4 October-December 2013 PP 16376/08/2012 (030849) A New Starting Line! THE NEW LEADERSHIP MAH DETERMINED TO RESTORE PARTY’S FORTUNES GERAKAN CALLS FOR THE ABOLISHMENT OF THE DEATH PENALTY www.gerakan.org.my for internal circulation only | 只供内部传阅 GM_2012_02JulOct(3)_v4.indd 1 1/3/2014 6:48:16 PM Contents 3 The New Leadership EDITORIAL BOARD 编辑部 Mah determined to revive party’s fortunes Publicity, Information & Communication Chairman 宣传、资讯及通讯局主任 4 & 5 民政党将继续在国阵扮演监督角色 - Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai 刘华才博士 马袖强:民政党改革破釜沉舟 Editor 编辑 - Ivanpal Singh Grewal Post GE13 Political Trending: The Quest 6, 7, 8 & 9 to restore Political Integrity in Malaysian Sub Editor 助编 Politics - Lim Shi Hou 林诗豪 - Lee Chun Hung 李俊鸿 10 42nd Gerakan National Delegate Conference - Tan Aik Mund 陈毅民 Gerakan Hari Deepavali Open House 2013 Layout & Design 美术编辑 11 - Lim Shi Hou 林诗豪 2013-õ ¬ñÊý ¦¸Ã¡ì¸¡ý ¾£À¡ÅÇ¢ ¦ÀÕ¿¡û ¾¢Èó¾ þøÄ ¯ÀºÃ¢ôÒ Address: Level 5, Tower 1, Menara PGRM, No. 6 & 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Issued-based politics the lifeline for Gerakan? 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 12 & 13 Tel: 03-9287 6868 Fax: 03-9287 8866 14 人权与死刑 —— 梁德明 Website: www.gerakan.org.my 2014 New Year Message Gerakan matters! would like to invite members to send 15 & 16 in your views. Please send your feedback to 《民意》欢迎任何意见或投稿, 2014年新年献词 请电邮至《民意》电子邮箱: Gerakan in the News [email protected] 17 Disclaimer 负责声明 Gerakan Revamps Website To Reach Out To Youths, The publisher, PGRM, and its editors cannot be held Grassroots responsible for any errors and consequences arising 18 from the use of information contained in this magazine. 提升改进吸引年轻人 民政党及其编辑不为本刊内容的准确性和完整性承担 民政推介新网站 任何责任。 19 Gerakan calls for the abolishment of the death penalty Published by 民政党促废除死刑 Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia 3个月收集10万签名 Level 5, Tower 1, Menara PGRM, No. 6 & 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Back Gerakan Youth obkjects massive salary hike Chinese New Year Open House 2014 Printed by SWAN Printing Sdn Bhd Lot 5429, Jalan BS7/1, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. 2 | www.gerakan.org.my GM_2012_02JulOct(3)_v4.indd 2 1/3/2014 6:48:16 PM The New Leadership President: Dato’ Mah Siew Keong Advisor: Dato’ Chang Ko Youn Deputy President: Dr Cheah Soon Hai Dato’ Teo Kok Chee, A. Kohilan Pillay, Dr Asharuddin Ahmad Vice President: Dato’ Tan Lian Hoe, Tan Keng Liang, Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah Tan Sri Liew Yun Fah, Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai Secretary-General: Liang Teck Meng Deputy Secretary-General: Dr Thor Teong Gee Treasurer: Datuk Lim Si Pin Deputy Treasurer: David Ang Chin Tat Speaker: Dato’ Gooi Hoe Hin Deputy Speaker: Syed Abd. Razak Bin Syed Long Alsagoff Lau Hoi Keong, Jayanthi Devi Balaguru, Lau Chin Hoon Peter Pang En Yin, David Chong Vee Hing, Dato’ See Tean Seng Dato’ Vincent Hooi Wy-Hon, Datuk Ng Siew Lai, Yap Kim Heng Parameswaran A/L Ganason, Baljit Singh A/L Jigiri Singh Committee Members: Ch’ng Boon Chye, Dato’ Ng Keong Chye, Teoh Hang Chong Dato’ Dr Chee See Choke, Azmar Bte Md Ilias, Dato’ K. Sabaratnam Dato’ Dr Lim Thuang Seng, Dato’ Lum Weng Keong Datuk Gordon Leong Vui Cheung, Datuk Au Kam Wah Dr Lee Chee Peng, Teng Chang Yeow, Datuk Yap Kea Ping Dato’ Lim Heng Tee, Dato’ Chang Khee Cheong, Datuk Lee Ah Fat Observers: Tan Sri Soong Siew Hoong, Tan Sri Dr Chin Fook Weng, Wee Chong Yan Dato’ Ou Kwee Hua Invitees: Ong Khang Woon, Dato’ Ching Su Chen, Leo Chan Hon Weng October - December 2013 | 3 GM_2012_02JulOct(3)_v4.indd 3 1/3/2014 6:48:17 PM Mah determined to revive party’s fortunes Clad in his white Gerakan party uniform, the recently elected party president Mah Siew Keong 52, greets The Star Online with a smile at his office at the party headquarters. “I joined the party 20 years ago, when it was still growing at the grassroots level. I was then asked to contest for the Teluk Intan state seat, a seat that was never won by Barisan Nasional and my luck was such that I did.” Mah, a native of Teluk Intan, acknowledges that the party’s fortunes at its lowest since its formation in the late 1960s. “Since I have taken on the party presidency, I have received multiple remarks on the net and the media on how Gerakan as a party has become irrelevant, and it is sad considering the fact that just six years ago, we had one Minister, three deputy ministers, a chief minister, 10 MP’s and 30 state assemblymen. At present we only have one parliamentary seat and three state seats, and I understand that the party is weak and it is about time we re-strategise,” he said. Mah himself served as Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Trade and Industry as well as the Ministry of Agriculture explained that the key for him is to continue working hard and serving the people even when the party does do well in the election. “I am aware that the organisation as a whole is not strong, and we are looking to recruit more members of the Gen Y. This is important because Gen Y has become more and more relevant and in many ways influence the decisions of the Gen X. Therefore, I am currently targeting that at least 70 to 80 percent of candidates are in their thirties and fourties in upcoming elections as compared to the 50 percent in the precious election” he added. He said that the party had failed to engage the people well and will work towards strengthening their approach through the internet. “One of the many things we can be proud about is the fact that none of our leaders were corrupted. Not one Gerakan leader was ever involved in a corruption scandal and not once were they ever accused of corruption. These are one of the many assets of the party we are looking to build on,” he said. Mah said that he would give attention to drive the party to become a more multi-racial party than it currently is. “Presently, our three vice presidents are Chinese, Indian and Malay and I believe our members will come together in reaching out and spreading our influence to the people,” he said adding that it will also work as a medium for the people to reach to the party. In sharing his expectations for the future, Mah said they are hoping to win some seats, especially in Penang. “Our presence there would be good for the state as the opposition leaders are the ones who said we always need check and balance and we can work as the constructive opposition.” He added that as president he takes full responsibility in recreating the image of the party and possibly enhance it even further to be able to make some positive difference for in the political arena in the country. Despite having a degree in Law and Management Sciences as well as a Masters in Business Administration (MBA), his passion has always been for politics. “We will also train our younger leaders to further sharpen their skills in terms of public speaking. This is to make known that the party can stand up for its causes and acknowledge issues concerning the people. “There are a lot of things I am looking to do and I hope that everyone will stand by me in this endeavor to bring this party back to its glory days,” he said. 4 | www.gerakan.org.my GM_2012_02JulOct(3)_v4.indd 4 1/3/2014 6:48:17 PM 民政党将继续在国阵扮演监督角色 马袖强:民政改革破釜沉舟 民政党主席马袖强表示该党立下决心自强,希望选民给 马袖强指 民政党一个机会,那么,该党代表人民向政府争取任何 出,领导 东西时“声音可以大一点”。 (Leadership )不是指职位 承认民政“微弱”事实 或头衔,而是 要以行动和 另一方面,马袖强承认现在的民政党“微弱”,该党承 典范去表现出领导的价值。因此,他毅然决定来届全国 认和面对这个事实,但他指出,民政党的前途还是美好 大选放弃在霹雳州安顺国会选区上阵。 的,而新的领导层将深入探讨其缺点和作出改进,该党 要以自强来重新获得人民的支持。 争取民心消除负面印象 他承认这艘船有很多漏洞,所以领导层的当务之急是亡 马袖强促请政府加强反贪的决心,以实际的行动令人民 羊补牢,然后再换引擎和招揽年轻的水手加入。 信服和消弭人民的负面印象。 在国阵扮演监督角色 他以《总稽查司报告》为例,尽管每年揭发不少的纰漏 事件,但至今都没有疏于职守的公务员被开除或被控上 针对民政党在国阵内的地位问题,马袖强说,该党会对 法庭。 事不对人,它将在国阵内扮演监督的角色。 “涉及的公务员只是被调职,这难以服众,政府应该严 他强调,不管是国阵成员党或反对党犯错,民政党会无 惩他们。” 畏惧地挺身而出,针砭时弊。 他说,尽管政府开源节流,包括实行消费税以扩大税收 他说,各个成员党都有本身的角色,他不认为民政党因 基础和合理化津贴架构,但如果不遏止贪污舞弊的歪 大选成绩欠佳而需要显得“卑微”,相反的,该党一定 风,浪费公帑的问题依然会令人民感到不满。 要以人民和国家利益为前提,为正确的事而斗争。 促赋反贪会更大权力 “大选候选人须年轻化” 他也建议政府检讨现有的法令,赋予反贪污委员会更大 马袖强指出,该党要在来届全国大选有所作为,候选人 的权力和确保它是真正独立的机构。 阵容年轻化是有必要的。 他也说,民政党于1969至2008年领导槟城州政府逾40 他设下目标,希望来届全国大选中,该党候选人 年,都没有发生过贪污舞弊丑闻。 中,70%至80%的年龄为50岁以下者。 他指出,民政党是一个清廉的政党,该党没有“好康 他认为仅靠旧有的“服务牌”已经无法保证能获得选民 头”给党员和领袖,党员甚至要出钱出力。 的支持,因此,该党必须在为民服务和赢取议席两者之 间取得平衡。 促政治人物推动国家发展 民政改革须破釜沉舟 马袖强呼吁朝野的政治人物停止玩弄政治把戏,必须放 下歧见,重于推动国家的发展计划。 他说,根据统计,2013年505大选,该党42名候选人的 平均年龄为48岁,50%是超过50岁者。 “我发现505大选后,一个马来西亚理念已经澹化了, 部分巫统领袖对这个理念不再热衷,所以希望首相不要 他希望得到他们的谅解和支持,因为民政党要在来届大 因为国阵的505大选成绩不尽理想而放弃这个理念。” 选有所作为,必须採取破釜沉舟的改革。 他说,只要首相坚持这个理念,相信下一届大选,各族 “选民都希望看到新面孔,我没有否定资深基层领袖作 选民都会回流。 出的巨大贡献,但我们在一个选区内若只提供有效率和 良好的服务,但在大选中没有交出成绩也是枉然。” October - December 2013 | 5 GM_2012_02JulOct(3)_v4.indd 5 1/3/2014 6:48:17 PM Post GE13 Political Trending: The Quest to restore Political Integrity in Malaysian Politics Lee Chun Hung Deputy Executive Director, SEDAR Institute We are entering the year end all-too-familiar seasonal politicking in the country as all major political parties are undergoing party elections that will produce new leadership after the intensely fought 13th General Election (GE13). Political parties from both sides of the political divide are undergoing intra- party power shifting and realignment as the final quarter of the election year 2013 serves as a timely constitutional opportunity for each political party to readjust party offices with names or faces that enjoy popular support of the day. The renewed post-GE13 political landscape witnesses the decreasing support for Barisan Nasional (BN), while Pakatan Rakyat (PR) had managed to increase its political weight with more parliamentary seats captured and growing popular votes that slightly overtook BN for the first time in Malaysian electoral history. Although PR failed in its ambitious bid to wrest Putrajaya away from the ruling BN which looks increasingly unsettled and more susceptible to political setbacks, the tripartite political coalition did jolt the ruling BN with a promising demonstration of its political viability as its nationwide popularity among the public is steadily on the rise.
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