I '.{pn1s srql ur papnlcurserceds eqtjo o,trl ol porldd€pu" peugep st .ltolJeruJ ruJeleql 'ue,tr8sr uox,4 ,reu qcee;o; deu uorlnqqsrp e pue soleldeql ur pel€r1snllleJ€ suer ceds 'seuesqns 'suorlcesqns e,t4rluese.rdea sercedsqnspu€ selcedseq1 o1 s,{e1 sE IIe,\\ s" pu? seues 'pelee.q eql 01s.'{ol opr^ord pu€ "xel eql 01ltrc,toloJ uox?l oueue3-e4urqcee .ro3 s.relcereqc crlsou8zrp eql ssncsrpe^A loloojg apsolnpuolD uollcesqnsJo scrras lere^es olul pue le{oor8 salorpl2ll 'paluesud uolcesqns olur ll€J sueruslslarlo rll,tl sercedseq1lp qcrq,uur'(ggg7) reloorg 3ur,lrol1o; st aDnu)oJ rosq(rssnJdQotnE 1o uorlucrlqndoql LuorlSut,ttrep sercads .ro; uorlecgrss"lc pesher V 'IlrH C ) d, uosuqol l'y'l stpuotBaagulpopnlculsl peulrl.rpuo?at g'[IJeIrwrS D)puo.lJDLUg seeums 'HJUAd 'gNvJ ' eqt s€ papr€?ersr pus ,^&SN ur pou?u-os peurDaao^llo g uoxul peqsllqndunoq1 'reddog 'reddoH ry ;eloorg DsofJtsa^ g pue .reddog5r relooJg srlll? g ? ;e)oo.tg trisr8azi dsqns 'ltapnuwoqi 'roddol sapouwDqt g dsqnsreddog ry reloottsaplouwoqt ? I T lolool gottpr:.tods g 'rcddoH ?re{oolg r2lo,tacutg'nddo111. t.;.>.1oot1suaultuoJ dsqnsoctwtut g'ocrrartrz dsqnsreddog g JeI.ooJgDxtunw g'rcddoly E JelooJtf uptonh)ia ?'reddo;1 T lolool8 DJtlulvtp g JeddoH ? '(ur8uo tclootgonopat dsqnsueprell (uepl?6) s'uaEut.tlsog'nddoH T' reloo.rg rllaroqr, ? prrq,{q elqeqo.rdlo):oddo11 ty Joloorg r?/rsea.1x snldIpJng 'xre Kpns srql ur potlsrlqndEXul ,lreu Jeqlo 'onuta) g sopnlcur 1eq1 dnoJ3 serceds eql o11r u8rsw3l e,r snqJ pexcUur eresuou"ls eql l€ql sJ?e^erIIIH C) 'lcodsor ? uosuqof S V 1r'lpuo,6aa g p adflaqlJo uollEurulexo srt{lul paxauurale Llcttl,t\suouruls 'srelcuJ€qc oq1Aq an1nu"to3eq1 urorl ,{llecr3o1oqdlorupoou€lsrp cru lnq ec€.+rns.IBeluo pos€qdno$ .ds relsrse s€ pol€crl uocqc^uq ( llont\.C s'm1nug se untoul Apocuooutpuu ,{1.Iau;o.y)aou reddog ? Jeloorg Dnutz) r^ntdtln)nE x c'an1nu'to3 oql qlr,r\ uonercosseu5^r3 ,{lleuorlrperl€x€l ouros '^pnls srqlur pcqsr;qndare sarcods peqsrlqnd ,(1snor,rcrd.;o scrcodsqns,lreu o,ltl pus 'salcodsrlnso,t'il astrdutoc 'sorcads,lr.eu rlc[],{Jo oM:t euru':eqlaBolIIV dno]8 s[l1Jo oprs:lnouoos lou roloer€qce"pnq ul suauuls aql-Jouorl€luauo lreJo eql sr sorJcsqnsoqlJo ernpel cllsou?urpur€ttl oql Jc nloqdatoqtlwoS g '3 'flduroo 0 lou op l€ql s:eqlo lcaL'erpue sercedsslr{l r{ll.\\ ,{lruuJs o^eq lpql exBl snotarunuaql ',{puenbcsuoo'pu€ "llrqe.l urelureu ,/rtl./ot ? uo posegsE'sorJesqns eqlJo sJclo?reqo crlsou8crp aql polpnlse^Eq eA souesgnscql qtr^\ uoll€raossuue,\I? pu€ peqsqqnduoeq e,teq exel .!rou ,{u?tucutl '19g 'pesrrduoc lcqteours "r[€4snv urelsert6Jo l.rud uoqlnos cql ol cluropuesatceds ue,res y ut qtueg arrJr&.roJsouosqns snidqDong aq]f (200d Ogt-SZt:G)t I ,?s?,{rN (oPcoEU,{t{)2rlrrro't seuasqns snldtrlocng1o uogecqqndeq1 uo.r1 8u1.trrop sercedsSo ,{urouoxrel ;eddog q gryJoloor€ g l l?\ lJuJlsqY 'uipruD ',t]r.roq]nV S009rrtr.usnv rlr.tss/A r[r.d ts.rt .luulo8 fur] )rxd sn-ur) s)jrrdpuE su.p.urD Jru9lofl. l09Z .tolurn.Llrtrdr,) tnlrttrtsnV'urirqur) .0091 yoBOdD.ntsnpul lrrEtdlo Uorsr^r(I O)ltS.)L 'g'g 'H'I'IAI ,raddog pue rJJIoor{ (euerup.ttr4)abtn un J salrosqns sniqDrng Io uoll?Jllqndeql urorJ3u1.t1rap solJads Jo ,turouoxul (auua)09tszr:(r)t L .i rLr'N 32.6 ,\ rJrrld Vol. 14, No. 3 (2002) Introduction The spcciestreated in this papereithcr belong 1o the variousinfra-generic taxa dcriving by natr"rral aftinity from Eucdyptus srtbser.cornurae Ben1h.(Table I ) or havebeen incorrectly given taxonomic associationwith the subseries.AIl rclevantspecies are endemic to the southernhall'ofWestern Australia ard arenow greartlyincreased inthe numbcrofpublished taxasince Bcntham (1867). There are more than 30 speciesranging geographicallytrom E. sargentiiMaiden subsp.fal/ers K.D. Hilt & L.A.S. .lolrnsonon EurardyStation norlh ofthe MurchisonRiver to E occiden ta lisEncll. near Mt Ragge<Jsouth ofBalladonia, although both speciesare better knou,n irr their sotLthernwheatbelt distdbutions. one specicsofthe subsericsoccurs near the highestrainfall zone( E. cornutd) while E. eremophih (Die|s) Maiden extendsto the soulhcrn parl o1'thcGreat Victoria Desefi eastof Kalgoorlic. In buclrrorphology, the greal majority ofthesc species are probably the rn.st easilyrccogrrised of alJcucalypts by lhc longoperculum accommoclating cornpletely erect slanlens. No speciesofeaslern or lro ircrn ALrstraliacould be confuscdin this cltaractcrwith the Cornutde(.\\c \rsethis namebroadly in rvhatmay bercgarcled as thc taditional senscto include'' scr, LehnannianqeD.J. Carr & S.G.M.Carr, E. ser.Cornutoe (Benth.) tslal<cly and C. scr.Ei-ecl.l? Brooker), although Benthan alludedto similarities ir"rE. ncu'ginutctStn. an(lE. tereti(:ornisSm. and rclatedspecics. E. .fibroso lt . Muell., anothereastem sllccics.could bo includedwith thcsclatler as it hasnrany e|cct stamens but within muchshorter opercula, Two new taxa trcalcd below, E. cernuu l)rttttkcr & l loppcr, and E. rcslcl/osu Brooker & I loppcr, sharetlre leal'surl'acc, venation and oilgland pattern wilh E. subser. AbunducB.rookcr of E. sar.Erectuc. E. cernL!d(itlcorrecl ly l<nownas E. n a/4a,v F. M ucll.,sce below ) havirrg invariab ly beerr inclucled in this serics. Tlresctwo spcciesplLrs E. tegrundi,s(sce lalcr) have much shorleropercula arrd dill,cr litttdrrncr tirlly in sliurcrdisn.rsiti('r. At the begirrrringol this studywe wcrc Llrccrtainas to thc beslway to lreatrclated nlallcts and nrallccs, c.g. the cstablishcdta\(tn. E. ustringcni, ancl the ncw Iaxa rcdo(:tu (tr,allet\, thunnoide,\ (nrallce).and zcgrlrl4 (mallee) (sco Ialer). wc havebeen to a oortainextcnt guided by thereccnt DNA work ol'M. Bymc of theWcstcrn Australian I letbariu'n( pels.colnm. ). Herrescarch showcd that related tree taxa in the ' ser. Loxophlebuawere genelicallysimilar anclclistinct liom the nralloetaxa in lhc serics.In otherword s,lorthe Loxophlebrrc,thc specificbor.rndary is clearrlybetween habit fbm anclnot within habit.wc cannotbc ccrtainthat conclusions made fron sucha restriclcdstudy can bc applied unequivocallyto otller sories.Howcver, we considerthe two morphologicallysirnilar mallets in E. astingens andtwo morphologically sirrilar malleesin the new spcoies/. /rrrir?flol./e.rIll ths pattem in the Loxophlebae. By contrast,the nore distinct but obviously rclatedE. lehm.nnii (nrallee)anil E. arhorellu (nallet) are better rccognisedas spccies. clonseNalion statusis describedonly for those taxa currently dcclaredas I{are Flora or given a priority codeby the Departmentofconservation and Land Managemenl. Furlher survcy isneededto documentthe dist butionand statLs o1'nost ofthese taxa (Kelly et ql. 19951. Useof the term marlock The categodsationofhabit in south-westAustralian eucalypts has long beencontcntious. Brooker 'marlock' & llopper (1991) discussedthe historyofthe exclusivclyweslern Australiantenns or 'maalock' which have beenused variously over tha years. Thcy pointed out that the term, which we 'marlock', prefer to standardiscas has beenuscd for quite difl'erenthabit fonns rencleringit usclessin T ')ooH rruJ l/\trD S E eJ f(f dnl.taclitllp|E DJoltlqtDLlsg '1oo11sttdt1n1d J.IBJ hl o S T rruJ l Cl Lbqlteu s 3 'lpua Jeupr,lD V J ,l/rl-totoEatu E e lDluap!)ro I 'Lltuefl 'rlluiu (renELtrS)l/ruDuLlal ! + xa nol1tuJ LlrPuD.tJoag -urJ t\fD s ??j-rP:) f c DlDultullr.raluo)E q1ul51(ronuqc5) lan)ulqal g 'IIrqE ulrrrtpeelsB !p1EIA Du uap-urq q lotnuJQ l+ 'Lpaau .uea) t{ D s 8 LtEJ [ (] attllauuaq I DJoltlLtuDa aDuoruuoLu4aTsetJes, arl/rrl,/o.) u0lliosqllq 'pelsLrolse sr dnori qcea.los:roads ad,{1eq1 (0861lrJ ? rirJ).ueJ t{ D S T.r.ruJ [ (] aoLultuutlutla'Itcs 'rltuifl s tdllnng pLtE(L981rupLlluo1 ) , DttlLt.to,)]xs(lt1s ,'t1t(/,t7u, rlg 3urlrt1rlsuoos.rocdr^ oqI lolqel 'rrei) ?t .LurJ,{q palpell lotro.ro.rrsclrrori,si7Dtual)1))o.,pul,,sntlrf21r{.arpzr,l'uxr:l inr ururuoreq1 spuuli qlrdgosorcods srql rrracucsc.rcl oqljo lLrnoJceLro Ilrclcl ,//a/-/rr.)? pcpnloxc,{oq} souis ,roLroLl} Luo.rC ( I olqnJ)sor)ods pattvlar.tpuv nLtLtDrlLl2l? rol lLrnooilrol atlLrltuutlutLlalsJuis !r .qt polo:uo,(11uuuoJ (0861)l.ruJ T 'os rru; sclnori,..r r1l.rii.i aV.t,to..1tt| ,,,'tt (1old,.',,t t uuDLu Lla l,..ln uo11tu3ooc.r pomopurlso.rq ,{cq1 Srnop Lll scuosqnsold,(1,{tod . o.nlt iursrrdruor (sorJcs) sdnoJ8 o,u1 olur sorooclsitrrrlrLuo.r oql posuoiilclr r;]tll at1!nu.k),)-ros j{ ur sor,li)sclnsord,{lorrour p ur 1rpolllosr foql urrlm olnLldatoLltlLuoiin'tt1tli1D:,t3 'oi.loaip 'posruriooo.r .1o,{1r.rc1n"ours oq1 u ol uor}urrlrssl'llilru.ro[l .rror0ur ( I /6 I ) uosurlofj' ]o,{J(l ':^l1oaLlo8otillrrlJq o1tuor.p osodruoo luql i^oraicls.loslsrl oql pulro^rllrlLri(llLllull aq ol sar.rJs^ql1s.Ll]r(ll sisolr.aurp s^.,{1.)ulfl.roprsuoo o^A rDtDll2,rtlldJlJrr, \')l/l rs sor.losqni^o/\\'l posrrrSolor orlsor.ro;^ oql urr0rlA sonoclss[p ur rroasuorxolJur '..osonxoll,, oqlro.; LLr.rol 1ch: ,{l.nrlnorl.rrd u sr srql lurll 1ou .ro1il?.ll?rlioqlposr'r iq uoseoroLll oq ,{tlulqirqM "f1a1u11q ':/ 'llLro sluoLul;lqpoxrllu r srt11 sila sairlrtl soro:lcls pots ll oW.l11,, pnqoql u t osonxoly .ro 1r1,3tu.t1s suoLrllrlS..'poluls'Lurq1rro11Srrrsr.tlchr.rucl .{11r:n1r,l',{10>1r:111 )Dtnu,to,) .ros g.1o uorlch.rosop oq1u1 (896I) oluprricld[lJ puu (lL6l) uosullol 19,ro,ft,1,{t1 s:rr.ro"^ srLll Lll pil n}oi puu (tc6l),(1o1c1g ,{q )D/ttLt.n) txs 3 'LLluLltuoq " \\oLrollt rrr poocldsr,r {q orcq,\\csJopcpnloul su,r qclqM 111olDLldatotltluol snttllltl)ui| 'sor.rosol soLlesclnseql paslDrpuc clnori arp Lll sorccdsuerleuru pesruioocj (jrf6l),(lo)rliJ 'iurprclsrur sr..lsonxog,, oltel er\qcllrcsepelll pltu sLrollrclslJJ,li o,\r?LlIle (l clqDl) s.uJsqllsJLll ur p.pnl:rrrrill sorttdsoql '.. ' '.rtsorr;prp'(c^oqp
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