these explorers of the pre-Civil War period, In the 1850's the two major explorer-reconnaissance projects the master map of the whole West compiled by Lt. Gouecneur Upon the work of were the United States-Mexican Boundary Survey and the Pacific Kemble Warren in 1857, were American cartographic landmarks . the great postwar geological and geographical surveys under Maj . Railroad Surveys. The boundary survey, led at various times by Among the railroad survey maps, too, were the first geographical John Wesley Powell, Clarence King, Ferdinand V . Hayden, and Frtmont . John R. Bartlett, and Lt, William H . Emory, resulted maps of the West done by James Hall, W. P. Blake, and Jules Lt . George M. Wheeler necessarily rested. in a great resource survey of the Southwest, the mapping of the Marcou, respectively. They were of uneven quality but were impor- country, and, as the boundary survey indicated that additional land tant beginnings for the study of Western geology. REFERENCES in the Southwest would be needed if a southern transcontinental Also during the period preceding the Civil War there were railroad across United States territory to the Pacific was to be numerous other Army exploring expeditions . Lt. G, K. Warren Bartlert. Richard A, Great aar,evr of the ainondeon Wed, Norman, Old., Univ. of OkI& Press, 1962. built, the Gadsden Purchase. explored the Dakotas and opened up the Black Hills to the out . Danah. W illiam C, Paweu,Rile Coforado, Princdan, Princeton Univ. Press, 1951 . The official Pacific Railroad surveys of 1853 were exploratory side world, His expeditions in these regions also enabled the geolo- Ooetentann, William H ., Exploration and enlptre, New Yore, Alfred A Knopi. surveys made by U.S. Army topographical engineers across the gists F, V. Hayden and F . B. Meek to construct the first inde- 1966, pt. III. pendently American paleontological stratigraphic sequence, Army xpduration in the Amear.nn West, 1803-186.4, New Haven, West in an effort to locate the best route for a transcontinental Corn ., Yale Univ. real, 1959, pt. 111 . the south, Lt . Joseph Christmas Ives in 1857 explored the railroad, There were five main surveys, one in the far north from To Manning, Thomas 0 . Govern-n, inirienre ; (he UnaesStore, Geohngu'al Sarve,Y . Minnesota to Washington Territory under Lt . Isaac I. Stevens, one lower Colorado River and led the first scientific expedition to the )867-1891, Lesiagton, Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1966. ., under Capt. J . W. Gunnison and Lt. E . G . Beckwitb through floor of the Grand Canyon . Capt. John M . Macomb in 1859 Mci el, Mart, A b'hlfo apA of Arnreka,. ,alma) hinarv, .3 vols ., Brooklyn, N .Y Tit, Premier PubPull. l o., 19224-1929, v,) and ILL southern Colorado and across the Great Basin. one along the 35th located the junction of the Green and Grand Rivers, thereby Schmeckebier, Laurence F . Cataloger and irdes ofpahdkaronr of the Ngxkn, parallel under Lt. Amiel W. Whipple, one across the Southwest revealing the nature of the Colorado River system and making K ing, Povel(, a nd Fffie,G,- saneya . U-S . Geological Survey Bulletin, tw, 22, Washington. U .S- .Govt. Print . (Nt,19(14 . under Lts . John Pope and John G . Parke, and one running north possible the explorations of that river by Maj . John Wesley Site gner. W,Base, &!rood the haodrrdth nteetihan, Boston. Houghton, Mifflin and and south on the Pacific coast under Lts . Robert Williamson and Powell in 1869 . All of these expeditions added immeasurably to Gob 1954, H, L, Abbott. Alt of the survey parties reported feasible railroad scientific knowledge, from cartography and geology to botany and US,. Congress. House of Repeeoeatauves, Reports of Aplo,afiorkr and surveys to &'naanka( route 1br a railroad )rent the routes. but sectional politics paralyzed the nation and no railroad zoology. It was Ives, Macomb and Powell. likewise, who began areerraln file most prartirohle and Misriu7ppr Rirer, to the Paeif, Oreaa4 13 -la., lt .R . Exec Doe . 91, 323 Cong., was built until after the Civil War. The main contribution of the to give us the first systematic studies of the . American Indians, 2less., Washington. 1035 ..1859. sertats 791-801 ; H.R. Enec . Doe. 56.36 Cong„ . Print. Off . 1060. serial 1054-1055, surveys was the tremendous body of geographical and scientific and out of their studies of the local inhabitants came the first I sess ., Washington . U .S . Gent s 1 of planned settle- Wheat. Call L, Mapping the Trarunuaisslpp( ; ese, 1340-1861.6 vols., San Pran- information whichh they assembled and which was published inn important suggestions as to the possible nature dseo, tort. of Hess. Cartography . 1957-1963, v. IV-Y in 2 pts, thirteen volumes. The maps made by these explorers, especially ment in the and West. Wilkins. Thurman. Cfarenee King. New York The Maemiltan Co ., 1950 . t Compiled ham mfotmat.oB p-ov,ded 5, mil- HK eaetamaw, Unna,aty w T- . 1%6 TRANSPORTATION Alb.,., rswlMa PeSuaa __- Main will w t. pise scott , .1;Iwo.am _ _ Gail __ RaiknN Carol AtA51IA sera +saeoa,ew EXPLORATION AND SETTLEMENT : 1850-1890 Abbott . II 1953-1555 (down Dnohux, R.- Ivn. t. 1857 top (7ola . R-Moiav<-vieagn-rt . Park,., 1, 1553 . 1953 (Santa Crot-Santa Bar- \vu,m, G ., lass (ft. Wena-it . Kraut-Fl t,sN- tne Dane.-Ft. Walt, tYaua-return to the Defiance) -S. (Nego-loon n-Apa .- Ddk',-Wd,amelte Valet'-Rnklingt .he Par . If Paso) nm-H . PKn,e) 1 d,., r ins wrats (Fr oro S 'ns R'r it . P .p 1, K. Gannl B C . Tar4,n, 1851-1855 (II Arnold, R . .455I-to15 (Fl Cofv,te-FT t rn, G ,a F : Ha4Ucr416561n . Pirnr--.Ant. B. Walls 11enhY,-Mar+aS R-trw, a Clark Paint . Paso-rn. Belk,up) rYello- \Va(la1 (Men-It. Wilt. Walls-Oregon 1, iJ- - a tnS,etdrn) Iwnw.4:By Powell, 1- IN69-1A72 (Co ., R. country From Ill. kwIll,, E„ is51 . 8955 ISlOli R-Urea Sdr L Green Rner Cily r,, -1h of Virglo R .) v V.-, G. & f Hayd n. 1850 (Soma CI(V-fl. -W-t0 Range--Cre.1 hall I -HUmbuldt Ratdall-H, to mie-BL,k Hltli-Ft RaMall) Marurnl4 ) . .1979 1Sama Fe-Cdr . R.-San loan R_Red.hnpl R; SanNFe) Reynolds. W, R H. Maynafn>, IN59If, P,ene- ill pv-R1rrm . G~nY-upFaalt,gkvnR' . W-N. H„ 1052 (San rrnnuwo-nxthern C/W rrsasl-KlanahK .) .~ Berth-d, P x 1 Bddget', 1860-(Denverv .genrh. ,wnv . R ., 181! In. 6Aknap-Red It'.-Caradian If. "-d- W.6-11h) nodPan--W'he,R Utah) .) R.-Pran,e (Jog Town loos-H . A,hurkle) R,nnnld,, W, 1859 .1up Wind R -T1nee fnrks- Whlplae, 4 .155 F-1855 (H. Smith-Canadoe R . IL aentoo_ICUnnw) -Alb ` 5r'an, I R5ib Ill, R14" -ft k array-wart to 'lt rrlue-2uhi-Molave vdl,gei Rn?y Min panenand rerun I MartS', K . 1814 (Ft . Wrni;a-tar(nna R-Il- -San .Bemad,nr) Belknap) 5akian. R, lass-lass IFI. Wall . Walls-Cnc,9r d'Alene t'II Owe., - CU%tAa, A. &F ,.8756 [v- (II . P,vrre-Bad Cadoaa Pass- \Mnom on, R t 1.. N-, Is,1-185 ., Is- Stan- i-d -H. Plnre) Marco, K.,, 1659 U, aridgts-Carhetnp.T Pa . Ft . lent,) et t-Ft Mlln-1 (' n Raaa~ld, M,geloti Ft Ma.,a,hosehs) 1, t+wm,L Donelw .4 . .1551-1855 (Ab4k9-Ft ttenkm- .IBSb-1$i9lCampPool-Ft &edge, \v+Btan R , 1551-1955 lLo Angelrs-fjar nsa,na 1„n, f ,159 down B, -Camp Ffocd-Hashng, Pms Walk,, R:- Pass TchohapiP.n-tiake P , Cad+ale Pas.-rroid Oreill,. L.-t1: . Walt gh, rn K .-Than Saoamsru+'w elum to Camp flo,r \Watts) rwk,f .; .1"--I1. Unwn( 4rpww. L a I Parke, 1851 (sass le-Alyare _~_-_ .~ Wsaiamv,n . R R It . 84605 .185t .1855 (Sora- DatV, 1, B 4 a155 (It. Oenl -Sr . Mary L- St.Cleilte 4 ., Ia t-toss (Vancnuvcr"Mt. ynlIr01." H . Yuma-Sn dwpa) ,mMn valley-Ktafwth L-uplMt Dr,,boas 11-t-, C.,ma+d Al . L .-rakruw R.- Atyen-a, xlualm,e Pass-ttkanogan R .- R ; ll. Abhult heat, ,eiIS( H. \%ant 5Y41.) It Cnh-401 Stanley. L . 1$51-Sins Ifl . arMnn-Canatfa-fl Nemtan) ._ R78,an,son,R-1551-7BSS(1)esc6otesI-(hrts Echo),, w,le59 (Peco.R-IiDar,s-Ir Stn .i- Sisl ve-tupero-VaMOU,et) too-atg send area and aatwn) Slevats, I & G Wrkf,,. 1851-1855 (A . Paul- uppa Mo R. -II . Be--F, . Wells walls) GNnne( 115 1(f L ,rr o,.096-5enr,Fnt- ALASKA Fllin i s,o,64001 \t U vv,-I sn,,,,-tl P Y 9 o C od,) ISn Mekham . A 4853-1055 Fury,', M,lk R -H- Canple(l .R.,19S0 (uppe, Yokon R .- It. Yolk-1 1frntnn-Cadntl, P- 4111h-d! L .-ft. Gonnonn, F . 1853-1555 (t l. L,amtworth-A,k Malta,,, 118 ;1-1955 ((1 1fnnton-\Woelwhetl fsM1o -Lolo Pass-FI . SVatt . I ukeen, I, IA6J (Nulalo-f t Yukon) R -C[nhetrpaPa„-Moei, killed at to. lot R.-Molar P .-ft Iiwen-ft.hall-R. R ;) Owes-)lath a ) CrKrvitveai x-Ft Own, St,kin,r R Sunny (SOt . Strait-Shklne R. ) R . W'al-\fall ft. Arnlnn) - Soo-t. Dla n a L Sthnll I$Sa (the HantMm I ,1057 . 1061 (Grand Cn,nn teglon- Iely eaph Susses (B K .n,rcnl a 1 . aurkley) IL D, . naneel Lanes-Molhour It,-,*- R. and Snake (AAS-1066 (alulIte(ovsk,- data^tab ~_ NSS :.Ba-4'nsoo.y-to59(4944pa,alb.l) It Camp tlnyd : nawn .vlai Oregon Tail) Yukon) 1850 EXPLORATION AND SETTLEMENT : 1850-1890 Abbott, 1(„ (853-8455 (down Deschutcs R .- iyes, I ., 1857 (up Colo, R..-Mojave villages-Ft .
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