IT The eather Olde and arg Today: loudy, breezy, 58°F (14°C) Tonight: Cloudy, foggy 44°F (70 ) pap r Tomorrow: 0 erca t, SO°F (lO°C) Details, Page 2 02139 ovember 27, 2001 Dining Plan Stresses Profitability, Choice By Jennifer Krishnan der, who serves as interim chair of NEWS EDITOR the Board, aid that more specific The Campu Dining Review recommendations will follow before Board has identified participation by the end of thi term. choice and financial elf-sufficiency as major goals for MIT's dining y- Dining t m 10 ing million tern in a preliminary "information The information packet also packet" that begin the task of reveals that MIT' dining y tem is rede igning MIT's dining system. losing money. Expenditure on pre- The report, which wa released pared food on campus exceeded on ovember 20, acknowledges revenues by more than 2 million "that the most important aspect of during the 2001 fiscal year. dining is that quality food be pro- "That's two million dollar that vided at a fair price," aid Jennifer you and I don't have to do other M. Farver G, co-chair of the Gradu- things," Kolenbrander aid. "It's ate Student Council Housing and important that we all under tand Community Affairs Committee and that one way or another, we pay for DEVDOOT MAJUMDAR THE TECH a member of the Campus Dining it." Superchunk drummer Jonathan Wurster looks on as frontman Mac McCaughan tweaks his synthe- Board. MIT i 'alone in higher educa- sizer. See story, page 8. Special Assistant to the President and Chancellor Kirk D. Kolenbran- Dining, Page 14 MtT:dIning stats Course VI Offers Incentive to TAs expetII8S $5,726K By Helana Kadyszewski a si tants who are dedicated to the high cost of living in the $~733K STAFF REPORTER teaching, and also to provide some Boston area. Beginning this pring, the incentive for experienced T s to Department of Electrical Engineer- continue. T earn credit, pa ing and Computer cience will offer However, Ma ters of Engineer- Graduate students register their a $185 monthly stipend bonus to ing (M.Eng.) students are not eligi- TA duties as 24 units of In titute doctoral teaching assistants with at ble for the bonus. "We would offer credit hours. The duties of the TA lea t one term of teaching experi- all of our TAs a raise if we could, are highly dependent upon the class ence. but the budget does not allow it," they are assigned to, but generally Doctoral candidates who have Hennie aid. include assisting the lecturer with previously worked as a Cour e VI While the department does not grading, teaching recitation, week- TA and wish to continue are eligible anticipate a TA hortage for the ly instruction, and assi ting with for a $2035 monthly stipend instead coming terms, it realizes that it demonstrations. eXJ18D888 of the normal $1850. must maintain high teaching stan- Course VI T As said that their $875K Course VI Executive Officer and dards for the benefit of their demanding chedules merit the 24 $119K Profes or Frederick C. Hennie '55 enrolled students. Furthermore, the units of credit. $50K oversees TA appointments in the department wishes to financially "When they say 24 units, they' St044K department. He said the raise is upport its graduate students dur- SOURCE: MIT CAMPUS DINING BOARD aimed to reward qualified teaching ing their studie especially with lA, Page 17 Deutdi Says u.s. Faces More Attacks CIA Job Applications Rise By Dinsha Mistree fu Weeks FoIl wing Attacks Institute Profes or and former Director of the Central Intelligence By Aaron Du re urnes from the day of the Agency John M. Deutch '61 painted STAFF REPORTER tragedy to last Friday," Crispell a dark picture of America's terror- As the ruins of the World Trade said. "That comes down to three i m preparedness in a recent speech. Centers molder and cleanup pro- to five hundred resumes each During Tuesday' talk, which ceeds in ew York, U .. intelli- week.' filled 26-100, Deutch aid that gence and defense agencies are Crispell said that immediately America is vulnerable to all sorts of scrambling to coordinate the war in following eptember 11 the CIA terrorist activities, from cyber-terror Afghanistan and anti-terrori t mea- wa receiving 5000 resumes week- to biological attacks. Determined, sures at home. ly. "It is a huge increase from the well-financed groups are very likely However, according to officials past year in terms of the number of to threaten American security in the at the Central Intelligence gency, re ume "Crispell said. future, Deutch aid. their recruiting policies have not Deutch had silenced the audi- changed ignificantly due to the recruiting continue ence with his dire as essment, and eptember 11 attacks. The CIA has traditionally then offered a prediction: America CIA recruitment has been recruited heavily at MIT. "We're can expect one or two "catastroph- expanding steadily in recent years. looking for people with computer ic' attacks each year. However, near "Congress ha appropriated addi- skill, language skills, people with the end of the talk, Deutch apolo- tional funds to expand the CIA hard science backgrounds, and gized to the audience for having recruiting effort," said Tom engineers of all type "Crispell pre ented " ... a kind of omber pic- Crispell, a public relation official said. "We are just finishing our ture" of American preparedne s. with the CIA. "It ha been a contin- recruiting at MIT and other cam- The lecture, "Combating Cata- uing proce s that took place some- pu es around the nation. Right now strophic Terrorism," began with an time before the tragedy." we are moving into the screening explanation of the difference However, intere t in intelli- process.' between cata trophic and conven- gence-related careers ha increa ed The creening proce s at CIA BRIAN HEMOND-THE TECH tional terrorism. Conventional ter- dramatically since eptember 11. u ually involves rigorou medical Former CIA director and MIT professor John Deutch gives a lecture rori m occur when a citizen or Applications and resume have and polygraph e aminations as entitled "Combating Catastrophiclerrorism" in 26-100. Deutch group of people attack an important flooded intelligence agencies such well as a background inve tiga- focused on the dangers he expects the United States to face in the as the CIA. coming years, and how he believes we can oppose them. Deutch, Page 18 "We have received 31,500 Recruiting, Page 17 Harry Potter Comic OP 0 might b too Michelle Povinelli di Cll es the World & ation 2 true to the impact of recent anti-terrori m Opinion 4 book. legi lation on for ign tudent. Art 7 Event Calendar .13 Page 14 Page 11 Page 5 ORLD& ATIO BI VlI'ginia Resident LOS A \'GELES TIMES eptember Attacks Five .. ervicemen were injured eriou ly by • fri ndly fire" Me onday in the effort to quell a revolt by Taliban pri oners in northern By Patricia Davis hijacker and a terrori t cell in Ger- enter the United tate, pre umably Afghani tan, the Pentagon aid, and report pet i ted that a CIA oper- and Brooke A. Masters many that authorities ay pawned to take part in the plot. BinaJ hibh ative wa dead or mi ing. THE WASHlNGTO. PO T the attac . Budiman, an Indone ian also told Budiman that he wanted to The servicemen were wounded when a .. atellite-guided bomb citizen lived and studied in Ham- take part in the jihad, or holy war, in mis ed it target after the team had called in air trike in support of The FBI onday outlined a burg before coming to the nited Bo nia. orthern lliance forces Gen. Richard B. yer, chairman of the erie of connection between an tate in October 000. Budiman i charged ith helping Joint hief of taff, told reporters. Alexandria, Va., man and al Qaida Gomez' te timony revealed the a friend from Germany e ploit a They were said to be in eriou condition onday at a .. mili- terrori t linked to the ept. 11 tronge t link yet between any now-clo ed legal loophole to obtain a tary field hospital in Uzbekistan. edical team planned to move attacks, including a ertion that ashington area resident and the irginia identification card on ov. them to Land tuhl, Germany, for further treatment when their condi- hijacker ohamed tta confided hi terrori t . 4, 2000. The friend Mohammed tions stabilized, yers aid. Their identitie were not released. hatred of the United tate to him ociate of Budiman' Belfas who al 0 is an Indonesian cit- CIA poke man Bill Harlow aid he would not di cu reports that and that he helped Atta move into a acknowledge that he knew tta and izen, is listed on ome federal docu- a CIA officer or contract employee wa among the ca ualtie of the Hamburg apartment. other blam d for the attacks but ments as a contact for 0 ama bin pri on upri ing. He aid, however that the ituation at the pri on In te timony in U .. Di trict that Budiman said he hadn't poken Laden. remained uncertain and the agency wa not sure whether the individ- ourt in lexandria, an FBI agent to them ince moving to the United Budiman has told members of ual wa dead or mi sing. al 0 said that a reputed 20th hijacker tate and had nothing to do with olidarity U A, an organization - who i till at large - twice u ed the plot.
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