 1.4 - coMMAnDerS 2 - reSoUrce pointS Each camp has a commander counter. The Each player calculates his resource points main purpose of commanders - (RP) and indicates the number Charlemagne and Widukind - is on the RP table. to facilite the organisation and taken into consideration : management of the military operations. Wi- – The unspent rp from the previous turn. dukind may be killed in combat, not Charle- – The rp of each player’s initially controlled magne. If Widukind is killed, he does not re- and un-pillaged territories. turn to the game. – The rp of the converted Saxon territories (for the Carolingian). 1.5 - StrAtageMS – 1 rp per intact abbey (Carolingian only, The stratagems simulate details specific to even if the territory is pillaged). the campaigns of the Saxon wars. The let- – 1 rp if the Irminsul was not destroyed ter inscribed on the counter specifies during (Saxon only, even if the territory is pillaged). which turn phase the event may be played.. – The rp of the territories pillaged on the previous turn 1. 6 - SeqUence oF pLAy – 1 rp per fortress or stronghold seized on A. Calculation of resource points the previous turn. B. Determination of the initiative. – 2 rp per abbey/bishop’s palace seized on c. Purchase of stratagems. the previous turn. D. Purchase and positioning of reinforce- – 3 rp per town seized on the preceding ments. turn. e. Operations phase of both players. – The rp granted to the Carolingian fol- F. Reorganisation lowing the stratagems Campaign against the Avars or Campaign in Italy that were 1. 7 - Set-Up played by the Saxon during the previous The units are positioned in the territory with turn. the same name. All the units are turned note : The RP granted by the events Bonnes over to their inactive (back) side. The Scara récoltes (Good harvest) or Impôt impérial units as well as the Charlemagne counter (Imperial Tax) are tallied at the end of the are placed at Aix-la-Chapelle. The Neustria phase C. unit is placed in reserve by the Carolingian. exception : on the first turn (772), the Saxon The Irminsul counter is placed at Eresburg receives 7 RP and the Carolingian 10 RP. (see 7.3). The maximum number of available RP per The Turn marker is placed on player is limited to 25. its Carolingian side on the Year track in 772. On the Resources 3 - initiAtive track, the Saxon’s Resources marker is The player with the most RP has the ini- placed on 7 and Carolingian’s on 10. tiative for the turn. In the case of a tie, the The Stratagem markers are placed in an Saxon has the initiative if Widukind is in opaque container. play, otherwise the Carolingian has the ini- The other markers are placed close to the tiative. players for their future use. /3 4 - StrAtageMS is placed in Denmark. It can combat for the 4.1 - pUrcHASe oF StrAtAGeMS Saxon if it is activated in its original territo- Each player may draw up to three strata- ry. It becomes neutral again at the end of gems per turn: the first is free, the second the turn. costs 1 rp, and the third costs 2 rp. Pro- • Alliance frisonne (D) - Frisian alliance : ceed stratagem after stratagem in turns the Frisian units arrive in reinforcement. beginning with the player who has the ini- They are positioned in Friesland. They may tiative. The stratagems are drawn at ran- combat for the Saxon if they are activated dom. The players may only look at their in their original territory. They become neu- stratagems once they declare they have fi- tral again at the end of the turn. nished their purchases. • Aux armes ! (Angrie) (e) -To arms! (An- gria) : All the units from Angria present on 4.2 - USe oF StrAtageMS the map in unconquered territories (inclu- Each stratagem marker has two sides: ding Denmark) are activated freely. a Saxon side and a Carolingian side. The • Aux armes ! (ostphalie) (e) -To arms! player may only play the stratagem corres- (Eastphalia) : All the Eastphalia (Ostphalie) ponding to the camp he controls. Playing units present on the map in unconquered a stratagem is never mandatory (except territories (including Denmark) are activa- “trêve” [“Truce”]). All unplayed stratagems ted freely.. are discarded at the end of the turn. • Aux armes ! (Westphalie) (e) -To arms! The resources stratagems are used imme- (Westphalia) : All the Westphalia units pre- diately (but do not provoke a new calcula- sent on the map in unconquered territories tion of the initiative) and the allocated sums (including Denmark) are activated freely. are added to the player’s RP. • Bonnes récoltes (c) -Good Harvest : the The Trêve stratagem is used immediately Saxon rolls 1D6: 1-2 he wins 1 additional after the resources stratagems. RP. 3-4, 2 RP. 5-6, 3 RP.. The reinforcements stratagems (Danish, • campagne contre les Avars (D) -Cam- Frisian, Neustrian) are used during phase paign against the Avars : the Scara units D. (present at Aix-la-Chapelle), Neustria and The Raids and Revolts stratagems are used Charlemagne cannot be activated this turn. during phase E and count as a normal ope- A unit from Austrasia and a unit from Thu- ration. ringe are removed from the game for the The stratagem Campagne d’hiver (Winter turn, they return freely to their original zone campaign) is used in phase F after the re- during phase D on the following turn. In deployment (see 8.1). It is a special opera- phase B of the following turn, the Carolin- tion. gian rolls 1D6: 1-2 he wins 2 additional RP. The tactical stratagems are used during 3-4, 3 RP. 5-6, 4 RP. combats in phase E. • campagne en italie (D) -Campaign in Ita- ly : the Scara units (present at Aix-la-Cha- 4.3 - DeScription oF StrAtAGeMS pelle), Neustria and Charlemagne cannot 4.3.1 - Saxons stratagems be activated this turn. One unit from Aus- • Alliance danoise (D) -Danish alliance : trasia and one from Hesse are removed the Danish unit arrives in reinforcement. It from the game for the turn; they will return 4/ VaeVictis - n° 147 - septembre/octobre 2019 freely to their original zone during phase D this case, after its application, this strata- of the following turn. In phase B of the fol- gem is definitively eliminated. lowing turn, the Carolingian rolls 1D6 : 1-2 • révolte (e) -Revolt : a Saxon territory that he wins 2 additional RP. 3-4, 3 RP. 5-6, 4 RP. is conquered revolts (as the Saxon chooses). • embuscade (e) -Ambush : before the first If the territory did not convert, revolt is auto- round of a combat, the player that plays matic. Otherwise, the revolt erupts on a 1D6 this stratagem launches a free attack with result of 4, 5 or 6. 1D6 (without bonus). A hit is applied before If the territory contains units of the Carolin- the normal pursuit of the combat. If both gian, the possible fortification remains un- players play this stratagem at the same der Carolingian control.
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