Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02073-3 - The Lost German East: Forced Migration and the Politics of Memory, 1945–1970 Andrew Demshuk Index More information Index Adenauer, Konrad (West German Beuthen [Bytom]: expellee travel to, chancellor), 67, 67n9, 165, 236 198n47, 200, 202, 204, 219, Ahonen, Pertti, 8n20, 65n4, 67n9, 81n57, 226n127; Heimat periodical 233n3 from, 156n103, 198n47, 226n127, Aktion Oder-Neisse, 81, 116, 241 253n71, 261 Aktion Widerstand, 241–242, 260 Bielitz [Bielsko], 71, 72n31, 112–113, 125, St. Annaberg (Upper Silesia), 46, 115 136, 144, 148n72 Assmann, Jan, 17, 17n49 Bienek, Horst, 10, 10n25, 10n27, 11, Aubin, Hermann (Ostforscher), 70, 71n27, 11n28, 19n57, 213 85n70 Birke, Ernst (Ostforscher): as historian, Auschwitz Concentration Camp. 68, 68n16, 69n20, 70n25; similarity of See Holocaust methods to interwar Ostforscher, 47, 47n41 Bad Kudowa [Kudowa Zdrój], 101 Bjork, James, 43, 43n26, 48, 49n49 Bahlcke, Joachim, 35n4, 38 Blank, Ulrich, 207–209, 214, 220, 221 Bahr, Egon (Brandt’s secretary of state), Bloc of Expellees Party (BHE); 9, 237–238 76–77; founding of, 76, 257; loss of Basic Law, West German, 66, 66n7, votes for, 76 93n106 Boym, Svetlana, 18, 18n51, Behrens, Ewald (Ostforscher), 72, 18n54, 230 72nn33–34 Brandt, Willy: expellee responses to, Berlin: Center against Expulsions in, 270; 245, 254–255; as opponent of the expellee associations in Western half of, Oder-Neisse border, 237; perception 87, 113, 173, 250; mayor of (see Brandt, of expellees, 232–235, 243–244, 259; Willy; Schütz, Klaus); relationship to response to Günter Grass, 255n74; Silesia, 39–40; travel to Silesia via, 190, response to Marion Gräfin von Dönhoff, 193, 195, 197; Berlin Wall, 91, 266, 267 256; as signatory of the Treaty of Bernstadt [Bierutów], 100, 202, 219 Warsaw, 189, 232–233, 238, 254; as Bertram, Archbishop Adolf Cardinal, 149 supporter of the Oder-Neisse border, Beske, Hans (Landsberg Heimat leader), 237–238; under attack for signing Treaty 256–261, 264 of Warsaw, 233–234, 238–239, 242, Beutel, Willi Michael, 223–224 259, 260n93 295 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02073-3 - The Lost German East: Forced Migration and the Politics of Memory, 1945–1970 Andrew Demshuk Index More information 296 Index Breslau [Wrocław]: 1945 destruction of, Bunzlauer Heimat-Zeitung: history of, 51, 53–54, 103, 110–112, 269; expellee 153; information about travel in, memories of, 7, 14, 51, 70n25, 110–111, 194n29, 195, 197, 198n46, 221–222, 117, 125, 127–135, 137, 145–147, 149, 226; responses to the 1970 Treaty of 150–150, 158–159, 171, 248–250, 255, Warsaw, 242–243, 248 267; monuments to, 168, 255; post-1945 Byrnes, James (US secretary of state), 54 changes to, 4, 22, 50, 55, 56, 56n70, 57, 70n26, 104, 111–112, 117, 205, Caritas (Catholic charity organization), 6 250, 269, 275n33; post-1945 German Certeau, Michel de, 187 claims to, 63, 86, 90, 114, 117–118, Charta der Heimatvertriebenen, 92–95, 145–147, 150–151, 222, 225; pre-1945 153, 157, 165, 236, 244, 245 characteristics of, 33–35, 37, 39–42, Christian Democratic Party (CDU), 9, 77, 68n15, 197, 215, 220, 248–249, 275; 232, 237–238, 245, 246n49, 261 reconstruction of, 24–25, 52n59, 149, Christianity and expellee commemorative 199, 205, 236; travel to, 51, 175, 185n1, practices, 92, 112–113, 124, 125–126, 186, 192, 194, 197, 205, 215, 219–220, 130, 135, 142–152, 175, 207, 211–212, 231, 236n8 219–220, 236. See also Hebrews verse Breslauer Nachrichten. See Der Schlesier 13:14; Heimkehr: religious writing Brieg [Brzeg]: 1945 destruction of, 247; about; Rundbriefe; St. Hedwig expellee memories of, 146, 172, 174, Chyla, Ottokar (federal minister for all- 177–183, 246–247, 251–253, 258–259; German questions), 273 gatherings by expellees from, 167–168, circular letters (student, pastoral, etc.). 169, 172, 172n37, 174, 177–178, See Rundbriefe 182, 251–253; monuments to, 168 Confino, Alon, 11, 11nn29–30, 31n82, (see also Brieg Tower in Goslar); post- 106, 106n24, 187n6 1945 changes to, 176; travel to, 200–201 Cracow, 35, 72, 194, 234n5, 265 Brieg Tower in Goslar, 177–183, 252. currency reform of 1948, 60, 77n46 See also Brieg Czaja, Herbert (leader of the BdV): lack Briegische Briefe (later Neue Brieger of appeal to expellees, 235, 245, 248; Zeitung): independence of, 156; opposition to the 1970 Warsaw Treaty, responses to 1970 Treaty of Warsaw, 234, 240, 244–245; opposition to the 246–247, 252, 258 1990 border treaty with Poland, 261; Browning, Christopher, 50–51, 51n56 rightwing personal background, 234n5 Bund der Vertriebenen (BdV), 76, 86, 92, 165–166, 234–235, 244, 250, 257, 261, Dachau Concentration Camp (as expellee 265n5 refugee camp), 58n80, 60–61 Bundesministerium für gesamtdeutsche Danzig [Gdańsk], 29, 44n29, 55, 72n31, Fragen, 47, 74, 119n70, 165, 195, 85, 173, 269, 275 196n33, 197, 207, 210–211, 213–214, Davies, Norman, 35, 37 240n24, 257, 273 Dmowski, Roman (Polish endecja Bunzlau [Bolesławiec]: 1945 destruction politician), 34, 43–44, 44n29, 47, 55 of, 126; expellee memories of, 126, Dönhoff, Marion Gräfin von (editor of Die 141, 161–163, 166–167, 228–229; Zeit): conception of Heimat, 15; on the gatherings by expellees from, 161–163, loss of Heimat, 255–256; response to the 166–167, 169, 172n39, 175–176, 182, 1970 Warsaw Treaty, 254–256 184; Heimat book devoted to, 26n72; du Mont, Neven (West German journalist), monuments to, 161–164, 168, 177, 182; 236, 236n8 post-1945 changes to, 126, 175–176, 203–204, 205, 217, 226–229; post-1945 East Brandenburg, 173, 256, 258 German claims to, 141, 161–163, 167, East German resettlers. See Umsiedler 242–243, 248; pre-1945 characteristics East Germany (DDR): and Ostpolitik, of, 37, 126; reconstruction of, 203–204; 238n15; politics of memory and travel to, 203–204, 205, 230, 253–254 conceptions of the former German © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02073-3 - The Lost German East: Forced Migration and the Politics of Memory, 1945–1970 Andrew Demshuk Index More information Index 297 Eastern Territories in, 2, 6n12, Gleiwitz [Gliwice]: expellee memories of, 27–28, 68n15, 129, 191, 268–269; 19n57, 74–75, 142; expellee travel to, Silesian emigration to, 119n68, 120; 198n47, 200, 212–213, 217n101, Silesians living in (see Umsiedler); 219–220, 226n127, 253n71, 261; West German claims to, 117, 236; gatherings of expellees from, 146, 168; West German expellees’ interaction Heimat periodical from, 156n103, with citizens of, 153, 181, 251; West 226n127; and the start of World German terminology and cartographic War II, 49 representation for, 84, 86; West Glogau [Głogów]: destruction as a Nazi German travel through, 185n1, 195, “fortress city,” 53, 99, 205; expellee 197–198, 266 memories of, 191; expellee travel East Prussia, 1n2, 10, 15, 16, 28–29, to, 99; Jewish past in, 40; Polish 44, 63n54, 82, 85, 88, 98, 111, 127, alienation from, 104–105; Protestant 255–256, 263, 268, 269 Friedenskirche in, 39 East Prussian Diary by Hans Graf von Gomułka, Władysław (Polish communist Lehndorff, 247 party secretary), 238, 238n15 Ehrling, Uwe, 16, 16n43, 19, 19n56, 111, Görlitz [Zgorzelec]: 1950 Treaty of, 239; 111n42 as a border town, 190, 230, 266–267, Eichendorffgilde, 88, 175 268, 269n16; current pedagogy in, Endecja (Polish National Democrats), 275n35; travel to, 191 43–44, 47, 49n51 Göttinger Arbeitskreis, 9n22, 67n12, 68 Equalization of Burdens. Grass, Günter: novel Im Krebsgang, 263– See Lastenausgleichgesetz 264, 269; response to 1970 rightwing Exner, Curt (Lower Silesian expellee), Aktion Widerstand rally, 242; response 102–103, 102n14 to 1970 Warsaw Treaty, 254–255; expellee charter of 1950. See Charta der scholarly responses to, 10n25, 11, 12, Heimatvertriebenen 12n33, 213 expulsion of Germans. See Vertreibung Grottkau [Grodków], 137, 210 Grünberg [Zielona Góra], 80 Faehndrich, Jutta, 8–9, 26, 26n71 Grundmann, Günther (Silesian art and Falkenau [Chróścina Nyska], 205–206, architecture preservationist), 24, 24n68, 210, 216–217, 220, 226 68n17, 68–69, 128, 128nn17–20, Federal Expellee Law, West German, 66, 158–159 66n8, 67 Grzimek, Ansgar (Ostforscher), 71, 118, Federal Ministry for All-German 118n65 Questions. See Bundesministerium für Gürtler, Max (dentist from Bunzlau), gesamtdeutsche Fragen 166–167, 175 Frankenstein [Ząbkowice Śląskie], 138, 144 Habelschwerdt [Bystrzyca Kłodzka], 265 Frederick the Great (Prussian king), 39–41, Habsburg Dynasty, 28, 39–40 74, 200 Hahn, Eva and Hans Henning Hahn, 2n3, Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP), 67n9, 10, 10n26, 53n61, 270 244, 246, 246n49 Hartwich, Mateusz, 188, 275n33 Freytag, Gustav (19th-century Prussian Hauptmann, Gerhart (Silesian poet), 69, writer), 34, 34n2, 69 80, 94–95, 138 Fritzsche, Peter, 14n36, 17n47, 73n38 Hebrews verse 13:14, 142–149. See also Christianity and expellee Galicia. See kresy commemorative practices German-Polish Border Treaty of 1990 (also St. Hedwig, 37, 40, 130, 148n70, 175. the Two-Plus-Four Agreement), 92, 231, See also Christianity and expellee 239, 259, 259n89, 261, 265 commemorative practices Glatz [Kłodzko], 22, 108, 126, 137, 196, Heim ins Reich movement 196n32, 265 (Nazi-era), 51 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02073-3 - The Lost German East: Forced Migration and the Politics of Memory, 1945–1970 Andrew Demshuk Index More information 298 Index Heimat: definition of, 1, 14–16; diverging 151, 166, 187–188, 213–214, 216, 266, images of, 3, 5, 12–14, 21–22, 25,
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