4816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 21 Walton C. Ferris Gerald Keith From Foreign Service officer of class 7 to Harold D. Finley C. Porter Kuykendall Foreign Service officer of class 5: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES C. Paul Fletcher Charles W. Lewis, Jr. Edward Anderson Brewster H. Morris Lynn W. Franklin James P. Moffitt E. Tomlin Bailey · Walter W. Orebaugh MONDAY, l\fAY 21, 1945 Robert G. Glover Walter H. Sholes John Willard CarriganJ. Graham Parsons F'ranklin C. Gowen Edward J. Sparks Norris B. Chipman John C. Pool The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and Winthrop S. Greene Paul C. Squire Herbert P. Fales G. Frederick Rein- ·was called to order by the Speaker. William M. Gwynn Maurice L. Stafford Andrew B. Foster hardt Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor Curtis C. Jordan Alan N. Steyne Norris S. Haselton Arthur L. Richards Erwin P. Keeler HenryS. Waterman of the Gunton Temple Memorial Presby­ L. Randolph Higgs Livingston Satterth- terian Church, ·Washington, D. C., From Foreign Service officer of class 5 to John D. Jernegan waite Foreign Service officer of class 3 : George Lewis Jones,George F. Scherer offered the following prayer: James C. H. Bonbright Herve J. L'Heureux Jr. Donald W. Smith Eten1al God, our Father, with pen­ Daniel M. Braddock John H. Madonne Andrew G . Lynch Philip D. Sprouse sive minds and penitent hearts, we call Homer M. Byington, James K. Penfield Edward P. Maffitt Ivan B. White upon . Thy great and holy name. Jr. Guy W. Ray From Foreign Service officer of class 7 to· We pray that we may seek to be Qavendish W. Cannon Llewellyn E. Thomp­ Foreign Service officer of class 6: William P. Cochran, son, Jr. worthy comrades of all who are strug­ R. Austin Acly F. Ridgway Linea- gling so valiantly to preserve and per­ Jr. Edward T. Wailes Stephen E. Aguirre weaver Gerald A. Drew Walter N. Walmsley, William K. Ailshie Douglas MacArthur 2d petuate our national heritage. Enable Everett F. Drumright Jr. Daniel V. Anderson · Elbert G .. Mathews us by Thy grace to carry on in the gal­ Elbridge Durbrow Thomas C. Wasson John L. Bankhead . Ernest deW. Mayer lant spirit of those who did not fear Cloyce K. Huston Carl H. Boehringer Miss Kathleen Moles- or falter ·or fail and whom on this day From Foreign Service officer of class 5 to Howard A. Bowman worth are to be honored by a grateful Nation Foreign Service officer of class 4: Reginald Bragonier,Alton T. Murray and lifted into the blessed sanctuary of Ware Adams PerryN. Jester Jr. Robert Newbegin everlasting remembrance. LaVerne Baldwin· Kenneth C. Krentz Glen W. Bruner . Carmel Ofile Gordon L. Burke John Ordway Grant that we may- never feel that Sidney A. Belovsky John H. Lord this ideal of world peace, for which vast Burton Y. Berry Walter H. McKinney Richard W. Byrd John Peabody Palmer James E. Brown, Jr. Dale W. Maher Thomas S. Campen Marselis C. Parsons, multitudes have given themselves so Sidney H. Browne John H. Morgan Carl E. Christopher- Jr. sacrificia.lly, is merely an illusion and J. Holbrook Chapman Sidney·E. O'Donoghue son Archibald R. Ran- that it lies beyond the sphere of prac- Augustus S. Chase Nelson R. Park David M. Clark dolph . tical realization. Take away those cyn­ DuWayne G. Clark WalterS. Reineck Mulford A. ColebrookEdward E. Rice ical tempers of mind which seek to per­ William W. Corcoran Thomas H. Robinson Glion Curtis, Jr. W. Garland ·Richard- Sherburne Dillingham son suade us that the Gospel of the Prince Basil D. Dahl William A. Smale of Peace is too beautiful and fair to have Robert F. Fernald Sheldon Thomas Howard Elting, Jr. Halleck L. Rose Bernard Gotlieb Edward G. Trueblood James Espy John C. Shillock, Jr. been true in the past and too frail and Knowlton V. Hicks George P. Waller Douglas Flood Stanley G. Slavens fanciful to become true in our own day Malcolm P . Hooper Carlos J. Warner T. Muldrup Forsyth Jule B. Smith or in the future. John F. Huddleston John L. Goshie William P. Snow May we have the courage to believe Paul S. Guinn Francis L. Spalding From Foreign Service officer of class 6 to James E. Henderson Carl W. Strom that the prospects of its complete ful­ Foreign Service officer of class 4: Theodore J. Hohen-Robert M. Taylor fillment and final triumph are as glori­ Theodore c. Achilles Edward D. McLaughlin thal Cy:ril L. F. Thiel ous as the promises of the Lord God Garret G. Ackerson,John J. Macdonald Phil H. Hubbard Charles 0. Thompson Omnipotent. Jr. Edward Page, Jr. RichardS. Huestis Jay Walker Humbly and· confidently we offer our John M. Allison Avery F. Peterson Carlton Hurst · T. Eliot Well prayer. Amen. Walworth Barbour JohnS. Service Paul c. Hutton Rolland Welch Jacob D. Beam Henry E. Stebbins Douglas Jenkins, Jr. H. Bartlett Wells The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ Ma~ Waldo Bishop Francis Bowden Stev- Beppo R. Johansen Arthur R. Williams day, May 18, 1945, was read and ap­ e. Burke Elbrick ens U. Alexis Johnson PhilipP. Williams proved. R. Horton Henry Laurence W. Taylor Nathaniel Lancaster,Robert E. Wilson Heyward G. Hill William C. Trimble Jr. William P. Wright MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT J. Wesley Jones Robert F. Woodward E. Allan Lightner, Jr. William E. Yuni A message in writing from the Presi­ Charles F. Knox, Jr. James H. Wright From Foreign Service officer of class 8 to' dent of the United States was communi­ Foy D. Kohler Foreign Service officer of class 6: cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of From Foreign Service officer of class 6 to Charles R. Burrows Edward A: Dow, Jr. his secretaries, who also informed the Foreign Service officer of class 5: Robert T. Cowan Robert F. Hale House that on the following dates the George Alexander Thomas S. Horn Leon L. Cowles Richard H. Post President approved and signed bills of Armstrong Morris N. Hughes From Foreign Service officer of class 8 to the House of the following titles: J. Kenly Bacon J. Winsor Ives Foreign Service officer of class 7: Barry T. Benson Henry P. Leverich On May 15, 1945: William Belton Parker T. Hart H. R. 2992. An act to extend the provisions Ralph A. Boemstein Raymond P. Ludden Niles W. Bond Richard H. Hawkins, Roy E. B. Bower Cecil B. Lyon of the act of July 11, 1941 (Public Law 163, William 0. Boswell .Jr. 77th Cong.) ; and Robert Y. Brown Robert Mills McClin- Robert P. Chalker Franklin Hawley Robert L. Buell tack H. R. 3070. An act to extend the provisions Thomas J. Cory George D. Henderson of the act of November 29, 1940 (Public Law JohnS. Calvert Walter P. McConaughy H. Francis Cunning- Martin J. Hillenbrand 884, 76th Cong.). Robert D. Coe Stewart E. McMillin ham, Jr. Outerbridge Horsey On May 16, 1945: Montgomery H. Colla-Thomas J. Maleady Philip M. Davenport Francis C. Jordan H. R. 3038. An act to amend section 409 of day Patrick Mallon Richard H. Davis Randolph A. Kidder the Interstate Co.n:imerce Act, as amended. John Davies, Jr. EdwardS. Maney Arthur B. Emmons 3d William L. Krieg Henry B. Day Gerald A. Mokma Nicholas Feld Joseph Palmer 2d RECESS Edmund J. Dorsz John B. Ocheltree William N. Fraleigh David T. Ray Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I John A. Embry William L. Peck F'ulton Freeman Robert W. Rinden ask unanimous consent that it be in order Robert English Troy L. Perkins John Goodyear M. Robert Rutherford for the Speaker to declare a recess at John B. Faust Joseph P. Ragland Robert Grinnell Robert C. Strong Theodore J. Hadraba ,Alfred T. Wellborn any time during the day, subject to the Dorsey GassawayR. 'Borden Reams call of the Chair. Fisher Charles S. Reed 2d Boies C. Hart, Jr. Wilson C. Flake George W. Renchard POSTMASTERS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Gerhard Gade JohnS. Richardson, Jr. the request of the gentleman from Mas­ ARIZONA sachusetts? W111ard Galbraith Arthur R . Ringwalt Herman J. Kielhorn, Williams. James W. Gantenbein Willard Quincy Stan- Iva W. Hedworth, Winkelman. There was no objection. George M. Graves ton The SPEAKER. The Chair declares Bernard Outler John F. Stone ILLINOIS the House in recess until 2 o'clock this John N. Hamlin Tyler Thompson Albert E. Born, Jr., Bensenville. afternoon. Randolph Harrison William Clarke Vyse Margaret Barnett, Indianola. Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 8 min­ Thomas A. Hickok Gilbert R. Willson TEXAS utes p. m.) the House stood in recess Frederick W. Rinke Whitney Young Richard J. Meskill, Texas City, until 2 o'clock. 1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4817 JOINT SESSION OF THE HOUSE. AND on a brilliant defense of his platoon's hard­ God that we have produced such sons as SENATE won ground, securing the position and in­ these. With -their high courage as in­ flicting heavy casualties on the numerically At 12 o'clock and 52 minutes p. m., the superior enemy. spiration, we cannot fail in the task we Doorkeeper announced the President pro have set ourselves. tempore and the Members of the United [Applause, the Members standing dur­ It is with gratitude and pride that as States Senate. ing reading of citation. J President of the United States, and ·in The Senate, preceded by the President Thereupon the President of the Unit'ed the name of the Congress, I have· pre­ pro tempore and its Secretary and States bestowed the Congressional Medal sented the Medal of Honor to Technical Sergeant at Arms, entered the Hall of the of Honor on Technical Sgt.
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