1909. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2203 trouble from it, so far as I know. No complaint has ever been The VICE-PRESIDENT. -The Secretary will call the roll on made except upon the part of certain people who want to have agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Iowa [l\ir. admitted into the United States at a much less rate of duty a DOLLIVER]. great ·rnriety of articles on the claim that their chief ·rnlue The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. was something else. lllr. FLINT (when his name was called). I am paired with I could, if I had the time and if the Senate desired to hear the senior Senator from Texas [Mr. CULBERSON]. I transfer it, take up these cited cases and show by a great variety of that pair to the junior Senator from Michigan [Mr. SMITH] cases that the courts and the general appraisers have admin­ and vote "nay." istered this law wisely, and I can see no reason for making the Mr. GUGGENHEIM (when his name was called). I have a change. general pair with the senior Senator from Kentucky [Mr. Mr. DOLLIVER. What the Senator has said is just as appli­ PAYNTER], who is not here; so I will not vote. cable to the cotton schedule as to this. It is just exactly as Mr. McCUl\fBER (when his name was called). I again an­ applicable. nounce my pair with the junior Senator from Louisiana [Mr. l\Ir. ALDRICH. It is not applicable to the cotton schedule, FOSTER]. He being absent, I will withhold my vote. because no such condition ever existed there. Mr. TALIAFERRO (when his name was called). I again l\Ir. DOLLIVER. Exactly; but articles manufacture(J. partly announce my pair with the junior Senator from West Virginia of cotton and partly of something else come in-- [l\fr. ScoTT]. As he is absent, I will withhold my vote. l\Ir. ALDRICH. The Senator from Iowa probably is aware, '.rhe roll call was concluded. as I am, that the "not otherwise pro'\<ided " paragraph in the Mr. WARREN (after having voted in the negative). I wish cotton schedule and in the linen schedule and all the textile to ask if the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. l\foNEY] has voted. schedules except wool provide the same rate-45 per cent­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator has not voted. while under this schedule there is a constant attempt being · Mr. WARREN. I withdraw my vote, as I am paired with made to introduce articles into the United States at 20 or 25 the Senator from Mississippi [Mr. l\IoNEY]. per cent for the purpose of evading the law. The result was announced-yeas 30, nays 40, as follows : Mr. DOLLIVER. If it will not h·ouble the Senator from YEAS-30. Rhode Island, I should like to know what articles the com­ Bacon Clay Hughes Simmons mittee has in mind as being included in this paragraph. Balley Crawford Johnston, Ala. Smith, Md. Mr. ALDRICH. If the Senator will take his Notes on Tariff Beveridge Cummins La Follette Smith, S. C. Bristow Daniel McLaurin Stone Revision and read them-- Brown Dolliver Nelson Mr. DOLLIVER. The notes on tariff revision were made by Burkett Fletcher Newlands ~n~in a young man, I believe, an attorney in the customs division of Chamberlain Fra.zier Overman the Treasmy; and while they are very valuable, I very much Clapp Gore Rayner prefer to know what the committee intended to include in this NAYS-40. paragraph. Aldrich Crane Gallinger Page Borah Cullom Gamble Penrose Mr. ALDRICH. I suggest that the Senator read the cases Brandegee Curtis Hale Perkins that are cited on page 247 of Notes on Tariff Revision. I Briggs Dick Heyburn Piles think the Notes on Tariff Revision may have been prepared by Bulkeley Dillingham .Johnson, N. Dak. Root Burnham • Dixon Jones Smoot a young man, but if they were, he was a young man of ability, Burrows du Pont Kean Stephenson certainly-- Burton Elkins Lodge Sutherland Carter Flint Nixon Warner Mr. DOLLIVER. Undoubtedly. Frye Mr. ALDRICH (continuing).. And judgment. They had the Clark, Wyo. Oliver Wetmore approval of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House. NOT VOTING-21. Mr. DOLLIVER. But the thing I wanted to get at was what Bankhead Depew Money Smith, Mich. Bourne Foster Owen Taliaferro articles were in the minds of the committee which had not been Bradley Guggenheim Paynter Warren enumerated in the metal schedule and yet naturally fall in the Clarke, Ark. Mccumber Richardson Culberson McEnery Scott basket clause.· Davis Martin Shively Mr. ALDRICH. Will the Senator look at those cases? It is not necessary for ]Ile to take the time, I think. So l\fr. DoLLIVER's amendment was rejected. Mr. DOLLIVER. It would not take much time to say if one The VICE-PRESIDENT. Without objection, the parag1·aph article manufactured out of any of these metals was in the mind is agreed to. of the committee as properly belonging in this basket clause. l\fr. ALDRICH. I desire to give notice that I will ask the l\lr. ALDRICH. Sieves, for instance, were claimed to be in Senate to consider the passed-over articles of the chemical chief value of horse hair, and _were admitted at 30 per cent; schedule to-morrow morning. fishing flies, in chief value of feathers. A great variety of arti­ I move that the Senate adjourn. cles are included in this memorandum showing that the purpose The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 20 minutes of Congress was-and so far as this paragraph is concerned, the p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Thursday, May purpose of the committee was-to have these articles pay a 20, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m. proper rate of duty. l\1r. DOLLIVER. I have no objection in the world to an article manufactured out of material the chief value of which is included in this list of metals paying its rate, but I think it SENATE. is unnecessary and likely to be more or less troublesome to have THURSDAY, May ~o, 1909. a list of articles a great deal longer than I have undertaken to give here, because I have not finished my reading of the deci­ The Senate met at 10 o'clock a. m. sions included in the schedule that was intended to cover other Prayer by Rev. IDysses G. B. Pierce, of the city of Washington. kinds of goods. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and apprornd. lllr. NELSON. I find here on the page cited by the Senator PUBLICATION OF LEGAL NOTICES. from Rhode Island an illustration that fits this case. It reads: Wreaths made of artificial flowers and wire were held dutiable, never­ The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a communication from the theless, as articles or wares wholly or in part of metal not specially secretary of the Territory of New .Mexico, which was referred provided for. to the Committee on Territories and ordered to be printed in l\Ir. DOLLIVER. Of course nobody would deny that such the RECORD, as follows : articles as that ought to be dutiable under the schedule at the (Certificate of comparison.) rate provided and· applicable to them. TEilRITORY OF NEW l\1E:XICO, I ask for the yeas and nays on agreeing to the amendment. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. The yeas and nays were orderea.. I, Nathan Jaffa, secretary of the Territory of New l\I~xico do hereby certify that there was filed for record in this office, at D o'~lock a. m .. Mr. BACON. I ask that the amendment may be read. on the 18th day of March, A. D. 1909, council substitute for House bill The VICE-PRESIDENT. Without objection, the Secretary No. 21~, an. act rela!ive .to the publication of legal notices, passed by will read i:he amendment. !he th1rty-e1ghth legislative assembly of the Territory of New Mexico The SECRETARY. In paragraph 195, page 68, line 23, before m.1909; anq ~lso, that I have compared the following copy of the same, with t~e origmal thereof now on file, and declare it to be a ce>rrect the words " of iron," it is proposed to strike out the word transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. "part" and insert the words "chief _value," so that it will G~ven under f!IY hand and the great .seal of the Territory of New read: re"E~oi 9i~.tbe city of Santa Fe, the capital, on this 14th day of May, Articles or wares not specially provided for in this section composed [Seal.] NATHAN JAFFA, wholly or in chief value of iron, steel, etc. Secretary of New Meanco. I 2204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN.A.TE. l\fAY 20, Council substitute for House bill No. 213. PETITIONS .A.ND MEMORIALS. An act relative to the publication of legar notices, and other matters wherein publication is required, regulating the price to be charged The VICE-PRESIDENT presented: a petition of the Surety therefor and providing a penalty, repealing certain sections of the Association @f America, of Baltimore, Md., praying for a modi­ compiled laws of New Mexico of 1897, and for other purposes. fication of: the requirements and practices in the business of Be it enact ed by the l egislative assembly of the Territory of New Mea:ico: furnishing customs bonds and for a reorganization of the sys­ SECTION 1. All legal notices, and all matters which are by law re­ tem under whie-h customs bonds are oow required to be exe­ quired to be published, shall hereafter be published in the English lan· cuted, which was referred to the Committee · on Finance.
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