NEWS & V IEWS FROM THE SUSTAINABLE SOUTHWEST The History of La Bajada Village 1929–2017 • THE PATH, THE ROAD AND THE SUPERHIGHWAY • NNMC: EMBRACING THE FUTURE TO PRESERVE THE PAST June 2017 NORTHERN N EW M EXICO’S L ARGEST D ISTRIBUTION N EWSPAPER Vol. 9 No. 6 SUPPORTING NATIVE ARTISTS AND ARTS DAN CE S JEWELRY FOOD POTTERY You are invited to the Poeh Cultural Center’s inaugural Summer Arts Market, Saturday, June 17, 2017. Spend the day talking to artists and shopping for original jewelry, pottery, textiles and other arts by Native American artists from across the Southwest. Native food vendors will be on-site to satisfy your appetite for regional cuisine. 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM FREE ADMISSION Here, at the Poeh, old rhythms of life and ways of making beauty OPEN TO PUBLIC continue. People bringing beauty to the world on a pathway of being, doing and sharing called the Poeh. NOW AVAILABLE! in seaso ays n lw a cada temp a gu ora l a d is e a NEW City of Santa Fe ar r v e r t e s Water Conservation Signage a n w o c for Santa Fe Businesses g n i v Customized signs available a s for the following: Food & Beverage Hotels & Lodging Restrooms General Businesses save water SANTA FE Photo by Water conservation signage is available Kate Lindsey for Santa Fe businesses at no charge. water served upon request savewatersantafe.com To request copies please visit www.savewatersantafe.com/for-businesses 2 Green Fire Times • June 2017 www.GreenFireTimes.com SANTA FE ANIMAL SHELTER sfhumanesociety.org NDI NEW MEXICO ndi-nm.org $150,000 THE SANTA FE OPERA santafeopera.org DONATED LEADERSHIP SANTA FE TO LOCAL leadershipsantafe.org NON-PROFITS PERFORMANCE SANTA FE performancesantafe.org "We, the owners of Fix My Roof, recognize that our success is the result of countless family, friends, teachers, and mentors SANTA FE CHAMBER MUSIC who inspired and coached us santafechambermusic.com into becoming the leaders we are today. We are so pleased that we can give back to our SANTA FE PRO MUSICA community and be a small part sfpromusica.org of raising the next generation of leaders!" THE SANTA FE SYMPHONY santafesymphony.org www. FixMyRoof .com 1-866-ROOF-LUV www.GreenFireTimes.com Green Fire Times • June 2017 3 Find Your Future @ NORTHERN New Mexico College OHKAY OWINGEH HEAD START Northern’s NCAT E-accredited College of Education o#ers associate & bachelor’s degree programs in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Apply today for Summer/Fall 2017! Call Admissions at 505.747.2111 or visit us at www.nnmc.edu. NORTHERN NEW MEXICO COLLEGE: OPPORTUNITY, QUALITY & VALUE, CLOSE TO HOME! 4 Green Fire Times • June 2017 www.GreenFireTimes.com Vol. 9, No. 6 • June 2017 Issue No. 98 PUBLISHER Green Fire Publishing, LLC Skip Whitson ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Barbara E. Brown NEWS & V IEWS FROM THE SUSTAINABLE SOUTHWEST EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Seth Roffman W !!"# %& '(" S)*'+ !+,-" S+!'+ F" A.+#/ &%# O)'*'+!/ !0 E/)1+' %!+- P#%2"1' DESIGN Green Fire Production Department COPY EDITOR CONTENTS Stephen Klinger WEBMASTER Karen Shepherd THE HISTORY OF L A B AJADA V ILLAGE (1929–2017) – HILARIO E. ROMERO .. .. .. .. 7 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Sarah Ghiorse, Fatima van Hattum, Melanie Margarita OP-ED: THE PATH, THE ROAD AND THE SUPERHIGHWAY – ALEJANDRO L ÓPEZ .. .. .. .. 9 Kirby, Eytan Krasilovsky, Alejandro López, Mohammad Ali Musawi, Seth Roffman, Hilario E. Romero, Rosemary Romero, Pam Roy, LISA L AW AND RAY B ELCHER: VINTAGE NEW MEXICO PHOTOGRAPHS.. .. .. .. .. .. 13 Andy Salazar, Sommer Smith/MediaDesk NM CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS NNMC: EMBRACING THE FUTURE TO PRESERVE THE PAST – MOHAMMAD ALI MUSAWI . .. .. .15 Ray Belcher, Kevin Horan, Melanie Margarita Kirby, Sandy Krolick, Lisa Law, Alejandro López, Seth Roffman, Hilario E. Romero ESPAÑOLA COMMUNITY MARKET – ANDY SALAZAR . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .19 PUBLISHER’S ASSISTANTS Cisco Whitson-Brown, Gay Rathman THE RÍO CHAMA WATERSHED CONGRESO – ROSEMARY ROMERO . .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 ADVERTISING SALES Call: 505-471-5177 NATIVE MEDICINES FOR NEW MEXICO POLLINATORS – MELANIE MARGARITA KIRBY .. .. .. .25 Email: [email protected] John M. Nye 505.699.3492 OP-ED: WAR ON FORESTS – BOYER , FIRSTENBERG, GUNST, HUMMEL, KOPONIN, MOSES . .. 26 [email protected] Skip Whitson 505.471.5177 HE OREST TEWARD UILD S ESPONSE YTAN RASILOVSKY [email protected] T F S G ’ R – E K . .. .. .. .. .. .. .27 Anna C. Hansen 505.982.0155 [email protected] 516 ARTS: FIRES OF CHANGE AND L ANDSCAPES OF L IFE AND DEATH . .. .. .. .. .. .29 Steve Jinks 505-303-0501 [email protected] WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO WORK FOR GENDER JUSTICE IN NEW MEXICO? . .. .. .. .. 31 Lisa Powers 505.629.2655 – FATIMA VAN HATTUM AND SARAH GHIORSE [email protected] DISTRIBUTION OP-ED: SODA T AX AND HEALTH: THE WORK CONTINUES – PAM ROY . .. .. .. .. .. .33 Linda Ballard, Barbara Brown, Co-op Dist. Services, Nick García, Scot Jones, Andy Otterstrom (Creative Couriers) , PMI, Daniel Rapatz, Tony Rapatz, Wuilmer EWSBITES Rivera, Denise Tessier, Skip Whitson, John Woodie N . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .37 CIRCULATION: 30,000 copies Printed locally with 100% soy ink on WHAT’S GOING ON . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .38 100% recycled, chlorine-free paper GREEN FIRE TIMES c/o The Sun Companies P.O. Box 5588, SF, NM 87502-5588 505.471.5177 • info@greenfiretimes.com © 2017 Green Fire Publishing, LLC G !!" F$ ! T$%!& provides useful information for community members, business people, students and visitors—anyone interested in discovering the wealth of opportunities and resources in the Southwest. In support of a more sustainable planet, topics covered range from green businesses, jobs, products, services, entrepreneurship, investing, design, building and energy—to native perspectives on history, arts & culture, ecotourism, education, sustainable agriculture, regional cuisine, water issues and the healing arts. To our publisher, a more sustainable planet also means maximizing environmental as well as personal health by minimizing consumption of meat and alcohol. G !!" F$ ! T$%!& is widely distributed throughout north- ON THE COVER: central New Mexico as well as to a growing number of Mural sponsored by the New Mexico cities, towns, pueblos and villages. Feedback, Española Valley Chamber announcements, event listings, advertising and article of Commerce and the submissions to be considered for publication are welcome. McCune Foundation www.GreenFireTimes.com Green Fire Times • June 2017 5 MCCUNE SOLAR WORKS ERQGÀQHDUW CASH & CARRY SOLAR & PV-STOR BATTERY COOPERATIVE SUSTAINABLE LIVING JOIN THE ONE WORLD CO-OP Federal Solar - Tax Credit 30% Need an Installer? No problem. We can recommend Ground Mount Got ART that no longer brings meaning to your life? Roof Mount FREE IT to do so in someone else's ! Car Port SOLD: $1,100,000 . Bond Fine Art scores a $55,000 donation for The only NM Provider of Class A Modules In-Stock Cooperative Neighbors Create a Micro-Grid Bioponic World Foundation WKURXJKWKHVDOHRID1RUPDQ5RFNZHOOSUHOLPL - One World Co-Op — Your Energy Co-op nary painting, The Triple Self-Portrait 0D\UG+HULWDJH$XFWLRQV'DOODV7; THE MEANINGFUL TRANSACTION New —Basic Solar Disaster Backup Generator—Solar PV Starter System ,QGLYLGXDOVQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQPHPEHUVGRQDWHLQH[FKDQJHIRUWD[ COMPLETE AUTONOMOUS ENERGY SYSTEMS EHQHÀWRUVLPSO\JLYHQRWKRXJKWWRGLUHFWEHQHÀW PV & STORAGE —OFF GRID —GRID PARALLEL —GRID TIED RETROFIT 7KHQRQSURÀWDFFHSWVWKHGRQDWLRQPDGHLQZKROHDVZLWKDOLPLWHGHGLWLRQ SULQW /(3 RULQZKROHRUSHUFHQWDJHRIDQRULJLQDODUWWUDQVDFWLRQ oneworld.coop — mccunesolarworks.com Bond Fine Art advises, markets, fundraises, prepares for sale, manages 505/242-2384 RQOLQHSULYDWHDQGDXFWLRQWUDQVDFWLRQVRIPDUNHWDEOHGRQDWHGDUWZRUN Conveniently located at the Albuquerque SunPort IRUQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQV 2UJDQL]DWLRQVUHDOL]LQJDQLQFUHDVHLQIXQGVVWHPPLQJIURPWKHLUÀQHDUW GRQDWLRQSURJUDPH[SDQGWKHLURXWUHDFK 3HRSOHUHDOL]HDEHWWHUPHQWLQWKHLUOLYHVGLUHFWO\UHODWHGWRWKHRUJDQL - ]DWLRQ·VDELOLW\WRIXOÀOOLWVRXWUHDFK7KHEHQHÀWWKDWEHJLQVZLWKDGRQRU Upgrading your cooling system? seller, and a buyer; furthers itself beyond those originally involved. $VXFFHVVIXOWUDQVDFWLRQEHJHWVPRUH,QGLYLGXDOVPHPEHUVFRQWLQXHWR GRQDWHIRUWKHSOHDVXUHDQGEHQHÀWDPHDQLQJIXOWUDQVDFWLRQEULQJV Bond Fine Art presents: The Works of FRANCISCO WHITSON-BROWN Metalic Powders and Oil on Board RIWKHVDOHSURFHHGVDUHGRQDWHGWR*UHHQ 6XVWDLQDEOH We have solutions! $600 rebate Insolation, 48” x 12” $4,000 Stoichiometry, 54” x 36” SOLD Frontera, 36” x 20” $3,800 on qualifying Bond Fine Art A/C Systems 505-469-1421 Santa Fe, NM Financing Options Available www.insightmechanical.net 505-470-7200 • 9 - 4pm, weekdays mst [email protected] ZZZERQGÀQHDUWFRPFRQWDFW#ERQGÀQHDUWFRP facebook.com/insightmechanical 6 Green Fire Times • June 2017 www.GreenFireTimes.com LA BAJADA VILLAGE Surviving the Depression (1929–1941), Enduring World War II (1942–1947), Abandonment, 1950s Drought, Revival (1960–80), Struggle to Remain a Village (1980–2017) PART III OF THREE ARTICLES BY HILARIO E. ROMERO Introduction It is truly amazing that the village of La Bajada is still functioning. !e concluding article of this series outlines challenges the village endured. !e U.S. Census of 1920 shows the Montoya family as the most numerous of families in the village. By the 1940s they were joined by the Gallegos, Sánchez, Ortiz, Gonzales, Dimas, Baca, Armijo, Lucero, Valdez, Martínez, Lueses and Benavides families, among others. With the arrival of the U.S. highway system and the ultimate bypassing of the village in 1932, La Bajada village struggled
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