THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Wednesday, February 10, 2010 (58th Session) Volume II No. 02 (Nos.01-15) CONTENTS Pages 1 Recitation from the Holy Quran……………… 1 2 Questions and Answers…..………..…………. 2-34 3 Leave of Absence……….…………………….. 35 4 Ordinances Laid………………………………. 36 5 Point of Order: A Baseless Report from Agencies............ 37-44 6. Commendation Resolution for Pakistani Athlete…. 45-49 7. Legislative Business: Further Discussion on Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Bill 2009………………….. 50-61 8. Discussion on Law and Order Situation in the Country…………………………………………….. 61-72 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume II SP. II(02)/2010 No.02 130 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Wednesday February 10, 2010 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad at forty nine minutes past four in the evening with Mr. Chairman (Mr. Farooq Hamid Naek) in the Chair. ----------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Ć ‰Ê‚ ş Ć Ć ‚ ‰ Ê ‰ ‰ ‰ ‚ ‰ „6ª 07Ğ04 8 ‚ ‚ ‚‚ ‚ ‚ /012 &3ª "Ğ$4 5*‹ ‰ ‚ ‚  ‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ⁄"Ğ$%& ' (‹ "ª ª*& ⁄ª ª+$& ⁄ª « "ª -ª‚„„ ‚ „ ‚„ „ ‚‚..‚  ‚ş „‚‚‚‚ ‚‚ „ „  ‚ ªÂ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‚ ‰ ‰ ‰‰ş ‚ ⁄ + ‚ ‚ ‚ ⁄9>& µ@A B ‚ „ „ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ ;*1& ⁄ª æ ª ⁄07& &3ª - Ÿª ‚ „‚‚ ‚ ş  ‚ ‚ „ ‚ ‚ ‚  ‚ ‚ 39ª 07‹ ª25: &3ª‚‚ ‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ „ ‚  ‰ F"GĞ 6ª ⁄ª H%" 5( I& ; 4 5( ‹‰ ‚ ‰B K ‰ ‰ ‰ ‚ ‰ 07ª Eª (‹ B‰ ‰ æ' 6ª Cª ⁄ 4 6ª µ@* ª& · ş ‰‰‚ ‰ ‰ ‚ ‡Â ‚ ‚ ‚ 8  ‚ „ ‚ „ ‚  ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ „ ‚ „ ‚ ‚ „ ‚ ‚ 8‚‚‚ ‚  ‚ 8 ‚ „‚ ‰ 07ª‚ ‚ ş N N J N J 8 9 c 7 J ] ^_ TU G > @LMP a@bBde @@L O `=L D@ZC5E\ =@<@3Q V L [ @L P @3E H ( WX Y) 3V@SE Q @LO BQR @LM P @ICEFK@3E H@AB@CD EFG @@?;< = : 3567 4 9 J N J N N \ ] \ m O J @qr6 @BG @Z=@LJ O @<@SQ ETUQ @Ln p j @BQR Lol n\ @L [ @Z=@ABJ D @B6 K @bh=@@?fi @LO C@f6j G @SEETl @gCb`=@f k G @Z=@bh=@LJ i @S T H C 6j J J 8 N J J } Tk J 9 J D TH r\ J 8 @Ln| ( SE @ZC5E\ =@LP n = )B6K@Cy @v4G @wBoz{ @bhXY @B G @Z=@xfC z O @u= @B t ( Li @SE Cb`=@qk 6 @BG @Z=@bh= ) @Cs\ @CE H Cb`= k N } 8 c TU |€ TU TU7 r\ J T U @vbC 5Q]@3E H @3V @SE Q @LO B@LQR d~ @3@SE H EQ @L O 4@wC@v4@BG•6 9 6K @AB@•h@C D E F G @@?SEQQ @LO Bd6 @B 6 K @q6 @B G @Z=@bh=@S E 8 8 J m 8 J N J 8 _ G 8 G D ‡} TU TH ƒ O @B O@B@CQR Fd b@ŠEF{ =@f @@ˆC„ ‰@fk @xf C z O@u=@† @B6K @?@L…R @=4 69@SE Q @LO 4 G@3E H @ICEFK @B 6K ? Li @SE C@‚6j @L [ @BC 6O „ J m J J J J J J 8 ‡} 9 T 8 D @† @B6K @bh=@@?L…R @•=h@L P C 6j bh=( )@•=h@LP • @•h@bh=@?L…R @•=h@L O `=@bhXY @Ž• h ( =BQR @CEFG @b‹ Œ{)@C• @@xf C z O@u= 8 J 8 J 8 m 8 8 J ’ N 8 8 J ’ L~O @L [ @ZCl67 @vbC • @BO @xfD C zO@u=@”• @L~O @?L…R @CH 4G @‘P‡ LMPD @L G @vŠH C “@q@Ln]Q P9 =@B@OL…R @CH 4G @‘ P‡ ? @L…R @@=h4 e9 J 8 8 8 •D 8 6CH1@ˆCEH `=@@ˆB6PpF =@•bB t 1 Questions and Answers šK 7 ™6O J N J We may now take up @?<E 4=@SDJ x › 4=@ D u= @< @? u= @˜=46K @ :SJ ETk X—FE eK @ˆC6 F6K J J ‡> |’ ž ! ‘6K Cœ @ ZC j @ ‘ 6 E T ¢ =Š6F¡ @ any one on his behalf?@‘C6 K œ @aB› @3• Ÿ @ questions. c c ?SET§ 4e9 @question number @Lol n\ @˘L… R @No.11 I=Bt @C• @ˆ`=@e ˘SET¦ @¥4e9 @Question number 11. *Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan: Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide incentives for revival of sick industrial units and those units which have been closed down due to the prevailing energy crisis? Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani: Ministry of Industries and Production has already taken up the matter on priority basis and made a plan for the revival of sick industrial units in the country with the consultation of SMEDA, Provincial Industries Departments and private sector i.e. Chambers of Commerce and Industry etc. 2. Recently Ministry of Industries and Production through Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) took an initiative for revival of sick industrial units initially in NWFP and subsequently for replication of the concept in the other three provinces. Data of sick industrial units was collected from across Pakistan through provincial offices of SMEDA, Provincial Industries Departments, various Chambers of Commerce & Industry and Trade Associations. In order to ascertain the causes and possible way forward, SMEDA Officials held meetings with the representatives of Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Trade Associations and Industrial Estate Associations etc. 3. In NWFP ten (10) sick industrial units have been revived with the worth of Rs. 85 Million and generating employment for more then 300 persons. In addition to these five (5) other units are 2 in pipe line with more then 60% of there issues have been resolved with concerned organizations. 4. The revival of sick industrial units is undertaken as per Government policy explained below:ê The problems faced by Sick Units are duly considered by the concerned Government agencies and necessary incentives provided by adopting one or more of the following measures:ê (a) Reduction in fix charges of electricity bills. (b) Tariff in respect of products and raw materials is appropriately reduced or increased. (c) Loans are re-scheduled / re-structured keeping in view the merits of each unit. (d) Payment of utility bills and other dues is allowed in installments. (e) Easy installments of outstanding dues. Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary? Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan: Will the Minister for Industries and Production be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide incentives for revival of sick industrial units and those unitsÉ 9 J N K J @CEFG @ supplementary question @C• @ˆ`=@˘Se E 4G @ question @ˆ`=@e : SETk X—FE e @ˆC6 F6K ˚L…R c J 8 r6\ J J J ‡> TF[ @”@qH =@3V L…R @3@E H supplementary question ! ˆC6 F6K @:ZC@‘j 6 ET¢ =Š6F ¡ @X —FE E J N J 8 m \ @¹=@bh=@L…R @f@SGETl\ @Žb@g»ETeH @q r 6 @fB@LM º G P D @L G @ sick industry @LO @ Ministry of Industry N J N 8 º Tk o• J Tl\ r\ º o P{ ?L…R @CEEFi @C F G @notification issue @f BG @SE @Lo¢ @¹=@3 H@L…R @CEEFi @C F G @SE @wC@q • 6 @fB@¼G z @L G 3 c ‡> 9 7 N K J @½šTE 6H @‘C6Kœ @‘ 6E T¢ =Š6 F ¡ @?Sa@ˆ=B@C@I=B@‘CE6 6K • t 6 K œ @ Minister @q6 @ :SJ ETk X—FE e @ˆC6 F6K N ?SETH C 6j J J N J J š9 8P¾ 8 ’ º 8 J @˘ˆC6 6• e @˘Šj XÀ @3B6 H ¾ :( b=h=ŠEFe9 @h@‘• @LO =4@‘69 p ¿ 5 @4bhE 9 ) f =ba@u= @@ŽE9 `=@ˆC6 F6K 8 \ 8 8 J 8 @•h@˘Ld @sick units @LG @industry Žh@¹=@vbC• 5Q] @B 6K @½C\ • @LG @SMEDA @SETk @¥ŠF[ @bh=@ZCJ FÁ eK B o6H N º 8 ž |e\ T @B6K @4à a=@˘f BQ R @ meeting @”=@½CE H \• @LG @ŠX@3Bj À 6 H ¾ @ SMEDA @@3z a@q se@LM PD @L G @¹=@?SE UQ @ 1332 N m 8 J J p D T r\ T \ @36 H B¾ @SEF @SE UQ @LPG @ÄhX@qÀ 6 @SE k @”@vbB@˘L¿k eO d @L O B@Q R as trial basis10 units develop 8 J 8 m 8 ] T P{ r\ J T Ž• h@¹=@<Q @˘SE UQ @L…R b@3l_ @¼ o z @LG @sick units @q6 @LPT ~j @@3E H ? L…R @CƒeK @BQR @ÄhXÀ @wC • @C • @Z=@SE k @Šj X À 8 @‚@4@Lje G D @B@Z=@½CG J \ • @L G @ Federal Government and Provincial Government J 8 ™G T\ T_ K T @LG @L~ O B¾ @q @particular @•h@˘L…R @Cb@B@SQQUQR EEEl @wC@4@ZCh@@3 •e9 U V @SQQ U @L PPG•^ @LM D @L @L ‰@g Å 6 @3@˘SE H U @L… R b 8 8 8 8 J 8{] 8N 8 |’ 8 { @@B@SO ETUQ @L…PR C@ejCFde7 B eO@LMPD @L G @”@¿kvbB@•h@4=@˘LeOii @Sa@CEE9F69 @¼o zP @L G @¹=@<@B@SQ O T H C F 69 @L~ dR @B@L… O @¼ o z P J 8 J 8 T ÆT¢{ 8 8 \ @`=@LPG{ C• @L @ˆ`=@Se Ek @Ž‹@‚6 E9• 6 F @B@L… 6K RO @Cb@C@LQ Uj•6 B@wC@Žh@¹=@‘Q R • ‡ @L G @industrial policy N ?C@LyO C 6 j m N J ?‘C6K œ @ÇŠ l ™{ @q@67:SJ ETk X—FE eK @ˆC6 F6K Senator Col. (Retd.) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi: Thank you Mr. Chairman. The reply has been given by the honourable Minister, it is rather vague and unexpected. However, I would like to ask the honourable Minister that what steps are being taken not only to revive the sick units but the industry as a whole is suffering due to lack of electricity, lack of power, lack of oil and lack of gas and industrial units which were earning huge profits, are closing down.
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