Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Office of Evaluation Improve Livelihoods in Targeted Drought Affected Communities in Kenya- OSRO/KEN/002/SWE Evaluation report February 2012 Final Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Office of Evaluation (OED) This report is available in electronic format at: http://www.fao.org/evaluation Permission to make copy, download or print copies of part or all of this work for private study and limited classroom use is hereby granted, free of charge, provided that an accurate citation and suitable acknowledgement of FAO as the source and copyright owner is given. Where copyright holders other than FAO are indicated, please refer to the original copyright holder for terms and conditions of reuse. All requests for systematic copying and electronic distribution, including to list servers, translation rights and commercial reuse should be addressed to [email protected] . 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FINAL EVALUATION of the Sida-funded Project OSRO/KEN/002/SWE3 “Improve Livelihoods in Targeted Drought Affected Communities in Kenya” FINAL REPORT Prepared by Patrizio Warren Simbarashe Sibanda i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to express our gratitude to Aurélie Larmoyer, FAO Evaluation Officer, and her team at FAO Headquarters, for technical guidance and logistics to and from Nairobi; to Angela Hinrichs from FAO Emergency Operation Service for her inception briefing; to Robert Allport for being the Evaluation Focal Person in Kenya; to Paul Omanga for the briefing and organization of field mission appointments; the District Agricultural Officers and implementing partner NGOs (CED, MUKY-ORDAP, KENGROW and WEMIHS) in the Project districts of Mwingi Central, Mumoni, Kyuso and Tseikuru for organizing the meetings with district authorities and beneficiary groups; all the stakeholders at FAO-Kenya in Nairobi, the district officers and communities for making time available to meet with us and freely share their experiences and information; Anne Kinyua for organizing our accommodation and secretarial support in Nairobi; and Stephen Wafula for taking care of all the logistics in the field. Doris and Emmanuel provided translation services during out meetings with the communities, for which we are very grateful. ii CONTENTS ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................... vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ viii 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project background .......................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Purpose of the evaluation ................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Methodology of the evaluation ......................................................................................... 3 2. CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................ 5 3. ASSESSMENT OF CONCEPT, RELEVANCE AND APPROPRIATNESS ..................... 8 3.1 Project design ................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Relevance ........................................................................................................................ 10 4. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................... 12 4.1 Government support ....................................................................................................... 12 4.2 Technical backstopping .................................................................................................. 12 4.3 Identification and selection of implementing partners and selection of locations within districts ................................................................................................................ 13 4.4 Timeliness of implementation of field activities ............................................................. 14 4.5 The implementation process ........................................................................................... 14 4.6 Analysis of partnerships ................................................................................................. 19 5. RESULTS AND CONTRIBUTION TO STATED OBJECTIVES (PROJECT EFFECTIVENESS) ............................................................................................................. 20 5.1 Output 1: Food Security Information and Early Warning Systems established in targeted districts ............................................................................................................. 20 5.2 Output 2: Resilience of vulnerable communities increased ........................................... 23 5.3 Output 3: Access to HIV and AIDS services among the targeted communities ............. 26 5.4 Outcome (overall effectiveness and cost effectiveness) .................................................. 28 6. SUSTAINABILITY AND POTENTIAL IMPACT ........................................................... 32 7. CONCLUSIONS, LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................... 34 7.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 34 7.2 Lessons learned .............................................................................................................. 37 iii 7.3 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 38 REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 39 ANNEXES ......................................................................................................................... 41 iv TABLES Table 1 - Main topics and relevant evaluation questions as per OED’s ToR Table 2 - Number, types of farmers groups and membership by gender Table 3 - Type of facilitators’ trainings conducted by the Project Table 4 - Degree of achievement of logframe quantitative indicators for output 1 and relevant activities Table 5 - Degree of achievement of logframe quantitative indicators for output 2 and relevant activities Table 6 - Degree of achievement of logframe quantitative indicators for output 3 and relevant activities LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1 – Terms of Reference of the Evaluation Annex 2 – Project logical framework Annex 3 – Map of the Project area: Larger Mwingi District Annex 4 – Evaluation Mission Agenda Annex 5 – List of people met and interviewed v ACRONYMS AESA Agro–Ecosystem Analysis AGN Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division (FAO) AIDS Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome ALRMP Arid Land Resource Management Project ARV Anti-RetroViral ASAL Arid and Semi Arid Lands ASDS Agriculture Sector Development Strategy CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme CAP Consolidated Appeals Processes CED Caring of Environment for Development (NGO) CFW Cash for Work CPF Country Programme Framework DAO District Agriculture Office(r) DC District Commissioner DISK Data and Information (Sub-Sector of KFSSG ) DMO Drought Management Office(r) DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DSG District Steering Group FA Farmer Association FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO-KE Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Kenya FBO Faith Based Organizations FFLS Farmers’ Field and Life Schools FGD Focus Group Discussion FIVIMS Food Security and Vulnerability Information Mapping Systems GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographical Information System GOK Government of Kenya HIV Human Immunovirus IPC Integrated Food Security Phase Classification JFFLS Junior Farmers’ Field and Life Schools KENGROW Kenyan Network of Grassroots Women Trust KFSM Kenya Food Security Meeting vi KFSSG Kenya Food Security Steering Group Ksh Kenya shilling LoA Letter of Agreement MoA Ministry of Agriculture (Kenya) MUKY – ORDAP Mumoni and Kyuso Organization for Rural Development and Active Participation (NGO) NGO Non-Governmental Organization NPC National Project Coordinator OCHA United Nation Office for Humanitarian Affairs OED Office of Evaluation (FAO) OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PLWHA People Living With HIV and AIDS POC Project Oversight Committee ProDoc Project Document SCA Soil Conservation Assistant SEK Swedish Kroner SL Sustainable Livelihoods SRA Short Rains Assessment SWC Soil and Water Conservation TCE Technical Cooperation Emergency Division (FAO) ToR Terms of Reference UNDP United Nations Development Programme
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