Happenings, East and West A report on the Massachusetts State Turf Conference By Bill Smart of as dew). Under the proper con- that courses will continue to be Superintendent, The Powelton Club, ditions this harmless-looking built because of player pressure Newburgh, New York moisture can be toxic to turf. If and that the player is becoming The Chicopee Motor Inn was there is a high salt index present, more sophisticated. Unfortunate- filled to overflowing on March 5 a hot water extract from the ly, this sophistication does not to 7 for the conference sponsored thatch can be produced, which apply to his knowledge of the su- by the Massachusetts Coopera- can kill seedlings and stolensand, perintendent and his work. Of in- tive Extension, Massachusetts at times, mature turf. Normally, terest to everyone present, who Turf and Lawn Grass Council and rainfall and irrigation keep the desire a national conference in the the Golf Course Superintendents situation under natural control. Northeast, was Spodnik's state- Assn. of New England. Rowland Armacost of Waubee- ment that the day was at hand Opening session started at 1 ka Springs Links was not sched- when national conferences must p.m. on Wednesday, a very sen- uled to speak, but because the be planned five years in advance. sible move which eliminated the conference was running ahead of Dr. Joseph Troll of Massachu- need to stay Tuesday night to time, he did. He described a new setts State College and a member catch morning speakers. cultivator, which is currently of the planning committee is one Well-traveled Tom Mascaro of being designed by a General Elec- of a growing number concerned West Point Products cited in- tric engineer and which is said to with the ecology of the turf, stances whereby lime and top- have advantages over the present- specifically the effect on turf of dressing, light verticutting, drag- type hollow tine machines. It is current practices and certain ma- matting or watering had stopped not yet in production. terials. Dr. Gunner, also of Massa- the action of disease on greens— John Spodnik, president of the chusetts State, expounded on this notably dollar-spot. More inter- Golf Course Superintendents theory. esting was the information on Assn. of America, spoke about Dr. John Harper of Pennsylvania exudated water (usually thought the growth of golf, commenting Continued on page 90 A report on the Rocky Mt. Golf Management Seminar By Jerry Claussen The need for good communica- • programs for training and mo- National Golf Foundation Club Planning tions among club owners, mem- tivating personnel. Consultant, Lakewood.Colorado bers and department heads was Major speakers included Wil- Improved communications has emphasized over and over again liam Bengeyfield, western direc- often been cited as a key to ex- during the all-day program. Pan- tor, USGA Green Section; Miss ecutive cooperation and more ef- els discussed how to solve man- Shirley Spork, educational ser- ficient operation of a golf or agement, golf services and course vices consultant, NGF; and David country club. maintenance problems, including: Milek, insurance executive. This is the basis for golf's most • whether a general manager or Some of their key statements: unique educational program, the a trio consisting of manager-pro- Bengeyfield—Most golf courses Rocky Mt. Golf Management fessional-superintendent is the have been and are being built Seminar. The third annual semi- best way of running a large club; with little regard for future main- nar was held March 10 at Pine- • minimum wage law changes tenance. But maintenance should hurst CC, Littleton, Colo. and how they affect clubs; be the most expensive considera- Co-sponsors are the National • design of golf shops to best tion. Good design doesn't com- Golf Foundation, Colorado Golf serve golfers; pensate for lousy grass. Assn., Colorado Professional • advantages of automatic irri- Spork—A good program for ju- Golfers' Assn., Rocky Mt. Golf gation systems; nior golfers should include a plan- Course Superintendents Assn., • cup settings and other greens ned schedule of tournaments, free and Mile High Club Managers. management techniques; use of courses for these events, The 65 who attended the 1969 sem- • construction and maintenance standardized teaching methods, inar had equal representation of of golf car paths; an organization with standardized superintendents, managers, pro- • common mistakes in planning, membership qualifications, writ- fessionals and others involved in building and putting new courses ten tests on rules and etiquette, a the golf business. into operation; Continued on page 90 Mass. State turf CLASSIFIED conference Continued from page Al State University explored the road JOBS WANTED missions. Reply Coribe Company, P.O. Box so many courses have taken in 5937, Bethesda, Md. the last decade—little or no irri- Greens superintendent experienced in all area gation to large-scale watering. grasses, soils, fungicidal diseases, and equip- Golf Professional Wanted: For part timework. A most unusual speaker was ment; able constructor; G.C.S.A.A. member. 12 months a year. Long Island Area. Write John Campbell, links supervisor Reliable. Available. Write Box 530, c/o Box 523 c/o GOLFDOM. GOLFDOM. at St. Andrews in Scotland. (See Guardian of Golf's Shrine, page Golf Professional desires position. Experi- MISCELLANEOUS 62.) This title was created for enced, age 29, married, no children, excel- John when he took over the four- lent references. Will relocate. Write Box "GOOD USED GOLF CAR TRADE-INS"-ALL course, 500-acre complex. Of spe- 529, c/o GOLFDOM. MAKES AND MODELS AVAILABLE FROM cial interest to those present were AS LOW AS $ 149. MANY RECONDITIONED Fully qualified and experienced Greens Super- the 100 or so slides he showed. GOLF CARS WITH NEW BATTERIES, NEW intendent available May 1st in California. Re- PAINT AND NEW UPHOLSTERY AS LOW The courses can be played back- sume upon request. Write or phone Charles AS $399. CALL OR WRITE TAYLOR DUNN, wards to shift the divot marks in Whitaker, 1946 Ivy Street, San Mateo, Cali- 2114 WEST BALL ROAD, ANAHEIM, CALI- the fairways. A five-acre nursery fornia 94402, (415) 345-5517. FORNIA 92804. TELEPHONE 714-535- is maintained, and he "composts" 6021 . GOLF CLUB MANAGER. Experienced in man- (topdresses) every few weeks. agement, Pro shop and golf course mainte- John Shread of the Connecticut Country club with surrounding subdivision nance. Especially successful in golf promo- experiment station with his usual development. 18 holes with watered fairways. tion and increasing club activities. Ifyourclub New Club house completely furnished. In- expertise on insect control, of- is not up to your expectation of it's potential, cludes all equipment. Offered less than M.A.I, fered the information that hepta- contact me for an interview. I prefer southern appraisal. Contact Box # 528, c/o GOLFDOM. chlor gives good control of the California, Arizona or New Mexico. Will fur- nish top references. Have had experience on Hyperodies wevil. Tires Golfcart-Armstrong First Quality-18 x the desert in Palm Springs area. Write Box Jim Holmnes of Agri Systems 950x8-$11 95; 1 6 x 650x 8-$9.70; 800x 527 c/o GOLFDOM. closed the conference with some 6-$ 1 0.50; 600x 6-$11.00. Quantity dis- count for 12 or more. Other sizes available. opinions on grasses. As far as he PRO OR GREENKEEPER OR COMBINATION, Net, FOB. Public Service Tire Corp., 175 is concerned, Merion is still the THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED, MODERATE Hempstead Avenue, West Hempstead, New best bluegrass, and if he had to INCOME SATISFACTORY, EASTERN LOCA- York 11552 seed his own course, he would TION PREFERRED, SEASON OR YEARLY. chose Seaside and bypass "that WRITE BOX 491 c/o GOLFDOM. Finest quality refinishing of new and used wooly Penncross." golf balls in the industry. Fine Finishers, Inc. 320 No. Webster, Naperville, Illinois 60540 GOLF COURSES WANTED: Want to buy a Golf Course? Want to sell a Golf Course? JOBS OPEN Write to us—We specialize in Golf Course Rocky Mt. golf seminar transactions. McKay Realty Co., Frank H. Mc- Continued from page Al DIRECTOR OF GOLF COURSES-Will have Carty, Golf Consultant, 15557 N. East St., complete charge of the operation and mainte- Lansing, Michigan 48906. point system for achievement and nance of all City flolf courses. Write: Mr. an awards banquet which includes Joel Lauchner, City of Atlanta Personnel WANTED: Golf Balls-cut-solids. Write Golf parents. Dept., 260 Central Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia King, 234 61st Street Downers Grove, III. Milek— To be fully covered, a 60515.312 969 0142. 30303. golf club should have comprehen- sive liability and insurance against SALES REPS. Established Mfg. of men's Sportwear—Selling golf shops, sport shops. RATES: Minimum insertion $7.70for20 fire, business interruption, ac- words or less; additional words 50C each; Specializing in private labeling. Territories: in boldface type 60C per word. ALL counts receivable, equipment New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, CLASSIFIED ADS ARE PAYABLE ON damage or loss, steam boilers, PLACEMENT OF ORDER Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, NO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED AFTER dishonesty, windows and legal THE 1 5th OF MONTH PRECEDING DATE Oregon, some South and Midwest. Contact OF. ISSUE. NO CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS- liability for fire. Know what is Golf Pro Fashions, 62 1 1 Empire State Build- ING OFFERING NEW MERCHANDISE OR EQUIPMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. covered and what is not. ing, New York. Tel. (212) 736-9090. Please mark all envelopes containing cor- respondence or checks forclassifiea ads, The first award for Colorado ATT: Patricia Milton, GOLFDOM Classi- Sales Representatives—To Pro Shops. Em- fied. Under no circumstances are we per- Golf Executive of the Year was mitted to divulge the names or addresses blem Caps, Hats, Hose, Jackets, Accessories.
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