·September 14, ·1928 WILMBTT}t of singing a new role each y,ear, Miss been made in the efficient technical Garden will appear during the coming staff. Charles Moor continues as stage .season in "The Spanish Hour"' for the hlanager. The complete production~ first time in her career, and will pro­ have been fabricated in the unique You Can Buy Furs Here vide a v~ry interesting evening when plant of the company located at 26th she appears in t·wo contrasting operas and Dearborn streets, Chicago, under · With Confidence -"The Spanish Hour"-and in "Jud­ the supervision of Harry W. Beatty ith," Honegger's ultra modern work the technical director. ' This September sale is an event of real moment-a which was given its American premiere The Chicago company has consis­ time. when you can select a FUR COAT at summer in the 1926-27 sea·son. "Die Fleder­ tently raised its standards from year price. maus" (The Bat) will be given in Eng­ to year and this list of artists insures lish, as will "Hansel and Gretel" and an even higher standard for the 1928- Comparison of values will convince .you in German, "Lohengrin" and "Der Ros­ 29 season. The -company will take its of the substantial savings here. · enkavalier" (The Knight of the Silver usual post-season tour appearing in Rose) will be heard. various cities in the country from Bos­ BEAUTIFUL FURS. Varied and lntereatina ton on the east to Los Angeles and NEWEST IN STYLE AND PELTS This repertoire is believed to be the Oakland on the west, the tour continu­ most varied and interesting which ing for approximately nine weeks. We Manufacture to Order at Stock Pric:ee has yet been given, providing works of all classes in English, Frenc.h, Ger- RETURN TO COLLEGE A Reasoaable Labich Bros., Furriers man and Italian. The casts to interpret I Three of the Kenilworth students Dowa P&7• these operas will be selected with great who have. returned to college for the meat Will EVANSTON CHICAGO Bold Yo•r 8e· 1717 SlaennaaAW. 1.. lmq Park BmL care. fall term are Richard C. Johnston of leeUoa Many new aiftists of international 321 Melrose avenue, who attends Dart-1 Greealeaf 2IIZ Gracelaad IZ5I reputation will make their first Ameri- month, William Stedman of 330 Ab­ ean appearances during the season, botts(ord road, who has gone to Wit­ selected from the most famous houses Iiams, and Bruce Hulbert of 316 Cum­ of Europe; the list includes: Maria nor road! who has gone to the Univer­ Olszewska, great mezzo-soprano, who sity of Michigan. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS · ~ one of the outstanding personalities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- of the lyric stage and who has met The Ttpr Oft aM LIIMIJ with great success in all the numerous U Cl Otua"caate. of W..... opera houses in which she ha-s ap- peued; Eva Turner, English soprano, who, with Claudia Muzio and Rosa Raisa, will form the greatest trio of dramatic sopranos in any one com­ after all, pany; Marion Claire, the Chicago girl who has been appearing in Italian opera houses and also in Berlin; and Margherita Salvi, a young Spanish whatdo,ou I coloratura who has been singing in many of the large European opera houses. seek in a suit You busineu men who have Favor American Artiata been In the habit of payiq $75 The Chicago Civic Opera ~ompany has always made it a point to provide or overeoat1 and upwards for your clothee opportunities · wherever possible to are Invited to try ONB .Royal yf)Ung American artists either with or without European experience. Among Suit or Topcoat at the radically those who will make their first ap­ Aren't tbere Just tbree thla11! low prices shown here. You'D pearance with the company this sea­ : aet satisfaction ••• or we don't son are Hilda Burke, one of the prize ~. STYLE and FIT ... z. Q~ALITY winners of the contest before tbe want your money. American Federation of Music: Clubs, ... ·J· REASONABLE PRICE. lsn'~ MORRIS VEHON and also winner of the scholarship of the J uillard Foundation which pro­ this really all there is to it? Perbap; vides free tuition in one of the Ger­ man opera houses but which she de­ you feel that jn cidPd to forego in order to appear with · the Chicago company; Antonietta order to get the Consoli, American of Italian parents, first two you have to upset the third and raY .. " born near Boston, and with consider­ $ able experience in Italy: Alice Mock. outalotofmoney. You lyric, coloratura, from California but whose operatic experience has all been don't . if you buy obtained abroad; Patricia O'Connell FINE QUALITY of Ata.bama, with cons!derable experi­ a ROYAL T AILOitED ence in operetta but with no foreign $ training; Ada Paggi, mezzo-soprano, SUIT, made to your born in Italy, bring to the Chicago Go to the n.~.arest ROYAL company an enormous repertoire and measure ••• for you only. wide experience; Giuseppe Cavadore, Store today ••• pick out just .:omprimario tenor; Ulysses Lappas, what you want fr~m the ·' ExTRA FINE ouAun the Greek dramatic tenor who ap­ peared for a few performances with 3000 combinations in fash- the Chicago Opera Association a few ions and fabrics ... 3 prices only [$25,$30,$36.SO] ••. have vears ago; Barre Htll, young Ameri­ 50 can baritone who is quite well known your suit or topcoat made in just th~ particclar style that over the country for his concert · work and who has made some operatic ap­ pleases you. Get just the color ••• just the pattern ••• pearances in this country. Mr. Hill just the cloth you ~ish ... at a jwiu St• low it· a~u has had no foreign experience. IUPERPINB QUAUTY ... Re-enaace St•r• you. That's the modem way to huy your clnthes. 1 Of course, the .artists ' who have proved such favorites in former seas·· ons have been re-engaged. This list includes Mary Garden, Edith Mason, Claudia Muzio, Rosa Raisa, Maria Claessens, Irene Pavloska, Cyrena Van TAILORS INC. Gordon, Antonio Cortis, Charles Hack­ ett, Forrest Lamont, Rene Maison, Charles Marshall, Jose Mojica, Tito 1641 Orrington ~venue Schipa, Richard Bonelli, Desire De­ frere, Cesare Formithi, Lugi Monte­ Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday &entngs santo, Giacomo Rimini, Robert Ring­ ling, Vanni-Marcoux, Chase Baromeo, Edouard Cotreuil, Alexander Kipnis, Virgilio Lazzari and Vittorio Trevisan. Your Neighborhood stm-e Sells Royal Tailoring Giorgio Polacco, musical director, 'r •• will again have as associate conductor Roberto Moral!zoni.·· No changes have .
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