The Poona giiide and directory Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/poonaguidedirectOOpoon , ADVERri.-..EMENT EDULJSi dc GO ine, Spirit, General Provision Mercliants, and Tobacconisi; AEMY OOHTBa^oIORS Direct importers j>f Fresh Provisions from wellknown English, Continental, and American Mamifacturers by every Mail, Many Varieties of Dessert articles. All kinds of Crystallized Fruits, F..aies, Chocolates, Sweets, &c. &c. Ham, Bacon & Cheese of the best makers awavB ready. FOREIGN WINES & SPIRITS ARE SOLD AT VERY Moderate prices GOOD ATTENTION PRICES VERY MODEEATE DS , — ^8(j? NO 1 EAST STREET P(s?P^ POONA iDVii.};Tl^EME^TS. Comfortable and reliable Motor cars Msliiibleshvar^ Furanihar, on ii ire for Sirur or for focal run about. Atvefjf moderate terms- Motor Cars and Cycles repaired. High Crcde Cycl^ and Accessories stocked immediate delivery Dunlop Motor car tyres in all sizes Vacuam Motor Car Oils and Grease Tyres and Tubes Vulcanised PLUQS,etc ,etc. mOTOR HOBO'S, LBinPb mi^, Dnulop Motor Tyres, Agents fob -.-SHELL TETROL, Vacuum Motor Oils and Grease etc, etc. SHTA & Co., Providers Cyclists And Motorists Esst Street, Poooa. ESTABLISHED 1897. aKnsaa&i.ii>: ADVERTISEMENT 49 mmBt Street^ Foona (BSTD. 1911 ) PnntetE, Stationers an ^ Typewiiter Meicha ts, Die—stamping, Copper Plates, BooIj binding, Ruling, Rubber, stamps. Facsimiie Typewriting Printing, Office requisites, etc. etc. Typewi'^tirg Woik done Ci^refuUy, ""nenfly, and cjnfidentially. Tj'pewr.t ng SoLool, T;" ^''''writers sold, bought, excbp.nged, re- paiiedj t,ud g»\eu on hue. PRINTING— of all nature undertaken and done very at moderate cost. CA^IDS—Wedding, Dance, I^ogramraea, Menu etc, a speciality. ^LiNUFACTURERS OF A-o. books, ledgers, ex-books, ready- iiusde receipt books, oidei books, delivery books, bill-bookci> writing pads, carbon-copy books etc. etc. A PIRADKAB & 0&, ADVERTISEMENT MATHEE &C m^i ONLY eue-ofsa:^? CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS Wine, Spirit & Genera* i^roYision Merchants • IN IPOON A liAVE A VERY FINE AND VARIED STOCK OF THE PDHG3T EHGLISH QHOBS It OHSJUiJilLS TOILET AND SICK ROOM NECESSITIES: Patent Mediciiies* Perfe^iies ETC. ETC. Prescriptions Dispensed at any Hour of tiie Day or Night' WE HAVE English, pFench, RastpaliaD and Rmencsu^i STORES, * PROVISIONS ii¥ THE FL\^EST QUALITY WEGUARANTeE EVERYTHING WE SELL OUR IN tS, SPIRIT and TOBACCO DEPARTMENT All replete with THE BEST GOODS at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Note the Address :-Ml|Ti£l i OppdsSte th9 CLU3 OF WeSTERN INDIA, POONA ADVEETISEMENT. s. WYSE & eo., Bakers and Confectioners^ PURVEYORS TO W. E. The Governor of Bombay. HAVE the honor to inform the gentry and public of Poona, Kirkee and outstations, that they are prepared to supply Bread, Dinner Rolls, Twists, Muffins, Biscuits, Cakes and every description of Pastry at short notice and at very moderate rates. The bread is approved of by the highest medical autho- rities and other high dignitaries, as borne out by cert ficates their possession. The bread is announced to be highly nutri1>ious. digestible, light and absolutely free from adulteration. They shall be happy to give quotations. Special rate* for large orders. BAKERS TO MESSES, CLUBS & HOTELS S. WYSE & Oo, MAIN STREET. POONA THE PaOMA HOTEL ESTABLISHED 24TH MAY 7873 la ftusT Clas3 Upper storihd, Comfortable and thb most Centrai. Hotbi. The Gymkhana St. inPoona.— cm b, Paul's Chiircli, the Telegraph 0£Eice, P OSice, the and Military Fmanoa OSices are its next neighboOrs, the Railway or tho one side, the Clflb of Western and ladia on the other side are within five minatea walk, the Polo GroOnd, the Race Coflrse, the Boat Club and the Bund Gardens are close at hand. most plba3AOT1,t Thb situated Hotel in Poona. - It has the finest ex- posure iineqttalled by any other house in - the station facing the west and thtia receiving Very cool breeze, while excluding the sun 's says from the east, its ex- tensile premises and the absence of surrounding houses render it perfectly open and allow free oircfllation of pure air, Thi most commodious Hotbl iNPooNA.—Thenewrowof Chambers tipper- stoned with enclosed verandahs, are the tBost comajodious and the best ventilated apartmeats in the station. Ladies, Gen*leM ea and faoailes Will find in the POONA HOfEL ' -Ev«rv comfort and «i!ten<^ioB whi«h a Hotal OKU protidi. /f=*g^s=^**==^S« «aS*= =*^S= =:^= ^''Ssx: WHERE TO BUY THE FAMOUS *"LOOP-LOCK,"AND the"ENTIRSNT," TENNiS RACKETS »|he I^VENTORS and tlie PATENTEES of the above rackets have, for the convenience of the sporting public, opened this year a distributing depot and f?how room at 78 SRaiii Stfeet^ Pciona. ghis is the ONLY HOUSE in Bombay Presidency where they ^ can get complete satisfaction in theii purchase of—TENNIS, CRICKET, HOCKEY, FOOTBALL, BADMINTOT^, GOLF, GYMNASTIC GOODS and aU other outdoor and indoor games. See your gear is stamped LIMITED, ^Z40^^ THE HALL MARK of Quality and Value and refuse all substitutions. Remember >l FACTORIES AT SlALKOT.I Each department under LARGEST PRODUCERS THE (j U 11 the direct supervision of OF ATHLETIC GOODS Ra) (^PRACTICAL LONDON EXPERT Sl IN THE EAST i ^ '? ^ '.'•'I ii y y .i'-^ FOR 1^^^^ 'r>i 111 We ars n mmmrB IN POONA ill tlie above lines and onr prices are very reason eMe. 0: POOIA mm STORES MAIN STR6 E T. POOMA AXD NEAR R. F- A- rs/5£SS, KfRKEE ""TOIEFI BY APPOINTMElTf TO H. T. GOVEBXOE OF BOMBAY, GENEi>AL MERCKAICTS, ARMT CONTfiACTOSS. AUCTIONEERS, CO^TRACTOBS. CABINET MAKERS, FUB»ITUBB DIALERS, HOUSE AGSNTS Sva EAST 8TBESX. FOOyA. FCR SALE ftumiture, manufactured and stecked fo? 3ft!e a»c Hire. 3acIieIors' ind Married Quarter! furnished at sliori; ^lotice at veryj luodeyate terms. Furnishing and decorations >?xecuted at special rates for Bali ^ooms, Marijiages, Eut<;rtainments etc. China and coir matting, linoleums, door ?ugs, Persians Brusael, Velvet, and cotiten Carpats of all djscriptions. Lampvvara^ Erjkmelware, Alumiaiura ware, Glassware Crockery C-atlery, lee Cream machines, Ice Chest, Aluminium and Copper Cooking pots, Degchies etc. Wicker Sofas, Chair3, tiina baskets etc. Jcpaness fiowar vases; Cortex and Tea sets, China tear-seta etc. Tents, Single a nd' double, 80 lbs Ccibui tents, servants pali. S'xiss Cottage, hill tents etc." Staei tinned J}espatch Boxes, writing desks, atationerj, cabinets and racks, co.:iljiitlal and plain pap.r trays, je-ysllery boxes e:^. 10. H ^h Class Stiat onery •"- : 1 ^iscriptlon. 11. Cft'i'iagcs buil^. ?ppaircd ana paintta. 12. J rns and Att^munUion stock., d on coinuiioBion :;.a"e, J3. v.. 'leers' and ,o'cher's X.t? stored at our godowns afc, rr oderate monthiy re3.t ~-,.AiTA & '^o., Auctioneers, AT:)rTr.T.zirTETr 2407 East Street Poona, ESTABLISHED 5C YEARS wines, Ht^irlts iPre?f»ioii. A iiieueml nercimnt liei^imeoliu Mess Agent and Contractof Mft&ufacturer of High Class Sparkling Miners! Waterfl, Md delicious Aerated Beverages, made with water filtwed through Pasteur Filter BEST ENGLISH HAMS ENCaLlSH 3^COK BNh CMES3E OH CUT All popular classes cf Champagne, Liqueurs, Whiskie*. Brandies, Cordials and Bitters, invalid's Port sherries and Madeira of weil-known Brands. s aDVEHTTSF?!!^^ THE OLDEF^T HOUSE IN TOO'^A FOR HIGH CLASS SMOKIKG BEQUISITES. DiSHAW. Cigar Meixbant ^ General Tobacconist Next to China Bazaar, i\lo. 1 ml Street, Camp, iLL SORTS OF HIGH CLASS 01 GARB. CHKROOTS, CIGAEETTES, TOBACCOS and SMOKER'S REQUISITES Etc. Etc. REQUISITES ETC. KTG. Prices very moderate A THrAL WILL mi imiM SATISFACTION l>i$torp ^ Description of pooua* For a long series of years now THE POONA GUIDE AXD DIRECTORY has made its appearaiice,with the advent of Poona Season, and sliifting of the Government here for he period of the S. W. monsoon. JPooua has of late seen many changes, aud possibly will see more rap'd ones in die near fu ure. Poona has been a centre of education for \ cry long s.: d, lacilities have eren in- creased of late, sxudeuts coming here fro mall parts of India. Poona may be divided into three distinct parts, the old part is the City, full of records of Inditvs past, the Cantonment which has grown up since the military occupation ard Poona became in variovts ways the Head Quarters of the Military, and the SttbUrljan Municipality, which embraces the outside poitions of Poona, wbere increased housing accommodatioi\ is now being stipplied. The Suburban Miiuioipaiity has become more poptilotis o^'ing 'o fi-esh Mansions on the Biiiid Garden Road, and to the rapid development of the Estate on the Koregaon Road where a series of handsome biingalows have Bpriing iip. Government have also btiilt and are building a series of Bungalows, mostly intended for gazetted officers at Yeravda. At Bambiu'da where a Station of the G. I. P. R. for Passengers will shortly be open, a number of moderate-sized bungalows are being provided, largely tor subordinate ofiicials and commercial men. Poona or Punyapur, the Cleanser, owing to its being near the sacred jttnotion of the Mutha and Mula rivers, was once a small ancient Hindu settlement, witlj religious associations. The early history of Poona is cneck- ered by pillage and famine and War, in which the Mahoi Un Kingdom of Bijapivr played a part. Shahaji, the father of the great 'vaji, was con- firmed m the possession of Poona by a King of Bijapur and oceeded to make the surroundings habitable through his Governor of Poona, Dadaji Koj . idev. the tutor of Shivaji. The Latter Was bom in 1617, and educated in oon.* He lived in a hottsQ bnilt for his mother ana himself,by hi? i.. her, i a Ka i P»th, the oldest part of the City, Shivaji was Governor of _j> at the .igi.
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