copertina 1 20-03-2014 10:16 Pagina 2 ISTITUTO RICERCHE STUDI INFORMAZIONI DIFESA www.nato.int/nrdc-it everywhere rapidly January 2014 20 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF NATO RAPID DEPLOYABLE CORPS - ITALY copertina 1 20-03-2014 10:16 Pagina 3 Progetto1 20-03-2014 9:44 Pagina 1 master sommario copia 20-03-2014 9:33 Pagina 2 everywhere rapidly January 2014 I Issue nr. 20 SUMMARY January 2014 I 20 I NRDC-ITA Commander - Lieutenant General ITA (A) Giorgio Battisti EDITORIAL EDITORIAL BORDER 4 Commander NRDC-ITA, I Editor in Chief - Lt. Colonel ITA (A) Stefano Sbaccanti Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti, I Editor - Lt. Colonel ITA (A) Tommaso Martello and Major GBR (A) Gareth Allen Italian Army I Assistant Editor - Captain ITA (A) Paola Gori I Assistant in Imagery and Post Production - Warrant Office ITA (A) Deputy Commander NRDC-ITA, 5 Francesco Civitelli Major General Sir George Norton, I Photographer - Cpl. ITA (A) Marina Dore British Army I Publisher in charge - ISTRID - Istituto Studi Ricerche Informazioni Difesa Palazzo Salviati Piazza della Rovere, 83 00165 ROMA FROM THE STAFF Joint is coming soon! NRDC-Italy on its 6 The everywhere rapidly is the authorized official publication of NATO way becoming to a Joint Headquarters Rapid Deployable Corps, Italy. All editorial content of the everywhere rapidly is prepared, edited and approved by the NRDC-ITA Commander, at Caserma “Ugo Mara”, via per Busto Arsizio, 20 - 21058 Solbiate Olona, Varese, Italy. JTF HQ Transformation - Logistic 12 Support Concept The everywhere rapidly is published by-annually by the Public Affairs Office. Contents of the everywhere rapidly are not necessarily the official views of, The Angels of Kabul 16 or endorsed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or the Nations thereby represented. Exercise CAPABLE LOGISTICIAN 2013 19 All intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the content displayed Knowledge Development - A New 21 on the everywhere rapidly belong to their respective owners. All material and information, including comments, are governed Capability Dimension Within NATO by the doctrine of fair use. The Publication and the content may only be used for lawful purposes. Strategy, Sensitivity and Vulnerability 25 For this purpose alone one may print out, reproduce, or photocopy as needed. STEADFAST COBALT 2013 (SFCT 13) 28 EXERCISE -The right venue for new CIS The editor reserves the right to edit all submissions for style, brevity and clarity. solutions Submissions should be made available via e-mail only. Three old glories 30 Send all submissions for publication to [email protected] COMMUNITY Journey of 187 days… 32 Stramilano and the Milan City 33 Marathon Family Support Centre: 36 ISTITUTO RICERCHE S T U D I Here we are again INFORMAZIONI DIFESA 2 NIWIC - Happy to be a NIWIC 36 member! The NRDC-ITA 38 celebrates Family Day 2013 COVER PICTURE eeverywhere rapidly by OR9 Francesco Civitelli master sommario copia 20-03-2014 9:33 Pagina 3 3 everywhere rapidly master ER EDITORIAL copia 20-12-2013 8:46 Pagina 4 EDITORIAL fficers, Non-Commissioned on comprehensive and proven founda- where promptness is central to everything Officers, Carabinieri, Avia- tions including well-resourced training, an we do and drives our training, manning, tors, Sailors, As Commander expeditionary attitude, and readiness. and equipment readiness. I want our ofo Headquarters NATO Rapid Deployable Readiness and celerity are those abilities Headquarters to be always ready to sup- Corps – ITA (NRDC-ITA), I want to share we need to preserve, along with our affili- port both collective defense Alliance wide my thoughts and feelings and provide you ated units, and we must work hard to and crisis response operations wherever with guidance on what our future commit- retain those skills which enable us to rap- they might occur. I want our Headquarters ments will require from us in terms of idly deploy wherever the Alliance needs to be relevant to NATO, to its Contributing team effort, professionalism, and achieve- our prompt support. NRDC-ITA, as part of Nations, and to the Framework Nation. ments. I am sure you all will share and its transformation process into a Joint Task support my vision on what the Alliance Force Headquarters, is now approaching Please, consider my address as a starting expects from us! As you well know, I have the main exercises representing the mile- point for our common future endeavors! spent long months as Chief of Staff at stone of its enduring development. I want Headquarters ISAF, and I have never you all to make sure that NRDC-ITA per- Whishing you… All the best! QQ stopped focusing on how I could better fectly integrates into the new HQ Core understand issues and matters concerning procedures and processes. My final goal is my personnel and their daily life back at to see Headquarters NRDC-ITA recog- NRDC-ITA. This guidance has the ultimate nized as the premier force amongst the Î Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti, aim of conveying how important team High Readiness Forces, a Headquarters Italian Army Î work is and how your commitment to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of NRDC-ITA will make us even better. I am sure that you all will embrace my Commander thoughts, my concerns, and my advice and let them reflect in your personal com- mitment to draw some very important and basic principles in whatever you do. NRDC-ITA Additionally, this will allow us all – in my opinion – to define every role and respon- sibility in a very flexible way, addressing all matters concerning the Corps’ current and future activities, and challenges. Let me once again emphasize the crucial role everyone of you plays in developing NRDC-ITA as a Joint Task Force Headquarters, Land Component Com- mand Headquarters, and Corps Head quarters. My expectations heavily rely on the need to make sure that we all are doing our level best to achieve our com- mon goals. What we are doing is a very important step and I expect that all Contributing Nations embrace our chal- lenging goals. I also expect that national representatives share their good ideas as we must use our diversity to strengthen our organization. NRDC-ITA is established 4 eeverywhere rapidly master ER EDITORIAL copia 20-12-2013 8:46 Pagina 5 Deputy Commander NRDC-ITA t was with excitement and anticipation that I arrived in the Headquarters in July, hav- ingi just finished what was a fascinating 2 years as General Officer Commanding London District, a period that included responsibility for the ceremonial aspects of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and command of the British Army's contribu- tion to the 2012 Olympic Games in London. I have now assumed Deputy Command of a Corps both proven and reliable in a multinational environment, characterised by professionalism and expertise, and I am looking forward to it hugely. I know that you would want me to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, Major General Tom Beckett, and his wife Fiona, for the superb contribution and commitment that they made to the NATO capabilities. For us, this means a restruc- lies who have joined us over the summer. Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy. General turing that is already well under way and My wife Lexi and I look forward to getting Tom is currently on the last lap of a 12 which will see us provide a stand-by Joint to know you and taking part in this great month tour as Chief of Staff at ISAF Joint Headquarters for 12 months between community of nations. The Autumn/Chri- Command in Kabul, and I know that he July 2015 and June 2016, in addition to stmas period promises to be full of oppor- will have enjoyed the opportunity to our existing tasks. You will find in this tunities and highlights and I urge you to renew acquaintances with our staff magazine reports of some of the work embrace them all and make the most of members who deployed to Afghanistan that has already taken place, as well as your participation in one of the premiere this year. discussion of a ‘roadmap’ that will take us rapid deployable corps within NATO and, NATO is changing rapidly, and this to July 2015. With the talent that we of course being stationed in this wonder- Headquarters has embraced a role in the have in NRDC-ITA, I am confident that we ful part of Italy. QQ latest transformation process. The Lisbon will succeed in this new challenge, and Summit, in October 2010, announced a enjoy it as we do so. new Strategic Concept that placed greater reliance on the need to provide Finally, I would like to extend a warm wel- Î Major General Sir George Norton, deployable Joint Command and Control come to the new arrivals and their fami- British Army Î 5 everywhere rapidly 3 20-12-2013 8:59 Pagina 6 FROM THE STAFF Joint is coming soon! NRDC-Italy on its way to becoming a Joint Headquarters Î by LTC (GS) (DEU A) Michael Reinkunz and MAJ (ITA A) Dario Paduano Î Photo by: PAO NRDC - ITA Introduction Headquarters for Smaller Joint Ope- changes needed to meet the LoA. rations (SJO) for 12 months between “Continuing to evolve our structure July 2015 and June 2016. To accom- Based upon the new Strategic and procedures - striving for a more plish this task our HQ is moving from Concept and MC policy, the NFS is cost-effective organization that is the Tactical level to the Theatre- now asked to provide deployable joint adaptable, deployable and ready to Operational level by providing a Joint command and control capabilities successfully conduct operations Task Force (JTF) HQ.
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