Doctoral Programme International Education Development Peking University Admissions Guide 2020 Joop Hartog IED PhD Program Emeritus Professor Economics Amsterdam School of Economics University of Amsterdam Where better prepare for a career in management of WHY PKU? education as a tool for development than in China, where education has been developed in recent decades at an unprecedented pace, in tandem with unprecedented economic Simon Marginson growth? Where better than at the intimate campus of PKU, in a Professor of Higher Education school of internationally recognised quality, under the guidance Department of Education and Linacre College of teachers who earned their reputation both within China and University of Oxford in top-level international organisations? Peking University provides a scholarly environment unparalleled in China for intellectual depth and productive diversity. Renowned for fostering critical and original thinking. With the roll out of the Belt and Road programmes, China is a major partner in many education-for-development projects in Asia, Gilberto Antonelli Professore Africa and the Americas and brings a unique non-European non- Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche colonial perspective to modernisation in emerging countries. Università di Bologna With secondary and tertiary educational participation growing rapidly there are In my opinion Peking University is a good place to study tremendous challenges in societies in which there are never enough resources for all the needs International Education Development for at least two reasons: the of modernisation. The focus in international education development has swung from the irst is general and the second speciic. The general reason is that interests of funders and the world-views of ‘developed’ countries to building individual and Peking University ranks top in international universities rankings. institutional capability in the countries concerned. With the entry of China as a major player in The speciic reason is that its Graduate School of Education has been international development with a post-colonial perspective, is an exciting time in development able to develop cutting-edge answers to the various issues that education, with a new focus on long-term, sustainable outcomes. higher education expansion raises in the actual world. To study International Education Development from a Chinese perspective is relevant both in the perspective of a developing country and in the perspective of a developed one. In particular, the Chinese know-how could be very helpful for the reduction of global inequality Thomas F. Remington and the implementation of reciprocal lows of innovation for sustainable growth. Goodrich C. White Professor (Emeritus) Department of Political Science A prospective student could obtain several advantages in embarking in this new PhD Emory University programme: advantages that previously have been conined only to the attendants of the top Western schools. Higher education for a future sustainable world is to be regenerated with T h e n e w P h D p r o g ra m i n I n t e r n a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n new contents, theories, methodologies and governance tools. This initiative looks able to Development at the Graduate School of Education at Peking confront with all these four dimensions. University offers students a unique opportunity for advanced study in the ield of international educational development at the premier university in China. GSE faculty members are expert not only on all aspects of education in China, but also have wide-ranging knowledge of educational systems around the world. This program Cai Yuzhuo will allow participants to acquire the knowledge and skills with University Lecturer and Adjunct Professor which to shape the educational systems of their own countries. School of Management University of Tampere Peking University is not only the most prestigious university in world but also has the deepest level of research and practical David N. Figlio experience in international education development. Moreover, the Orrington Lunt Professor and Dean faculty members in the Graduate School of Education, Peking School of Education and Social Policy Northwestern University University, are very open minded and take good care of students in all aspects. In this dynamic time in a rapidly globalizing world, it is more While China is becoming an increasingly global player, there are relatively fewer experts in important than ever to understand international education other countries having suficient knowledge for developing cooperation with China, also development from both a western and Chinese perspective. As one including the education dimension. Gaining a deep insight of international education of the strongest universities in Asia, Peking University offers a development from the Chinese perspective will be particular useful for international students to unique opportunity to learn about education development through better prepare themselves as future experts of education cooperation with China. numerous lenses. I expect that the graduates from this new doctoral program will be among the future leaders in international I trust being the students in the irst cohort of International Education Development PhD education development. programme will give you a special advantage in building your future career. CONTENTS 03 Introduction 13 Faculty 13 Core Faculty 03 Our Program 15 Adjunct/Visiting Faculty 06 Peking University 07 Graduate School of Education 17 Tuition and Financial Aid 09 Program Requirement 17 Application Instructions 01 02 International Education Development (IED) Our Program The international education system has made tremendous progress in recent decades, having transformed the educational outcomes of hundreds of millions of children globally through both inancial and political commitments. Yet the quality of education received by many is far from that promised by governments and international organisations, representing a substantial education deicit, a key challenge for the future. This, compounded with inequality across countries and social strata, shifts the focus of International Education Development (IED) from targeting access to education to ensuring its continued quality and equality. Indeed the former Millenium Development Goal to ensure universal access to primary education has since been modiied to ensure quality education by 2030, as the fourth Sustainable Development Goal. Furthermore, looking to the future, there is an ever growing demand for the education system to produce the relevant skills required by the economy. In the meantime, the advent of the Internet of Things, Artiicial Intelligence and Machine Learning are t o p p i n g t h e P I S A i n t e r n a t i o n a l T h e P h D i n I n t e r n a t i o n a l transforming labour markets globally and the skills required by employers. Thus there examinations in 2009, and presents Education Development (IED) is a brand- has never been a more pertinent time to establish this program and to ensure that IED l e a r n i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r o t h e r new, English language PhD program can rectify these prominent global social issues. countries to follow in China's footsteps. o ff e r e d b y t h e P e k i n g U n i v e r s i t y With China seeking to be a key global G r a d u a t e S c h o o l o f E d u c a t i o n , leader, change instigator and participant commencing in Fall 2020 and designed to in global governance, Chinese initiatives further talented students' desire to learn will seek to meet global challenges, using more about, and contribute to research in To solve such problems, it is educational and economic development, local knowledge to help develop a global t h e d e ve l o p m e n t o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l insuficient to simply transplant Western in mere decades, China has created an vision. Only through innovative policy education. Education Development solutions to less developed countries, internationally renowned educational could the shortcomings of the Chinese issues transcend all nations, and our due to the differences between Eastern system including universal, high-quality, economic, social, and educational system program based in the ever growing and and Western perspectives, as well as nine-year compulsory schooling; Project be corrected. This impetus is needed in i n l u e n t i a l C h i n a , r e p r e s e n t s t h e between countries in the global North 211 and Project 985 directives rocketing other nations, which the program aims to successes, lessons and experiences to be and South. Local solutions to local Chinese universities up international instil within its participants. Thus, learned, seeking to address global issues. problems must be pursued. Thus, this university ranking tables; and the through considering both the history and program is uniquely able to draw from transformation from cheap, semi-skilled trajectory of economic development and t h e e x p e r i e n c e s o f C h i n a ' s labour to a skilled labour force enticing education globally, participants can unprecedented forty-year period of huge FDI, focussing on local and novel develop a more holistic understanding of economic growth, poverty alleviation s o l u t i o n s . C h i n a ' s e d u c a t i o n a l the ield and its future. and educational development. Drawing development has surprised the world, on the former challenges of Chinese not least by Chinese students irst 03 04 International Education Development (IED) Our Program Peking University The program boasts an intellectual unique viewpoints, work experiences Peking University was founded in agenda promoting internationalism, and international perspectives.
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