בס“ד Tammuz 5777/2017 SPECIAL DAYS IN TAMMUZ Volume 28, Issue 4 Sivan 30/June 24/Shabbos First Day Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Tammuz 1/June 25/Sunday Second Day Rosh Chodesh Yahrtzeit of R. Kalonymus Kalman HaLevi Epstein of Krakow, author of Maor VaShemesh, Chasidic commen-tary on the Torah, 5583 (1823). Tammuz 2/June 26/Monday Birth of Yosef HaTzadik, son of Yaakov Avinu, in 2200 (1560 BCE) and his Yahrtzeit 110 years later in 2300 (1460 BCE). Tammuz 3/June 27/Tuesday Hillulah of our holy Master and Teacher, the Rebbe Nasi Dorenu. Yehoshua commanded "the sun to stand in Tammuz 4/June 28/ Wednesday Givon and the moon in the Valley of Yahrtzeit of R. Yaakov b. R. Meir of Ayalon" during the conquest of Israel, Romreau, "Rabeinu Tam", one of the [Yehoshua 10:12, Seder Olam 11] 2488 greatest of the Tosafists, granson of Rashi, (1273 BCE). 4931 (1171). "....And Rabbi Chayim Cohen (student The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe left of Rabeinu Tam) used to say that if he had Spalerno prison for Kostrama after his been there the day Rabeinu Tam passed death sentence was commuted, 5687 away, he would come in contact with him (1927). (to participate in his burial, even though "...The Rebbe (the Previous Lubavitcher he was a Kohen)" [Tosafos, "Oso HaYom", Rebbe) at the train station standing on the Kesubos 103b] train at the time of his farewell blessings, turned to the crowd who came to accompany him and said: '....Not by our will were we exiled from the land of Israel and not by our efforts will we return… Inside this issue: nevertheless, all nations must know: our bodies alone have been handed into exile to be ruled, but not our souls...with regard to Special Days 1 everything involving our religion, the Torah of the people of Israel, its commandments Gimmel Tammuz 5 and customs...no force has the right to subjugate us" [Sefer Ha-Maamarim The Rebbe at the Tzion 6 Kuntreisim I, p. 350] The Great Fire of Lubavitch. The houses of Calendar 14 the Tzemach Tzedek and his sons were Chabad Chodesh Tammuz 5777 burnt, in one of the worst fires in The Rebbe’s Directives 15 BUSINESS NAME Lubavitch, 5611 (1851). Public debate began between R. of Germany, heard the news, he Zohar, author of Ateres Tzvi on Yechiel of Paris and the apostate wrote the Kinah "Shaali Serufah the Zohar and PriKodesh Hillulim, Nicholas Donin, to decide the fate Ba-eish" which we say on Tishah 5591 (1831). of the confiscated volumes of the B'Av. Talmud, at the court of Louis IX of Tammuz 12-13 France, 5000 (1240). Many Jewish communities were July 6-7/Thursday-Friday destroyed on this date during the R. Meir of Rotenburg, leader of first Crusade, 4856 (1096) and in Yom Tov of the redemption of the the Jewish communities of the Chemlinitzki massacres of Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, R. Germany, was arrested in 5046 5408 (1648). It was also a Yosef Yitzchok, of blessed memory (1286). memorial fast day for the in 5687 (1927). estimated 50,000 Ukranian Jews Yartzeit of R. Pinchas Halevi killed in Uman and other cities in We don’t say Tachnun. Hurvitz, author of Haflaah, the Haidamak uprising, in 5528 Hamakneh and Panim Yafos Al (1768). "...In the days of Liberation, Yud- HaTorah, student of the Beis and Yud-Gimel Tamus, the Mezeritcher Magid, 5565 (1805). R. Yom Tov Lipman Heller, author Chassidim should Farbreng for "...(The Alter Rebbe presented of Tosefos Yom Tov, was good and material and spiritual his Hilchos Tzitzis and Hilchos imprisoned 5389 (1629). He blessing... in the Farbrengen they Pesach) to those two golden coins, designated this day as a private should speak to each other in a the laudable brothers, the famous fast day for himself and his spirit of brotherhood about Geonim of highest holiness, pillars descendants. strengthening the Shiurim of of the world, our Master R. Torah..." [Letter of the Previous Shmelke and his brother, our Tammuz 7/July 1/Shabbos Lubavitcher Rebbe, HaYom Yom, Master R. Pinchas, ...they praised Yartzeit of Reb Simchah Bunim Tamuz 12] it and extolled it very, very much Alter of Ger, the Lev Simchah, (and encouraged him to finish the known for his sefer Lev Simchah, Tammuz 12/July 6/Thursday Shulchan Aruch)..." [Introduction 5752 (1992). Birthday of the Previous of the author's sons to the Alter Lubavitcher Rebbe, R. Yosef Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch] Tammuz 9/July 3/Monday Yitzchok, 5640 (1880). "...The Tzemach Tzedek used to Yartzeit of Reb Yekusiel Yehudah say "I hold very much of the Teitelbaum, the Kloisenburger Rov The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe Panim Yafos". [Beis Rebbe] 5754 (1994). was told he was free from exile in Kostrama, 5687 (1927). That day Yartzeit of Rebbetzin Esther The Babylonians breached the he said the Maamar, "HaShem Is Miriam, daughter of the Mitteler wall of Yerushalayim, in 3339 In My Assistance", [printed in Rebbe, 5579 (1819). (421 BCE), [Rosh Hashana, 18b] it Sefer Hamaamarim, Kuntreisim, was a fast day until the breaching p. 179] Tammuz 5/June 29/Thursday of the wall by the Romans on Yehoyachin, king of Yehudah was Tammuz 17, 3829 (70), when the Yartzeit of R. Yaakov b. Asher, exiled in chains to Bavel by fast was replaced by Tamuz 17 author of the Tur and Pirush Baal Nevuchadnetzar, [Melachim II 24, [Tur, Orach Chaim: 549] Haturim Al HaTorah, 5108 Daniel 1, Divrei HaYamim 36], (According to the Talmud (1348). 3328 (432 BCE). Yerushalmi the Babylonian attack was on Tammuz 17, too.) First printing of the Alter Rebbe's Yechezkel HaNavi had the vision Shulchan Aruch, 5576 (1816). of the Merkavah, [Yechezkel 1:1] Tammuz 10/July 4/Tuesday 3333 (427 BCE). Noach sent out the raven to see if Yartzeit of R. Eliyahu Yosef of the flood waters had receded, Devrin, great chassid of the Twenty-four wagon loads of [Bereishis 8:1], 1650 (2100 BCE). Tzemach Tzeded, founder of the handwritten Gemoras were "Tzemach Tzedek" Shul in burned in Paris, 5002 (1242). Tammuz 11/July 5/Wednesday Yerushalayim, author of Oholei Yartzeit of R. Tzvi Hirsh of Yosef, 5625 (1865). When R. Meir of Rotenburg, Ziditchoiv, Chassidic Rebbe, leader of the Jewish communities authority and commentator on the VOLUME 28, ISSUE 4 Page 2 Tammuz 13/July 7/Friday the Rebbe Maharash, that R. Cha- 3. The Korban Tamid was The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe yim b. Etter had only daughters discontinued in the Second received his release papers, 5687 and he taught them Torah. From Beis Hamikdash. [Taanis (1927). That evening he said the these lessons he wrote the Sefer 28b] Maamar, "Blessed Is He Who Has Ohr HaChayim and it is called 4. The Romans breached the Done Kindness", [printed in Sefer Ohr HaChayim HaKodesh. Only a walls of Yerushalayim in Hamaamarim, Kuntreisim, p. 183] very few seforim are called with 3760 (70), leading to the the word Kodesh. He used to teach destruction of the Second Yartzeit of R. Chaim HaKohen every Friday night and transcribe Beis Hamikdash. [Taanis Rapoport of Levov, student of the it after Shabbos. “This teaches 28b] Baal Shem Tov, author of every one of you that in your 5. Apostomus, captain of the Teshuvos R. Chaim HaKohen and hands lies not only the responsi- occupation forces, publicly Zecher Chaim, 5531 (1771). bility of your own education in burned the Torah. [Taanis the proper Jewish path but the 28b] Tammuz 15/July 9/Sunday right education and kedusha for The Friediker Rebbe arrives home the entire Jewish people, for this (According to the Talmud after being liberated from his ex- generation and for the coming Yerushalmi also on this date in ile in Kastroma. This occurred on generations. That is why the Reb- 3184 (5186 B C E ) , t h e Friday, the 15th of Tammuz be, my father-in-law wrote his Babylonians breached the walls of 5687/1927. The next day, Shab- memoirs and sichos in a language Yerushalayim leading to the bos Parshas Pinchos he recited the that also girls and women should destruction of the First Beis brochah of HaGomel, and deliv- know what is Yiddishkeit and Hamikdash.) ered different Ma’amorim. what is Chassidus and how this brings good fortune for them.” More than 4,000 Jews were killed The Rebbe visited Camp Gan Isra- Sicha 15th of Tammuz 1957 and in Toledo and Jaen, Spain (1391). el, and Camp Emunah on Tam- 1960 in Camp Emuna. muz 15 5717/1957, and again in Jewish Quarter of Prague was 5720/1960, and on the 16th of Tammuz 16/July 10/Monday burned and looted, 4319 (1559). Tammuz 5716/1956. The Rebbe Creation of the golden calf, 2448 spoke to the children and said (1313 BCE) (Seder Olam 6). The Kovno ghetto was liquidated, Ma’morim, they are printed in the 5704 (1944). Sefer B’neos Deshe. The Rebbe Yartzeit of Chur son of Calev ben gave out a Minchah-Ma’ariv to Yifuneh and Miriam Haneviah, Libya ordered the confiscation of the children. These were the only killed by the Eirev Rav when he Jewish property, 5730 (1970). trips that the Rebbe went to the protested the making of the country in all his years of Nesius. golden calf, 2448 (1313 BCE). Beginning of Bein Hameitzarim, [Sanhedrin 7, Shemos Rabah, 48] the Three Weeks of Mourning for Yartzeit of R. Chaim b. Moshe Ben the Beis Hamikdash. Atar, the Or HaChayim HaKadosh, Pope Gregory IX ordered the author of Or HaChayim, 5503 confiscation of all manuscripts of Noach sent out the dove the first (1743).
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