㻤ᛵ #ᖝ〸↉ー/#Vlqrwdld#Txdgudwd# +Dufklwdhqlrjorvvd=#Ylylsdulgdh,ム#ㄴ

㻤ᛵ #ᖝ〸↉ー/#Vlqrwdld#Txdgudwd# +Dufklwdhqlrjorvvd=#Ylylsdulgdh,ム#ㄴ

rG qUG tUG Y\OZPaG Y[ZTY[\SG YWW` 㻤ᛵ⨸# ᖝ〸↉ー/# Vlqrwdld# txdgudwd# +Dufklwdhqlrjorvvd=# Ylylsdulgdh,ム# ㄴ▤ᘴ# ᯕᵡᔢ ᵉ㠄␴䚍ẄG ㈑⮹Ḱ䚍⺴ Rediscovery of Sinotaia quadrata (Architaenioglossa: Viviparidae) of Kumpung Reservoir in the Jellabuk-do, Korea +VO4BOH -FF Division of Life Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chunchon 200-701 "#453"$5 The freshwater snails were collected from Kumpung reservoir in Jellabuk-do on June 6, 2009 and identified into Sinotaia quadrata (Benson, 1842) of the family Viviparidae. The S. quadrata has been known as the only species list, without habitat and morphological information in Korea. So, this paper was dealt with the taxonomic account and illustration for description of S. quadrata in the Korea. Keywords: freshwater snail, Sinotaia quadrata, viviparidae. 㴑‌ᄌ# ፃ᧞⵷# ∨䀊# ᎃỳ⾪Ỳ₎# ⵻Ẳヅ# ⺥᥏# Sinotaia ᕽು quadrata (Benson, 1842) ᧞ゞ# ᨥ⸈ᎃ⸐# ␠# ㄛ⿪# ኧᙖ#⣉⫁ ㄛ⿺⾲# 䂤⿮㾆ሉ# ⿪‴# ⾊⡉ㄛሩ# ኦ⏤㾆ᎃ⽭㾊# ⡉㊃ሩ# ᎃ〨∨ Lee (1956), Kang et al. (1971), Kwon and Habe ⾲# 〉⣟㾆⸰# ␜ሉ㾆ሉ〈# 㾊ᣋ. (1979), Je (1989), Choe and Park (1997), Lee and Min (2002)⿊# ↈỳ⸐# Cinpangopaludina chinensis (Gray), C. ᇥඹ⦺ᱢ ʑᰍ chinenesis laeta (v. Martens), C. chinenesis malleata (Reeve), C. japonica (v. Martens), Sinotaia quadrata Class Gastropoda Cuvier, 1797 ␝ㄆᄢ (Benson) ᬘ# ↇᩥ# 3ㄛ# ⌙# 2⵳ㄛ⿪# ᎃỳᨥⷳ# ⿿ᣋ. ⿪ㆸ# C. Order Architaenioglossa Haller, 1890 ሉ⣑ↈ chinenesis malleata ⺐# C. japonica ₎⿪# Yoo (1976), Family Viviparidae Montfort, 1810 ᜷⼍ẋ⿪ሩ Kwon (1990), Kwon et al. (1993), Min et al. (2004)⿊# Genus Sinotaia Hass, 1939 ᄢ⼍ẋ⿪⥇# (ኧ⅝# ⫄㞿) ᧈᄜ⸐# ⡉㊃ሩ# 㾖ᐾ# ⫈Ẳ# ⿿⾲# ❒⿪ሉ, ᘶℊ㉿# C. chinensis, Sinotaia quadrata (Benson, 1842) ᄢ⼍ẋ⿪# (Fig. 1) C. chinenesis laeta, S. quadrata⸐# ᣫ㾊# ኧᙖ# ⣉⫁# ⌙# 㕒 Paludina qudrata Benson, 1842, Ser. I, 9, S. 487. ㊑⸐# ᣫ㾊# ᎃỳ⾮# れ䁃# ⸆ᆌᘶ# ፇᆌᄌ# ₪⼍# Ⓓㄆ㾆ᣋ. ᱝ㾊# Viviparus qudratus qudratus: Yen, 1939, p. 35, Taf. Higo and Goto (1993)⸐# ⿊㾆⸰# ⽭⿊# ኧᙖ# ᜷⼍ẋ⿪ሩ# 3ㄛ# 3, fig. 6 ⌙# 2⵳ㄛ⿊# Ⓗ㷮㉿⸐# 㾊ኧ# (欘龩) ⿪# 㷮㾖ᨩ# ㄛ⾮# C. Sinotaia quadrata: Kira, 1977; Je, 1989, p. 15; Higo chinenesis malleata ⺐# C. japonica 2ㄛ⸐# Ⓛሩ㾆ᣋ. & Goto, 1993, p. 70; Choe & Park, 1997, p. 94; Wu, よ〈ᡱ# 2009ᛷ# 6⼵# れ᷵Ⓔᧈ# ᙆ⼱⫀# ㆢ⡿⅋# ᧈ⡍# ⥆〨# 2003, p. 64; Wu & Lee, 2005, p.15, Fig. 29. ፓ㺡㉿# (127°17䉀34䉁E, 35°23䉀5䉁N)⸐⣉# 㕒㊑ᨩ# ᣛ⧣# ዊ ᎃ〨#: ⣟㴑⿊#ᄍሉᡱ# 27 mm, ᄍᇟ# 19 mm ゞᧈ⿪ሉ# ᘶ㩮⿊# Received Oct 7, 2009; Revised Oct 27, 2009; Accepted Nov ᄍᧈᡱ#ⶴ#45°Ỳ# ᘺ-⼱㛌䁙⿪ᣋ. ᘶ㩮⾮#6㝿⿪ⅇ#ᄍ#ᘶ㝿⾮#ⶴ 6, 2009 㾆ᆩ# Ⓓ㺓ⷳ# ⿿ᣋ. ␲㾘⾮# ᳺỆ㾆㉿₎# ᎞㉿# ⵹ᣋ. 㗏㝿⾮# ₪⼍ Corresponding author: Jun-Sang Lee 㡇⣉# ᄍሉ⿊# 70% ⿪⡟⾲# 㔲㉿㾆ⅇ# ᩩ㾊# ᘶ‭⿪# ⿿⾪ⅇ, ㆢ⸴ Tel: +82 (33) 250-8520 e-mail: [email protected] 1225-3480/24331 ⾲# ㉿ᘶᡱ# ᘶ‭⾮# 㲔䇽# ᄢ㾆ᆩ# ᘶ㩜ᘺᣋ. ᄍ# ᘶ㝿⿊# ㆢ⸴⾮# ᩻ TG Y[ZG T y G G zG G OhaG }PG G G r Fig. 1. Sinotaia quadrata. A, Ventral view of adult shell; B, Dosal view of adult shell; C, Ventral view of young shell; D, Dosal view of young shell. Scale bar = 5 mm. Fig. 2. Habitats of Sinotaia quadrata. ፋሉ# ⶴ㾊# ᘶ‭⿪# ⿿ሉ# Ⓛጣ㞪㾊# ᄐᇊ⿊# ⣟〞₫⿪# ᘶ㩜ᘺᣋ. ␠# ⸴ኦᡱ# 䂧ᇟⒹ# Eco-STAR project (⧣⡿㩼␝⼱⡉⸅ᣏ) ⿊# ᄍ㽨ᡱ# ⸴㾊# ሿ㩽⿪# ᘶᡱ# 䂹ᄔ⡪# ᱝᡱ# 䆾ᄔ⡪⿪ⅇ, ᄍゞ⾮# ₊ ㉿⼱⾪Ỳ# ⧣㾼ᨥ⸈⾪ⅇ, ⿪⸐# ᄜ⡉ᬂ⁾᢭ᣋ. ↇᨥⷳ# ᣫⒹⒽ# ⍀⡪⾲# ᷛᣋ. ᄍኦᡱ# ᘺ䁙⿪ሉ# ⻍⧧⾮# ᩻ፋሉ# ⶾ⾪ᘶ# ⣟㴑⿊# ᙖ⧧ሩ# 㛍⧧⾮# ᩥᐡ⼭㊃ᣋ. ゥሟ⾮# ㄗሉ, ᳺᐷ ₙŁྙ⨭ ⾮# ᘺ䁙⿊# 䁄㊇⿪ⅇ# らᄔ⡪⾲# ᷛᣋ. 㾧⾮# 㾊㎛⾪Ỳ# 㞩⼍㞭# 㶲 Benson, W.H. (1842) Mollusca, in Theodor Cantor's ⫐䁙⿪ᣋ. よ⧣㉿ᘶ# ⥆㩽㉿⿊# ⧣⫐# 20-30 cm ፇ⌵⿊# ㊃䇆⌟ General Features of Chusan, with remarks on the ᣌ⸐# ㆢỲ# ⣉⫁㾊ᣋ. flora and fauna of that island. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. vol. 9. Series ▖ሉ#: Sinotaia quadrata (Benson, 1842)ᡱ# ㆸኧᣫ‍⸐# 481-493. ᚾ# Ⓗ㷮# 㾆ⅇ# ᘶ‭⿪# ⿿⾪ᘶ# 㹫⅋⿪# ₪ᗘẇሉ, ⿲␠⿊# Choe, B.R. and Park, J.K. (1997) Class Gastropoda. In; Sinotaia quadrata historica (Gould) ᡱ# ᄢ㾊# ᘶ‭⿪# ᘶ㩜 The Korean Society of Systematic Zoology, ed., List of Animals in Korea (excluding insects). pp. 89-127, ᘶᡱ# 㔲⿪ᄌ# ⿿⾪ᘶ# ᩥ# ㄛ⿊# ኦⒽ⾮# ᳺỆ㾆㉿ᡱ# ⵹ᣋ# Academy Publishing Co., Seoul. (Kuroda & Habe, 1967). Higo, S. and Goto, Y. 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