YEAR BOOK of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1929 Published by the REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. Missionary Volunteer. Reading Courses for 1929 THESE nine books bring a great inspiration to the young people of this denomination. They are care- fully selected, both as to manuscripts and complete books, selected for their helpfulness as well as their interest. The three courses are as follows: SENIOR Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, by Ellen G. White $1.50 Knowing Birds Through Stories, by Floyd Bralliar 2.00 Isles of Opportunity, by L. D. Warren 1.50 Ideals of Earnest Youth, by A. T. Rowe 1.00 Course price, postpaid, $4.35 JUNIOR Stories of Grit, by Archer Wallace $1.00 Book of Missionary Heroes, by Basil Mathews 1.50 Trees Every Child Should Know, by Julia Rogers 1.00 Course price, postpaid, $3.00 PRIMARY Spick and Span, by G. C. Hoskin $1.25 World in a Barn, by Gertrude C. Warner 1.25 Course price, postpaid, $2.15 Order of your Book and Bible House 1929 YEAR BOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums. PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS. Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. THE SOULS OF MEN EDWARD J. URQUHART THE souls of men — and are they worth so much? — The exiled life, and all it gives of pain, Of loneliness and fear, or aching hearts, and such, The stress and strife, the tears that seem in vain? And all the things that claim our time and strength Found in the mission life in all its length? The souls of men — oh, who can tell their worth? Can they be valued with the things men prize? — A candidate for heaven, though on earth, With promise of a life that never dies, Be weighed against the things that time lays low? Ah, can you weigh them thus? Oh, no; oh, no. Not so did highest .heaven value them When God gave up His Son for human souls, And Jesus, sin's engulfing flood to stem, Took human life with all that it enfolds Of sorrow, pain, and tears, to die that men Might taste Edenic joys and live again. And since God values men so high, can we Pass on indifferent to the hour's demands? Ah, no! However hard the task may be, However stern the life of mission lands, We would not choose a better place to live; The souls of men are worth all we can give. PREFACE The following pages contain a directory of the conferences and in- stitutions connected with, the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The territory is divided into the following division conferences, each of which has the organizations, churches, and membership indicated below: Confer- Total Mem- Division Unions ences Missions Orgs. Churches bershin North America 12 59 6 77 2,246 118,114 Central Europe 6 24 17 47 1,076 41,317 Northern Europe 6 12 18 36 441 22,402 Southern Europe 7 17 11 35 490 14,569 Soviet Russia 4 17 6 27 632 13,519 Far East 11 2 41 54 358 22,302 South America 4 5 19 28 181 19,252 Southern Asia 4 ' .. 15 19 73 2,687 African Division 6 3 53 62 102 9,086 Australasian .. 9 14 23 275 10,922 Inter-America 5 5 22 32 302 12,400 Totals 65 153 222 440 6,176 286,570 Other information from latest returns available: Number of advanced educational institutions 150 Number of primary schools 1,307 Total enrolment of all schools 59,053 Number of publishing houses and branches 54 Number of sanitariums and treatment rooms 62 Number of food factories, etc. 21 Total institutions 287 Number. of languages in which literature is published 132 Number of periodicals issued 201 Number of books, pamphlets, tracts, etc. 5,108 Value of one copy of each $1,594.00 Total languages in which work is conducted orally and by publications 279 Annual sales of denominational literature $4,638,127.18 Number of countries in which work is conducted 127 Number baptized and received as members in 1927 26,100 Ten-year gain in members 120,207 Per cent of gain 78.13 Number of Sabbath-schools 8,502 Membership of Sabbath schools 323,992 Number of ordained ministers 1,774 To find matter readily, use the Index. 4 PREFACE Number of licensed ministers 1,140 Number of licensed missionaries 2,492 Number of colporteurs 2,712 Total number of evangelistic laborers 9,873 Total number of institutional laborers 8,434 Number of new evangelistic laborers (recruits) sent into foreign mission service (not including children) dur- ing the past three years, 1926, 1927, and 1928 559 Appropriations to missions during past three years $12,835,166.65 Per capita offerings to foreign missions from members in North America: In 1925, $23.43; 1926, $25.11; 1927 $24.35 Denominational investment at close of 1926, hi 4,571 churches and organizations $48,025,317.33 Per capita for the entire membership $183.42 Total funds contributed during 1927 for evangelistic work $11,944,815.02 Per capita for entire membership throughout the world $43.58 Total income for both evangelistic and institutional work during 1926 $41,337,362.44 Per capita for the entire membership $157.88 CONTENTS General Conference and Departments 5-24 North America 25 Central European Division 104 Northern European Division 127 Southern European Division 145 Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 161 Far Eastern Division 170 South American Division 199 Southern Asia Division 212 African Division 221 Australasian Division 239 Inter-American Division 249 Schools 262 Publishing Houses 299 Periodicals 311 Sanitariums 329 Statistics 342 Ministerial Directory 358 Directory of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 51, 1863 Territory: The following-named APPOINTED ASSISTANTS Division Conferences: North Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen. American, Central European, Northern European, Southern Auditor: J. J. Ireland. European, United Socialist Sov- Assistant Auditor: W. E. Aber- iet Republics (Russian), Far nathy. Eastern, South American, South- ern Asian, African, Australasian, SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS Inter-American. Publishing: N. Z. Town; Associate, Cable Address: Adventist, Wash. H. H. Hall; Associate for North ington. (A B C Code, fifth America, W. W. Eastman. edition.) Telegraphic Address: General Con- Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora ference, Washington, D. C Plummer; Associates, S. A. Well- (NOT Takoma Park.) man, J. C. Thompson. Express and Freight Address: Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; General Conference, Takoma Associates, L. A. Hansen, C. E. Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Rice. Consign freight via B. & 0. Ry. Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso- Postal Address: Takoma Park ciates, C. W. Irwin, C. A. Russell. Station, Washington, District of Columbia, U. S. A. Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern;• Associates, H. T. Elliott, C. L. OFFICERS Bond. President: W. A. Spicer. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Vice-Presidents: 0. Montgomery, Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. J. L. McElhany, L. H. Christian, Taft. H. F. Schuberth, A. V. Olson, H. J. Loebsack, I. H. Evans, C. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; B. Haynes, A. W. Cormack, W. H. Associates, E. F. Hackman, L. E. Branson, E. E. Andross, C. H. Christman. Watson. Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Campbell; Associates: German, Associate Secretaries: B. E. Bed- J. T. Boettcher; Danish-Nor- doe, E. Kotz. wegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish, Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. H. 0. Olson; Miscellaneous Language Work, Western Divi- Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cob- sion, J. J. Reiswig; Eastern ban, Claude Conard. Division, J. F. Huenergardt. General Field Secretaries: L. R. Conradi, W. T. Knox, W. W. Ministerial Association: A. G. Dan- Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. iells; Associates, L. E. Fromm, Schubert, G. W. Wells. Meade MacGuire. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Negro Department: 5 MEMBERS OF GENERAL CONFERENCE . COMMITTEE Members at Headquarters Other Members by Divisions: President: \V. A. Spicer. Vice-President, 0. Montgomery. North America Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Vice-President: J. L. McElhany: Associate Secretaries: B. E. Bed- Union Conference Presidents: doe, E. Kotz. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Atlantic: E. K. Slade. Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cob- Central: J. J. Nethery. ban, Claude Conard. Columbia: F. H.. Robbins. General Field Secretaries: L. R. Eastern Canadian: W. C. Moffett. Conradi, W. T. Knox, W. W. Lake: W. H. Holden. Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. Northern: Chas. Thompson. Schubert, G. W. Wells. North Pacific: M. Lukens. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Pacific: J. E. Fulton. Southeastern: W. H. Heckman. Secretaries of General Depart- Southern: N. S. Ashton. ments Southwestern: M. B. Van Kirk. Publishing: N. Z. Town; Asso- Western Canadian: S. A. Ruskjer. ciates, H. H. Hall, W. W. East- man. Central European Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Vice-President: H. F. Schuberthi Plummer; Associates, S. A. Secretary: Guy Dail. Wellman, J. C. Thompson. Treasurer: 0. Schildhauer. Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; Field Secretary: L. R. Conradi. Associates, L. A. Hansen, C. E. Rice. Departmental Secretaries: Educational: W. E. Howell; Asso- Publishing: H. Box. ciates, C. W. Irwin, C. A. Rus- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, sell. and Missionary Volunteer: W. Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern. Muller. Associates, H. 7. Elliott, C. L. Medical: Dr. L. E. Conradi. Bond. Educational: Guy Dail. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Ministerial Association: L. R. Con- Associates, H. H. Votaw, M.
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