News from the Florida Department of Transportation Aviation Office Florida Flyer www.dot.state.fl.us/aviation Fall 2009 INSIDE 2 Welcome Aaron Smith, New Aviation Office Manager 2 Aviation News on the Internet Courtesy of Hernando County Airport The Airport Administration Building at Hernando County Airport. 3 General Aviation Hernando County Airport Manufacturers Association ernando County Airport, a general River, Withlacoochee State Forest, and Haviation facility in Brooksville, the Nature Coast Botanical Gardens in 4 serves the residents of Hernando County Spring Hill. and the northern Tampa Bay area in west South Lakeland Airport central Florida. The airport occupies WWII training facility 2,400 acres located just 30 miles north The airport began as a training fa- of downtown Tampa, and it is close to cility built by the Department of War at 5 hotels, restaurants, and entertainment. the start of World War II. The airport From airport property, travelers can eas- construction project included runways, 2009 Florida Aviation ily reach other parts of central Florida taxiways, aprons, roads, utility sys- Awards by way of I-75, U.S. 41, U.S. 19, and the tems, and approximately 150 buildings SunCoast Parkway. and structures. Named the Brooksville Visitors travel to the area for a num- Army Air Field, it was used as an auxil- 7 ber of reasons, including outdoor activi- iary airfield of MacDill Field and Drew ties such as boating, fishing, hiking, and Field, both in nearby Hillsborough Aircraft and Florida’s golfing. Bordered by the Gulf of Mexico County, for training pilots and ground Sales and Use Tax to the west and forests to the north, Her- crews during the war. nando County is known for Weeki Wa- chee Springs State Park, Weeki Wachee See Hernando County, page 6 Welcome Aaron Smith, New Aviation Office Manager In July, Florida Department of Trans- Aaron has served with the Depart- portation Secretary Stephanie Kopelou- ment since 1998. He previously served sos announced the appointment of Aar- as Aviation Development Administra- on N. Smith as Manager of the Aviation tor, Airspace and Land Use Manager, Office. Here is the Secretary’s letter of and as Airport Inspection and Safety announcement: Manager. He also served as an Aviation Specialist in our District 4 office. As t is with great pleasure I announce Aviation Development Administrator, Ithe appointment of Aaron N. Smith as he was responsible for statewide avia- Manager of the Aviation Office. Aaron tion planning, implementing state avia- will take over the reins on August 1, tion policy, and administration of the 2009 with his debut at the Florida Air- state airport grant program. ports Annual Conference. Prior to joining the Department, Aaron N. Smith The Aviation Office Manager is Aaron served five years at Palwaukee Aviation Office Manager responsible for the development and Municipal Airport, now called Chica- management of the Department’s avia- go Executive Airport. While working tion program and related functions. at Chicago Executive, he served as the Major functional areas include state- Airport Operations and Maintenance wide aviation program funding policy Supervisor. implementation and funding allocation He graduated with an Aviation Ad- for the seven districts, statewide systems ministration degree from Lewis Univer- planning, airport development work sity, Romeoville, Illinois, and holds a program coordination and liaison, and commercial pilot certificate with multi- certain aviation safety related regula- engine and instrument ratings. tory responsibilities. Please join me in welcoming Aaron to his new role. u Aviation News on the Internet elow we have summarized three criminate by race and religion, security Green hangars Baviation-related articles that you experts say behavioral profiling is more Hangar 25, the new 60,000-square- can read in detail on the Internet: fair, more effective and less expensive.” foot structure at Bob Hope Airport in To read the entire article, see “Be- Burbank, California, is possibly the Airport screening havioral screening – the future of air- industry’s only solar-powered airport Airport security technology is port security?” at www.cnn.com/2008/ hangar. “Its rooftop photovoltaic pan- changing. “Security experts say focus TECH/12/02/airport.security. els provide enough juice to operate the is shifting from analyzing the content building’s lights and to recharge elec- Clinic in an airport of carry-ons to analyzing the content of tric-powered ground equipment such as passengers’ intentions and emotions. A new clinic opened at Orlando In- forklifts and tow vehicles. The array can Several Israeli-based technology com- ternational Airport in December 2008. also keep an airplane’s electrical system panies are developing detection systems The 1,100-square-foot walk-in clinic is humming inside the hangar while me- that pick up signs of emotional strain, a the first of its kind located within an chanics perform their chores.” psychological red flag that a passenger airport in Florida. It offers services to To learn more, see “Burbank air- may intend to commit an act of terror. travelers, tourists, and airport staff for a port’s solar-powered hangar to be un- Speedier and less intrusive than metal wide range of healthcare needs. veiled” from the Los Angeles Times, detectors, these systems may eventu- To learn more about the clinic, see http://articles.latimes.com/2008/ ally restore some efficiency to the air- www.wesh.com/health/18266334/de- dec/09/business. u plane boarding process. Although tail.html. traditional security profiling can dis- FLORIDA FLYER 2 Fall 2009 General Aviation Manufacturers Association he General Aviation Manufacturers interests of its members to government TAssociation (GAMA) represents 67 agencies throughout the world. These Historical Highlights of the world’s leading manufacturers of interests include legislation, safety regu- fixed-wing general aviation airplanes, lations and standards, market access, A few highlights from GAMA’s engines, avionics, and components. In development of aviation infrastructure, lengthy list of accomplishments: addition to building nearly all of the and aviation security. general aviation airplanes flying today, GAMA also works with the Inter- • Fighting for the passage of the GAMA member companies also oper- national Civil Aviation Organization Airport and Airway Develop- ate aircraft fleets, airport fixed-base (ICAO) process on behalf of its mem- ment Act of 1970 which estab- operations, pilot and technician train- bers and works with national and inter- lished a trust fund to assure the ing centers, and maintenance facilities national industry groups to promote the orderly expansion of our national worldwide. interests of general aviation worldwide. aviation system. From its start in 1970, GAMA has • Launching “Safe Pilot Program” been devoted to one purpose: to fos- Members in Florida in 1972, a nationwide campaign ter and advance the general welfare, Many general aviation suppliers to improve aviation safety. safety, interests, and activities of gen- and facilities in Florida are GAMA • Working with other aviation as- eral aviation. GAMA promotes a better members. Several GAMA members have sociations to coordinate the gen- understanding of general aviation and headquarters or North American offices eral aviation industry’s response the important role it plays in economic in Florida, including B/E Aerospace in to the national relief effort after growth and in serving the transportation Miami, Embraer in Melbourne, Piaggio 9/11. GAMA and others helped needs of communities, companies, and in West Palm Beach, Piper Aircraft in to reopen airspace to general individuals worldwide. Vero Beach, and DAHER-SOCATA in aviation operators in a manner Pembroke Pines. consistent with national security. Headquarters To learn more about the General With headquarters in Washington, Aviation Manufacturers Association, • Endorsing the four-year FAA bill D.C., and a European office in Brus- see the organization’s web site at www. known as the Century of Avia- sels, Belgium, GAMA represents the gama.aero. u tion Reauthorization Act which passed in November 2003. The bill contained several important provisions for general aviation. On the Internet At www.gama.aero you’ll find: • General aviation facts (aircraft, pilots, airports, flight activity, economic impact); • Advocacy (includes GAMA’s positions on issues that affect the general aviation industry); • A list of aviation events; • A media center with press Courtesy of GAMA releases, industry facts and sta- Above: Pete Bunce (left), tistics, testimony and speeches, GAMA’s President and CEO, and profiles of manufacturers; being interviewed at AirVen- • GAMA’s publications includ- ture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. ing the annual General Aviation Right: Mark Van Tine, GAMA’s Statistical Databook and Indus- Chairman, speaks at GAMA’s trial Outlook, GAMA industry annual press conference in standards, and other documents. February. FLORIDA FLYER 3 Fall 2009 South Lakeland Airport or Jay and Terri Kurtz, owners of FSouth Lakeland Airport (X49), one of the busiest times of the year begins a few weeks before Sun ’n Fun. Every year for the last ten years or so, South Lakeland Airport has supported Sun ’n Fun by providing an uncongested place for demonstration flights as well as transportation to Sun ’n Fun for visitors who fly in to South Lakeland. One of the advantages of flying in and out of South Lakeland Airport dur- ing Sun ’n Fun is that visitors can come and go during air shows, if needed, in- stead of waiting until a show is over. South Lakeland Airport is just four-and- a-half miles away from the Sun ’n Fun complex at Lakeland Linder Regional Airport. Preparing for Sun ’n Fun Photograph by Tiffany Tosti Jay and Terri begin cleaning up The 2008 reception held by Sun ’n Fun founders Billy and Adair Henderson for Paul the airport grounds and handling other and Audrey Poberezny, founders of EAA and AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. From preparations approximately a month left to right: Audrey and Paul Poberezny, Terri and Jay Kurtz and granddaughter before Sun ’n Fun.
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