STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS—No. 9—IfTS AN INTENSIVE STUDY OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN FOUR BLOCKS OF OHAMBA DiSXBICT OF- HIMACHAL PRADESH 1977-78 PLANNING, MONITORING AND STATISTICS DIVISION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE ; [DEPARTMENT 6 ? EDUCATION] GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NEW DELHI 1978 PROJECT STAFF S h r i R. s . T r e h a n Research Officer, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Government of India. Shri R. s. Thakur Statistical Ofl&cer, Directorate of Education, Himachal Pradesh. S hr i G u r u D u t t Statistical Asstt., Directorate of Education, Himachal Pradesh . iN DJTENSIVE STUDY OF HLEMSNT.iHl’ EDUCATION IN FOUR BLOCKS OF CH^A DISTRICT OF HIMAGHAL PRAIESH 1977-78 FOREWORD This intensive study of elementary education of four odnoatlonal blocks of Chamba District in Hirrachal Pradesh was undertaken ,«3L;ently nainly with a view to understand in detail the problems of educational administration and planning in the fielde The survey work was entrusted to four survey teams of the Education Department of Himachal Pradesh. Each team comprised of local teachers and the education officer at the block level and they were entrusted with the task of collecting information though a carefully designed proforma. Mi orientation programme was also organised to prepare the mem.bers of the survey teams for their task. The survey teams also held discu5sions at various levels to understand the backgro'jnd of the problems. It cannot be claimed that this study is complete in a^ll the required details* However,we can regard t^ is as a begining of a detailed thorough investigation of the various problems which are associated with 1he expansion of elementary education and also retention of children dn schools. This may also enable us to understand the problems of enrolling the children of the weaker sections of the population and retain them in the schools. It is hoped that similar studies would be undertaken by the State Education Departments and they may be able to refine the methods and expand the scope and depth of these studies. We are most grateful to the authorities of the Himachal Pradesh Education Department for extending to us fu ll support and cooperation In undertaking this study. NEW DELHI P .K . UMAaiiiNKilR March 28, 78 • • • * JOINT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATiaT M D S.W. GOVT. OF INDIA PROJECT S T . F SHRI R.C. TREH^\N : R.O*,M±n.of ICducation & S,W* Govt,of In'^ir,New Delhi s m i R .S . THj^Ui; : StatoOfficer,Directorate of Education,Himachal Pradesh, Simla SHRI GURU DUTT : Stat,Asstt.,Directorate of Education,Himachal Fradesh, Simla j TYPED BY : SKRI BALI IU4K ; Clerk,D.S’s Office, Simla SKRI SHESSH pjU. : L, D^C.,Min,of Education & S.W ., New Delhi, SMT, U, SH/iLI DO c n o‘.':n tent Faee CH AFTF.R 1 . uri’aoDUCTORY 1 CHAITER 2- CONCEITS iiND DKb‘HaTION^ } 6 CE-iPTER 3. IMILEMENTATION OF STUDY 7 CHjU^TEH FOrULi^TION iiND LITIR,.CY 10 GHaT-TER 5- GRnVfTH OF CGHOOLS 16 CHAPTER 6, SCHOOL BUILDINGS 20 CH;J''TER 7. EgUIpMEI^T & EEUC.4TI0N*X ..IDS 28 CILiPTER 8. TE.ICKERS 32 CH;1FTER 9 . SCHOOL PERF01iM;JnICE 36 aLli^TER 10. UNIVERSALISATION OF EIEMENT.Xti.Y EDQC.iT ION If? CHiOTER 11. INCENTIVES TO CHILDREN ?o CH/*PTER 12. EWR0LM5NT RATIOS VUSTAGZ iJJD DROP-OUTS 53 CJLITTER 13. CONCLUSIONS & RECOIMMD.-J'IONS 63 MATS CF THE if BLOCKS : ( i ) B.iNIKHET ' 6 / ( i i ) BII-iliMOUR-II (Gia0L.O 68 (il l ) CaaffiA-I 6 9 ( i v ) CHOWjffil-I 7 0 aI'IENDIX : THE HJFOrMcCTIOH BL;iNK U S D FOU THK STUDY 71 XXX 1. BlTROGlQTOiU. 1 .1 * As per the df^talle^ scheme prepared by the Ministry of Education SocAnl We.lf?^rG, an Intensiv^e Study of h Educational of (JliHmhti was lujdcrtrnken during Septerrber- rvtube.T'^iV// as per schedule, after an orientation prograFine was organised at Ciianiba where the institutional rroforma (finalised during the New Delhi meeting in the second week of September) was discussed in detail. The reference date of the Study was 30th September, 1977• 1 *2. £.ag.is of Selection of Blocks. Rate of literacy seems to be a useful indicator of the relative development of a region. Illite ra c y , inter-alia,is discussed as a Social problem..Accordingly,on the following criteria provided by the Government of India,a selection of Blocks for the proposed study was made 1) One Block was to have a literacy percentage higher than that for the Pradesh as a whole# 1 1 ) The second Block was to be picked up from those having a literacy percentage sl’nilpr to the one as it obtains for the State as a whole. i l l ) The third Block was to be selected from amongst those Blocks having a literacy percentage lower than that for the Pradesh as a whole. 1.2.1 In case of Himachal Pradesh,the literacy percentage for the Pradesh as a whole is 31*96 C^3*19 ’^en and 20.23 women) according to 1971 census. Chamba Block I having a literacy percentage of ^3*5 amongst men, 23.1 amongst women and 33.7 for m.en and women combined, was selected for category (i). In the second category, Banikhet Block was selected, where the literacy percentage Is more or less the same as it obtains for the Pradesh as a whole. For the third category,Bharmour-II was selected. This block, apart from having the lowest rate of literacy, is wholly rural and tribal and inhabited by Gaddis. Jt has a literacy percentage of 16.^ amongst men, 1 amongst I/omen, and with 9*3 for men and women combined. In view of the fact that these three blocks will not have a sufficient number cf institutions for the proposed study, Chowarl-I Block was also added. Thus the study embraces ^50 revenue villages having a network of 221 schools of all typss. Of the revenue villages, 1 08 villages are unihabited according to .1971 census. This study extends to some parts of Tehsils of Bhattiyat and Chamba and Sub-Tahsil of Bharnour in Chamba District Table I on the next page gives a comparative picture of literacy percentage in all these four blocks as compared to the literacy percentage of Himachal Pradesh according to . • « »p/ 2*— - 2 - 1971 census TaBLE-I LITBHACY PERGEI^ITaG3-. 1 Q71 Category H.P. Educational Blocks Survey Banikhet Bh armour Ghanba Chowari Area U (Garffila) 1 2 3 5+ 5 6 7 ^ RURAL/URB/iN Male ‘*•3.19 3>f.9 37-1 I6.lf ^ 3 .5 3^.1 Female 20.23 17.2 18,6 1.2 23.1 18.8 Combined 31. 9 6 . 2 6 .h 28A 9 .3 33.7 26.6 i r u r a l Male ^ 1.19 26.3 30,7 l6o^ 2^ .5 3 1 .6 Female 18.15 8.1 8 .8 1.2 ^.1 16 .C Canblned 29. 8i 17.5 20 .2 9.3 1 ^.5 2 ^ .0 URBAN Male 66*76 65.5 57 A - 70.33 59.7 Female 52c?if 52,7 5 5 .0 - 53 .0 ^ 5 .8 Combined 60.5if 59.5 56.3 - 62.2 5 2 .5 AIM OF THE STUDY : 1«3 Broadly speaking this Study aims at objective informati for the selected blocks In respect of availability of physical schooling facilities for elementary stage of education adequacy of buildings, equipment and other facilities in the existing schools and the actual utilisation ofthese facilities as well as in respect of the tepxhing staff available and their work-load. This would also cover provision of facilities of education for the weaker sections including girls, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and cover the state of affiars regarding their enrolnent and attendance as well as the extent and reasons of wastage and stagnation. .p/ 3- - 3 - COVERED DIGTKICT ; 1e^ Chanba was one of the oldest Indian States in Northern India* The whole area became a part of liimachal Pradesh on I5th April, 19^8 and was given the status of a District, The jurisdiction of this District got slightly altered in 1966 :: with the 3 towns, vJ.Z,, Dalhousie Cantonment, Dalhousie Municipality and Bakloh Cajitonment having since been annexed to Bhattiyat Tehsil of this District under the Punjab Re-organisation Act,1966, 1c5 The District is bounded in the North West by Jammi & Kashmir State, on the North East and Eastern side by Lahaul & Spiti and Bara Bhangal; on the South East and South by I>istrict Kangra and Gurdaspur District of Punjab. The Territory is wholly mountainous, rugged with altitudes varlying from 2Q00 feet to xk about 21000 feet. The total area of the District is 819? Sq.Kms. which works out to 1^.7^ of the total area of the Pradesh. As against 62 persons per Sq.Kms.in the ir*adi?sh, the District is" •, npargfly populated and has density of 3^ persons per sq.km. In terms of literacy percentage 52 the District has as against 31.96^ for the State as a whole. Some of the Census indicators about the Pradesh and the tiistrict as compr.red to the similar information about the area under intensive study are given below in Table H . TABLE-II POPULATION STRUCTURE ^tegory Himac hal Chamba Survey Percentage Pradesh District Area coverage (c o l.^ of c o l.3 ) T TOTilL Persons 3lf6Cif3^ 255233 853^+3 33.^3 Males 1766957 131323 W fO if 33.
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