WOMEN AND THE FAMILY IN THE POST-SOVIET STATES, CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: SELECT LIST OF RECENTLY ACQUIRED TITLES UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARY (JUNE 2010) GENERAL XVIII vek: Zhenskoe / muzhskoe v kul'ture epokhi. Moskva: Ekon-inform, 2008. 535p. [CB411.A17 2008 Regenstein bookstacks] Gender Check: Femininity and Masculinity in the Arts of Eastern Europe. Published [i.e. edited] by Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Bojana Pejic ; [translations, Eva-Raphaela Jaksch et al.; texts, Edit András et al. Cologne: W. König, 2009. 391p.[fN7629.2.A9 V54 2009 Regenstein bookstaks] Gender i religiia. I. M. Semashko, ed. Moskva: RAN, Institut etnologii i antropologii, 2008. 327p. [BL458.G464 2008 Regenstein bookstacks] [Pushkareva, N. L.: "Religiia i gender v noveishikh rabotakh zarubezhnykh uchenykh," pp. 7- 15; Kotovskaia, M. G. "Vremia peremen: evoliutsiia religioznykh predstavlenii muzhchin i zhenshchin v Rossii," pp. 16-34; Lovskaia, M. M. "Zhenskie obrazy i vnutrisemeinye otnosheniia v srednevekovoi literature," pp. 35-64; Chumakova, T. V. "Zhenskaia sviatost' v otechestvennoi kul'tura XI-XVII v.," pp. 65-76; Korogodina, M. V. "Ispovednye teksty v doimperskoi Rossii: gendernyi aspekt," pp. 77-89; Beliakova, E. V., and N. A. Beliakova. "Diskussii o pravovom statuse zhenshchin v pravoslavii v nachale XX veka," pp. 90-111; Krylova, N. L. "Rossiianki i shariat (opyt afro-russkikh smeshannykh brakov)," pp. 112-45; Snezhkova, I. A. "Muzhchina v khristianskoi i musul'manskoi traditsii," pp. 146-71; Selivanova, L. L. "Sestra-zhena v mifakh i istorii," pp. 172-205; Pushkareva, N. L. "Magiia, narodnaia meditsina i gender (lechenie muzhskogo polovogo bessiliia)," pp. 206-28; Sedlovskaia, A. N. "Zhertvoprinoshenie v verovaniiakh narodov munda (gendernyi aspekt)," pp. 229-40; Shlygina, N. V. "Mukheristskaia teologiia v SShA," pp. 241-69; Eremeev, D. E. "Reislamizatsiia obshchestva i zhenskii vopros v Turtsii," pp. 270-90; Semashko, I. M. "Zhenskoe dvizhenie v Indii i politika religiozno-obshchinnykh partii," pp. 291-324.] Gender Issues 2008: Gender-Sensitive Education in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak Republic and Ukraine. Warszawa: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2008. 168p. http://www.aspekt.sk/download/Gender%20Issues%202008_ENG_WWW.pdf Gender Politics and Everyday Life in State Socialist Eastern and Central Europe. Edited by Shana Penn and Jill Massino. New York: Palgrave Macmilllan, 2009. 292p. [HX546.G46 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] Massino, Jill. "Workers under Construction: Gender, Identity, and Women's Experiences of Work in State Socialist Romania," pp. 13-31; Tóth, Ester Zsófia. "'My Work, My Family, and My Car': Women's Memories of Work, Consumerism, and Leisure in Socialist Hungar," pp. 33-44; Nowak, Basia A. "'Where Do You Think I Learned How to Style My Own Hair?' Gender and Everday Lives of Women Activists in Poland's League of Women," pp. 45-58; Popa, Raluca Maria. "Translating Equality between Women and Men across Cold War Divides: Women Activists from Hungary and Romania and the Creation of International Women's Year," pp. 59-74; Brunnbauer, Ulf. "'The Most Natural Function of Women': Ambiguous Party Policies and Female Experiences in Socialist Bulgaria," pp. 77-96; Harsch, Donna. "Sex, Divorce, and Women's Waged Work: Private Lives and State policy in the Early German Democratic Republic," pp. 97-113; Marcus, Isabel. "Wife Beating: Ideology and Practice under State Socialism in Hungary, Poland, and Romania," pp. 115-32; Mishtal, Joanna Z. "How the Church Became the State: The Catholic Regime and Reproductive Rights in State Socialist Poland," pp. 133-49; Zarecor, Kimberly Elman. "Designing for the Socialist Family: The Evolution of Housing Types in Early Postwar Czechoslovakia," pp. 151-68; Fidelis, Malgorzata. "Are You a Modern Girl? Consumer Culture and Young Women in 1960s Poland," pp. 171-84; Hofman, Ana. "'When We Were Walking Down the Road and Singing': Rural Women's Memories of Socialism in Serbia," pp. 185-97; Penn, Shana. "Writing Themselves into History: Two Feminists Recall Their Political Development in the People's Republic of Poland," pp. 201-19. Karakayali, Juliane. Transnational Haushalten: Biographische Interviews mit Care Workers aus Osteuropa. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010. 336p. [HD6072.2.G3K37 2010 Regenstein bookstacks] Matveeva, N. A. Sravnitel'noe brachnoe pravo Rossii, Ukrainy i Belarusi. Moskva: Iurlitinform, 2008. 213p. [XXKLA542.M38 2008 Regenstein bookstacks] Suffrage, Gender and Citizenship: International Perspectives on Parliamentary Reforms. Edited by Irma Sulkunen and Seija-Leena Nevala-Nurmi and Pirjo Markkola. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. 476p. [JF851.S84 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] [partial contents: Shnyrova, Olga. "Women's Victory or the Impact of Revoution? Peculiarities of Women's Suffrage in Russia," pp. 146-59; Novikova, Natalia. "Linking Party Politics and Women's Suffrage: The Case of Ariadna Tyrkova," pp. 160-76; Lintunen, Tina. "'A Danger to the State and Society': Effects of the Civil War on Red Women's Civil Rights in Finland in 1918," pp. 177-92; Gaber, Milica Antic, and Irena Selisnik. "Slovene Women's Suffrage Movement in a Comparative Perspective," pp. 219-41; Acsády, Judit. "The Debate on Parliamentary Reforms in Women's Suffrage in Hungary," pp. 242-58; Turliuc, Maria Nicoleta, and Catalin Turliuc. "The Struggle for Women's Political Rights in Modern Romania. The Crystallisation of Feminist Movement and the Constitutional Debates," pp. 259-76; Gozdecka, Dorota Anna. "Catholic Family Values versus Equality—Polish Politics between the Years 2005-2007: Envisioning the Role of Women," pp. 427-48; Vasiljevic, Snjezana. "European Citizenship in the Context of Gender Equality Legislation in Eastern European Countries: The Case of Croatia," pp. 449-69.] Women in Power in Post-Communist Parliaments. Edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer and Sharon L. Wolchik. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2009. 292p. [HQ1236.5.E852W657 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] [Rueschemeyer, Marilyn, and Sharon L. Wolchik. "Women in Power: The Issues," pp. 1-21; Cook, Linda J., and Carol Nechemias."Women in the Russian State Duma," pp. 25-59; Siemieńska, Renata."Women's Representation in the Polish Parliament and the Determinants of Their Effectiveness," pp. 61-92; Antić, Milica G."What Difference Do Female Deputies Make in the Slovene Parliament?" pp. 93-110; Wolchik, Sharon L. "Women in Parliament in the Czech Republic," pp. 111-30; Rueschemeyer, Marilyn. "East German Women in the Parliament of Unified Germany," pp. 131-60; Ghodsee, Kristen. "Return of the King: Women in the Bulgarian Parliament," pp. 161-90; Nechemias, Carol, tr. & comp. "Russian Women Parliamentarians: In Their Own Voices," pp. 193-204; Kempka, Dorota, and Agnieszka Majcher. "Perspective of the Head of the Parliamentary Women's Group in Poland: Senator Dorota Kempka Speaks with Agnieszka Majcher," pp. 205-21; Ńirca, Majda. "A Specialist in Culture in the Slovene Parliament," pp. 223-29; "Negotiating the Czech Parliament: An Interview with Anna Čurdová, House of Deputies, Czech Parliament," pp. 231-34; Krehl, Constanze. "My Entry into Politics during the Time of German Reunification: Where Do East German Female Politicians Stand in EuropeToday?" pp. 235-42; Andreeva, Kina. "Women in Politics in Bulgaria," pp. 243-49; Rueschemeyer, Marilyn, and Sharon L. Wolchik. Women in Power: Concluding Thoughts," pp. 251-66.] ALBANIA Dushi, M. Femra dhe evolucioni i lindshmerise ne Kosove [Women and changes in fertility in Kosovo]. Perishtine: ASHAK, 2009. 468p. [HB1038.6.K6D874 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] BULGARIA Ghodsee, Kristen. Muslim Lives in Eastern Europe: Gender, Ethnicity & the Transformation of Islam in Postsocialist Bulgaria. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010. 252p. [DR64.2.M8G48 2010 Regenstein bookstacks] Stoianova, Kapka, and Alla Kirova. Dzhendur neravenstva v plateniia i neplateniia trud v Bulgariia [Gender inequalities for paid and unpaid work in Bulgaria]. Sofiia: Akademichno izdatelstvo, 2008. 194p. [N7253.A25R53 2010 Regenstein bookstacks] CZECH REPUBLIC & SLOVAKIA Bartáková, Helena Tomeńová. Cesta zpátky: Návrat žen po rodičovské dovolené na trh práce v České republice. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Mezinárodní politologický ústav, 2009. 240p. (EDIS, 4) [HD6060.65.C94B37 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] Červinková-Riegrová, Marie. Zápisky. Praha: Národní archiv; Scriptorium, 2009- v. 1- [DB2181.C47A3 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] Dubinová, Terezie. Ženy v Bibli, ženy dnes: sborník přednášek z cyklu. Praha: Ņidovské Muzeum, 2008. 243p. [feminist theology] [BM729.W6D834 2008 Regenstein bookstacks] Groznerová, Viera. Symetrie života: Příbĕh o emigraci, židovství i lásce ztracené a znovu nalezené. Praha: Mladá fronta, 2009. 171p. [DS135.S553G76 2009 Regenstein bookstacks] Hybáńková, Jana. Zpovĕd evropanky: Jak se rozhoduje o nás bez nás. V Praze: Rybka, 2009. 213p. [politician, member of the Czech party EDS, member of the European Parliament] [DB2247.H93A3 2009 Regenstein bookstaks] Komárková, Olga. Genderové stereotypy v reklamních textech. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, 2006. 214p. [HF5813.C9 K66 2006 Regenstein bookstacks] Lenderová, Milena. A ptáš se, knížko má…: ženské deníky 19. století. Praha: Triton, 2008. 355p. [PG5004.8.W65 L46 2008 Regenstein bookstacks] Uhrová, Eva. Ženy, které uměly myslet i bez manžela. Praha: Krásná paní, 2009. 80p. [Frantińka Svatava Amerlingová, Amálie Mánesová, Marie Riegrová- Palacká,
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