X5 Cambridge - St Neots - Bedford - Milton Keynes - Buckingham - Bicester - Oxford Mondays to Fridays (except Bank Holidays) From 21st August 2011 Cambridge, Parkside (16) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0620 0650 0720 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0630 0700 0730 St Neots, Cambridge Street ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0648 0718 0748 St Neots, Market Square ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0655 0725 0755 Eaton Socon, The Green ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0658 0728 0758 Wyboston, Footbridge* ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0700 0730 0800 Roxton, Park Road* ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0701 0731 0801 Great Barford, Golden Cross ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0706 0736 0806 Goldington Green, Barker's Lane ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0717 0747 0817 Bedford, Bus Station (12) arr ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0725 0755 0835 Bedford, Bus Station (12) dep 0505 0535 0555 0615 0645 0655 0730 0800 0845 Bedford, Bromham Rd, opp. Chaucer Rd* 0506 0536 0556 0616 0646 0656 0731 0801 0846 Milton Keynes Coachway (1) # 0530 0600 0620 0640 0710 0720 0800 0830 0910 Central Milton Keynes, The Point (H4) 0540 0610 0630 0650 0720 0735 0810 0840 0920 Milton Keynes, Central Rail Stn (36) X 0550 0620 0640 0700 0730 0745 0830 0900 0930 Buckingham, High Street Bus Stand 0610 0640 0700 0720 0750 0805 0850 0920 0950 Bicester, Bure Place (2) 0635 0705 0725 0745 0815 0830 0915 0945 1015 Oxford, George Street 0705 0735 0755 0820 0850 0910 0945 1015 1045 Cambridge, Parkside (16) 0800 0830 0900 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) 0810 0840 0910 1440 1510 1540 1610 1640 St Neots, Cambridge Street 0828 0858 0928 1458 1528 1558 1628 1658 St Neots, Market Square 0835 0905 0935 Then every 30 minutes until 1505 1535 1605 1635 1705 Eaton Socon, The Green 0838 0908 0938 1508 1538 1608 1638 1708 Wyboston, Footbridge* 0840 0910 0940 1510 1540 1610 1640 1710 Roxton, Park Road* 0841 0911 0941 1511 1541 1611 1641 1711 Great Barford, Golden Cross 0846 0916 0946 1516 1546 1616 1646 1716 Goldington Green, Barker's Lane 0857 0927 0957 1527 1557 1627 1657 1727 Bedford, Bus Station (12) arr 0905 0935 1005 1535 1605 1635 1705 1735 Bedford, Bus Station (12) dep 0915 0945 1015 1545 1615 1645 1715 1745 Bedford, Bromham Rd, opp. Chaucer Rd* 0916 0946 1016 1546 1616 1646 1716 1746 Milton Keynes Coachway (1) # 0940 1010 1040 1610 1640 1710 1740 1810 Central Milton Keynes, The Point (H4) 0950 1020 1050 1620 1650 1730 1800 1820 Milton Keynes, Central Rail Stn (36) X 1000 1030 1100 1630 1700 1740 1810 1830 Buckingham, High Street Bus Stand 1020 1050 1120 1650 1720 1800 1830 ---- Bicester, Bure Place (2) 1045 1115 1145 1715 1745 1825 1855 ---- Oxford, George Street 1115 1145 1215 1745 1815 1855 1925 ---- Notes: Bedford Rail Station is approximately 10 minutes walk to/from Bedford Bus Station or 5 minutes walk to/from Bedford Bromham Road/Chaucer Road, also the X5 stops near to Bicester North & St Neots Rail Stations while Cambridge & Oxford Rail Stations are reached by local buses. # Local bus and National Express connections available at the Coachway. * Time at this stop is indicative, you are advised to be at this stop several minutes before the time shown. 54 X5 Cambridge - St Neots - Bedford - Milton Keynes - Buckingham - Bicester - Oxford Mondays to Fridays (except Bank Holidays) From 21st August 2011 Cambridge, Parkside (16) 1700 1730 1800 1830 1900 1930 2000 2020 2120 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) 1710 1740 1810 1840 1910 1940 2010 2030 2130 St Neots, Cambridge Street 1728 1758 1828 1858 1928 1958 2028 2048 2148 St Neots, Market Square 1735 1805 1835 1905 1935 2003 2033 2053 2153 Eaton Socon, The Green 1738 1808 1838 1908 1938 2006 2036 2056 2156 Wyboston, Footbridge* 1740 1810 1840 1910 1940 2007 2037 2057 2157 Roxton, Park Road* 1741 1811 1841 1911 1941 2009 2039 2059 2159 Great Barford, Golden Cross 1746 1816 1846 1916 1946 2013 2043 2103 2203 Goldington Green, Barker's Lane 1757 1827 1857 1927 1957 2023 2053 2113 2213 Bedford, Bus Station (12) arr 1805 1832 1905 1932 2005 2028 2058 2118 2218 Bedford, Bus Station (12) dep 1815 ---- 1915 ---- 2015 ---- ---- ---- ---- Bedford, Bromham Rd, opp. Chaucer Rd* 1816 ---- 1916 ---- 2016 ---- ---- ---- ---- Milton Keynes Coachway (1) # 1840 ---- 1940 ---- 2040 ---- ---- ---- ---- Central Milton Keynes, The Point (H4) 1850 ---- 1950 ---- 2050 ---- ---- ---- ---- Milton Keynes, Central Rail Stn (36) X 1900 ---- 2000 ---- 2100 ---- ---- ---- ---- Buckingham, High Street Bus Stand 1920 ---- 2020 ---- 2120 ---- ---- ---- ---- Bicester, Bure Place (2) 1945 ---- 2045 ---- 2145 ---- ---- ---- ---- Oxford, George Street 2015 ---- 2115 ---- 2215 ---- ---- ---- ---- Cambridge, Parkside (16) 2220 2305 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) 2230 2315 St Neots, Cambridge Street 2248 2333 St Neots, Market Square 2253 2338 Eaton Socon, The Green 2256 2341 Wyboston, Footbridge* 2257 2342 Roxton, Park Road* 2259 2344 Great Barford, Golden Cross 2203 2348 Goldington Green, Barker's Lane 2213 2358 Bedford, Bus Station (12) arr 2218 0003 Bedford, Bus Station (12) dep ---- ---- Bedford, Bromham Rd, opp. Chaucer Rd* ---- ---- Milton Keynes Coachway (1) # ---- ---- Central Milton Keynes, The Point (H4) ---- ---- Milton Keynes, Central Rail Stn (36) X ---- ---- Buckingham, High Street Bus Stand ---- ---- Bicester, Bure Place (2) ---- ---- Oxford, George Street ---- ---- Notes: Bedford Rail Station is approximately 10 minutes walk to/from Bedford Bus Station or 5 minutes walk to/from Bedford Bromham Road/Chaucer Road, also the X5 stops near to Bicester North & St Neots Rail Stations while Cambridge & Oxford Rail Stations are reached by local buses. # Local bus and National Express connections available at the Coachway. * Time at this stop is indicative, you are advised to be at this stop several minutes before the time shown. 55 X5 Cambridge - St Neots - Bedford - Milton Keynes - Buckingham - Bicester - Oxford Saturdays From 21st August 2011 Cambridge, Parkside (16) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0700 0730 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0710 0740 St Neots, Cambridge Street ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0728 0758 St Neots, Market Square ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0735 0805 Eaton Socon, The Green ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0738 0808 Wyboston, Footbridge* ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0740 0810 Roxton, Park Road* ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0741 0811 Great Barford, Golden Cross ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0746 0816 Goldington Green, Barker's Lane ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0757 0827 Bedford, Bus Station (12) arr ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0805 0835 Bedford, Bus Station (12) dep 0505 0535 0555 0615 0645 0715 0745 0815 0845 Bedford, Bromham Rd, opp. Chaucer Rd* 0506 0536 0556 0616 0646 0716 0746 0816 0846 Milton Keynes Coachway (1) # 0530 0600 0620 0640 0710 0740 0810 0840 0910 Central Milton Keynes, The Point (H4) 0540 0610 0630 0650 0720 0750 0820 0850 0920 Milton Keynes, Central Rail Stn (36) X 0550 0620 0640 0700 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 Buckingham, High Street Bus Stand 0610 0640 0700 0720 0750 0820 0850 0920 0950 Bicester, Bure Place (2) 0635 0705 0725 0745 0815 0845 0915 0945 1015 Oxford, George Street 0705 0735 0755 0815 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 Cambridge, Parkside (16) 0800 0830 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 1730 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) 0810 0840 1510 1540 1610 1640 1710 1740 St Neots, Cambridge Street 0828 0858 1528 1558 1628 1658 1728 1758 St Neots, Market Square 0835 0905 Then every 30 minutes until 1535 1605 1635 1705 1735 1805 Eaton Socon, The Green 0838 0908 1538 1608 1638 1708 1738 1808 Wyboston, Footbridge* 0840 0910 1540 1610 1640 1710 1740 1810 Roxton, Park Road* 0841 0911 1541 1611 1641 1711 1741 1811 Great Barford, Golden Cross 0846 0916 1546 1616 1646 1716 1746 1816 Goldington Green, Barker's Lane 0857 0927 1557 1627 1657 1727 1757 1827 Bedford, Bus Station (12) arr 0905 0935 1605 1635 1705 1735 1805 1832 Bedford, Bus Station (12) dep 0915 0945 1615 1645 1715 1745 1815 ---- Bedford, Bromham Rd, opp. Chaucer Rd* 0916 0946 1616 1646 1716 1746 1816 ---- Milton Keynes Coachway (1) # 0940 1010 1640 1710 1740 1810 1840 ---- Central Milton Keynes, The Point (H4) 0950 1020 1650 1720 1750 1820 1850 ---- Milton Keynes, Central Rail Stn (36) X 1000 1030 1700 1730 1800 1830 1900 ---- Buckingham, High Street Bus Stand 1020 1050 1720 1750 1820 ---- 1920 ---- Bicester, Bure Place (2) 1045 1115 1745 1815 1845 ---- 1945 ---- Oxford, George Street 1115 1145 1815 1845 1915 ---- 2015 ---- Notes: Bedford Rail Station is approximately 10 minutes walk to/from Bedford Bus Station or 5 minutes walk to/from Bedford Bromham Road/Chaucer Road, also the X5 stops near to Bicester North & St Neots Rail Stations while Cambridge & Oxford Rail Stations are reached by local buses. # Local bus and National Express connections available at the Coachway. * Time at this stop is indicative, you are advised to be at this stop several minutes before the time shown. 56 X5 Cambridge - St Neots - Bedford - Milton Keynes - Buckingham - Bicester - Oxford Saturdays From 21st August 2011 Cambridge, Parkside (16) 1800 1830 1900 1930 2000 2020 2120 2220 2305 Madingley Road, Park & Ride (1) 1810 1840 1910 1940 2010 2030 2130 2230 2315 St Neots, Cambridge Street 1828 1858 1928 1958 2028 2048 2148 2248 2333 St Neots, Market Square 1835 1905 1935 2003 2033 2053 2153 2253 2338 Eaton Socon, The Green 1838 1908 1938 2006 2036 2056 2156 2256 2341 Wyboston, Footbridge* 1840 1910 1940 2007 2037 2057 2157 2257 2342 Roxton, Park Road* 1841 1911 1941 2009 2039
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