Index A-B cleavage 79 ahim˙ sa: (Hindu principle) 151 aardvaarks 215 ahupua’a (Hawai’i) 260, 267–8 abduction 83 air pollution, Japan 177 Aboriginal people see Australian Aboriginal A9 jı:vikasiso 150–1 people Akimichi, Tomoya 265 aboriginal subsistence whaling (ASW) 11 Alaska 311, 312–14, 319–22, 343 acacia 238 Alaska National Wildlife Refuge 321 Achuar (American people) 278–9, 281 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act activists, animal rights 343 (ANCSA) 1971 320–1 acupuncture 202 Alayco, Salomonie 319 Adam (biblical character) 422, 428–9 alchemy 381, 406 adaptation, role of nature in culture 91–112 Aleutian Islands 312 adaptive behavior 102–5 Aleutiiq (American people) 312 adaptive management 83–90 algae 301, 307 aesthetics Algonquins (American people) 118 China 190–1, 192 Allan, Sarah 395 Japan 5, 169 Allen, Paula Gunn 333, 335, 336, 339 Africa, sub-Saharan 211–27 alpacas 301–2, 305 Africa, East 218–19 altiplano (Andes) 289, 291 Afro-Caribbean people 108 altitude risk 298–302 Agni (Indian God) 123, 153 Amaterasu (Japanese goddess) 165, 175 Agrawal, Arun 67, 77, 78–9, 90 Amazonia 23–5, 277–86, 296–8 agriculture American Indians see Native Americans Amazon and migrant farmers 23–5 Amerindian see Native Americans Bali 108–9 Ames, Roger 170, 396 Central Andes 290–8, 302–4, 305 Amida Buddha 168 cosmology 115–26 Analects (Confucian text) 375 Daoism 197–8 Anasazi (American people) 340 ethnobiological knowledge 55–6, 57, 63 Anath 438 Israel 448, 451–2 anatomy 57–60, 62 Japan 179 Anaximines 192–3 Judaism 436–9 ancestors local knowledge 67–8 China 188, 189 Native Americans 344 Oceania 268 Oceania 248–9 ANCSA see Alaska Native Claims Settlement Thailand 132, 134–5, 138 Act Vedas 122 Andes, Central 289–308 Y ijing 124–5 Ando Shoeki (Japan) 388 see also swidden agriculture animal rights agroforestry 56, 60–1, 254 hunting by Native Americans 343 Agta (Philippines) 9 sustainability and noble Other myth 13 Aguaruna 49 animals 457 selin4indp 15-07-03 09:58:30 Techniset, Denton, Manchester 0161 335 0399 458 Index Amazonia 278–82 noble Oriental xxi, 1–2, 4–8, 12 Australian Aboriginal people 230–1, 234, see also China; Japan; Thailand 235–6 Asia, East 373–89 biological knowledge 49 Asia, Southeast 34, 247, 257 Buddhism 354, 359 assimilation 321 Central Andes 292, 293, 301–2, 305 L ’Astrolabe 255 Dene 316–17 astrology ethnobiology 51–60, 62–4 Daoism 398–401 human adaptations 102, 103 fengshui 186, 187 Inuit 318 astronomy Judaism 444–6, 448–9 ancient Jews 438–9 Native Americans 336–9, 343, 344–5 Central Andes 302–4 Oceania 247, 251–3 fengshui 186 sub-Saharan Africa 211, 213, 215, 220, Inuit 313–14, 319 222–7 ASW see aboriginal subsistence whaling symbolism 50–1 Athapaskans (American people) 311 animism 50, 131, 133, 135 atheism, India 147, 148 anteater 225 Atlantic Ocean, Walker cells 296 Antei, Miyazaki 171, 172 atolls 248–9, 251, 252, 253–4, 269 anthropocentricism 117, 421 atomism 2 anthropocosmic perspective 117 atoms, India 151, 157 anthropology atonement, Judaism 439 ethnobiological classification 51 Atsutane, Hirata 172–3 forest-dwellers 21 Australia 229–40, 250–1, 252 holism 79–80 Australian Aboriginal people 229–40, 267–8 indigenous knowledge 48, 76–9 Austronesian languages 247–8 noble Other 3–4, 10 authenticity 8, 11, 12 Oceania 250 autonomy, indigenous knowledge 90–2 symbolism in natural world 50–1 Avicenna see Ibn Sı:na: anthropomorphism 50 Aymara (American people) 297–8, 300, ants 59–60 301–2 Aotearoa (New Zealand) 245, 248–9, 252 Azure Dragon 186, 187, 201 Apache (American people) 98 Baal 438 apocalypse 399 Baboquivari Peak 105 Appalachian Mountains 29 Babylonia 438 Arabic 212, 424 Baduy (Japanese people) 57, 63 Arabs, Israel 450–2 Bagmati River, Nepal 25–7 Aranda (Australian Aboriginal people) 239 Bahamas 108 Arapaho (American people) 336–7 Baka (African people) 57, 59–60, 62 archaeology 313, 434 Bal tashchit (Hebrew concept) 446, 450, 452 Archer, M. 239 balance archipelagos, Oceania 247, 249, 253–4 Hinduism 411 architecture, China 190 Native Americans 332–4, 335, 338 Arctic 311, 312, 319–21 noble Other 4 Argentina 289, 296 Bale´e, William xi, xxii, 277–86 Ari (Ethiopian people) 57 Bali 108–9 arid environments Bangkok, Thailand 129 Australian Aboriginal people 234 Bantu (African people) 63, 216 Judaism 436–42 banyan trees 353, 361 sub-Saharan Africa 211, 212 baobab trees 215 Aristotle 249–50 barley 439, 440–1, 443 Arnhem Land, Australia 231, 233, 234, 236, Barnett, D. 231 237, 238 Basso, Keith H. 98 art 202–6, 385 Bateson, Gregory 80, 83, 90 Aryans 122, 150 bats 252 Asherah 438 Baure´s, Bolivia 282 Ashio Copper Mine, Japan 173 beaches, Oceania 257–64 Ashoka 354 beauty 5, 169, 190 Asia beavers 103, 345 Buddhism 351 bees 279 Neo-Confucianim 169 Bennett, John 102–4 selin4indp 15-07-03 09:58:30 Techniset, Denton, Manchester 0161 335 0399 Index 459 Berger Inquiry 320–1 botany 220–2 Bering Strait 311, 312, 313 boundaries Berkes, Fikret xi–xii, xxi global mobilization of environmental Native Americans 325, 339, 342, 345, 346 concepts 19 TEK and IK 75–92 mapping 33–5 Berlin, Brent 53–5 Oceania 259 Berque, Augustin 185 Brahman 414–15 Berry, Thomas 117, 125–6 Brahman1as (Indian texts) 147–8 Berthrong, John xii, xxii, 373–89 Brahmanism 129–30, 132, 152 Best, Simon 252 Brazil 23–5, 284, 296 Bhagavad Gita (Hindu scripture) 415, 416 breath Bhattacharyya, K.C. 155 fengshui 199–200, 202, 204 Bhutan 351 Native Americans 332–3 Bible, Judaism 433–41, 442–4, 446–7, 448–50 see also qi Bielawski, Ellen xii, xxii, 311–25 Breath of the Compassionate 423 biodiversity Brooks Range, Alaska 312 ethnobiology 55 Brosius, J. Peter 3, 12, 22 ethnoecological knowledge 60–1 Brouwer, Jan 76, 78 global mobilization of environmental Browman, David L. xiii, xxii, 289–308 concepts 23 Brown, Cecil 220 India 416 Brown, C.H. 56 Oceania 248, 251, 252–3, 263–4, 269 Brown, Joseph Epes 336, 339–40 Thailand 361 Brush, Stephen B. 3 traditional ecological knowledge 89 Bryant, R.B. 38 biological knowledge 47–68 Buddha xx, 352–4 sub-Saharan Africa 220–7 Four Noble Truths 167 biopiracy 68 India 153 Bird, Isabella 5 suffering 365 birds Thailand 136–41, 140 Central Andes 292, 293 Buddha-nature 168, 358, 362 Dene 317 Buddhadasa Bhikku (Thai monk) 355, 360, Oceania 251–2 364 sub-Saharan Africa 223, 225 Buddhahood 168, 355 Bishnumati River, Nepal 25–7 Buddhism xx, 351–65 bison 340, 343 China 351, 373, 374, 380–2 bitter potatoes 298 Confucianism 374, 386–8 Black Elk 335, 339 cosmological patterning 118 Black Hills 335 deep ecologists 89 Blackfoot (American people) 337 Hı:naya:na 152–3 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna 363 Japan 9, 161, 166, 167–9, 351 blood quantum 341–2 Maha:ya:na 152–3, 167, 168, 351, 358 Bloomfield, Maurice 148 naturalism in India 147, 148, 150–1, boats, Isle Royale 107 152–4, 157 Bodhi, Bhikkhu 359 painting 385 bodhi (Buddhism) 353, 361 religious environmentalist paradigm 7 bodhisatta (Buddhism) 358 Thailand xxi, 129–41, 360–1 Bodi (Ethiopian people) 50 Theravada 152, 351 bodily knowledge 48 Vajrayana (Tantric) 351 body Buddhist Peace Fellowship 362 Daoism 196–8, 201, 396–8, 404–6 Buddhist Perception of Nature Project 362 ethnobiological knowledge 57–60, 62 buffalo 337 India 153 Burch, E. 319 Boerschmann, Ernst 190–1 burial, fengshui 199–200 Bolivia 282, 283, 289, 291 Burma (Myanmar) 351 bonsai 386 burning Book of Changes see Y ijing Amazonian migrant farmers 24 Book of Psalms 120–1 Australian Aboriginal people 231–6, 238, Bookchin, Murray 79 239–40 Booth, Annie L. xii, xx, xxii, 329–47 Central Andes 301–2 Booth Company 106–8 Mexican forests 31–2 Borneo 21–3, 36, 61 Native Americans 340 selin4indp 15-07-03 09:58:30 Techniset, Denton, Manchester 0161 335 0399 460 Index bush people, Oceania 259, 260 noble Oriental 5, 6 Bushman (San) (African people) 216 Y ijing 123–5 butubutu 261–3 ziran 161, 162 cacao 285 see also Confucianism; Daoism Cahokia (American people) 340 Chipko movement 415 Cajete, Gregory 85 Chisso Corporation 176–7 calendar, Judaism 438–9 Christianity Callicott, J. Baird 89, 340 China and fengshui 187–8 Camargo, J.M.F. de 57, 58, 59 cosmology and cultivation 116, 118 Cambodia 351 Jewish Bible 435 Campos, Marina T. 19–39 Oceania 268 Canada 80–1, 86, 311–25 city-states, sub-Saharan Africa 212 can˜ihua (Andean grain) 303, 308 civilization canoes, Pacific islands 254 Confucianism 378 Cape York, Australia 238, 239 Other 1 capital, swidden agriculture 38 Thailand 130–1, 134–5 capitalism, indigenous knowledge and clans, Australian Aboriginal people 230 development 79 Clarke, J. J. 396 Capra, Fritjof 6, 89 class system 212 capuchin monkeys 279, 285 classification Caribbean 108 Amazonia 278–80, 281, 286 caribou 312, 316–17, 321 ethnobiology 51–60 Caribou Inuit 312, 314 sub-Saharan Africa 220–7 caring for country (Australia) 231 classificatory knowledge 48, 49, 50, 51–60 Carrie`re, Ste´phanie 60–1 clays 307 Cartesianism 2, 185, 205 climate Carvaka School 150–1, 157 Central Andes 290–8, 302–4 cash cropping, Thailand 134–5, 138, 140 Dene and Inuit 322 cassowaries 64 human adaptation to 102, 104, 107 categories Judaism 436–42 Australian Aboriginal people 230 sub-Saharan Africa 216–20 ethnobiology 51–60 climate change, Dene and Inuit 322 knowledge 48 coasts, Oceania 257–64 sub-Saharan Africa 215, 220–7 coconuts 258, 270–1 cattle 233, 302, 413, 446 cognised knowledge 48 cattle stations 233 cognitive domains 53 caverns, Daoism 402–4 cognitive prototypes 52 cedars 434 cognitive systems 213–16 Center for International Forestry Research cognized environment 250 (CIFOR) 21–3 cold 63 Central African Wet Forest 216, 217, 227 Colombia 289 Central Andes 289–308 colonialism, mapping 33–4 ceramic forests 283 colonization ceremony Amazon rainforest 23–5 Numic people 110–11 Oceania 269 role of nature in culture 98 colonos (Amazonian farmers) 23–5 see also rites and rituals colour, soils 218 Chanukah 440 communication, knowledge 316 chaos theory 118 communities Chattopadhyaya, D.P.
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