,3 Brussels, 22 June 2001 &ODVVLFDO6ZLQH)HYHULQ6SDLQ5HVXOWVRI69& 7KH 6WDQGLQJ 9HWHULQDU\ &RPPLWWHH 69& WRGD\ YRWHG LQ IDYRXU RI D (XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQSURSRVDOWRUHYLHZWKHDUHDLQ6SDLQIURPZKHUHWKH H[SRUWV RI OLYH SLJV DQG SRUFLQH VHPHQ RYD DQG HPEU\RV DUH EDQQHG LQ UHVSRQVH WR RXWEUHDNV RI FODVVLFDO VZLQH IHYHU &6) 7KHVH UHVWULFWLRQV DSSO\ QRZ LQ WKH DXWRQRPRXV UHJLRQ RI &DWDOXxD ZLWK H[FHSWLRQ RI WKH SURYLQFH *HURQD WKH SURYLQFH RI &DVWHOOyQ DQG D SDUW RI WKH SURYLQFH RI +XHVFD 7KH SURSRVDO ZLOO QRZ EH DGRSWHG E\ WKH &RPPLVVLRQ LQ WKH QH[W GD\VDQGVKDOODSSO\XQWLO-XO\ On 14 June 2001, the Commission services were notified of an outbreak of classical swine fever in a holding in the province of Lerida in Catalonia. The same day the Commission adopted a decision to restrict exports of live pigs and porcine semen, ova and embryos from the autonomous region of Cataluña (Spain). To date seven outbreaks have been confirmed: Six in the province of Lerida in Cataluña and one in the province of Castellón. Spanish authorities have taken actions provided for in Council Directive 80/217/EEC of 2.1.1980 introducing Community measures for the control of Classical Swine Fever. The measures include the establishment of 3 km protection zones and 10 km surveillance zones around the infected premises, a census of all holdings in those zones as well as tracing the movements of live animals and vehicles on and off the premises in the previous two weeks. Investigations on the origin of the disease and the movements of animals from the infected premises and areas are still ongoing and final results of epidemiological enquiries are still awaited. Therefore, the Commission proposed to prolong the protective measures for a certain time, to extend it to other areas and to exclude non affected areas from the decision. In detail, exports of live pigs and porcine semen, ova and embryos are banned from the following areas in Spain: - In the autonomous region of Cataluña: The provinces of Lerida, Barcelona and Tarragona; - In the autonomous region of Valencia: The province of Castellón; - In the autonomous region of Aragon: The comarcas of Binéfar, Fraga and Tamarite de Litera in the province of Huesca. The Commission services are in close and permanent contact with the Spanish authorities and will be kept fully informed of developments. The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) will review the situation at its next meeting, scheduled for 10 July. If the disease situation makes it necessary, a special meeting of the SVC could be called before this date..
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