Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:86 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SUNDAY . OCTOBER 25 . 2015 -Aqrab 03, 1394 HS Insurgency is not the solution: Abdullah AT News Report istan innocent people are being killed. Forces of darkness and KABUL: The Chief Executive brutality under the names of Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah Daesh, Taliban and al-Qaeda kill AT Monitoring Desk said that the anti-Afghanistan forc- innocent people, he said, adding es could not succeed in achieving that Afghan security forces are KABUL: As insecurity is encir- their ends while using terrorism currently fighting against the mil- cling different parts of the coun- as a mean. Addressing a mourning itants in Helmand province to en- ceremony on the Ashura day, Ab- sure safety of the citizens. Ab- try due to failure of the govern- th ment to appoint the defense min- dullah said 10 Muharam is remi- dullah said that security forces are ister, the pressure has increased niscent of the greatest ever les- ready to render sacrifices; how- on the high-ranking provincial of- son to stand for justice and op- ever, the government should also ficials to remain in their respec- pose tyranny. This day also pay attention to resolve the chal- tive provinces especially the gov- serves as a wakeup call for offi- lenges faced by Afghan troops. ernors as President Ashraf Ghani cials to fulfill their responsibili- He urged people of Afghani- has imposed ban on their stay in ties, he said. Abdullah added the stan to get united against the con- Kabul city. The officials would enemies would not succeed in spiracies hatched by the anti-state not be allowed to stay in the cap- reaching their evil goals. elements. Abdullah said that Af- ital city unless had a genuine rea- He added that still in Afghan- ghanistan don t want to be hos- tile towards others. We have ex- tended the hand of friendship, ..P2 son or authorization. Directing the provincial governors through a AT News Report cluding historic and cultural ties video conference, the president between the two countries. Later, said the other day that the second Kabul must stop operations against Taliban if it KABUL: Ex-President Hamid Hamid Karzai participated in a lun- 100-day plan of the government stan are planned and carried out Karzai met with Tajikistan s Pres- cheon hosted by Imam Ali Rah- is focusing on provinces, and the wants peace talks revived: Nawaz from the areas in Afghanistan ident Imam Ali Rahman at Mellat man in the honor of former Afghan provincial officials would not be which are under the control of the Palace in Dushanbe, the capital president. The luncheon was at- allowed to stay even for a day AT Monitoring Desk lamabad to revive the stalled peace reviving the talks between Kabul Taliban. Terming the Tehreek-e- city of the neighboring Tajikistan. tended by the accompanying dele- in Kabul as they should be in their talks. Speaking at the US Insti- and the Afghan Taliban. But we Taliban Pakistan (TTP) a biggest The two leaders discussed differ- gation of Hamid Karzai and a num- respective provinces to fulfill their KABUL: Vigorously supporting tute of Peace, a Congress-funded cannot bring them to the table and threat for Pakistan, he said the ent issues of mutual interest in- ber of high ranking Tajik officials. responsibilities. Encouraging the think-tank, Nawaz Sharif said the be asked to kill them at the same TTP was operating from Afghan- provincial administrations, he said the Afghan insurgents in an indi- rect manner, Prime Minister of other day that his country has no time. Turning attention of the au- istan and peace in the neighboring the governors played significant intention to fuel insurgency in the dience from the safe havens of country would provide Islamabad role in improving security, good Pakistan in his recent visit to the United States said that Kabul had neighboring Afghanistan. Howev- Haqqani Network and the Taliban an opportunity to eliminate the governance and addressing public er, he said: I have again conveyed in Pakistan, he said that most of TTP threat. Condemning the ter- grievances. He also expressed sat- to stop military operations against the Taliban if wanted Is- to President Ghani that, if he de- the terror attacks launched against ror attacks in the war-torn coun- ...P3 isfaction over coordination ..P2 sires, we are prepared, to assist in the Afghan government and Paki- try, Nawaz said that there..P3 65.15 63.85 73.90 72.40 This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.win2pdf.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only. This page will not be added after purchasing Win2PDF. SUNDAY . OCTOBER 25, 2015 AFGHANISTAN TIMES t a gathering on the eve of "This is the time to fight and Ashura - the 10th Day of defend your country as Imam Hus- ALunar month of Muharram, sein did," Jawhary said. the commemoration of martyrdom He declared the Taliban as be- of Imam Hussein, the grandson of ing defeated and challenged them Prophet Mohammad - the Afghan to a face-to-face war. deputy minister of defense Baz Jawhary went on to say: Mohammad Jawhary challenged "From this platform I want to the Taliban to a face-to-face war make it clear to enemies of Afghan- and praised security forces for istan and those who lead them (Tal- their dedication. iban) to select any desert you want The Taliban has failed to where there are no civilians and achieve its target through their of- prepare for a decisive battle, he fensives this year, but now the said, adding that any of the war- group is using the civilian popula- ring side became victorious from tion as human shields in a bid to the battle take control of Afghani- create fear among the people, he stan." said. In his speech, Jawhari also Meanwhile, a number of civil spoke of Ashura, the historic event society activists have launched a in Karbala which took place on blood donation campaign in Kabul Muharram 10, in the year 61 AH to help the wounded servicemen of the Islamic calendar (October of Afghan security forces. Activ- 10, 680 AD) and the courage which ists have called on Afghans to do- Saqeb said. "The campaign will run tivist Ahmad Shah Stanikzai said. was demonstrated by Imam Hus- nate blood and honor the supreme for two days, and we call on the According to MoD officials, sein. sacrifice of Imam Hussein. "Our people to support the security in recent months, public supports He called on the Afghan sol- people according to their ability forces by donating blood. We also for Afghan forces has drastically diers to demonstrate bravery in the can support the soldiers who have demand the government address increased and public interest for battlefield and defend their moth- been wounded on the battle field," issues facing military personnel on regarding MoD recruitment have erland as Imam Hussein did. civil society activist Humaira the battle fields," civil society ac- increased by 10 percent. A number of refugees who have way. One migrant who has returned diers do not value the Afghans at Europe in a bid to seek asylum and returned to Afghanistan after flee- told how he was subjected to ex- all. They never treat Afghans like find work. ing the country for Europe on treme weather conditions in Ser- humans," another young Afghan "80 percent of the Afghans With popularity of group weddings pay a fine of 2,000 dollars to the monies which the groom s family Thursday called on their fellow bia and Croatia, while others said said after being deported back to that travel to Iran do not stay in increasing in parts of the country tribe. With clerics playing a ma- is expected to cover, can total be- countrymen not to leave the coun- they had lost many friends and rel- Afghanistan. the country. They travel from Iran amid growing wedding costs, the jor role in codifying the agreement tween 10,000 and 20,000 US dol- try illegally, saying the journey atives while traveling through Iran Reports suggest that about one to Turkey and then Greece and tribal elders in Tanai district of that took several years to finalize, lars a lot of money in a low-in- overland is a nightmare. and Turkey. hundred passenger vehicles leave then Germany or other European eastern Khost province have found a religious scholar, Maulavi San- come society. However, the story Describing their ordeal, the re- "There were five of us when Kabul for Nimroz province daily countries," head of a transport a new solution to pricey weddings. aullah Rahmanzai, said Imams in capital Kabul is different where turn refugees, many of whom we started our journey but now I which borders Iran. company Sirajuddin said. The new agreement finalized would not officiate at religious cer- a single rental of a wedding hall where deported from European am alone and have no information Europe, especially Germany is But people warn if insecurity by 400 tribal elders and religious emonies held by offenders, who costs on average 10,000 to 20,000 countries, related harrowing tales about my friends," said Sayed facing a huge refugee crisis as thou- and the lack of employment per- scholars sets a ceiling of $5,000 on would find themselves with no one US Dollars. of their trip to Europe, including Jarullah. sands of refugees from Syria, Iraq sist in the country, people will the bride-price which includes gold to officiate at weddings, funerals This does not include the ex- death threats received along the "The Iranian police and sol- and Afghanistan have flocked to continue to flee.
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