University of Otago Council Part 1 - Agenda University of Otago Council Part 1 Venue - Council Chamber, First Floor, Clocktower Building 08 September 2020 02:15 PM - 05:00 PM Agenda Topic Page Agenda 1 PART 1 - OPEN COMMITTEE 1. University Council Minutes To confirm Part 1 of the Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on 14 July 2020. 3 2. Disclosure of Interests 7 To receive the current Register of Interests for members of the University of Otago Council. Members are referred to Section 10 of the Council’s Standing Orders relating to Conflict of Interest and reminded to advise of any conflicts that might arise in relation to any items on this agenda. 3. Covid-19 11 To receive a verbal report from the Vice-Chancellor providing an update on the current situation in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. 4. Graduation Registers 12 To receive for noting, signed Graduation Registers dated 9 May, 16 May, 15 August and 29 August 2020 containing names of all graduates whose degrees were conferred and diplomas awarded in absentia. Public graduation ceremonies were cancelled on these dates due to Covid-19 restrictions on public gatherings. 5. Communications from the Senate 88 5.1 Senate 29 July 2020 88 To receive Communications from the Senate, dated 29 July 2020 and to consider recommendations relating to (i) Academic Proposals (ii) International Agreements 5.2 Senate 26 August 2020 90 To receive Communications from the Senate, dated 26 August 2020 and to consider recommendations relating to (i) Limitation of Enrolment (Master of Teaching and Learning) (ii) Prizes and Scholarships 6. Financial Review 103 To receive a Financial Review Part 1 for the period ended 31 July 2020. 7. Hocken Collections 122 To receive a memorandum from the Registrar and Secretary to the Council, dated 2 September 2020 on Hocken Collection Trustee responsibilities, together with a report on the Hocken Collections from the Acting University Librarian. 8. Council Meeting Dates 2021 128 To note meeting dates for the University Council for 2021, all at the starting time of 1.30pm. 9. Vice-Chancellor's Business 129 To receive a report from the Vice-Chancellor, dated 2 September 2020. 1 University of Otago Council Part 1 - Agenda 10. Chancellor's Business To receive a verbal report from the Chancellor. 11. Exclusion of the Public 136 To approve a motion under Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, that the public be excluded from the specified parts of the proceedings of this meeting. 2 University of Otago Council Part 1 - University Council Minutes COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the University Council 14 July 2020 Present The Chancellor (in the Chair), the Pro-Chancellor (by videoconference), the Vice-Chancellor, Mr F B Barton, Mr M R Dippie (by videoconference), Ms S L Ellison, Ms L C Hobson, Mr J P Manning, Ms P A Oakley, Associate Professor C R Pigden and Mr M A Wong. Apology Ms M L Lethaby. In attendance The Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), the Deputy Vice- Chancellor (Research and Enterprise), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement), the Chief Financial Officer, the Director of Strategy, Analytics and Reporting, the Director of Communications, the Director of Development and Alumni Relations (Items 3-11), Ms J A Thompson (Executive Officer) and the Registrar and Secretary to the Council. Part 1: Open Committee 1. Minutes Part 1 of the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 9 June 2020 was confirmed. 2. Disclosure of Interest and Register of Interests The Council received the current Register of Interests for members of the University of Otago Council. There were no further updates or disclosures by a member of Council for any items on this agenda. 3 University of Otago Council Part 1 - University Council Minutes 3. Covid-19 The Vice-Chancellor commented that Semester 2 was well underway and staff, students and senior leadership team were all pleased to be back on campus. A number of factors will influence the University’s recovery, including the impact on enrolments with potential substantial decline in both international and domestic students. It is encouraging that domestic student enrolments are tracking more strongly which is partially offsetting the downturn in international enrolment. Residential colleges currently have a 99% occupancy rate. Pūtea Tautoko is providing critical support for some students so they are able to continue their engagement in study. The Vice-Chancellor has called for financial restraint across the University and she expressed her optimism that the University is moving in the right direction to ensure it is well placed for recovery. On behalf of the Council the Chancellor thanked the Vice-Chancellor for her empathetic leadership at the recent Staff Forum. He also commented on the importance of supporting the wellbeing of staff and students. 4. Communications from the Senate The Council received Communications from the Senate, dated 24 June 2020, and APPROVED (a) Academic Proposal – that the following proposal be submitted to the Committee on University Academic Programmes: to amend the names of the Studio Production endorsement for the Bachelor of Music (MusB) and the Recording and Production subject for the Bachelor of Music with Honours (MusB(Hons) to Music Production. (b) Limitations of Enrolment 2021 and establishment of international places 2021 enrolment limits for specified papers and programmes, and the establishment of international places for specified programmes, as outlined in a memorandum from the Academic Committees and Services Office, dated 1 July 2020. (c) International Agreements the renewed agreements, as recommended by the Internationalisation Committee. 4 University of Otago Council Part 1 - University Council Minutes 5. Finance and Budget Committee The Council received (i) Part 1 of the Minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Budget Committee held on 2 July 2020. (ii) a Financial Review Part 1 for the period ended 31 May 2020, which showed a favourable variance against budget largely driven by savings which exceeded income loss. (iii) NZ Universities Financial Information 2019 - a report providing a comparison and commentary on the financial information contained in the Annual Reports of New Zealand’s eight universities at 31 December 2019 6. Vice-Chancellor’s Business The Council received a report from the Vice-Chancellor, dated 8 July 2020, covering topical issues, divisional updates and events and speaking engagements. Inaugural Professorial Lectures have now recommenced. The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the appointment of Professor Helen Nicholson as the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic, from January 2021. The Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic, Professor Pat Cragg will continue to lead the Academic Division until that time. 7. Chancellor’s Business The Chancellor commented on various events he had recently attended, including, on 9 July at Knox Church, the induction of two tertiary chaplains. The Chancellor noted the important role the Chaplains provide in relation to staff and student wellbeing, and pastoral care. 8. Exclusion of the Public The Council APPROVED a motion, under Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, that the public be excluded from the remaining parts of the proceedings of the meeting as appended to the Minutes. 5 University of Otago Council Part 1 - University Council Minutes 8. Exclusion of the Public The Chancellor moves that the public be excluded from the whole of the proceeding of this meeting/the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting, namely,— Item 9 Part 2 of the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 9 June 2020 Item 10 University Health and Safety Item 11 Covid-19 including Pandemic Governance Support Committee Item 12 Finance and Budget Committee Item 13 Audit and Risk Committee Item 14 Vision 2040 Strategic Direction Item 15 Emeritus Professor Item 16 Vice-Chancellor’s Business Item 17 Chancellor’s Business The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:- General Subject Reason for passing this Ground under Section resolution 48(1)(a) for the passing of this resolution Items 9 - 17 Good reason for withholding Section 48(1)(a)(ii) Confidential Minutes information under the Official and Reports Information Act This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982 as the case may require. The interests which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as follows (all references are to Section 9 of the Official Information Act): Items 9, 16-17 9(2)(a) and (i) Item 11,14 9(2)(i) Item 12 9(2)(i) and (j) Item 10 9(2)(a),(gii),(i) and (j) Item 13 9(2)(i), (j) and (k) Item 15 9(2)(a) AND THAT Professors R Blaikie, P Cragg, H Nicholson, Ms M McPherson, Ms S Murray, Mr D Thomson and Miss S van Turnhout be permitted to remain at this meeting after the public has been excluded because of their knowledge of the matters to be discussed. This knowledge, which will be of assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed, is relevant to those matters because it relates to aspects of the administration of the University of Otago for which these people are responsible.
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