TWENTIETH REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST OF CONNECTICUT FOR 'THE YEAR 1920 (Being Bulletin 226 Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station) BY ! W. E. BRITTON, PH.D. State Entomologist CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OFFICERS AND STAFF BOARD OF CONTROL. His Excellency, Marcus H. Holcomb, ez-oficio, President. James H. Webb, Vice President. ............................ Hamden George A. Hopson, Secretary.. ...........................New Haven E. H. Jenkins, Director and Treasz~rer.................... .New Haven Joseph W.Alsop .............................................Avon Charles R.Treat ...........................................Orange Elijah Rogers.. ........................................Southington William H. Hall. ................................. .South Willington STAFF. Administration. E. H. JENKINS,Pa.D., Director and Treasurer. MISS V. E. COLE,Librarian and Stenoorapher. MISS L. M. BRA~TLE~~T.Bookkeeper and Stenographer. WILLIAMVEITCH, In charge of Buildings and Grounds. Chemistry. Analytical Laboratory. E. MONROEBAILEY. Pn.D.. Chemist in Charoe. R. E. ANDREW.M.A., C. E. SHEPARD,1 Chemists, H. D. EDMOND.. B.S.. OWENNOLAN. PRANKSHELDON, Laboratmu Assistant. V. L. CHURCHILL,Sampling Aoent. MISS ALTAH. Moss, Clerk. Protein Research. T. B. OSBORNE,Px.D., D.Sc.. Chemist in Charoe. Botany. G. P. CLINTON,Sc.D., Botanist. E. M. STODDARD.B.S., Assistant Botanist. Mrss FLORENCEA. MCCORMICK.Pa.D., Scientific Assistant. G. E. GRAHAM,General Assistant. MRS. W.W. ICELSEY,Stenographer. Entomology. W. E. BRITTON,Pa.D., Entomolooist; State Enlomologist. B. H. WALDEN,B.Aan.. M. P. ZAPPE,B.S., PHILIPGARMAN, PH.D., SAMUELT. SEALY, Assistant JOENT. ASAWORTH, Entomolooisfs. MISS GLADYShf. FINLEY,Stenographer. I Forestry. WALTER0. PILLEY,Forester, also State Forester and State Forest Fire Warden. A. E. Moss. M.P.. Assistant Stale and Station Forester. H. W. HICOCK,M.F., Assistant. MISS PAULINEA. MERCHANT,Stenographer. Plant Breeding. DONALDF. JONES.S.D., Plant Breeder. C. D. HURBELL.Assistant. Vegetable Growing. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Twentieth Report of the State Entomologist ..................... 137 Report of Rcceipts and Expenditures ............................137 Summary of Inspection and Office Work .........................138 Publications of ~ntomologicalDepartment ....................... 138 Department Staff and Work ................................... 139 Inspection of Nurseries ........................................ 140 Nursery Firms in Connecticut Receiving Certificates in 1920 ........ 141 Inspection of Imported Nursery Stock ........................... 143 Pests Found on Imported Nursery Stock .................... 144 Inspection of Apiaries ......................................... 145 Summary ................................................ 149 Report of Work in Suppressing Gipsy and Brown-Tail Moths ...... 151 NewEquipment ..........................................151 LaborandBoard ......................................... 152 Financialstatement ....................................... 152 Details of Gips Moth Work by Towns...................... 153 Statistics of ln~stations................................... 161 Parasites ................................................ 162 Quarantine ............................................... 165 Infestations Discovered in New Jersey and New York ......... 167 Itecommendations ........................................ 167 Experiments in Dusting in Comparison with Spraying to Control ApplePests .......................................... 168 MixturesUsed ........................................... 169 Treatments Applied ....................................... 171 First or Delayed Dormant Treatment ....................... 171 Second or Pre-pink Treatment .............................. 172 Third or Calys Treatfoent ................................. 172 Fourth or Young Frult Treatment ..........................173 General Seasonal Appearance of Trees .......................173 Scoring and Count.ing the Fruit ............................ 173 Fruit ltemoved by St.orm, September 30 ..................... 174 Results of Treatments ..................................... 175 Statistics of Results .......................................175 Discussion of Results ......................................175 Recommendations ........................................i75 Notes on the Life I-Iistory of the False Apple Red Bug in Connecticut 177 Moult.s .................................................. 178 Control ..................................................179 Literature ............................................... 179 Notes on thc Life History of a Sawfly Feeding on Austrian Pine ...... 179 The Egg ................................................. 180 TheLarva .............................................180 Habits of the Larva ....................................... 181 TheAdult ............................................... 181 Tests of Soap Sprays to Kill the Pink and Green Potat.o Aphid ...... 182 The European Red Mite, a New Orchard Pest in Connecticut ...... 184 Discovery in Connecticut .................................. 184 Distribution.............................................. 184 Description .............................................. 18.5 Habits and Life History ................................... 186 Observations in Various Orchards ........................... 187 Recommendations of Other 1nvest.igators.................... 187 Laboratarv Tests of Various Insecticides on the Euro~eanRed ~ite'............................................... 188 Results of Field Tests in Plant Brothers Orchard ............. 189 Literature ..............................................189 page The Apple and Thorn Skeletonizer in Connecticut................. 190 Natureof Injury ......................................... 190 Distribution .............................................191 LifeHistory ..............................................191 Description ..............................................192 ControlMeasures ......................................... 192 Litewture ...............................................193 The Sinuate Pear Borer .......................................193 Characterof Injury ....................................... 193 Life History and H8bit.s ...................................194 Descr~pt~on.............................................. 195 Control Measures .......................................195 Literature ...............................................196 The European Corn Borcr .....................................196 Scoutingin 1920 ..........................................196 StateQuarantine ......................................... 197 Quarantine Order, No . 3 ................................... 197 Thepearandcherry Slug ..................................... 199 Literature ............................................... 201 The Currant stem ~irdler..................................... 201 Literature ...............................................204 The Celery Caterpillar or Fennel Worm .........................204 Literature ...............................................206 The Gra~eBerrv Moth ........................................206 Mosquito Work. Season of 1920 ................................ 208 Fairfield ................................................. 208 New Haven. East Haven. Orange ...........................208 Branford ................................................209 Guilford .................................................200 Madison .................................................209 New Work ...............................................209 Cost of Maintenance Work. Season of 1920 .................. 210 Miscellaneous Insect Notes .................................... 210 StalkBorer .............................................. 210 The Bud Moth Injuring Apples .............................210 Green Clover Worm ......................................210 PineTube Moth ..........................................210 Periodical Cicada or Seventeen-Year Locust .................. 211 CornEar Worm .......................................... 211 Sesiid Borers .............................................211 Oriental Peach Moth ...................................... 211 Red Banded Leaf-Roller ...................................212 Juniperscale .............................................212 The Elm Leaf-Miner ......................................212 Oxwarbles .............................................. 213 A Curious Form of Injury to Dahlias by the European Giant. Hornet .............................................. 214 Leaf-Roller on Tartarian Honeysuckle ....................... 214 Illustrations ..................................................215 For bibliographical purposes. all matter in ihis Report (Bulletin 226) except where otherwise indicated. should be cred~tedto W . E . Britton . BULLETIN 226 TWENTIETH REPORT OF THE State Entomologist of Connecticut To the Director and Board of Control of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station: I transmit, herewith, my twentieth report as State Entomologist of Connecticut, covering the activities of the year of 1920. The financial statements are for the state fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. This report contains an account of the various lines of work placed upon the office by Statute such as inspecting nurseries and apiaries, and suppressing the gipsy moth, and articles dealing with the mosquito work of t,he year, the European red mite and the apple and thorn
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