Eastside Fire & Rescue Board of Directors Regular Meeting Agenda May 14, 2020, 4 p.m. VIRTUAL MEETING Pursuant to the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation, EF&R is unable to provide an in-person location for the public to listen to the virtual Board of Directors meeting. Meetings are accessible to the public by a phone-in option. Phone-In Option Phone-in Number: (509) 931-1382 Conference ID: 272382745 # Written Comment: Written public comment will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Submit your written comments via email to the Board Secretary at [email protected]. Verbal Comment: Up to three (3) minutes of verbal public comment may be provided per person live during the meeting. Please sign-up in advance of the meeting (by 1:00 p.m.) by completing the Public Comment Sign-Up Form. Kindly review the instructions for Virtual Board and Committee meetings for public attendance and public comment prior to the meeting. CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA – For Approval 1. Agenda Bill 2020-09 (Approval of Board Minutes and Financial Recap) .............. Page 03 1.1. Minutes – Regular Board meeting 3/12/20 ..................................................... Page 04 1.2. Financial Recap ............................................................................................. Page 06 2. Agenda Bill 2020-10 (Apparatus Surplus) ............................................................ Page 09 3. Agenda Bill 2020-11 (Bunker Gear Surplus) ........................................................ Page 10 4. Agenda Bill 2020-12 (IT Equipment Surplus) ....................................................... Page 11 5. Agenda Bill 2020-13 (Records Custodian) ........................................................... Page 12 6. Agenda Bill 2020-14 (Audit Officer) ...................................................................... Page 14 COMMITTEE MEETING REPORTS 1. Finance and Administrative (Moran)..................................................................... Page 16 FIRE CHIEF BRIEFING • PFAS • Personnel Update • COVID-19 Update o Public Meeting Spaces REGULAR BUSINESS 1. City of Issaquah Financial Consideration Request ............................................... Page 18 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1. Revenue Expense Report .................................................................................... Page 23 2. Incidents Activity Reports (March and April) ......................................................... Page 24 Page 1 of 35 GOOD OF THE ORDER EXECUTIVE SESSION: RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) to discuss Collective Bargaining planning CALENDAR REVIEW • FAC Meeting – May 27, 2020, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Virtual Meeting) • EF&R Agenda Review – May 27, 2020, 4:00 p.m. (Virtual Meeting) (FD38) • EF&R Warrant Review – June 11, 2020, 3:30 p.m., HQ (FD38) • EF&R Board Meeting – June 11, 2020, 4:00 p.m., HQ ADJOURN MEETING Page 2 of 35 Eastside Fire & Rescue Board of Directors AGENDA BILL 2020-08 May 14, 2020 SUBJECT: March Monthly Board Minutes and Financial Recap Approval SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Board Secretary submits completed minutes for the prior month’s meetings to the Board for review prior to the regular Board meeting. The Board acts upon the minutes first directing any needed changes to be noted on the document in ink, initialed by the Board Secretary, approving said minutes as amended. The Agency utilizes the Auditing Officer Certification method (RCW 42.24.080) of approving normal and usual ongoing expenditures for payroll, utilities, and other goods and services, on behalf of the Board of Directors. Monthly, those expenditures are provided for review and oversight by the Board pursuant to state law (RCW 42.24.180). Items requiring Board approval in advance of payment are presented on separate Agenda Bills to obtain approval and are included on the Monthly Financial Recap when paid after said approval. Items paid but rejected by the Board after they have been paid, will become receivables and immediate collection by the Agency Audit Officer will commence. Expenditure Required: $7,093,541.20 Amount Budgeted: $7,093,541.20 Fund Utilized: General Fund & ERF RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes and Financial Recap. ALTERNATIVE(S): Approve the attached, stipulating any items needing change or rejection, and order the collection of any items necessary. EXHIBITS: 1) Prior month’s regular and special Board meeting minutes, together with any hand-noted changes, as directed by the Board. 2) Prior month’s Monthly Financial Recap with the Accounting Certification. The Monthly Financial Recap includes the prior month’s blanket vouchers, certified by an Agency Audit Officer. Originator: JF Administrative Review: 4/30/20 Action: Date: 5/14/20 Motion By: 2nd: Board Secretary: Page 3 of 35 1 EASTSIDE FIRE & RESCUE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 REGULAR MEETING 3 March 12, 2020 4 4 p.m. 5 6 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Eastside Fire & Rescue was held on 7 March 12, 2020, at Eastside Fire & Rescue Headquarters, 175 Newport Way NW, 8 Issaquah, WA. 9 10 PRESENT: Chair Alan Gothelf (City of North Bend) 11 Board Director Larry Rude (Fire District 10) 12 Board Director Alan Martin (Fire District 10) 13 Board Director Karen Moran (City of Sammamish) 14 Board Director Chris Ross (City of Sammamish) 15 Board Director Chris Reh (City of Issaquah) 16 Alt. Board Director Ron Pedee (Fire District 38) 17 Board Secretary Jamie Formisano 18 19 STAFF: Fire Chief Jeff Clark 20 Finance and Administrative Director Lisa King 21 22 AUDIENCE: Commissioner Anita Sandall (Fire District 10) 23 Alt. Board Director Gloria Hatcher-Mays (Fire District 10) 24 Alt. Board Director Ken Gamblin (City of Sammamish) (late arrival) 25 26 ABSENT: Board Director Matt Talbot (Fire District 38) (excused) 27 Board Director Stacy Goodman (City of Issaquah) (excused) 28 29 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gothelf called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m., took roll call and 30 led the flag salute. 31 32 Board Chair Gothelf adjusted the Agenda and moved Regular Business Item #1, 33 Insurance Renewal Briefing to follow the Consent agenda. 34 35 SPECIAL PRESENTATION: None 36 37 PUBLIC COMMENT: Union President deAlteriis thanked the Board for their support during 38 the COVID-19 situation. Briefed on EF&R’s proactive measures, which are being used as a 39 model throughout the region. Discussed the following; community fear that other 40 departments are facing within their communities, inter-local agreements between unions to 41 assist with staffing needs, positive and correct communications, and the cancelation of 42 Union events. 43 44 CONSENT AGENDA: 45 IT WAS MOVED BY DIRECTOR MORAN, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR RUDE TO: Approve 46 the Consent Agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED AS AMENDED, 7-0. 47 1. Agenda Bill 2020-07 (Approval of Board Minutes and Financial Recap) 48 • Amended Regular Meeting Minutes (amended to change line 80 to Director 49 Martin and remove Alt. Director Hatcher-Mays) 50 • Special Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 35 51 • Financial Recap 52 53 REGULAR BUSINESS: 54 1. Insurance Renewal Briefing: Gordon MacIlvennie briefed on the VFIS Risk Solutions 55 survey and enclosed a Certificate of Appreciation. He briefed on minor changes to the 56 coverage to include updating vehicles and personnel. Stated EF&R is doing the right 57 things and to continue the best business practices. Chief commented that recognition by 58 insurance companies is rare and is based off the policies and practices the Board 59 supports. He thanked Gordon and his team for their open communication and timely 60 responses. 61 62 2. Auditor Report: Introduced the audit team and briefed on the process and results of the 63 audit. The 2016-2018 audit concludes EF&R operations complied, in all material 64 respects, with applicable state laws, regulations, and its own policies, and provided 65 adequate controls over the safeguarding of public resources. The auditors also reviewed 66 the Clark Nuber financial report and agree with their statements. The final costs reported 67 are approximately $16k. The auditors will be conducting an accountability audit for 2019 68 and those costs are estimated to be $7k. Discussed resources available to the District 69 from the WA State Auditors website. The audit will be finalized and posted online soon. 70 Chief Clark stated EF&R is 100% up to date with audits, all audits came back with no 71 findings and in full compliance. 72 73 COMMITTEE REPORTS: 74 1. Finance and Administrative Committee (FAC): Elected a new Chair, Director Moran, and 75 Vice Chair, Director Rude. Briefed on the governance discussion and next steps to 76 finalize the language in the articles of incorporation. 77 78 FIRE CHIEF BRIEFING: 79 • PFAS: Executive Committee met to finalize the contract and continue moving forward 80 with the scope of work. Drilling for testing of wells will begin on March 18, 2020 for two 81 weeks. Discussed the transition of personnel from Farallon Consulting and the next 82 Executive Committee meeting scheduled for March 27, 2020. 83 • SWAT Incident with Fire: Will be reported on at the April Board meeting. 84 • Media (Community Connect and SR18) event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 event. 85 • Future HQ discussions: There will be a briefing by the City of Issaquah regarding closure 86 of City Hall NW and the conversations of potentially collaborating on a space together 87 for staff. At this point there are no commitments, only conversations, and those will be 88 brought to the Board for future discussions. 89 • March 28 Wildfire event postponed. 90 • Fire Corps lead Jon Bromberg has been nominated and will be receiving a Governor’s 91 Award and will bring to the Board to be presented at a future Board meeting. 92 • Fireground 101 will be re-assessed not later than April 1, 2020 due to COVID-19. 93 • FAC meeting on March 25, 2020 will be cancelled. 94 • Today, between 3pm-4pm, EF&R responded to two working structure fires, one in 95 Issaquah at an apartment complex and a chimney fire in North Bend with two dogs 96 rescued. 97 98 99 Page 5 of 35 100 REGULAR BUSINESS: 101 3. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Briefing: Attached Board Memo 2020-001 summarizes the 102 current work with COVID-19 and proactive steps moving forward.
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