Paralarval Distribution Patterns of the Gonatid Squid Berryteuthis

Paralarval Distribution Patterns of the Gonatid Squid Berryteuthis

ParalarvalParalarval distributiondistribution patternspatterns ofof thethe gonatidgonatid squidsquid BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus inin thethe NorthNorth PacificPacific (Photo by Oleg Katugin) JohnJohn BowerBower HokkaidoHokkaido University,University, JapanJapan CephalopodsCephalopods (photo from “Web of Life web site) CephalopodsCephalopods (photo from “Web of Life web site) ・・ appearedappeared asas aa distinctdistinct classclass overover 450450 myamya ・・ livingliving formsforms originatedoriginated lessless thanthan 100100 myamya NautilusNautilus OctopusOctopus (photo by Richard Young) CuttlefishCuttlefish SquidSquid (photo by Richard Young) CephalopodCephalopod themes:themes: (Okutani, 2001) CephalopodCephalopod themes:themes: -- highhigh growthgrowth ratesrates -- earlyearly attainmentattainment ofof adultadult sizesize andand maturitymaturity -- deathdeath afterafter breedingbreeding (Okutani, 2001) CephalopodCephalopod themes:themes: -- highhigh growthgrowth ratesrates -- earlyearly attainmentattainment ofof adultadult sizesize andand maturitymaturity -- deathdeath afterafter breedingbreeding (Okutani, 2001) ““livelive fastfast andand diedie youngyoung”” CephalopodCephalopod ecology:ecology: (Okutani, 2001) CephalopodCephalopod ecology:ecology: -- 650650--700700 describeddescribed speciesspecies (Okutani, 2001) CephalopodCephalopod ecology:ecology: -- 650650--700700 describeddescribed speciesspecies -- cancan bebe roughlyroughly divideddivided intointo inshoreinshore andand offshoreoffshore (Okutani, 2001) faunafauna InshoreInshore faunafauna (photo by Richard Young) OctopusOctopus CuttlefishCuttlefish (Okutani, 2001) LoliginidLoliginid squidssquids OffshoreOffshore faunafauna OffshoreOffshore faunafauna (Okutani, 2001) OmmastrephidOmmastrephid squidssquids OffshoreOffshore faunafauna Vampire squid (photo by Brad Siebel) ?? (Okutani, 2001) OmmastrephidOmmastrephid squidssquids (Vecchione et al. , 2003) TheThe giantgiant squid!squid! (Kubodera and Mori, 2005) redred (neon)(neon) flyingflying squidsquid redred (neon)(neon) flyingflying squidsquid (Okutani, 2001) MigrationMigration ofof squidssquids inin thethe NorthNorth PacificPacific red flying squid Feeding grounds Spawning grounds MigrationMigration ofof squidssquids inin thethe NorthNorth PacificPacific Japanese common squid Feeding grounds Spawning grounds GonatidGonatid squidssquids GonatidGonatid squidssquids MuscularMuscular squidssquids ofof moderatemoderate sizesize GonatidGonatid squidssquids MuscularMuscular squidssquids ofof moderatemoderate sizesize ArmsArms havehave 44 rowsrows ofof suckers/hooks,suckers/hooks, rraatherther thanthan 22 GonatidGonatid squidssquids MuscularMuscular squidssquids ofof moderatemoderate sizesize ArmsArms havehave 44 rowsrows ofof suckers/hooks,suckers/hooks, rraatherther thanthan 22 1919 speciesspecies worldwideworldwide --1616 inin thethe NorthNorth PacificPacific GonatidGonatid squidssquids MuscularMuscular squidssquids ofof moderatemoderate sizesize ArmsArms havehave 44 rowsrows ofof suckers/hooks,suckers/hooks, rraatherther thanthan 22 1919 speciesspecies worldwideworldwide --1616 inin thethe NorthNorth PacificPacific 44 genera:genera: GonatusGonatus GonatopsisGonatopsis EogonatusEogonatus BerryteuthisBerryteuthis -- BerryteuthisBerryteuthis magistermagister -- BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus minimalminimal armhookarmhook squidsquid (photo by Oleg Katugin) BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus minimalminimal armhookarmhook squidsquid BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus minimalminimal armhookarmhook squidsquid MajorMajor preyprey for:for: •• salmonidssalmonids •• PacificPacific pomfretpomfret •• seabirdsseabirds •• redred flyingflying squidsquid SizeSize vs.vs. LatitudeLatitude SizeSize vs.vs. LatitudeLatitude •• NMFSNMFS trawltrawl surveysurvey •• 77 stationsstations •• MayMay 19991999 SizeSize vs.vs. LatitudeLatitude Bower et al. (2002) •• NMFSNMFS trawltrawl surveysurvey •• 77 stationsstations •• MayMay 19991999 SizeSize vs.vs. LatitudeLatitude •• suggestsuggest aa northwardnorthward •• NMFSNMFS trawltrawl surveysurvey migrationmigration inin springspring •• 77 stationsstations •• MayMay 19991999 SizeSize vs.vs. LatitudeLatitude •• suggestsuggest aa northwardnorthward •• NMFSNMFS trawltrawl surveysurvey migrationmigration inin springspring •• 77 stationsstations •• MayMay 19991999 •• spawningspawning groundground remainsremains unknownunknown StudyStudy objectives:objectives: StudyStudy objectives:objectives: 1)1) describedescribe thethe paralarvaeparalarvae distributiondistribution patternspatterns ofof BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus StudyStudy objectives:objectives: 1)1) describedescribe thethe paralarvaeparalarvae distributiondistribution patternspatterns ofof BerryteuthisBerryteuthis anonychusanonychus 2)2) useuse thisthis informationinformation toto betterbetter understandunderstand itsits lifelife cyclecycle Why focus on the paralarvae? :: paralarvaparalarva :: adultadult Why focus on the paralarvae? :: paralarvaparalarva ParalarvaeParalarvae are:are: :: adultadult 1)1) moremore numerousnumerous 2)2) easiereasier toto catchcatch Why focus on the paralarvae? :: paralarvaparalarva ParalarvaeParalarvae are:are: :: adultadult 1)1) moremore numerousnumerous 2)2) easiereasier toto catchcatch BUT,BUT, difficultdifficult toto identify!identify! Identification key available SIZE: >30 mm 5-30 mm <5 mm Berryteuthis magister Berryteuthis anonychus Gonatopsis borealis Gonatopsis japonicus Gonatopsis octopedatus Gonatopsis okutanii Gonatus onyx Gonatus madokai Gonatus kamtchaticus Gonatus sp. type A Gonatus ursubrunae Gonatus oregonensis Gonatus californiensis Gonatus berryi Gonatus pyros Eogonatus tinro Identification key available SIZE: >30 mm 5-30 mm <5 mm Berryteuthis magister 3 Berryteuthis anonychus 3 Gonatopsis borealis 3 Gonatopsis japonicus 3 Gonatopsis octopedatus 3 Gonatopsis okutanii 3 Gonatus onyx 3 Gonatus madokai 3 Gonatus kamtchaticus 3 Gonatus sp. type A Gonatus ursubrunae 3 Gonatus oregonensis 3 Gonatus californiensis 3 Gonatus berryi 3 Gonatus pyros 3 Eogonatus tinro 3 Identification key available SIZE: >30 mm 5-30 mm <5 mm Berryteuthis magister 3 3 Berryteuthis anonychus 3 3 Gonatopsis borealis 3 3 Gonatopsis japonicus 3 Gonatopsis octopedatus 3 Gonatopsis okutanii 3 Gonatus onyx 3 3 Gonatus madokai 3 3 Gonatus kamtchaticus 3 3 Gonatus sp. type A 3 Gonatus ursubrunae 3 Gonatus oregonensis 3 Gonatus californiensis 3 Gonatus berryi 3 3 Gonatus pyros 3 3 Eogonatus tinro 3 Identification key available SIZE: >30 mm 5-30 mm <5 mm Berryteuthis magister 3 3 Berryteuthis anonychus 3 3 Gonatopsis borealis 3 3 Gonatopsis japonicus 3 Gonatopsis octopedatus 3 Gonatopsis okutanii 3 Gonatus onyx 3 3 3 Gonatus madokai 3 3 Gonatus kamtchaticus 3 3 Gonatus sp. type A 3 Gonatus ursubrunae 3 Gonatus oregonensis 3 Gonatus californiensis 3 Gonatus berryi 3 3 Gonatus pyros 3 3 Eogonatus tinro 3 SizeSize frequencyfrequency ofof allall cephalopodscephalopods (1999(1999--2001)2001) 60 40 20 Frequency 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Mantle length (mm) SizeSize frequencyfrequency ofof allall cephalopodscephalopods (1999(1999--2001)2001) 60 57% smaller than 5 mm ML 40 20 Frequency 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Mantle length (mm) InIn--progressprogress DNADNA analysisanalysis byby ShimuraShimura COICOI COMPARISON COICOI paralarvaeparalarvae adultsadults Results to date morphotype ① -#1 morphotype ① -# 2 100 Berryteuthis anonychus ① = Berryteuthis anonychus morphotype ① -# 3 morphotype ① -# 4 Berryteuthis anonychus Gonatopsis borealis 98 morphotype ② ② = Gonatopsis borealis 12 73 Gonatopsis borealis 53 Gonatopsis borealis 61 69 Gonatopsis borealis morphotype ③ -# 1 morphotype ③ -# 2 100 Gonatopsis sp. unident. ③ = Gonatopsis sp. A morphotype ③ -# 3 50 morphotype ③ -# 4 71 morphotype ④ -# 1 ④ 99 morphotype ④ -# 2 = Gonatopsis sp. B morphotype ⑤ -# 1 3 100 morphotype ⑤ -# 2 morphotype ⑤ -# 3 morphotype ⑤ -# 4 63 morphotype ⑤ -# 5 morphotype ⑤ -# 6 ⑤ = Gonatopsis sp. C morphotype ⑤ -# 7 2 41 morphotype ⑤ -# 8 morphotype ⑤ -# 9 morphotype ⑤ -# 10 morphotype ⑤ -# 11 50 Eogonatus tinro Gonatus madokai 57 100 Gonatus kamtschaticus Gonatus kamtschaticus Gonatus pyros -K 100 Gonatus onyx 3 20 Gonatus onyx Gonatus berryi 5 Gonatus fabricii 43 99 Gonatus berryi Gonatus californiensis Berryteuthis magister Ommastrephes bartramii (Shimura, unpublished) (OUT GROUP) Results to date morphotype ① -#1 morphotype ① -# 2 100 Berryteuthis anonychus ① = Berryteuthis anonychus morphotype ① -# 3 morphotype ① -# 4 Berryteuthis anonychus Gonatopsis borealis 98 morphotype ② ② = Gonatopsis borealis 12 73 Gonatopsis borealis 53 Gonatopsis borealis 61 69 Gonatopsis borealis morphotype ③ -# 1 morphotype ③ -# 2 100 Gonatopsis sp. unident. ③ = Gonatopsis sp. A morphotype ③ -# 3 50 morphotype ③ -# 4 71 morphotype ④ -# 1 ④ 99 morphotype ④ -# 2 = Gonatopsis sp. B morphotype ⑤ -# 1 3 100 morphotype ⑤ -# 2 morphotype ⑤ -# 3 morphotype ⑤ -# 4 63 morphotype ⑤ -# 5 morphotype ⑤ -# 6 ⑤ = Gonatopsis sp. C morphotype ⑤ -# 7 2 41 morphotype ⑤ -# 8 morphotype ⑤ -# 9 morphotype ⑤ -# 10 morphotype ⑤ -# 11 50 Eogonatus tinro Gonatus madokai 57 100 Gonatus kamtschaticus 5 morphotypes Gonatus kamtschaticus Gonatus pyros -K 100 Gonatus onyx positively identified 3 20 Gonatus onyx Gonatus berryi 5 Gonatus fabricii 43 99 Gonatus berryi Gonatus californiensis Berryteuthis magister Ommastrephes bartramii (Shimura, unpublished) (OUT GROUP) SamplingSampling stationsstations (2002(2002--04)04) 45 stations 295 tows

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