USOO6887736 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,887,736 B2 Nause et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 3, 2005 (54) METHOD OF FORMING A P-TYPE GROUP 5,413.959 A 5/1995 Yamamoto et al. I-V SEMCONDUCTOR CRYSTAL LAYER 5,458,085 A * 10/1995 Kondo et al. .............. 148/33.6 ON A SUBSTRATE 5,468,678 A 11/1995 Nakamura et al. 5,603,778 A 2/1997 Sonoda 5,668,395 A * 9/1997 Razeghi...................... 257/441 (75) Inventors: Jeffrey E. Nause, Mableton, GA (US); 5,769,963 A * 6/1998 Fujioka et al. .............. 136/258 Joseph Owen Maciejewski, Mableton, 5,804.4662Y- - -2 A 9f1998 Arao et al. GA (US); Vincente Munne, Norcross, 5863326 A 1/1999 Nause et al. GA (US); Shanthi Ganesan, Smyrna, 5,882,805 A * 3/1999 Higa et al. ..... ... 428/689 GA (US) 5,897,332 A * 4/1999 Hori et al. .................... 438/61 5,900,060 A 5/1999 Nause et al. 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I-V SEMCONDUCTOR CRYSTAL LAYER When a Zn/ZnO ratio of 10 mol % was used, secondary ion ON A SUBSTRATE mass spectrometry (SIMS) confirmed the incorporation of nitrogen into the ZnO film, although the nitrogen concen CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED tration was not precisely confirmed. Although the films APPLICATION prepared by Minegishi et al. using a Zn/ZnO ratio of 10 mol This patent application is a U.S. nonprovisional applica % appear to incorporate a Small amount of nitrogen into the tion filed pursuant to Title 35, United States Code SS 100 et ZnO film and convert the conduction to p-type, the resis seq. and 37 C.F.R. Section 1.53(b) claiming priority under tivity of these films is too high for application in devices Title 35, United States Code S 119(e) to U.S. provisional such as LEDs or LDs. Also, Minegishi et al. report that the application No. 60/391,507 filed Jun. 24, 2002 naming as carrier density for the holes is 1.5.x10' holes/cm, which is inventors Jeffrey E. Nause, Joseph Owen Maciejewski, and considered to be too low for use in commercial light emitting Vincente Munne as inventors. Both the subject application diodes or laser diodes.
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