Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-12562-8 - Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition Richard A. Gould Index More information general index Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987, Birka, Sweden, 182–183 343–345 Blackwall Frigates, 304 Actian rams, 144 blockade-runners (Confederate), 265, Aeolian Islands, Italy, 153 269, 271–273, 276–277, 280 Aland˚ Islands, Finland, 178–179, bombardeta cannon, 218–220, 226, 186–187 243 Alexandria, Egypt, 146, 319, 321, 335 Bouguer, Pierre, 75 alternative archaeologies, 354 Boutakov, Admiral Grigorie, 289 amphora, 49, 51, 128–129, 131–132, Braudel, Fernand, 155–156, 173 136, 142, 145–148 Brouwer, Hendrik, 239 Anaconda Plan, 270, 277, 310 buoyancy, center of, 74 archery (at sea), 137, 219, 224–225, Bukit Tengkorak, Borneo, 170 228 bulk cargoes, 4, 76–77, 159, 163, 185, arithmetic mean center (AMC), 39–40 206–207, 248–249 arms race, early modern, 285–286 association, physical Cabot, John, 211 primary, 54, 57–59 Caesarea Maritima, Israel, 320, 329 secondary, 58–60 captain’s walk (see also widow’s walk), tertiary, 60 267 autonomous underwater vehicles caravel, 210, 212–213, 218 (AUVs), 2, 49, 346 caravela latina, 210 caravela redonda, 210 baidarka, 93, 95, 99 cargo-preference trade, 6 Baker, Matthew, 70 carrack, 191, 195, 204, 216, 223, 246 Banda, Indonesia, 239 carvel construction, 191, 200 barratry, 264 Catherine of Aragon, 225 Bass, George F., 2, 20, 26, 50–52, 81, Cederlund, Carl Olof, 54, 61, 234–236 127–128, 130, 155–157, Celtic tradition in shipbuilding, 114 173–174, 176–177 cerbatana cannon, 219 Bayeux Tapestry, 180–181, 207 chaos theory (of underwater Beardman jug, 242 archaeology), 2–3 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-12562-8 - Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition Richard A. Gould Index More information 380 r General Index Childe, Vere Gordon, 23 Dong Xa coffin burials and log boat, Chontal Maya (see also Mayan Vietnam, 196 traders), 98 Down Easters, 253 Christie’s auction house, 342–343 dragon boats, 124 Chumash (see also tomol), 109–110 Drake, Sir Francis (fireships at Cinque Ports, 190 Gravelines), 233 clinker-built construction, 102, Dressel, Heinrich, 146–147 110–113, 177–178, 180–181, Duke of Medina Sidonia, 28, 231 184–185, 191, 207, 224 Duke of Parma, 229 clipper ships, 19th century, 65, 68, Dupuy de Lome,ˆ 285 70 Dutch United East India Company (see coca (Mediterranean cog), 195 also V.O.C.), 30, 238–240, 246, Coles, Cowper Phipps, 287–289, 341–342 294–297 Collingwood, R.G., 356 effective distance (in maritime trade), Columbus, Christopher, 23, 83, 98, 152 195, 212 Elizabeth I, 216, 227 commerce raiding (as naval strategy), Ellmers, Detlev, 183–184, 186, 190 142, 282 English Merchant Shipping Act of composite guns (from Batavia), 1876, 73 242–243 equifinality, principle of, 152–153 computer simulations (of long-distance Ericsson, John, 42, 287–288, 296–297 voyaging), 79, 106 Eskimo (Inuit) skin boats coracle, 93 (archaeological evidence), 93–95, Cornelisz, Jeronimus, 240 111 court of history, 11–12, 21 expeditionary exploitation (in crannogs, Scotland, 29 colonialism), 212 Crimean War, 285, 289, 298 extracting filters, 12 crimps, 261 cultural relativism, 354–355 fallacy of affirming the consequent, 13, Cunningham, Fort (Bermuda), 299, 17, 198, 355 306 fireships (at Gravelines), 233 curragh, 93 Firth, Raymond, 167–168 Fisher, Mel, 337–338, 345 da Gama, Vasco, 195 Fitch, John (early steamboats), 250 Dampier, William, 92 flags of convenience, 6 Dashur boats, Egypt, 102–103, 105, Flannery, Kent, 121, 173 111, 124–125 fleet in being (naval strategy), 282 Davids (Confederate fluyt (see also vlieboot), 67 semisubmersibles), 307 Fort Cunningham, Bermuda, 299, 306 Deane, Anthony, 71 Fort Gellibrand, Australia, 298 de Morgan, Jean-Jacques, 102 Fort Jefferson, Florida (construction Dias, Bartholomeu, 210 of), 24, 35, 37, 54–56, 58, 83, 85, diekplus (ramming tactic), 137 249–250, 277–278 differential global positioning system fourern, 119 (DGPS), 36 fracture epidemics (of steel), 89 Dingley Act of 1884, 261 frame-first tradition (in shipbuilding), discovery-mode archaeology, 13 133, 135, 140, 147, 149, © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-12562-8 - Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition Richard A. Gould Index More information General Index r 381 176–177, 189, 191–194, 206, Houtman Abrolhos, Australia, 30, 217, 228, 233, 235 239–240 Franzen,´ Anders, 75 Huahine, Society Islands, 106, 108 frigate, 149, 205, 282, 285, 304 Hunter Island, Australia, 28 Frost, Honor, 136, 141–142, 241, 319–320 ingots, ox-hide, 20, 128–129, 155–158 Froude, William, 68, 70 at Cape Gelidonya, 129–130, 155, Fuchuan ships, China, 204 158, 161, 163 at Uluburun, 128, 130, 155, 158, galiot, 68 161 galeass, 230, 247 Inuit (Eskimo) skin boats, 93, 95 galleon, 70, 209, 215–218, 220, 228, iron clippers (see also windjammers), 230–231, 233, 236, 246 252, 259, 265 gallioni, 216 Gellibrand, Fort (Australia), 298 Jarmo, Iraq, 121 geographic information system (GIS), Johnson Sea-Link (manned 36 submersible), 42 global positioning system (GPS), 36, 46 Jondet, Gaston, 319 GLONASS (positioning system), 46 Josephus, 320–321, 325 Gotland, Sweden, 178 Jutland (Battle of), 283 Green, Jeremy, 2, 26, 36, 50, 53, 76, 105, 198, 200, 202–203, 214, kamikaze attacks (in World War II), 217, 241–243, 245 317 Grenier, Robert, 214 Kaho’olawe (Hawaii), 120 gribble (see also shipworm and teredo Kangaroo Island, Australia, 28 navalis), 12 kayak, 93–95, 99 guano trade, 263 Kinburn, Fort (Crimea), 285, 298 kula exchange, 163–170, 264, 355 Hampton Roads (Battle of), 41, 289–290, 297 Lafollette Act of 1915, 261 Hanseatic League, 182, 184–186, Lake Nemi, Italy, 118, 149–150 189–191, 195, 207 Lapita culture and pottery, 80, 108, Hawkins, Sir John, 216 170 Hedeby, Denmark, 182–185 Law of Monotonic Decrement, 152 Henry VIII, 75, 222–223, 225–226, line-of-battle ships, 282, 286 228–229 Lissa (Battle of), 289–291 Herculaneum, Italy, 117–118, 150 Locharbriggs, Dumfriesshire, 97 Hercules (remotely operated vehicle), log dugout boats, 95–100, 102, 105, 50 108, 111–112 Heyerdahl, Thor, 80, 108 Loggerhead Reef (and Key), Florida, historical particularism (as 167, 196, 203 complement to social–scientific Longjiang Shipyard, China, 205 generalization), 4, 21 Loper propeller, 279 historical–particularist perspective (in maritime archaeology), 3, 21 magnetometer, 25, 36–37, 43, 60, 339, hogging, 71–72, 76, 90, 202 348 hogging truss, 125–127, 130, Malinowski, Bronislaw, 163–169 140 Marco Polo, 196–197, 200 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-12562-8 - Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition Richard A. Gould Index More information 382 r General Index Marine Court of Enquiry Act of 1864 old-wood problem, 110 (Bermuda), 265, 276 one-more-voyage hypothesis, 264, 279 Maritime Archaeology Act (1973), oselver, 119 Western Australia, 240 Ostia (port of Rome), 146, 155, 177 maritime ethnology, 119 outboard loading (of guns at sea), 227 Marquis de Santa Cruz, 231 oversampling (in survey), 321 Martin, Colin, 7, 26, 28–29, 39, 227, ox-hide ingots ( see ingots, ox-hide), 229–230, 233–234, 240 20, 128–129, 155–158 Marxism, materialist vs. ideational, Paixhans, Henri-Joseph, 284 in underwater archaeology, 23–24, Parma, Duke of, 229 261, 355 penteconter, 68 Mayan traders (see also Chontal periplus (ramming tactic), 137 Maya), 98 Pharos, Egypt, 319–320 Medina Sidonia, Duke of, 28, 231–234 Philip II of Spain, 28, 229, 231–232, Melos, Greece, 116, 122, 170 234 mental template, 172 Plimsoll, Samuel, 73 metacenter, 74–75 Plimsoll mark, 73 metacentric height, 74–75, 138, 237 Poidebard, Andre, 319 Ming Dynasty, China, 196, 198–199, Pompeii premise (in archaeology), 15, 204–206, 208 229, 236 Mini-Ranger positioning system, 46 postdepositional processes (in Minoans, 127, 137 archaeology), 11–12, 15–16, 28, Mitylene, Greece, 138 38, 53, 59, 85, 87–88, 176, 203, Mongol (Yuan) Dynasty, China, 222, 237, 249, 258, 280, 196–198 292–293, 309, 350 Montebello Islands, Australia, 28 pozzolana cement (Roman hydraulic Morgan, Lewis Henry, 18 concrete), 322, 324 Mostert, Noel,¨ 6–7 predisturbance surveys, 31, 38, 309 Muckelroy, Keith, 10, 12, 36, 39–40, presentist views of the past, 17–18, 20 53, 91–92, 112, 114, 119, Prince Henry the Navigator, 210 147–148, 198 priority cargoes, 159, 162–163, 185, mulberries (used in D-Day invasion, 206, 212, 221, 245, 249, 252, 1944), 324 254, 260, 270, 280 protoharbor, 319–320, 323 nao, 195, 210–211, 213–215, 222 Pudding Pan Reef, Kent, 148 Napoleon III, 286, 297 Pulaski Shoal, Florida, 37, 83–84 Narrows, the (Bermuda), 299, 306, 326, 329 R’as al Jinz, 154 nave, 193 ramming (as a naval tactic), 21, 68, nearest-neighbor analysis, 59, 87–88 137, 139–140, 143–144, New Archaeology, 23 289–291, 298, 301–303, 306, 312–313 obsidian, Red Bay, Labrador, 1, 213–216, 220 from Bukit Tengkorak, Borneo, 170 Remote Environmental Monitoring from Melos, Greece, 116, 122 Unit (REMUS), 49 from Lipari, Italy, 152 remotely operated vehicles Odysseus’ boat (construction of), 135 (ROVs), 2, 343, 346–347 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-12562-8 - Archaeology and the Social History of Ships, 2nd Edition Richard A. Gould Index More information General Index r 383 Roskilde Fjord, Denmark (see also Steffy, J. Richard, 51–52, 65, 71, Viking Ship Museum), 1, 179, 74–76,
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