Bibliographical Notes Printed sources With the exception of Faraday sources, DNB, DSB and anonymous articles all the notes and references following each chapter normally refer to this bibliography by author and year of publication. Volume numbers of both journals and multi-volume works always appear in bold. Numbers following the date in the notes and references or in the bibliographical entries refer to pagination unless specifically stated otherwise (for example art). The excep­ tions are as follows. Faraday sources 1. L.P. Williams, R. FitzGerald and 0. Stallybrass (eds) The selected correspondence of Michael Faraday (2 volumes, Cambridge, 1971). This is cited in the notes and references as Correspondence followed by volume and letter number. 2. Faraday's Diary. Being the various philosophical notes of experimental investigation made by Michael Faraday, DCL, FRS, during the years 1820-1862 and bequeathed by him to the Royal Institution ofGreat Britain. Now, by order oftheM anagers, printed andpublished for the first time, under the editorial supervision of Thomas Martin (7 volumes and index, London, 1932-6), is cited in the notes and references as 'Faraday, Diar:y'. From p. 367 of volume one this is followed by entry date, volume number and entry number. (NB. Entry numbers begin twice on 29 August 1831 and again on 25 August 1832.) Entries in volume one (until p. 366) have entry date, '1:', followed by pagination. (NB. In the printed diary entries do not always follow chronologically in order.) 3. Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity covers two sets of papers. The first is his sequentially numbered series of papers that appeared in the Philosophical Transactions and in the Philosophical Magazine from 1832 230 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES onwards. In the bibliography the Philosophical Transactions papers are listed in the normal way followed by ERE, the series number and the paragraph numbers; the Philosophical Magazine papers which did not have series numbers are followed by the paragraph numbers. In the notes and references these papers are cited by Faraday and year followed by the paragraph number. In Experimental Researches in Electricity. Reprinted from the Philosophical Transactions of 1831-1852. With other electrical papers from the Quartf!rly Journal of Science, Philosophical Magazine, the Proceedings of the Royal Institution (3 volumes, London, 1839-55) Faraday included, in volumes two and three, a number of papers which were not part of either the Philosophical Transactions or Philosophical Magazine series. In the bibliography the original place of publication and the ERE volume and page number is given. In the notes and references these papers are cited as normal; if an author refers to a paper from these volumes then this is signified by ERE followed by the volume and page number. 4. The identical procedure is adopted for his Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics. Reprinted from the Philosophical Transactions of 1821-1857; the Journal of the Royal Institution; the Philosophical Magazine, and other publications (London, 1859). This is cited as ERCP. Other sources Collected papers of other scientists and theologians are referred to in the normal way; if an author refers to a paper via a collected work this is referred to as 'in', followed by pagination (e.g. 'Glas (1741) in Glas (1782), 2: 1-42'). Collections of original papers are cited in the bibliography under the editor(s) and the author(s) of individual contributions. This latter is cited in the notes and references. Translations of non-English material are listed individually in the bibliography. Anonymous articles are cited only in the notes• and references. These for the most part form newspaper reports of lectures, meetings and the like. Encyclopedia entries are cited under the author of the article. Entries from the Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) and the Dictionary of Scientific Biography (DSB) are only cited in the notes and references followed by volume and page number. Manuscripts All manuscripts are cited only in the notes and references; these include unpublished historical papers. The only exception here is F. Greenaway, M. Berman, S. Forgan and D. Chilton (eds), Archives of the Royal Institution, Minutes of the Managers' meetings, 1799-1903 (15 volumes, bound in 7, London, 1971-6), which is a BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES 231 photographic reproduction of the minute books kept in the Royal Institution archive, is cited in the notes and references as 'RI MM' followed by date of meeting, volume and page number. The following abbreviations are used: lEE Institution of Electrical Engineers. LA National Trust at Lacock Abbey. RI Royal Institution. F Faraday papers. GM Minutes of general meetings. HD Humphry Davy papers. T Tyndall papers. RS Royal Society. PT Manuscripts of Philosophical Transactions papers. UCL University College London. ULC University Library Cambridge. Collected Bibliography Abelson, R.P. see Schank, R.C. Agassi, J. (1971): Faraday as a Natural Philosopher, Chicago. Airy, G.B. (1833): 'Remarks on Sir David Brewster's paper 'On the absorption of specific rays &c" Phil. Mag., 2: 419-24. --(1846): 'remarks on Dr Faraday's paper on Ray vibrations', Phil. Mag., 28: 532-7. Ampere, A.-M. (1820): 'Conclusions d'un Memoire sur !'action mutuelle de deux courans electriques, sur celle qui existe entre un courant electrique et un aimant, et celle de deux aimans l'un sur !'autre; lu a I'Academie royale des Sciences, le 25 septembre 1820', J. Phys., 91: 76-8. --(1820-1): 'Description and use of the apparatus employed by M. Ampere in his electro-magnetic researches', Edinb. Phil. J., 4: 406-16. --(1821a): 'Reponse de M. Ampere a Ia lettre de M. Van Beck, sur une nouvelle Experience electro-magnetique', J. Phys., 93: 447-67. --(1821b): 'Notes relatives au Memoire de M. Faraday', Ann. Chim. Phys., 18: 370-9. --(1827): 'Memoire sur Ia theorie mathematique des phenomenes electrodynamiques uniquement deduite de !'experience, dans lequel se trouvent reunis les Memoires que M. Ampere a communiques a l'Academic royal des Sciences, dans les seances des 4 et 26 decembre, 1820, 10 juin 1822, 22 decembre 1823, 12 septembre et 21 novembre 1825', Mem. Acad. Sci. lnst. France, 6: 175-387. (This is the volume of Memoires dated 1823 which appeared in 1827, some months after the 1826 appearance of the published separate edition which differs from this version.) --(1831): 'Experiences sur les courans electriques produits par !'influence d'un autre courant', Ann. Chim. Phys., 48: 405-12. Anderson, J.R. (1980): Cognitive Psychology and its Implications, San Francisco. --(1983): The Architecture of Cognition, Cambridge, Ma. Angstrom, A.J. (1854) 'Optiska Undersokningar', Kong/. Veten. Akad. Hand/., 335-60. --(1855): 'Optical Researches', Phil. Mag., 9: 327-42. Appleyard, R. (1931): A tribute to Michael Faraday, London. Arago, D.F.J. (1819): 'Rapport fait par M. Arago a I'Academie des Sciences, au nom de Ia Commission qui avait ete chargee d'examiner les Memoirs envoyes au concours pour le prix de Ia diffraction', Ann. Chim. Phys., 11: 5-30. Arkkelin, D. see Tweney, R.D. Avogadro, A. (1844): 'Saggio di teoria matematica della distribuzione della elettricita sulla superficie dei corpi conduttori nell'ipotesi della azione induttiva escercitata dalla medesima sui corpi circostanti, per mezzo delle particelle dell'aria frapposta', Mem. Mat. Fis., 23: 156-184. 234 COLLECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Bain, A. (1904). Autobiography, London. Barlow, P. (1820): An Essay on Magnetic Attractions, London. --(1822): 'Notice respecting Mr. Barlow's discovery of the mathematical laws of electro­ magnetism', Edinb. Phil. J., 7: 281-3. Barnard, G. (1885): The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water-colours, new edition, London. Barnes, B. (1983): 'Social life as bootstrapped induction', Sociology, 17: 524-45. Baron, J. (1985): Rationality and Intelligence, Cambridge. Barr, A. and Feigenbaum, E.A. eds (1981): The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, 1, Los Altos. Bartlett, F.C. (1932): Remembering: A study in Experimental and Social Psychology, Cambridge. --(1958): Thinking: An Experimental and Social Study, London. Bate, J. (1740): Experimental Philosophy Asserted and Defended, Against Some Late Attempts to Undermine It, London. Bence Jones, H. (1862): Report on the Past, Present and Future of the Royal Institution, Chiefly in Regard to its Encouragement of Scientific Research, London. --(1870a): The Life and Letters of Faraday, 1st edition, London. --(1870b): The Life and Letters of Faraday, 2nd edition, London. --(1871): The Royal Institution: Its Founders and Its First Professors, London. Benezit, E. (1976): Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, scu/pteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, 10 volumes, Paris. Benjamin, W. (1970): Illuminations, London. Bennett, J. see Bogue, D. Berkson, W. (1974): Fields of Force: The Development of a World view from Faraday to Einstein, New York. --(1978): 'Reply to Pearce Williams (1975)', Br. J. Phil. Sci., 29: 243-8. Berman, M. (1978): Social Change and Scientific Organization: The Royal Institution, 1799-1844, London. Bern, S. see Rappard, H. Bion, W.R. (1962): Learning from Experience, London. Biot, J.-B. (1805a): 'Sur le formation de l'eau par le seule compression, et sur le nature de l'etincelle electrique', Ann. Chim. Phys., 53: 321-7. --(1805b): 'Note on the formation of water by mere compression; with reflections on the nature of the electric spark', J. Nat. Phil., 12: 212-5. --(1816): Traite de Physique, 3 volumes, Paris. Blondel, C. (1982): A.-M. Ampere et Ia Creation de /'e/ectrodynamique ( 1820-1827), Paris. Bogue, D. and Bennett, J. (1808-12): History ofDissenters,from the Revolution in 1688, to the Year 1808, 4 volumes, London. [Bollaert, W.] (1867): 'Personal recollections', Laboratory, 1: 388-90. Boscovich, R.J. (1763): Theoria Philosophiae Natura/is, 2nd edition, Venice. --(1922): A Theory of Natural Philosophy, London. Bowers, B.P. (1975a): The Life and Work of Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875) with Particular Reference to his Contributions to Electrical Science, University of London (external) PhD thesis.
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