I l ..•.::·.. -.. ; ,M-10 Baker, Ray Jerorae, 1880- l: Personal history card. 1908 arrived Honolulu 1910 retum.ed to Isl.ands to stay 1924-1926 camera.man for Pathe news. photograplsr of many pho.ses or Hawaiian l.il'e. I 9 ":},'2,.- i; e.-J Baksr, Ra:y J erom, 1880- , � "}"2- letter. 5 tel rams and re.\,.a Telegra.t!S dated.'1952 from Pathe Mews asking for film on Fortescue {Massie case) trial and letter i'rom Capt. Wortman, U.S. Navy, refusing permission to photograph defendants under bis jUl"isdiction. M-136 JOHNERVING BARNARD [b. 1811 - d. 1883] Biographical history: 1811 bornEngland. 1850 arrived Honolulu. Clerk to the British Commissioner, General William Miller. 1854 Feb. 1, appointed Chier Clerk, Supreme Court. 1863 Apr. 6, married Emma Barnard, widow of ThomasBond Barnardor Adelaide, Australia. Threedaughters. 1864 Dee. 31, resigned as Chier Clerk, Supreme Court, to go to New Zealand. 1871 returned fromNew Zealand 1871 Aug., appointed DeputyClerk, Supreme Court Appointed Master in Chancery 1876 Appointed Chier Clerk, Supreme Court 1883 June 24,died Honolulu. M-136 : Misc. Papers 9 items. Numbered #1 to #9. #1 No date. Dance Card ror Chinese Festivalin Honor or Their Majesties King Kamehameha IV & Queen Emma. Printed in blue ink on card, 2.25x3-5/8in. One side in English and liststhe order of 20 dances. Obverse: the same but in Romanized Chinese. #2 Jan. 7, 1858. Thursday, Eight o'clock. To: J.E. Barnard's From: Capt. Mecham and Officers, H.B.M.S. ''Vixen" Invitationto an amateurperformance on board. Printed on cardstock, Sxl-5/8 in. #3 No date. Palace. Tuesday Momg. To: My dear Barnard. Handwritten on black bordered stationary,5.25x8-1/8 in. Signed Liholiho [note: King Kamehameha IV] ''Many, manythanks for your kindness,in sendJng me the choice grape cuttings, which I could not have procured from anywhere else. I have sent a portion or them to Hawaii (Kona) and some to Waianae." P.S. '"I'heQueen also desires me to thank you for Dowers and especiallythe green peas which were much gratifying.She (the Queen) desires me to be most strongly recommended to you in the way or thankingyou." #4 Envelope to #3. Black bordered envelope, 4.75x2-13/16 in., addressedJohn E. Barnard Esq.,and back flapembossed with King Kamehameha IV'smonogram "KIV". Page2 M-136 JOHNERVING BARNARD M-136: Misc. Papers 9 items. Numbered #1 to #9. #5 No date. [note: probably 1883 after John E. Barnard's death] To: Mrs. E. Barnard Handwritten on line stationary, Sx8 in., with an embossed mark at top left. Signed Kalakaua. "It was onlyyesterday when I received an answerfrom the ChiefJustice In reply to my note, relative to your situationfavorably, that the Government shouldgrant you a stipendor relief during your lifetime. My Ministers have all concured ,n this matter.Should you need immediateassistance I would be most happy to do so and let me know by your dear daughter." #6 Envelope to #5. Envelope, S-l/8x3-l/8 in., addressed Mrs. Emelia Barnard, and back flap embossed with King Kalakaua's stylized "KP' monogram in silver. #7 Aug. 6, 1856. Appointment of George M. Robertson, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, to assumethe duties of Chief Justice William L. Lee, during his absence from Honolulu. Handwritten on paper, 7-7/Sxll-S/8 in. Signed Kamehameha. (note: King Kamehameha IV] #8 June 26, 1861. Lima, [Peru) To: My dear Barnard Handwritten letter on stationary,8-3/8xl0-3/4 in. Red wax seal at back of letter. Signed Wm Miller {note: William Miller] "I know not how sufficiently to thankyou for your long & very interesting letter of the 12111 April.It containsjust thatsort of information& detail relativeto persons & things which I most appreciate, preservingas Ido a deep interest in thewell being of all my friends & the march of events at the Sandwich Islands••• " #9 Palace, Dec. 20, 1854. dated at bottom. Order of Procession For theFuneral Of His Late Majesty, King Kamehameha DI. Broadside format,7-7/8x19-l/4 in. 1512007] M-419 Bartlett, Franklina C G (Mrs. W .s.) Papers, 1888. 6 items (photocopies) Letters written aboard S.S. Australia and in Honolulu and Waikiki, Aug. 18-Sept. 20, 1888, to her aunt Rose (Mrs. Ar­ thur Brown) and other correspondents in California. Journal of voyage and visit to Honolulu, with entries da­ ted Aug. 24 - Sept. JO, 1888, giving impressions of places and people, including members of the royal family and other prominent Honoluluans. N.B. w.s. Bartlett, a banker of Tustin, California, visited Honolulu with his family a number of times. This visit was to seek improvement of Mrs. Bartlett's health. Mrs. Arthur Brown was the daughter-in-law of Thomas Brown, a long-time resident of �aii. ............,...,...�-� · -·- ....· ---· - �· ...--,---· Bflssett, Villard Kenneth, 1887-1954• ,;:�7 Personal history. 1887 Feb. 15 born Oakland, California. 0 attended schools in Oakland; lert high school at death 1903 or father to work as newspaper reporter. 1919 came to Honolulu; worked at Pacific Commercial Adver­ tiser. 1920 namecL assistant to new-�-appointed Mayor, John H. \lilson. At same 'W.ae taught journallsa at McKinley High School, 1923 resigned as Mayor's secretary to run for Board or Su­ pervisors; elected. 1 1924 March started Honolulu Times (newspaperv ; ran it unt:il October ;abruptly left Halnlii; worked on various new-spapers in San Francisco and� , mel, California, Boston, and Providence, R.I. 1945 hired by J. H. \lilson, then Director, Dept. Public Velfare, Hawaii, for specia1 departmental assignment. ( see next card ------· ---·· - ·------·-.. - - Bassett, Villard Kenneth, 1887-1954. Personal bistor,r (continued). Card 2 1946 J .H. Vilson, nevly elected as Mayor or Honolulu, aP­ pointed Bassett as his admn:1strative assistant; be continued in this position lmtil bis death. 0 1954 Jan. 17 injured by automobile vhil.e crossing streetJ Jan. 26 died from above injuries. • ---- ._ ... � � i-- -------...-,-··..-.----------,--. .,.. �-- -- ---,..... �-- ..JII!-=- ·�--·-� ��· � Basset1i1 Villard Kenneth, 1887-1954• Correspondence. 6 items. Letter from Bassett to Dr. Ferris F. Laune, Secretacy', Honolulu Council of Social Agencies, and Dr. Laune's rep1y, copied in pencil, January, 1946. Xerox copy of campaign speech for Jolm H. Wilson, Oct.17, 1952. Autobiography of W. K. Bassett written about Dec.1952. ( M-483 P. Brickwood Coll. PINAO BRICKWOOD MEMORIAL COLLECTION INTRODUCTION The Pinao Brickwood Memorial Collection of Hawaiian prints, maps and etchings was donated to the Territory of Hawaii by Victor S. K. Houston in October, 1938. The Archives was designated as the repository. The collection was originally framed and on public display. Subsequently the material was removed from display, the frames were discarded and the collection was stored under conditions intended to enhance long­ term preservation. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Pinao G. Brickwood Born in Honolulu ca. 1876 Married Victor S. K. Houston July 19, 1909 Died in Honolulu September 27, 1936 Source: Honolulu Advertiser, 9/28/1936, pl SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE The collection was assembled by Victor S. K. Houston over the span of many years. It originally consisted of approximately 122 framed prints of Hawaiiana and ten framed maps of Honolulu Harbor. In 1940, additional prints were received from Mr. Houston and added to the Collection. Whether or not it was Mr. Houston's intent that this subsequent gift be added to the collection cannot be determined from available records. The maps were transferred to the Map Collection. See also: Photo Collection, voyage prints Victor S.K. Houston Collection (M-68) SERIES DESCRIPTION 1. Prints and Photographs. 1778-1841, 1867, 1928. 4 linear inches in 2 drop front print boxes. As presently constituted, the collection consists of 157 prints (engravings, lithographs) from originals done by artists who accompanied early European explorers, including John Webber, 1 M-483 P. Brickwood Coll. James Clevely, Louis Choris and Jacques Arago. See the attached inventory. The subjects of the prints include natives, villages, cultural activities and incidents (such as the death of Captain Cook). There are in addition a few photographs of artifacts, such as Captain Cook memorial coins. The collection provides insights into the cultural landscape of immediate post-western contact Hawaii. Print no. 223 was not located during processing. Container List Contents M483-l Prints nos. 204, 205, 209-222, 224-248, 252 A-B, 253 A-B, 254, 255 A-D, 256 A-D, 257, 258 A-D, 259 A-D, 260, 261 A-D, 262, 263 A-B, 265, 266, 269, 271, 273, 275, 276, 278, 280-293, 295-301. M483-2 Prints nos. 201-203, 207, 208, 249-251, 264, 267, 268, 270, 272, 274, 277, 294, 302-330, 335-337; three unnumbered prints of Hawaiian birds M483-0SD Print no. 206 Processed by E. Chang, 1995/3 through 1997/2, 1997/8. Finding Aid By A. Hoof, 1997/2, revised 1997/8. 2 PINAO BRICIO\OOD MEMORIAL OJLLECTION PRESENTED 10 THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII BY - VICTOR S. K. 1-0USTON 201 "Une Vue De l'Interieur De l'Isle d'Atooi." (A view of the interior of Kauai in Hawaii.) [By Webber. From Captain Cook's 3d voyage, French edition.] 202 "An Island View, in Atooi." [By Webber. From Captain Cook's 3d voyage, English edition, 1784.) 203 "Binnengezigt Van Het Eiland Atooi." (View in the Island of Kauai.) (By Webber. From Captain Cook's 3d voyage, Dutch edition.] 204 "Isle d'Atooi." (Island of Kauai.) (By Webber. From Captain Cook's 3d voyage, French edition.] Colored. 205 "Isola d'Atooi." (Island of Kauai.) [After Webber. From Captain Cook's 3d voyage, Italian edition.] Colored. 206 "Boxing match before Captain Cook." From unpublished drawing by James Webber. Published by F.
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