Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-00230-1 - Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World Katherine M. D. Dunbabin Index More information Index of sites and monuments Acholla, 103, 104–5, 295; Baths of Colonnade, porticoes, 179–80, 304 Cabezón de Pisuerga, villa, 322 Trajan, 104, 107, 111, figs.104, 105; n.3; Triclinos Building, mosaic of Caesarea (Judaea), church, 196 n.19 House of the Triumph of Neptune, Hunt, 183–4, 234, figs.196, 197 Caesarea (Mauretania), 124; fountains, 105, 106, 280, 288, 310, figs.106, 309 Aquileia, Christian basilicas, 71 246, fig.261; Mosaic of Agricultural Agrigentum, 130 Argos, 299; Odeion, 304; Villa of the Labours, 117, fig.121 Ai Khanoum, palace, pebble mosaics, Falconer, 220–2, 305, figs.233, 234 Caminreal, 318 17 Arpi, pebble mosaics, 17 Camulodunum, 89–90 Aigai, see Vergina Arsameia on the Nymphaios, 30 Capsa, 117 Ain-Témouchent, 323 n.31 Arslan Tash, palace, pebble floor, 5 Carranque, villa, 155, 272, 276, 286 n.29, Alcalá de Henares, see Complutum Athens, 7, 271 323, fig.162 Aldborough, see Isurium Brigantum Augst, see Augusta Raurica Cartagena, see Carthago Nova Alexandria, 22–4, 32, 274 n.25; Mosaic Augusta Raurica, 79, 280 Carthage, Punic, 20, 33, 53, 101, 102–3, of warrior, 23, 24; Palace of Augusta Treverorum, 79, 81, 82, 94, 271, figs.101, 102; – Roman, Vandal and Ptolemies, 26 n.25; Shatby, Stag Hunt 317–18; Basilica of Constantine, 246; Byzantine, 103, 104, 107, 125, 127 n. 66, (Hunting Erotes), 20, 23–4, 254, Mysteries mosaic from Kornmarkt, 128, 130, 137, 138, 139 n.21, 257, 280, figs.22, 23, 24 82, fig.85 fig.103 Althiburus, hunting scenes, 112, 115, 116, Avenches, see Aventicum Antonine Baths, 248; House of the figs.115, 116 Aventicum, 79 Greek Charioteers, fig.271; House of Altintepe, pebble floor, 5 Azuara, Villa of La Malena, 154 n.37 the Horses, Mosaic of Horses, 116, Ampurias, see Emporiae 140, 261, figs.119, 120, 295, pl.18; Anemurium, baths, 324 Baccano, villa, 67 Mosaic of Dominus Julius, 118, 322, Antioch-on-the-Orontes, 160–6, 172, Baiae, nymphaeum-triclinium, 263 fig.122; Mosaic of the Offering of the 174, 177, 178, 184, 188, 226, 228, 229, Baetulo, 145 Crane, 127, 329 299, 300, 329, fig.189; Atrium House, Banasa, 126 Carthago Nova, 144 161, 163, figs.164, 165, 166; Daphne, Barcelona, see Barcino Cassino, nymphaeum, 237 n.5 160; – Constantinian Villa, 163, 166, Barcino, 145, 320 Castroreale Bagni, villa, 130 180, figs.169, 170; – Mosaic of the Batten Zamour, baths, mosaic of Cástulo, pebble mosaics, 17 n.35, 144 Phoenix, 178, figs.191, 192; – Yakto athletic contests, 117 Catania, 130 Complex, Megalopsychia Hunt, Beit Jibrin, 196 n.20, 197 Centcelles, Mausoleum, 251–2, 284, 180–3, figs.194, 195 Bell-lloch, villa, 320 figs.267, 268 House of the Boat of Psyches, 314, Beth Alpha, synagogue, 191, 270–1 n.9, Chemtou, see Simitthus fig.314; House of the Buffet Supper, 276 n.41, fig.203 Cherchel, see Caesarea (Mauretania) 310, fig.310; House of the Drinking Beth Guvrin, see Beit Jibrin Chersonnesos, pebble mosaics, 17 Contest, 162–3, fig.167; House of the Beth Shean/Beisan: monastery, 196 Chieti, emblema with Theseus and Evil Eye, 312, fig.311; House of the n.19; synagogue, 270–1 n.9, 276 Minotaur, 301, fig.304 Man of Letters, 162 n.6; House of n.41 Chios, 216 Polyphemus and Galatea, 161 n.5; Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, Cirencester, see Corinium Mosaic of the Green Carpet, 177, 193 Clupea, House of the Two Hunts, pl.30; Mosaic of the Striding Lion, Bignor, villa, 91 127 178, fig.190; Qaousiye (Kaoussie) Bishapur, Palace of Sapor, 174, figs.185, Colchester, see Camulodunum Church, 177, fig.188; Seleucia, 160; – 186, 187 Cologne, see Colonia Claudia Ara Quatrefoil Church, 179 Bovillae, 258 Agrippensium Worcester Hunt, 180 Brading, villa, 91, 99 Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippensium, 81; Apamea-on-the-Orontes, 160, 169–70, Brantingham, 287 n.32 Dionysiac mosaic, 81, fig.83 172, 177, 184, 230; Building under Brough-on-Humber, see Petuaria Complutum, House of Bacchus, 152, cathedral, figs.175, 176, 177; Great Bulla Regia, 101 311, figs.158, 159 348 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-00230-1 - Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World Katherine M. D. Dunbabin Index More information Index of sites and monuments Conimbriga, House of the Fountains, Cosmological Mosaic, 122 n.53, Hinton St Mary, villa, 95–6, 98, 287, 150–1, figs.157a, 157b 147–50, 286, 300, 328, figs. 153, 154, figs.94, 95, pl.15 Constantinople, 232; Great Palace, 184, 155, pl.25; Mosaic of Anniponus, 158, Horkstow, circus race mosaic, 99 232–5, 298, 299, figs.244, 245, 246, 272, fig.163; Mosaic of Charioteers, Huarte, 180; Michaelion, 180; Photios 247, 248; Hagia Sophia, 264 320, fig.316 Basilica, 180 Corinium, 90, 91, 92; Barton Farm Emporiae (Emporion), 145, figs.149, Hucclecote, villa, 91 Villa, 92, 94, fig.9 150; Neapolis, signinum pavements, Corinth, 6, 14, 211; Anaploga Villa, 210, 144, fig.148 Iasos, Villa of the Mosaics, 224 211, fig.222; Centaur Bath, 5, 7, figs.1, Enfidaville, Sidi bou Ali, 276, 285, Isca, legionary baths, 88 2; Mosaic House, 214; Roman Villa, fig.286 Isthmia, baths, 210, fig.223 212, fig.225 ‘En-Gedi, synagogue, 192, fig.204 Isurium Brigantum, panel with Wolf Croton, 317 Ephesos, 225; Stoa of Alytarches, 225 and Twins, 98, 99, fig.98 Cuicul, 101, 125; House of the Ass, 109 n.10, 304 n.3; Terrace Houses, 225, Italica, 147, 150, pl.24; House of Cumae, Forum Temple, 318 251, 252, figs.238, 266 Neptune, 146, fig.152; House of the Cyrene, 30, 318 Epidamnus, see Dyrrhachion Planetarium, 150, fig.156 Eretria, 7, 32; House of the Mosaics, 6, Ivailovgrad, villa, 321, fig.317a,b Damascus, Great Mosque, 205 8, 9, 10, figs.6, 7, pl.1 Daphne, see Antioch Erythrai, irregular mosaic, 19 Jerash, see Gerasa Deir el-‘Adas, Church of St George, 184, Et-Tabgha, Church of the Jericho, Herodian and Hasmonaean 325, fig.199 Multiplication, 194, fig.207 Palaces, 187, 257 Delos, 19, 20, 30–5, 38, 187, 209, 212, 223, Eva (Arcadia), villa, 215 n.21 Jerusalem, 187, 196 n.20; Dome of the 224, 273, 279, 280, 292; Agora of the Exeter, see Isca Rock, 205 Italians, 30, fig.32; House b, 292, fig.297; House of Dionysus, Fishbourne, villa, 88, 90, 98, figs.87, 90 Kastron Mefaa: Church of Bishop Dionysiac mosaic, 32, 44, fig.33, pl.5; Formiae, ‘Villa of Cicero’, nymphaeum, Sergius, 203; Church of St Stephen, House of the Dolphins, 33, 271, 237, figs.249, 250 203, 204–5 n.39, 273, figs.217, 218; figs.34, 35, 36; – ‘sign of Tanit’, 33, 35; Frampton, villa, 95–6, 97 Church of the Lions, 203 House of Fourni, 33; House of the Francolise, Villa San Rocco, 283, 289, Kélibia, see Clupea Masks, 33–5, fig.37; – Mosaic of figs.289, 290, 291 Kenchreai, glass opus sectile, 257, 266–8, Dionysus riding a leopard, 32, 35, 289, figs.282, 283; Fountain Court, fig.38 Gafsa, see Capsa 288 House of the Trident, 35, 306, figs.39, Gaza, 193 Kephallonia, 276, 312, 324, fig.312 306; House iii n, fig.31; House iii Georgia, 173 n.27 Kerkouane, Punic pavements, 102, q, fig.30; Ilot des bijoux, 35 n.47, Gerasa: Church of SS. Cosmas and fig.100 38 n.4; Sanctuary of the Syrian Damianos, 196 n.19, 197, 325, fig.209; Khenchela, see Mascula gods, 317 Church of St John Baptist, 202 Khirbet el-Mafjar, palace, 205–7, Delphi: Basilica, 219; Temple of Athena Glanum, 73–4; House of the Capricorn figs.220, 221 Pronaia, 5 (iv), 73, fig.74; House of Sulla (xii), Khirbet el-Minyeh, 205 Desenzano, villa, 69, 71, figs.72, 73 73 Khirbet el-Mukhayyat, see Nebo Dion, 214 Gordion, 7; Phrygian Houses, pebble Khirbet el-Murassas, see Ma‘ale Djemila, see Cuicul mosaics, 5; West Phrygian House, 5 Adummim Dorchester, see Durnovaria Grado, Church of St Euphemia, 325 Khirbet Moûqa, church, 177 Dougga, see Thugga Kissufim, church, 325, fig.318 Dueñas, villa, 154 Hadrumetum, 103; Mosaic of Vergil, 115 Knossos, Villa Dionysus, 211 Durreli di Realmonte, 284 Hagios Taxiarchis, mosaic of Seasons, Kos, 214, 229; House of Silenus Mosaic, Durnovaria, 91 222, pl.34 216, fig.227 Durobrivae, 91 Halicarnassus, villa, 225 n.9 Kourion, 229; pebble mosaics, 17, 226 Dyrrhachion, 15 Hammath Tiberias, synagogue, 189–91, Kursi, church, 196 n.19 192, fig.202 Edessa, funerary mosaics, 172, 313 n.29, Herculaneum, 104; House of Neptune La Chebba, mosaic of Neptune and the 318, figs.182, 183, 184 and Amphitrite (v.6), 244, fig.259; Seasons, 111, 112, fig.114 El Djem, see Thysdrus House of the Stags (iv.21), 243, 259; Lambaesis, 317 Emerita, 92 n.16, 145, 146, 152, 168; Samnite House, fig.50 Lauro di Nola, villa, 240 House of the Mithraeum, Herodion, 187 Lebena, Asklepieion, 18, fig.16 349 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-00230-1 - Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World Katherine M. D. Dunbabin Index More information Index of sites and monuments Lepcis Magna, 103, 119 figs.239, 240, 241; House of Orpheus, Palestrina, see Praeneste Lillebonne, hunting scene, 274, 275 229, 275; pebble mosaics, 17, 226 Palmyra, 172, 230, 301; House of Lilybaeum, 104, 130, fig.133 Neapolis (Nabeul), House of the Kassiopeia, 172, fig.181 Lixus, 126 Nymphs, 114–15, 288, fig.117 Panormus, Piazza della Vittoria, Loupian, villa, 86, pl.13 Nebo, 198–9; Chapel of Priest John, hunting scene, 38 Low Ham, villa, 96, fig.96 198; Church of SS.
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