Southern Africa Support Committee Vol. 1 NEWS LETTER ~~~~~e~9 CAPE VERDE .IS.. " ' THE.. ' .AMBIA Banlul SEYCHELLES IS. • ZIMBABWE ~. " UPDATE ERITREA ... a look inside. i>.' . \ .30 ·.;...... '. History of the Southern Africa Support Committee The Southern Africa SUi)port Committe (SASe) is a multi­ racial group engaged in ~ctivities relating directly to and supportive of the independence struggles of the peoples of Southern Africa. In existence since 1975 SAse recognizes that the white minority governments of Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), Namibia (South­ west Africa) and Azania (South Afrioa) have forcibly imoosed the inhuman system of apartheid on the black people of these countries. Further, we recognize that to black people in these countries, apartheid means rigid segregation, poverty, arbitrdry imprisonment and one of the hi ghest infant mort­ ality rates in the world. Because of the barbaric conditions under which Africans must live and die, SAse oP?oses all United States military, econo mic, cultural and political ties to the racist govern­ ments in Southern Africa. Beyond this, we acknowledge the various liberation movements in Azania, Namibia and Zimbabwe as the real representatives of the vnst majority of the people. We explicity view the white upholders of the apartheid system as illegitimate and immoral. In short, SASe stands with the African people W80 are struggling for majority rule, the abol­ ition of apartheid and 8 system of full economic, political ans social equality in the countries of Southern Africa. At 9resent, SASe has branches in Los Angeles, Pasadena, on the UCLA campus, Santa Monica and at Santa Monica City College.­ We are engaged in organizing in several areas. We are cont­ inuing to collect clothes to be sent to Zimbabwe refugees and freedom fighters who are opposed to the racist Ian Smith rigime. SAse is also involved in numerous film showings, slide shows and educational orogams. For more information on SASe or if you wish to set up a film showing for your group, call 684-1892. In response, the government has begun wholesale conscription of Blacks into the ZIJV1BABWE army, and stepped up recruitment of mer­ cena:ries. At the same time, though, record number of white Rhodesians have decided to UPDATE bailout of their sinking ship. The exodus has now reached 2,000 people a month. Unless the U.S. or one of its allies 1979 could be the yea:r when the chic­ intervenes directly, it appears likely that kens finally come home to roost in Zim­ this will be a year of rapid progress in babwe(Rhodesia). 1978 was the yea:r of the the struggle for national liberation in "Internal" Settlement- An attempt to form Zimbabwe. a moderate government in whi~h Zimbabwe's white population(240,000 out of a total population of 7~ million) retained a strong voice. The three moderate blacks who took ZIMBABWE MUST BE part in developing the "Internal" Settle­ ment, Muzorewa, Sitole and Chirau, spent FREE much of the yea:r unsuccessfully trying to win the support of the black population. They failed so miserably that the "free" elections which were to be held ir- Decem­ ber 1978 and which to elect the first Black government in Zimbabwe, were post­ poned and in their place a new plan was substituted. In the new plan, elections are to be held in April of this year, but now whites a:re guaranteed 28 of the 100 seats in the new parliament, and cabinet positions in proportion to their representation. This revised plan is a significant change from the original plan Which called for the Date December 2b, 1978. Black party which won the election to form Dept Permanent observer Mission to the a government of its choice. In other United Nations. words, the ruling white capitalists in Ref Wa:r Communique No. 19. Zimbabwe, recognizing the truely mass cha­ racter of the national liberation forces THE FULLOWING WAR OOMMUN:IQUE WAS ISSUED AND of ZANU and ZAPU, no longer trust that BROADCAST mDAY BY THE P~ICITY AND IN­ their interest can be represented by mod­ :roRMATION DEPAR'lMENT OF ZIMBABWE AFRICAN erate Blacks. NATIONAL UNION, A OOMPONEiiT OF THE PATRI­ Events in the last period have been OTIC FRONT:- very sobering to those who e trying to prevent the liberation of the people of ZANLA GUERILLAS OF THE ZIMBABWE AFRICAN Zimbabwe. The Catholic Commission for Jus­ NATIONAL UNION (PF) KILLED IDRE THAN 475 tice and Peace in Rhodesia estimates that TROOPS OF THE RHODESIAN REGIME IN THE SEP­ 90-95% of the people support the Patriotic TEMBER-IDVEMBER PERIOD OF THE ON-GOING Front (the joint military command of ZANU OFFENCIVE AIMED AT RESTRICTING THE SALIS­ and ZAPU). Patriotic Front control of the­ BURY REGIME'S ADMINISTRATION m ISOLATED countryside is so great that they now feel AREAS. strong enough to step up activity in urban areas. In December a spectacular rocket ACCORDING m ZANU WAR OOMMUNIQUE NUMBER 19 attack on the country's main oil depot was ISSUED IN MAPU'ro THIS MJRNING THE ZANLA a devastating blow to the white minority OPERATIONS DURING THE PERIOD IN QUESTION government. In addition, it has been es­ CONSISTED OF 490 MAJOR AMBUSHES RPT CON­ timated that 1,000 liberation fighters have SISTED OF 490 MAJOR AMBUSHES, 31 MAJOR infiltrated Salsbury, the Capitol. SURPRISE ATTACKS AND 35 SAOOTAGE OPERATIONS Next l'g. 2 WInCH INCLUDED '!WO BOMBARDMENTS OF UMTALI­ Militarily, the war now covers the whole THE COUNTRY'S FOURTH LARGEST CITY. 13 country. It has developed quantitatively PARAMILITARY FARMSTEADS WERE ALSO BOMBAR­ and qualitatively. It is the intensifica­ DED. tion of the war that our forces recently blew up petrol (gas) tanks in Salisbury, 15 WAR PLANES, INCLUDING THREE MIRAGE JETS Rhodesia's Capital City. Attached please AND '!WO CANBERRA BOMBERS WERE GUNNED OOWN find a statement issued by President Mugabe AND 38 MILITARY VEHICLES WERE DESTROYED. regarding this gallant attack. THE ZANLA GUERILLAS ALSO BLEW UP THREE MAJOR BRIDGES INCLUDING THE IDKWE BRIDGE TARRED ROAD AND CARRIED OUT 12 RAJI,WAY ZIMBABWE AFRICAN NATIONAL UNION SABOTAGE OPERATIONS INCLUDING 5 MAJOR ( PATRIOTIC FRONT) ATTACKS ON THE BElT BRIDGE-llliTENGA RAIL­ WAY LINE; REBEL RHODESIA'S LIFE LINE ro MAPUTO 12th D~cember, 1978 APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA. STATEMENT RELEASED BY COMRADE RDBERT MUGABE PRESIDENT OF ZANU AND CO- LEADER OF THE PATRIOTIC FRONT The blowing up of the fuel centre in Salis­ bury by our ZANLA Forces comes as part of our operational strategy for Salisbury as well as for the country as a whole and ser­ ves to underline the qualitative natuxe manifesting itself in the development of our war of liberation as it progresses towards a new and final stage. The rebel regtwe of Ian Smith and his willing collaborators is daily getting more and enci cled as we drive it to its inevitable doom. It is these circumstances of impending de­ Date December, 21st. 1978 feat which are driving the regime into Dept EXTERNAL AFFAIRS desperate acts of naked aggression de­ Ref liberately aimed at destroying civilian and -----"'------ military institutions and installations olL TA~ BURNT? N lUlODESIA which are purely Mocambican and have had no association whatsoever with our liberation A press statement by tir!~a - gai. the forces. Nothing could be more radiculous Cheif Representative of ZANU-Patriotic and dishonest than the regime's contrived Front - to the United Nations-and the claim that any of the places it has been Americans. attacking in Mocambique are ZANLA targets The regime is certainly fully aware that The political and military situation in the totality of our forces have been fully Zimbabwe continues to develop rapidly in deployed in Zimbabwe where their operations favor of our liberation movement. Now extend over more than 80 per cent of the that the British Government"has failed to country. Why should we ever retain our implement its Anglo-American proposals and forces or create arms dumps in Mocambique is even deviating from the spirit and wo~d when we have vast liberated zones under our of those proposals, the'people of Zimbabwe uncontested control and administration have thrown their weight and support for which can accommodate th~? The regime can­ our revolutionary armed struggle as the not dispute the reality that, having lost only medicine that will put some sense into to us in most rural areas, we now control the heads of Ian Smith and his stooges. and administer most of the country and its 3 population and have thus become the more However, this is not just a case of a effective administrative power in Zimbabwe nation receiving a loan. The IMF in the Our greatest-joy and source of inspiration person of Dr. Erwin Blumenthal, has em­ is the phenomenon of mass support behind phatically stated, "We will not bail you our Party and the complete rejection of out unless we are allowed to administer the. the Smith regime and its unrepenting stoo- aid ourselves we do not trust you". ges. In conjunction with that view, Blumen­ thal has assumed control over the entire PAMBERI NE CHIMURENGA! foreign exchange procedures, and consequent­ A LUTA CONTINUA! ly controls all areas of export earnings, commercial banking, food imports, raW mat­ erials, petroleum, and other vital segments of Zairean life. In addition, Blumenthal, acting as of­ ficer of the world Bank, has issued letters banning credit and exchange facilities for over 50 Zairean companies, many of them owned by.Mobuto's closest friends and Sta­ unchest political associates. Indeed, two of the companies, La Compagnie de l' Ubangi et de la Mongala (CUM) and La Socie'te' G~n~ral d' Alimentation (SGA), are owned by Litho Moboti, Mobuto's uncle and head of the family clan~ Is there no pill too large for mobuto to swallow?? The agents of the IMF do not intend to stop here, and Mobuto's capacity is extended even further after ceasing control of the foreign exchange procedures, they have la­ unched a search for a Finance Minister whose rjob includes the imposition and collection of taxes.
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