THURTENE NAMES SU AS ‘07 CHARITY Says Thurtene chair: ‘We felt bad when they ran out of money’ STUDENTLIBEL MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2007 \\’\\'\\'.STUDDEI—\TH.COM THE FACTL'ALLY INACCL'RATE TABLOID OF \VASHINGTOX UNIVERSITY IN DC. SIVCI’ I "' MILLIoIIs IIIPoIIIIs STOLENFROMBEARSDEN Cashiers held at gunpoint in four—hour standoff DEAN SANSALONE SNAKES 0N THE 40 CUTS OWN JOB Hundreds ofstudents attacked Full story, page 2 in freak serpentine Infestation MOINEST CLUBS BABY SEAL Moinester speaks out: 7hey may _ be cute, but they’re also tasty’ STUDENTLIBEL EXCLUSIVE 7 WRlGlfl'ON, PATTY MAYONNAISE LOVE AFFAIR SCANDAL 2 STUDENT lIBEL | SCHMOOZE Senior Schmooze Editor / Mandy Silver / [email protected] STUDENT LIFE One Brookings Drive #1039 #42 Womenns Buildinng Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899 BY PENELOPE PUSSYFUUT strongest department but Jenny.6-375309 EXECUlIVE INVESTIGATATIVE ASSOCIATE Advertising (314) 935—6713 MANAGING REPORTER EDITOR PERSON it ‘s not like i couldn't have Fax (314) 935—5938 e— mail: [email protected] In tho] atost mom to a so rios oi snooping changes to www studdeath com the Sc 00 Engineering Capyright 2007 and Applied SIionIos. Dean of Engineering and \ppliod Snaggtetooth. Sklitford the Big Red Dog Scioncos Mar) Sansrrlonemis- CoonjuggaIVisitor: LiukzNe n:II takonh eliminated the A Primate Outreach Coordinator: Justin tion of Dean of Engineering avl son rind ~\p iod Sciorrt os on Iri- Rapunzel Wannabe- David Tabor off from the students facul Kitty Catitnimoror:p|t MandySiIver do} reported sources from Jedicated Editor Daniel Milstein tho University. ty and dcans Sexual Tyrannosaur: Brian "This Is ridiculous." re» Sawyer. “ho had worked ris or: worker: Erin McFuits markod a frustrated Sausa- uirh the School of Engineer- J-lll Athletics Snob; Andrei Berman lonu. “i moan. " took doing Bald: David Brody the position last ratio and Iiarllmprov Slave. RacheIHar alroad ) l ‘ chmooze Editors. TroytRuMmansi Laura my belongings and lento tho ansalone's changes ’to the ueggel JoshHantz Shwe scho01" MadeupPositaiorI: ElizabethLewtls she expressed a 5:. Editor. Sari Guzk As with tho streamlining oreplay Positions: Tess Croner. Nathan of the dual degree program desrre to have maintained veriy Chelsea Murphy Jill Strominger ,' in October 2006. the olinri- - better communication with Iali HelpinzsoolWhore: E Ochoa Dav Id herself, Sansalone in the end aminksy. Cecilia Razak Michelle Stein said she would move on. nchantod Rainforestlravellers. Sarah “In retrospect, I would gineoring nlein Felicia Basnin Duo to the shoot amount of have. liked to hold an audi- MIA: Scott Kaufman-Ross changos made In the school, My lands is bigger than yournylens:Lionel hoonor. Sarisalonu only ro- Sobe rtEitari Hochster. Jen eadhtor1Me: Sc alized her abrupt dismissal OtfiLifiarll Sorority Representative. Laura so\'oral days altr'r she had ratio the derision. TheLFutu e.Mrs Joe Mauer: Anna “ an. i can understand yourself. since leadership is Dinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn how the tinit'orsrtt' and the about accountability; other- Where are you Mallory Wilder7: Willie wise, you won’t understand School of Enginooring's got con“EST 0‘ DUN lOLLE‘t i _ Mendelson Indu Chandrasekhar to move forward and stuff," the preferences of yourself, Xerox Machines: Bnan Kngsher Jona- sho‘i‘ontrnued. “but l't‘CL‘nth Didn't realize Dean Sansa/one was small enough to fit in your standard Cardboard box? Well she is. As this image than Baude the changes hate just been shows, her head is slightly larger than a coffee cup. DéSlCNéHS: Ellen Lo. Jamie Reed. New Kid, Kim Yeh, DJ Sweerrio. Courtney too much. I rornombor “hon purpose of placing further eGates the administration used’ to Past I'ontrox‘orsy \sith and Structural Engineering. (are about the studont origi» Sarrsalono'sinstituttodchang» in addition to thee outright emphasis upon the Biomediv Christina Aguilera tan: Andrew O’Deli noor as a hard-working indi- shaw included the lanuan elimination I) t tin or- cal Engineering Department. Deceptively Not: Sara Judd \'rduai. ()r for that matter. the 2006s“Plan for l;\rollonco . gra uate aAerospace Engi- suggesting that she should indiudual dean oi Engrncor- 1n\IiI\ing thI in orgi g of neorrngn ' have better communicated Copyright 2007 Washington Unwersrty Student Ino engineering dopart- Sans alone questioned her vision for the School of neither “ill a lots of the eng Media Inc, (WUSMIl Student Lite IS the linarioaliy mg and Applied Sciences as him many of her instituted Engineering to herself. neering studen and editorially Irideoeoderit studentrrun newspaper a hard—“arising, budget-cul- monts community First trng individuati" III Mechanical Aerospace changes More made for the Yeah. BME‘s been the res are 50 cents bscnotons may be M380DOD-{callingl3ldi935-6713 StridentLi'te Is a publication oi wusm and does notrleoessa re tinwhdertinoartthe Libraries institute new restroom fee mm at the Wastisington University adm Inistratiori tawltyntstii trident Li anicles photos and graphics are St m not be uwd or published MI I t pro 3 BY POOPV MCPODP look at the numbors. It's just written can he al Manag Pictures SANITATION EDITOR not sustainable." and graphics printed In Student Lite are available A \hIleor sIIIII-d that profit tor base it Iiorflst It tor 2 Washington l‘nrwrsrt) has not a rnotru‘. “It's trut information Student Lite reserves the right to eon all submissms tor s inai lengthand Librarios “l” instituto Rest» wo'il be taking III an extra 57 security The Intent at momma; mlinot room loos beginning this May. million dollars in not rownuo tered Student Literresaves the night not to publish The librarII-s L‘\pi:(l tho Til“ undtr thi nI-Is Initiatiw. but all submissions pa\- per- poop pIIIII) to Tl‘dutt' iliI rIIInI: su is com plotoli rational IIrmIIi in": 35 "MicrobiaceanadpleesecontMIMMv the onormuus volume of son MWMMI at (314)935-67l3 ago produced by thot‘ niu rsr- tents tor ason III ty library community. During to‘report arterroror requestaclanfica- tho Tall somestor. rhI- llnitor lt't. ’l'har \I'd“,'t‘ho pi‘t)plL‘ who him. when Mstomdwom Sit)spi nt ou-r S.’ million on poop iIr piss the most pm the mg 15 Otili rnotrrI tosn most.” \hi IiiidIII piu \, \w (iflrbrar) smsapc Into the Mis- mod that mono). “hrspors sourr Ri\or. 'lhI. nI'is piilii\ Is doesn't I',\d(’ll) pd\ tor itsi'll.” expected to tzilxi a bItI Iiut Iii lor tho past Tiw tours, this problem. I'i-strririni may has almost . \‘hirkvr .Itrrrbtir Previously, (iIIn Library hard posit-d signs In tho l’t‘\l' rooms t'nUJUI'IIgIng sludi‘nts priitissor quirk drink to dispose Iii bodily \‘HlSlt‘ In}; pIImI-s "ll in'ms the in moderation. l‘ho signs n(‘\\ rIrjII‘ Is to Iitti nil i‘IIIsSIs - almost totally Ignorod. ttruuht In t‘tt't‘llll‘K proi‘vssors ,IinIl IIiLiv it shut own tinir‘ ll1('\ t‘\lllhil stimv slI‘IiIIIro ho in." said lirrlot ShIikI-r. (it‘ill'l l1.I\IIir, It's .1“ lrIrI .IIIII inrrIi'. Iil Iamptis plumbing. “the until that liquid r'I-III ltt‘\ \riur Dammit l only have enough paints for single-ply Why the hell did I splurge on that Snickers Bar.7I wasmitts!loom i‘tiliIII. 'lIiI'tI ll'\ rm IIrIIhlom." hungry to wait Well no one is going to want to shake my hand for a whie SIIIIkvr \itltl (‘Iimpus r~r1\ lrtllllttt‘lllfll the restrooms, but when )litl groups limi- lIIrIlI'Il Illt‘ Il(‘\\ tIIt\' ll ri lltt‘lltbt‘r \thit their SII‘III. a tumor I:1ilj0l‘lllg in house still has free restroom . iIiIIIis. “lint- til ”11' prints iii physical (‘dllttat 0.II Irst so No I an e\poct I‘Iilw Itwo \froo prrnting IiiiIo I1 (tat onn da CLOSEST SALON TO CAMPUS! OPEN17DAYS A WEI K! (.r’I'I-II \i triitr Ix in out \tlrtlt‘ltls to think about tlII‘tr Impact l‘IiiIit Thompson, president of Iind now this. The unit thing \Irondt y on IlIi t‘ll\lri)illlit‘ rIt i-Iii h IIIIII (il'l't‘ll \I‘titirr. tht‘\'\t‘ dorro guaranteed diIIumontod an increase in l\t' II IIIII. Niit t‘\t‘r\tllll‘ “Its thrilled that For going to poop twrt‘t‘ Iran in itiik mi about this .ittiiiirr, ll()\\t‘\‘l‘l‘. IIsmrII‘lI irI lads, \ so, I under prI'pIII 111gtor the coming pat,“ It'Iry tIirII- Iht'\ [Irish mmln “'lis riiliIrIIoIIs!" sItId Druid stiirrd (‘h‘IIan-llor Wrighturi's inc nt pIII Full ServiceHair &TanningSalon 051‘ mic-MMin ' $65 Highlight 8: outmappt.- only -- .. - - r (on: I.- (11.!— AVANTI RESTAURANT I N Big Bond a For“!Parkga:r o MIDI ll RliANt AN ANI i Mil )I It I T ASTI IIN t ll|\|Nl It's not First Food, It's Big V's. 726-2004 Dine in - Carry Out 0 Delivery WAIKINHWIIUv)Ml' 15% off any order 863—2448 (BigV) Nil Nil lI/Tlifli’iHll". ‘ Ni) iIAri‘il l g bigvsburgers.com (for students w/Wash. 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