Cambridge University Press 0521017475 - The Leper King and his Heirs: Baldwin IV and the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem Bernard Hamilton Index More information Index Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad, 80 Alexius II Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, al-Muqta®, 68 138, 148, 160, 174 al-Mustadi, 159 Alexius the protosebastus, 160 al-Nazir,159,171,184 Alfonso II, king of Aragon, 118 Abul' Khair, Baldwin IV's riding master, 28 Alice, princess of Antioch, 24, 41 Abu Shamah, historian, 17±18, 136 Alix of Lorraine, 140 Abu Sulayman Dawud, Baldwin IV's doctor, Almoravids of Majorca, 170 28, 251 Alwa, Nubian Christian kingdom of, 69 Acre, 46 n. 14, 53, 60, 119, 122, 127±8, 147, Amalric,kingofJerusalem,1,6,9,23±40, 192, 197, 203±4, 217±18, 223, 227, 243 43,45n.4,60,63±4,84±7,89±92, leprosaria, 257 95, 97, 107, 110, 116, 119±20, 125, 129, siege of (1189±91), 137, 196 n. 40, 231±2 149, 162, 173, 220, 249±51 Adam of St George of Labaene, 35 relations with Byzantium, 64±7, 111±13, Adela, queen of France, 30, 140, 149±50 127 Aden, 80, 182 relations with the kingdom of Sicily, 75±6, al-Adil, Saladin's brother, 87, 98, 141, 181, 81±2 183±4, 195, 201 relations with the Order of Assassins, 70±5 giraffe of, 202 Amalric of Nesle, Latin patriarch of al-Afdal, Saladin's son, 227±8 Jerusalem, 23, 35±6, 42, 114, 122, 133, Agnes of ChaÃtillon, queen of Hungary, 105 138±9, 144, 162 AgnesofCourtenay,2,9,23±6,33±4,84,89, Ambroise, Estoire de la guerre sainte,12 95±8,103±6,152±3,158,160,163, Andronicus Angelus, Byzantine envoy, 127, 167±8, 188, 194, 214 n. 17, 218 n. 31, 129±30 220, 239, 249 Andronicus I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, Agnes of France, Byzantine empress, 148 91±2,173±4,211 Agnes of Milly, 106 Anna Comnena, historian, 66 n. 11 Aidhab, 79, 182 Antioch, city of, 20, 130, 137, 166, 230 Aimery of Limoges, Latin patriarch of St Paul's monastery, 188 Antioch, 104, 111, 144, 149, 165±7, Antioch, Latin patriarchate of, 47 238±9 Antioch, Orthodox patriarchate of, 149, 166 Aimery of Lusignan, 13, 15, 25, 29, 84, 91, Antioch, principality of, 14, 22, 40±1, 44, 50, 97±8,152±3,157,167,190,218,232 52, 55±6, 63, 65, 67, 69±70, 76, 107, Ajlun, castle of, 225 133, 148, 188, 229, 232 Alberic, hermit, his care for lepers, 256 Black Mountain, 229 Aleppo, 24, 53, 88, 98±9, 103±5, 107, 137, Aqaba, gulf of, 180, 182±3 170±1, 177, 184, 187±8, 202, 229, 238 al-Arish, 134, 136 Alexander III, Pope, 14, 24 n. 5, 25 n. 15, 26, Armenian Church, 49±50 64, 75, 101±2, 110, 115, 117±18, Arnold of LuÈbeck, chronicler, 11, 217, 220±1, 139±40,149,164,242 224 encyclical, Cor nostrum,164,199 Arnold of Toroja, master of the Templars, Alexandria, 87±8, 116, 182±3 163±6, 169, 191, 197, 201, 212 280 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521017475 - The Leper King and his Heirs: Baldwin IV and the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem Bernard Hamilton Index More information Index 281 Arnulf, patriarch of Jerusalem, 163 supports Prince Reynald's Red Sea Artuqids campaign, 178±80 of Hisn Kaifa and Amida, 68, 102±3, 116, appoints Guy of Lusignan regent, 188±92 184, 201 resumes power and crowns Baldwin V of Mardin and Mayyafariqin, 68, 102±3, co-king, 193±5 116,176,184,201 relieves the siege of Kerak, 195±6 Ascalon,57,118,122,134,175,196±8 his last years, 197±204 Asebebe, lordship of, 77 appoints Raymond of Tripoli regent, Assassins, Order of, 70±5, 81 n. 82, 107±8 205±9 grand masters his death, 210 Hassan 11, 72 general Muhammad 11, 72±3 his character Persian headquarters (Alamut), 70, 81 love of riding, 28, 43, 108, 209 n. 82 relations with his mother, 26, 95±6, 105, reverence for Jesus, 73 163, 167, 188, 194 Syrian headquarters (Masyaf ), 70, 107±8 religious practice, 243 Syrian master, Rashid ad-Din Sinan, 72±4, sense of honour, 243 81 n. 82, 108 sexuality, 109, 242, 255 Assise sur la ligeÁce, 60, 168, 197 hisleadershipinwar,107±8,143,146, Assises d'Antioche,16 175±9, 209, 235, 240±1, 243 Aswan, 69, 87±8 his leprosy, 27±30, 38, 41, 100±1, 108, 110, Athanasius, Orthodox patriarch of Antioch, 118±19, 122±3, 152, 160, 164, 169, 178, 113 187, 192, 196, 204±5, 241±2, 249±53, Azaz, castle of, 105 257 Azerbaijan, 68, 184, 211, 215±16 his policies Azrak, castle of, 78, 172 choice of ministers, 239±40 international relations Baalbek, 142 with Byzantium, 111±17, 127±31, 138, Baha al-Din Ibn Shaddad, Saladin's 148±9,159±60,170,172,174 biographer, 17, 88 with England, 156±7 Baldwin I, king of Jerusalem, 39, 120 with France, 139±41 Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem, 33, 39±41, 57 BaldwinV,kingofJerusalem,4,12±13,54,84 n.69,120,139,217n.30 n. 2, 86, n. 16, 139, 148, 217±18, 240 Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem, 23, 25, 30, 35, co-ruler with Baldwin IV,194±5, 205±9 37, 39, 45 n. 4, 62, 65, 84 n. 2, 103, sole ruler, 214±16 133, 163, 173±4, 249 Baldwin of BeÂthune, count of AumaÃle, 126 BaldwinIV,kingofJerusalem,1,5±6,8,21, Baldwin of ChaÃtillon,40±1,89,112,115 44,48,55±7,59±60,62,69,75,121, Baldwin IX of Flanders, 124 139, 147, 160±3, 167±9, 211, 218, 220, Baldwin of Ibelin, 1±2, 35, 89, 95, 97±8, 238 125±6, 134, 139, 143, 152±8, 160, 188, chronology 190, 194, 218, 222±3 childhood, 23±32, 43, 249±51 BalianofIbelin,2,7,9,35,89,95,97,134, election as king, 32±41 139, 158, 188, 190, 194, 203, 208±9, coronation, 41±2 217±18,223,227±8,231±2 minority, 84±108, 119±20 Balian of Jaffa, 86, 89±90 assumes sole rule, 105±8 Banias (Caesarea Philippi), 31, 77, 82±3, 143, appoints Reynald of ChaÃtillon regent, 118, 161, 177, 235 123 Bartholomew, hermit, his care for lepers, 256 relations with Philip of Flanders, 122±31 Beatrice Brisebarre, 92 victory at Mont Gisard, 133±6 Beatrice, countess of Edessa, 24±5, 50 n. 32 marries Sibyl to Guy of Lusignan, 151±8 Beduin,79±80,136,143,170,198,204 makes truce with Saladin (1180±2), 159 Beirut,35,46n.14,76,91,143,162,173, mediates at Antioch, 164±6 175±6, 207, 217, 235 victory at Le Forbelet, 174±5 Beka'avalley,100,107,175 allies with Mosul, 177 Bela III of Hungary, 105 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521017475 - The Leper King and his Heirs: Baldwin IV and the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem Bernard Hamilton Index More information 282 Index Benjamin of Tudela, Itinerary of21,65n.7,76 Fourth, 126 Bernard, bishop of Lydda, vicar of the Fifth, 124 patriarch of Jerusalem, 200, 202 Cursat, castle of, 165 Bernard Brisebarre, 91±2 Cyprus, 64, 104, 112, 114, 232 Bernard the Treasurer, see Ernoul, Chronicle of Cyrenaica, 80, 147 Bethany, convent of, 26, 31, 40, 119 Yveta,abbess,26,217n.30 Damascus, 53, 77±8, 87, 93±4, 98±100, 102, Bethlehem, Latin bishopric of, 134, 144, 165±6 105, 107±8, 111, 116±17, 124, 128, 132, Church of the Holy Nativity, 67 138, 142±3, 145, 170±3, 177, 179, Bethsan, 174, 190 188±90,192,195±6,203,211,216, al-Bira, 176 222, 225±6, 234, 238 Blanchegarde, 35, 52 n. 40, 91±2 Damietta,116,124,172 Bohemond III, prince of Antioch, 38, 40±1, Danishmendids, 68 56, 65±6, 89, 103±4, 114±15, 128, Darum, 32, 46 n. 14, 175, 198, 204 130±2, 136±7, 142 n. 61, 149, 151±2, Druzes, 76±7 154±5, 157±8, 164±6, 177, 188, 191, 194, 209, 223, 229, 232 Edessa, county of, 24, 26, 63, 177 Bohemond, count of Tripoli, 232 Edward the Confessor, canonisation of, 243 Bosra, 78, 177±9, 226 Eilat, 78 n. 67, 79, 141, 170±2, 179±82 Botrun, 146±7 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 30, 157 Buhturid emirs of the Gharb, 76 Elizabeth (Isabel) of Caesarea, 125±6 Burchard of MonthleÂry, 23 Ernesius, archbishop of Caesarea, 36, 96 Byzantine empire, 17 n. 36, 37, 44, 50, 63±4, Ernoul, 7±9, 11, 228 and n. 69 66,70,102,115,131 Chronicle of,3±5,6±9,25,95±6,125±6, Byzantine Orthodox Christians in the 133, 152±4, 157, 162±3, 171, 179, 190, Crusader States, 49±50 192, 195, 201±3, 205, 235 Eschatological prophecy of 1186, 223 Caesarea, Latin archbishopric of, 47, 165±6, Eschiva II, princess of Galilee, 94 179 Eudes III of Burgundy, 140, 144±5, 150 Cairo,78,82,116±17,136,170±2,183,196, Eustace III, count of Boulogne, 39, 120 222±5 Eustace Grenier of Sidon, 98±9 Camels, use of in warfare, 78, 171 Eustathius of Thessalonica, 20±1 Cast de Murols, master of the Hospitallers, 37 Chastelneuf, 77, 141, 161±2 al-Fadil, Saladin's secretary, 17±18, 180, 182, Chastiaudouroy,lordshipof,106 225 Christian of Mainz, imperial chancellor, 148 Farrukh-Shah, 32, 143, 170±1, 173, 177 Chronicle of 1234,19±20 Fatimid caliphate of Egypt, 57, 63, 67 n.
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