OFFICIAL PRO GRAMME --- --- -~--= --- - - - -- - - - - -- - -_--.- TOSHIBA Toshiba Co rpo ration in associa tion wi th th e Tosh ib a UK comp an ies is delight ed an d pro ud ta be sponso ring the RFU's Oivisional and Co un ty Championships for the next three years. Dur interest in the game stems from th e lact that Rugby is a major cor po rate recreatio nal activity for staff members in Japan and we believe that it is one of the best sports ta create mutual understanding and friendship on and off the pitch. likewise, here in England, Rugby Union is part of the culture and heritage of the peop le. ft is a game of great tradition, played in the true spirit of sportsmanship. To shiba wishes ail the tea ms every success for this seaso n and looks fo rward ta an en joyable and sporting co mpetition . Sueaki Takabatake Managing Oirector Toshiba International Company Limited YORKSHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION President E. G. LEE Seniof Vice-President A . G. ROCHE Junior Vice-President R. JESSOP Hon. Secretary D . H. LUDLAM 11 Fountain Street, H al ifax HX 1 1 LU T elephone 0422 407 11 Hon. Treasurer O. GR 1EV ESON 62 Doncaster Raad, Selby, North Yorkshire Y08 9AJ Youth Rugby Sub-Committee Colts Rugby Sub-Committee Chairman l. W. Bentley Chairman H. A. Oavies Hon. Secretary B. Shenten Hon. Secretary A. Roche 1 College Close, Becketts Park Schools Section Leeds 6 Chairman J . W. Co liard Hon. Secretary J. W. Collard, 27 Cookridge Lane, Leeds LS16 7LO THE TOSHIBA DIVISIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP NORTH V LONDON 5th DECEMBER 1987 at OTLEY RFC . CROSS GR EEN· OTLEY Admission: [2.00 Ground/[2.00 Stand Application for tickets to G. Hinchcliffe, 22 Cyrus Drive, Thackley, Bradford YORKSHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP -Jarne .... Add ress ..... Proposed by Date. " Annual Subscriptions Payment should be made CO the Registrar County Members (4.00 D. H. T. Fox GAP County Members (2.00 9 Stai nfarth Raad, Barnby Dun Ladies & SChoolboys (1.00 Doncaster • HEAD ING LEY RFC ;. Yorl<shire K I RKSTA LL GROUND Cheshire WH ITE SH IRTS BLUE & WH ITE HOO PS WEDNESDAY, 4th NOVEMBER 1987 15. R. ADAMSON (Wakefield) 15. A. CHA PMAN (B irkenhead Park) 14. M. JOYCE (B radford & Bingley) 14. S. PL UM B (Lymm) 13. J. BUCKTON (Saracens) 13. P. McNER LI N (B irkenhead Park) 12. J. BENTLE Y (Sa le) 12 . A. 1 RV I NE (New Brighton) 11. R. UNDERWOO D (Leicester) 11. D. WAD HAM (Birkenhead Park) 10. R. AN D REWS (Wasps) 10. W. BAI LLES (B irkenhèad Park) 9. D. HO LMES (Sheffield) 9. D. MORR IS (W innington Park) 1. M. WHI TCOMBE (Sale) r Referee : 1. A.N . OT HER 2. P. SELLAR (Headingley ) ~,.J.CLJULS " 2. 1. TAYLOR (Macc lesfield) (Northumberland RS ) 3. A. RICE (Hull & ER) 3. S. GILL (Vale of Lune) Capt . 4. A . FRASER (Head ingle y ) 4. P. McC RAVE (Waterloo) 5. D. BALDWIN (Wakefield) 5. T. BROUG HTON (Winnington Park) 6. P. WI NTERBOTTOMt (Head ingley ) 6. M. 0 00 LEY (New Brighton) 7. P. BUCKTON (Liverpoo l-St Helens) Touch Judges: 7. P. BI LLI NGTON (Sale) MR. M. de V. ROBERTS S. J. EL LISON (Wasps) B. D. BI RTLES (Sandbach) (YR FU RS) Replacements Replacements 16. G. IRV INE (Harrogate) MR. D. 1. ADAMS to be annou nced 17. A. BEMROSE (Hal if ax) (Liverpoo l & District RS) ]ri i ~ "{ 'S- tlnternati o naIÀ t1 Clq.l.\"~"~4. '" ~ lf'ltlll.)}')1J i .B$_'<'il ~ \ L N'n J " o(ÎrI(l(" 7 \t- lit " : ~~ ~ 1.. 'O. I,nr lJ" Il ~ 1 4- ~ "T ~\ .. :~ , " • . L-_________t~ 4 ~~~L~~~~~~~~. ~~ "~~ ~~ J-~ ~~~~4~~~u =~~~~~ ~~, ~{ ~~ ~\ ---------_-~--~---~ --~------------~------~----------------- COUNTY MATCHES 1987 YORKSHIRE SCHOOLS 116 Group) 14 Dctober NDRTHUMBERL / ' v YDfiKSHI 'ercy Park 2 Decem ber YORKSHIRE vWARW IC KS HIRE Brido n RUFC 4 Nov IWed) YORKSH IRE v CHb HI RE Kirkstal l 12 0 ece mber DURHAM v YORKS HI RE Durh am School Fixtures 11 Nov IW,d) LANCASHIRE v YORKSHIR J Drrell 18Decomber YORKS HIR E v CUMBR IA Bradford Salem RUFC 21 Nov,mber YORKSHIRE v DURHAM Otl ey 230ecember CHES HIRE v YORKSHIRE Wil mslow RUFC 1987/88Season 28 November YORKSH IRE v CUMBRIA Morley 30 Dece mber YOR KSHI Ré v NO RTHUMBER LAND YOrk RUFC Divisio nal Matches are play ed on 5 Oec, 12 DeÎ ' and 19 Dec 19 87 19 88 2 Janua ry LANCASH IRE v YORKS HIRE to be annou nced INTERNATIONAL FI XTURES 1988 COUNTY COLTS 1987 '. YORKSHIRE SC HOOLS 11 8 Group) 16 Janua ry FRANCE v ENGLAND Paris 7 Nove mber DURHAM v YORKSHIR E Hartlepo ol Rovers 18D ecember YORKS HIR E v CUMBR IA Hal ifax RUFC 6 February ENGLAND vWALES Twicke nham 14 November YORKSHIRE v CUMB RI A Se l b ~ 230ecember CHESHIRE v YORKS HIR E New Brigh ton RFC 5 Mareh SCOTLAND v ENGLAND Mu rrayf ield 21 Novembe r LA NCAS HIRE vYORKSHIR E W.Park ISt.H ele ns) 30D ece mber YORKS HI RE v NO RTHU MBER LAND Selby RUFC 19 March ENGLAND v IRELAND Twickenham 28 November YORKSHIRE v NORTHUMB ER LAND Scarborou·gh 1988 2 January LANCASHIRE v YORKSHIRE to be announced MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF YORKSHIRE RFLJ. A big Yorkshire welcome to the Cheshire RFU . Officiais, Players and Support~rs for this second County Championship match of the Season, under the Kirkstall lights. There is always something about the County Championship in the Northern Counties whi ch makes us ail real ise that the new Season is really with us. It is for LIS ail to aim to keep the Chamionship alive and kicking. After ail, the Championship in the North puts six times as many players on view to se lectors than one Oi visional XV. Our great game is for PLAYERS and about PLAYERS and Clubs shou ld give them the chance to go to the highest leve l of their ability and talent. A il our sincere thanks go to the players on the field t onight for their dec ision to play for the ir Counties and to the officiais of the Clubs who have supported thei r decision. We look forward to an entertainin g game, made possible by the service to the Game of the Referee and Touch Judges. On behalf of the Yorkshire RFU ., thank vou Headingley for staging the match and for the provision of the hospitality afterwards. And to the spectators, your support is appreciated and welcomed. Withou t vou there wou Id be no atmosphere for the players and no encouragement from the 'side lin es'. Finally, 1 am sure that Vou wi ll ail jaïn me in congratulations to Geoff Cooke, newly appointed as the Rugby Football Union Team Manage r. After ail the fin e work he has done for Yorkshire and the North Divisio n, 1 am certain that, given his head and the availab il ity of cl ass players, he wi ll do the same for England . We wïsh him weil in his task. Geoffrey Lee. ~ Presid ent: Yorkshire RFU . TOSHIBA COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP 1987-88 HOW ITWORKS Each of the four Divisions wi ll produce its winner in its own way . For the North that means each County plays the others once on a league basis. (2 points for a win and 1 for ad raw) and then the Coun ty with the greatest number of points progresses to the semi-fi nal. The regulations provide that there will be no replays. ln the eve nt of two Counties having ar. equal number of points at the top o f the league, then the County with the greatest difference between points scored for and agai nst w ill go forwa rd . In the event of the two Counties having the sa me point difference, then the side scoring most tries will be the w inners and if they are sti ll , \ 1ual the side sco ring most goals from tries and then the Count y whi ch has scored. most points. Finally, places w ill be determined upon the result between the twol Counties in contention. - The semi-finals wi ll be played on Saturday the 12th March 1988 and the F ~ 1 a1 on the 9th April, at Twickenham. The semi-f inal s w ill be determined by draw to take place before 3 1st Oecember 1987. • • • • r lTOSH1BA \. @[x]mlliil~@Iï\!J@(gJ O ~ .
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