2008 FOOTBALL 2008 Kutztown University Football Schedule AUG 28 ST. ANSELM 6:05 PM SEPT 6 CLARION 3:35 PM SEPT 13 at Slippery Rock 6:00 PM SEPT 20 *at Bloomsburg 1:00 PM SEPT 27 WEST CHESTER (Family Day) 1:05 PM OCT 4 *at Cheyney 1:00 PM OCT 11 *SHIPPENSBURG 1:05 PM OCT 18 *at East Stroudsburg noon OCT 25 MILLERSVILLE (Homecoming) 1:05 PM NOV 1 *C.W. POST 1:05 PM NOV 8 #at Indiana (PA) 1:00 PM *PSAC East contest Home games in BOLD CAPS kubears.com About Kutztown University History: Library: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, a mem- Modern, spacious facility; 517,000 bound vol- ber of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher umes, as well as thousands of maps, periodicals Education, was founded in 1866 as Keystone and microforms; Endeavor integrated library Normal School. It became Kutztown State system; numerous Web databases; Internet; Teachers College in 1928, Kutztown State Col- electronic full-text periodical databases; 191 lege in 1960, and achieved university status in computers, including laptops; 527 network 1983. Today, Kutztown University is a modern, connections; seating for 800 patrons. comprehensive institution and is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Special Facilities: Secondary Schools, PA Department of Edu- Wireless campus, gallery, planetarium, obser- cation, NCATE, NLNAC, CSWE, NCACE, vatory, TV production facilities, 50 student- NASM and NASAD. accessible computer labs containing nearly 800 PCs/Macs, cartography lab, early learning Location: center, smart classrooms, curriculum materi- Kutztown University’s picturesque 325-acre als center and Pennsylvania German Heritage campus is located in a Pennsylvania Dutch Center. community mid-way between Allentown and Reading. Several large cities are easily acces- Student Life: sible, including Philadelphia and New York. Nearly 150 student organizations include: academic, advisory councils, campus media Enrollment: (including a fully-equipped radio station and Approximately 10,200 full- and part-time student newspaper), diversified interest, Greek undergraduate and graduate students. Most Life, performing arts, public service, special are Pennsylvania residents, but students from interest, sports (club and recreation) and visual 24 states and 38 nations are represented in the arts affiliates. Entertainment options include student body: 60% women, 40% men. concerts, dances, lectures, comedy, excursions and cultural events. The McFarland Student Academic Year: Union houses the bookstore, movie theater, Consists of two 15-week terms. The university game room, snack bar, TV lounge, coffeehouse, also offers classes during two five-week sum- financial center and cyberlounge. mer sessions. Residence Halls: Faculty: Fifteen residence facilities (8 coed, 2 single Teaching-focused with scholarly expertise; gender, 2 modified single gender), two apart- many are engaged in research, student/faculty ment-style coed complexes and one residence research, writing and consulting. There is a house accommodate 4,800 students. All resi- 19:1 student/faculty ratio. dence halls are wired for cable TV, telephone, Majors/Degrees: Internet and campus network access. KU has nearly 60 undergraduate majors in the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Visual and Performing Arts, Business, and Education. There are 19 graduate degree pro- In accordance with the Equity in Athletics grams within the College of Graduate Studies Disclosure Act of 1994 (section 360B of Pub. L. and Extended Learning. Degrees at Kutztown 130-382), the Kutztown University Athletic Depart- include the B.A., B.F.A, B.S.B.A., B.S.N., ment has made information concerning its intercol- B.S.W., B.S.Ed.; M.A., M.B.A., M.P.A., legiate athletics programs available to the public. M.L.S., M.S., and M.Ed. This information is on file at Rohrbach Library and the athletic department main office. Questions can Special Academic Programs: be directed to the athletics office, (610) 683-4094. There are honors programs throughout the Kutztown University is committed to Affirmative Action, equal employment and educational oppor- undergraduate curriculum, Phi Kappa Phi and tunity in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Alpha Epsilon Lambda national honor societ- Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246, ies, 17 international exchange and study abroad the Educational Amendments under Title IX of 1972, programs, freshmen seminars, independent Sections 503/504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, study, internships, four MBA locations, and and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. diversified and intensive academic support services. photo by Pat Healey, Sr. Table of Contents/Media Information 2008 Golden Bear Yearbook About Kutztown University ............ins. front cover Media Information President Dr. F. Javier Cevallos ............................ 2 All media inquiries for Kutz- Support Staff ......................................................... 3 town University athletics, its coach- Head Coach Raymond Monica ............................. 4 es and student-athletes, are to be Assistant Coaches ..............................................5-7 directed to the Golden Bear Sports 2005-06 Dixon Trophy .......................................... 8 Information Office. Media inqui- Student Recreation Center .................................... 8 ries include all requests for sports Athletic Facilities .................................................. 9 information file photographs, photo 2008 Preview .................................................10-12 shoots and interviews (either by 2008 Pre-Season Roster .................................12-13 phone, e-mail, in-person or other- Golden Bear Profiles ......................................14-23 wise) at all times, including during 2008 Opponents .............................................24-29 the active playing season, pre- and 2007 Season in Review ..................................29-31 post-seasons, as well as during and 2007 Season Statistics ....................................32-34 outside of practices. Golden Bear Tradition ......................................... 35 Sports Information will provide Golden Bears in the NFL/Pros ............................ 36 information on game credentials, Head Coaches ...................................................... 37 photo and film credentials, radio, KU Athletics Hall of Fame ................................. 37 television and scouting. Sports Honors ............................................................38-39 information reserves the right to Records ..........................................................40-41 refuse or alter media requests, All-Time Leaders (Season) ................................. 42 especially those that conflict with All-Time Leaders (Career) .................................. 43 practices, games, travel, classes Year-by-Year Results .....................................44-48 or other team/university activities. Golden Bears in the Classroom ....... ins. back cover Approved requests will be fulfilled 2008 Schedule ........................................back cover at a time that is mutually convenient KU Quick Facts for all parties. The sports information staff Location: Kutztown, PA | Enrollment: 10,200 manages the press box during Nickname: Golden Bears | Colors: Maroon & Gold home games and provides com- Affiliation: NCAA Division II plete statistics for members of the Conference: Penna. State Athletic (PSAC) East working media. Telephones and Stadium: University Field Capacity: 5,600 fax transmission are available for Surface: artificial (A-Turf) post-game filing. Press box seating President: Dr. F. Javier Cevallos passes and sideline credentials must Athletics Department be requested at least 24 hours in ad- Director: Greg Bamberger vance of for each contest. Members Associate Director: Michelle Gober of the media will receive priority Phone: (610) 683-4094 | Fax: (610) 683-1379 seating. Sports Information The KU Sports Information Director: Josh Leiboff Office is located in the University’s Phone: (610) 683-4182 | Fax: (610) 683-4676 university relations department, Home Phone (media only): (610) 927-9765 E-Mail: [email protected] room 213, Stratton Administration On the Cover Website: kubears.com Front cover (clockwise, from top left): Joe Results Hotline: (610) 683-1515 Strauss^, Nick Cresta, Cory Porrino, Dan Football Press Box: (610) 683-9696 Onorato^, Darrell Martin, Ryan Nye^. Football Information Back cover: is a photo of University Field^, Head Coach: Raymond Monica taken during the first-ever night game at KU. Alma Mater: North Alabama | Year: 1990 Cover design by KU Publications. Career Record: 9-12, 4-7 PSAC East; 3rd season Photo Credits Photos in this publication are by Jeff Unger, Phone: (610) 683-4362 Unger Studio, Kutztown, Pa. (ungerstudio. 2007 Record/Finish: 5-6, 2-3 PSAC East (t-3rd/7) com), unless indicated. Photos on the Letterwinners Ret./Lost:55/14 cover, listed and marked ^ above, are by Pat Starters Returning/Lost: 16/8 Healey, Sr. Offense: 8/3 | Defense: 6/5 | Specialty: 2/0 Offensive Set: I-formation | Defensive Set: 4-3 President F. Javier Cevallos Dr. F. Javier Cevallos is campus from many countries Kutztown University’s 11th to conduct workshops, lectures, president. Appointed to the po- and classes, while KU students sition in 2002, hallmarks of his travel the globe to pursue their presidency include progressive academic interests as part of initiatives focused on inclusive an expanded study abroad pro- outreach with
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