Moral Injury: A systematic literature and resource bibliography for the Australian Defence Force Chaplaincy Branch Lindsay B. Carey, MAppSc, PhD. Palliative Care Unit/ School of Psychology and Public Health La Trobe University/ IVTelbourne/ Victoria/ Australia. Timothy J. Hodgson, MIntSecStud, MTh. School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry University of Queensland/ St. Lucia/ Queensland/ Australia. Rachel Y. Soh, BHSc, DipNs. Palliative Care Unit/ School of Psychology and Public Health La Trobe University/ Melbourne/ Victoria/ Australia. Taranjeet K. Singh, BHSc. Palliative Care Unit/ School of Psychology and Public Health La Trobe University/ Melbourne/ Victoria/ Australia. Annie-Rose Armour, BHSc. Palliative Care Unit/ School of Psychology and Public Health La Trobe University/ Melbourne/ Victoria/ Australia. February 2015 ISBN: 978-0-9925522-4-4 Cai-ey, Hodgson, et al (2015) Moral Injury: Literah-u'e & Resources Bibliography, p. 2 PREFACE Title: Sponsor: 1. PCU-La Trobe University 1. Moral Injury: A systematic literature and 2. COM CHAP - ADF JHC resource bibliography for the Australian Defence Force Chaplaincy Branch Key Word Focus: Moral Injury, Soul Injury, Soul Repair, Moral Repair,- -Chaplaincy, Religious, Pastoral & Spu-itual* Care © Palliative Care Unit, La Trobe Umversity ISBN: 978-0-9925522-4-4 Search Commenced: 02 FEB 2015 DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4747.0889 Search Completed: 27 FEB 2015 Update: 28 FEB 2015 Total Search Allocation: 700 HRS Referencing System; APA 6th Edition Publication Reference: TBA POC Details: Authorised Researcher: Authorising Sponsor/s: Dr. Lindsay B. Carey, MAppSc, PhD, 1. Dr. Brace Rumbold, MSc, PhD. Deputy Course Director, BHSc, Palliative Care Unit, Research Fellow, Palliative Care Unit, La Trobe University, School of Psychology and Public Health 215 Franklin Street, La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia 3000. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3000 Email 1: lindsav.carev(%latrobe.edu.au 2. CHAP Collin Acton, SCHA, RAN Email 2: lindsav.carev(S).defence.gov.au Command Chaplain - ADF Joint Health Command Campbell Park Offices CP3-7-033 Northcott Drive, Campbell Park Australian Capital Territory Email: CoUin.Acton(S),defence.gov.au Acknowledgements; Appreciation is acknowledged to CHAP Mark Willis (DCHAP-AC), CHAP Barrie Yesberg (SCHA, RAN, Rtd), CHAP Ron Rosinsky and Jenny Corbin (Senior Librarian, Borchardt Library), La Trobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. © Cai'ey, Hodgson, et al (2015) Moral Injury: A systematic liternhtre and resource bibliograpliy for the Austmtiiin Defence Force Chaplumcy Bmnch. Melbourne: Falliative Care Unit, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University: DPI: 10.13140/2.1.4747.0889; ISBN 978-0-9925522-4-4. 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