THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATlONAL MONTHL1' DEVOTED TO THE ORGAN AND THE INTERESTS OF ORGANISTS S;:d1,third Yt:ar, No.6 - JVllol(' No. 750 MAY, 1972 SubsCTiP'iotls $4.00 a year - 40 un's a ,ofrj --------------------------------~--- Checklist of Summer Fred M. Gramann Wins Conferences, Workshops & Other Activities Fort Wayne Contest June Inlem:llion.3.1 Institute (or HUDl.3.D­ istic Studies, Nuremberg. Wcst Grr­ Frrd M. GrOimann. 21, o[ Spanaway. Enumclaw. Washington. and the Span. Mr. Ross and Mr. Fienen were finalists many. and Vienna, Austria. June 1·28. Washington, w:u namrd winner of the away Lutheran Church. Mr. Gramann in the Fort Wayne Com~tition in pre­ Master courses in piano, 0!Fn. harpsi­ Thirtrenth NOltion:lt Organ Playing was aw:arded a 4-ye:t.r scholarship to \'ious ye:ars. chord. Paul Badura-Skoda. Viola Them. Competition in the finals March 18 at Syracuse University where he was a stu­ Judging the contest were Rob­ Walter Kra(t, K:l.micl d'Hooghe, First Prtsbytcrian Church. Fort Wayne, dent of Don:ald Sutlterl:t.nd. At the end ert Clark. associate professor of mu­ Klaw-Christhart Krau.cnstein. Marilou Indiana. Gram2nn competed against of his freshman. sophomore. and junior sic. University of Michig:t.n: Arthur Krauenstein. Eta Haricll-Schneider. seven others in the finals, which had years he was awarded the Arthur Pais­ Poister. professor emeritus of the School "rrite: International Institute for Hu­ been rcductd from an original (jeW of ter Prize for outstanding organist in the of Music, Syracuse University; and Mal­ manistic Studies. !718 DUl1lbanon St" 49 contestants. He was awarded a cash School of Music. He was :1 finalist in colm Williamson. composer. lecturer. Houston. Texas 77025. prize of $500 and will give a tecital at 1970 in the Fort ,.yarne Competition. and perfonner of London. England. First Presbytcri3n Church on April 25 He is currently a student o( Will Head­ The contestants were chosen (rom en­ International Bach Competition in as one of the artists in the Church lee. and serves as orpnist and choir tries covering 25 slates and the Dis­ piano. organ. harpsichord. voice and Music Series. director at the Fint Universalist Church trict of Columbia. Each contestant was violin. June 3·19. Write: Sckretariat des Mr. Gramann is a student at Syra­ of Syracuse. He has been selected to rcquired to perform a composition of Wettbcwerbs. Intemationaler Bach Wett­ bewerb. Grassistrasse 8. Leipzig. EiUt Clise University, New York, and will rc­ appear in Wllo's Jl'/Io In American Col­ the Bach or pre,B:ach era, :1 composi­ ceive his B3chelor of Music degree in leges and Universities for 1972, and he tion from the Romantic era. and a work Genuany. organ in June. He began his organ will be married in August and will by a contemporary composer, Gramann's Contemporary Organ Music Work­ study with Mrs. Ona McKee and Dr. leave for Paris where he has been ac­ winning selections were B3ch's Fanlasia shop, Hartt College of Music, West Edward Hansen of Seattle. 'V:uhington. cepted to study wilh Maric·Claire Alain. on Komm, IIeiligu Geist. Herr Gott: Hartford. Conn. June 5-9. Ll'Onard In 1967 he won the Seattle AGO Com­ Runner-up in the compelition was Tournemirc's Choral·Improvisation sur Raver. Ricllard Felciano. Edward petition. He has served as organist at Robert Bates of Detroit. Michipn. Mr. Ie J'iclimat: pasclJaU: and Messiaen's Dicmenle, John HollL Wrile: Summer both the Calvary Presbyterian Church. JI:ates was aw:trdcd a cash prize of $500. Combal de la Mort et de la Vie (Les Session. Hartt College of Music, U. of Third place in the competition was Corps Glorieux). Hart(ord, 200 Bloomfield Ave., West awarded to Raben B. Pilman, Jr., of The nationally known competition has Hart(ortl. Conn. 06117. W:ashing1on. D.C. been a part o( the Music Series of First;;m Choral \Vorkshop, Iowa Stale Other finalists in the competition in­ Church for the p:ast thirteen years and U., Amcs. Iowa. June 11·16. Lebnd B. cluded Arthur Bloomer of Edinburg, is partially underwriUen by a grant Sateran, Knut NystedL Write: M. W. Texas: David Fiencil of Fort Wayne; (rom The First Presbyterian Church Walgren. Man:ager, Sateran Chor:L1 ford Lallerstedt of New York City. a Jo·oundatioll. Members of the music staff workshop. Augsburg College, Minne:t.­ student at The Juilliard School of Mu­ include Lloyd Pinkerton. minister of polis. Minn. 55404. sie: Rick Ross of Orlando. Florida. a music, and Jack. Ruhl. organist. The Tenth Early American Moravian Mu. student at Southern Methodist Uni· Re\', George Ross M:ather is .senior pas· sic Fcstinl, Salem College. Winston­ \'ersity in Dallas: and H. Ross Wood of tor of the church. Mr. Richard Bibler Salem. N.C. June 11-18. Write: Mora­ Maplewood, Louisian3. also a student is the Music Scrk'S Committee Chair­ "ian Music: Festival, P.O. Box 10387. at Southern Methodist Uni\'t~rsity. Both man. Winston·Salem. N.C. 27108. Summer School of Church Music and Finalists. back row. I. to r.: Ford LaUentedt, David Flenen, Rick Rou. and Robert Pitman, Liturgics, Austin, Texas. June 12·16. Jr., front row, I. to r.1 Fred Gramann, Robert &ates, H. ROil Wood, and Bloomer Alec Wyton, Lester Groom, William B. Green. Arnold W. Hearn, Richard For­ rest Woods. 'Vrite: Lila Belle Brooks. Registrar, Summer School of Church Music &: Liturgics, P.O. Box 2247. Aus. Above: Contest wlnner Fred M. Gromann tin, Texas 78767. Americm Guild o( Organists National Ielow1 Judges Malcolm Williamson. Arthur Con\'ention, Fainnont HOlel. Dallas. Poilfer, and Robert Clark Texas. June 18-2-1. Write: Dr. A. Eugene Ellsworth. 7111 Fenton Dr.• D:a.llas. Tex.. 75231. 5.iteran Choral Workshop, Augsbufl CoUcge, Minneapolis, Minn. June 18-25. Leland B. Satemn. Knut Nystcdt_ Write: M. 'V. Walgrcn. Manager. Sateran Chor­ al 'Workshop. Augsburg College. ~nnne· apolis. Minn. 55404. Choral Director's Workshop, U. of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Wis. June 19·2!. Douglas McEwen, Edwin FOOL Write; Dr. Franklin F. Bushman, Chainnan, Dept. of Music. U. of WiscolUin-White. water. Whitewater, Wis. 55190. Westminster Choir College Choral Institute, Princeton. N.J. June 19 thru WESTMINSTER CHOIR COLLEGE DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN SETH BINGHAM HONORED July 28. Charles Hirt, Robert DeCor. 90th BIRTHDAY mier. Thomas Dunn. Robert Shaw, Jo. INITIATES MASTER'S DEGREES ORGAN INAUGURATED ON seph Flummerfelt. 'Vrile: Charles Schis­ The State of New Jersey hIlS author­ AT LOu/SlANA STATE U, ler. Director of Summer Session, West· itt<! Westminster Choir College 10 of­ A program of music (or voices, or­ minster Choir College, Princeton. N,J. fer a Master of Music: degree with spe­ The School of Music of Louisiana gan. and brass was given as a tribute 08540. to Seth Bingham on his 90th birthday cializations in organ pcrfonnance, chOr­ State University. Balon Rouge. La •• bas The Natioll.3.l Workshop for Church al conducting. church music. and music: inaugurated a progr:am of studies lead· in St. Paul's Cb:apel of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City. All of the mu· Muskbns, Texas Christian U., Fort education. The program will begin in ing to the degree. Doctor of Musical Worth. Texas. June ~·28. B. R. Hen­ June, 1972. Arts in organ. Course work in the pro· sic pcrfonned was written by Dr. Bing­ ham. and the concert featured a per. son, Arthur Poister, Christine Kalls­ The Westminster degree is distinctly gram is similar to that tak.en by those trom, Helen Kemp. Write: Menill L. a professional rather than a research working to\4'ard a PhD degree in music. formance of Itis COticerto for Brass and Organ played by Claire Cod and di­ Cadwell. 222 So. Downey A\·e,. Indian­ degree_ While theses will not be in­ In place of a dissertation. performers apolis, Ind. 46219. volved, all candidates will be introduced will present four recitals of v:arying rected by Larry King. Other participants to the philosophy, tools and techniques types and submit a monograph research in the concert were the chOir of Madi· Seminar for Choral Conducton, Dos· of muslcologiClI research as it relates project. They will p:articipate in a gen· son Avenue Presbyterian Church, John ton U. Institute at Tanglewood. Lenox. to the performance of music_ eral seminar in performance practice 'Veaver. conductor: Isabelle Emenon. Mass. June 25 tl1ru Aug. 20. John Oli­ Department chainnen for the new and a 2·scmester DMA seminar in organ Robert S. Baker. Eugene Hancock, ver. Iva Dee Hiatt. Write: Boston U. program are Joan LiPcincott, professor literature. Qualifying and general ex­ Leonard Raver. antI Frederick Swann. Tanglewood Institute M71-1. 855 Com­ of organ: Charles SehlS cr. aSSOCIate pro­ aminations are identiCiI to those in the organists. monwealth Ave .• Boston. Mass. 02215. fessor of music ec.luCltion: Joseph Flum­ PltD program. There is no language Workshop in Music for the Church, merfeh, associate professor of conduct­ requirement. Prospective candidat~ for School of Sacred Music. Union Theo· ARTHUR POlSTER has ~D appoiDted ing and director of choral activities: the degree will be auditionec.l by faculty logical Seminary. 3(4) UJ"Qa()-~y. New visiting pro(euor of orpn lor the 1972-73 YDrk, N.Y. 10027. and James Litton. assistant professor of tlle School of Music in person or by academic year at the music department or of church music. means of a tape of a recent recital. Longwood Collele, Farmville, VirJin~. (Continued, p. %) Church Mwic 'Vorksltop, Westmins­ n.'Ctor. Dradlc)' Bloom, Sergio Comw i· ~========================~ ter Choir College.
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