日本セトロジー研究 Japan Cetology (30):11-19(2020) https://doi.org/10.5181/cetology.0.30_11 whale laying right-side down on a sled in the sea ice Accessed May 20, 2020). Nature and Science, Tokyo (Yamada et al. 2007). Some A local newspaper reported that the whales came in the study area were attributed to offshore formed rocky coasts can easily catch ice cakes compared to and their photographic identification catalog in 流氷の海岸で大捕物/閉じ込められたシャチ8頭/北海 Ice-related Strandings of Killer Whales at Shore in the Southern Okhotsk Sea field, probably along the seacoast, and approximately 30 residents who lived close to the shore heard odd close to the beach with a re-beached ice floe (Soya ice floes; they never occurred with fast ice that sandy beaches and can possibly cause an ice-related Conclusions Shiretoko-Nemuro Strait water, Eastern Hokkaido, 道漁民らが仕とめる] men standing nearby and on the whale. This image 4. Shimo-horobetsu, Esashi, Northern Hok- noises in the early morning that day; later, they saw Nippoh [Daily Soya]. March 21, 1958), and the strand- formed from the coast. The causes of these events stranding, especially in the situation of small ice Ice-related stranding of killer whales at the Japan, 1990‒2005. Bulletin of the Shiretoko Museum, The Hokkaido Shimbun. March 6, 1956[北海道新聞, UNI Yoshikazu1), TATEYAMA Kazutaka2) appears to be a commemorative photo of a catch. One of kaido, February 5, 1977 the whales trapped in sea ice near the shore. This ing event occurred on the day when the ice floe regarding weather, tidal situation, sea ice behavior cakes. shore in the southern Okhotsk Sea occurred between 27: 9‒36. (in Japanese with English abstract)[佐藤晴 死んだイルカ五十数頭が漂着] Abstract the prints has a short note on the back that the whales This event occurred on the morning of Febru- event was observed and video recorded by local beached for the third time (Soya Nippoh [Daily Soya]. and condition, and coastal topography are discussed early February and mid-April 1925 and 2016. All 子・石川聖・江崎逸郎・笹森琴絵・高橋俊男・増田泰・ The Hokkaido Shimbun. February 10, 1977[北海道新 Killer whales are extensively distributed throughout the world’s oceans and migrate to areas where there is seasonal and year-round sea ice. Even at the southern tip of the Okhotsk Sea, the lowest latitudes where the were taken off Maehama and that the group comprised ary 5, 1977, at Shimo-horobetsu or "Wen-nai," on the researchers (Mass Stranding of Killer Whales in Sea March 23, 1958). (Soya Nippoh [Daily Soya]. March 23, below. Frequency stranding events occurred in drift ice floes, and not in 吉田孝哉(2006)1990‒2005年の偶発的な目視情報に基 聞,七メートルの巨体、骨格標本/小樽水族館 捕獲 offshore formation sea ice exists, killer whales are commonly observed during the winter months. At least five whales including one calf. The image was taken by southern coast of Esashi Town, In the morning at 8:00 Ice off Shiretoko, 1958). A skull maintained by a village man was later Uni et al. (2005) reported seven ice-related fast ice. The thickness and density of sea ice floes づく,知床・根室海峡海域におけるシャチ(Orcinus orca) のシャチを解体] eight ice-related strandings at the shore of killer whales occurred in Etorofu Island, Hokkaido, and southern Sakhalin between 1925 and 2016. These strandings were observed roughly once per decade. All stranding a photo studio in the town, which was established in the am, eight dorsal fins were observed from the coast, so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPRLHyfZaOM& transferred to another person who wished to obtain it Weather strandings of killer whales at the shore in the south- were different among events from the main ice floe to の出現傾向と写真識別カタログ. 知床博物館研究報告 , The Hokkaido Shimbun. February 12, 1977[北海道新 events occurred with drift ice floe, and not in fast ice. The thickness and density of sea ice floes were different among the events, e.g., from a primary ice floe to a separated front mass or small ice floe fragment in geologi- middle or late 1930s, and the policeman in the photo the local fishermen approached the whales in boats to t=83s Accessed May 20, 2020). As per the recent tide for religious purposes. At present, the skull is housed The ice-related strandings occurred between ernmost Okhotsk Sea between 1925 and 2005 and con- small ice floe fragment in a geological scale from a 27: 9‒36.] 聞,流氷バックに大活劇 シャチ生け捕り/寒さこらえ観 cal scale or from a large ice cake to brash ice debris. Until the 1970s, the response of the locals was food consumption of whale meat; however, rescue efforts were attempted for three cases in the 21st century. wore a uniform with a stand-up collar, which was used obtain whale meat. They tied the whale flukes with height data at Abashiri and Hanasaki, February 7, at the Okhotsk Museum ESASHI (Uni et al. 2017). As early February and mid-April, i.e., the events sidered that it occurred roughly once per decade. The large ice cake to brash ice debris. Such an event was Uni Y, Aota M., and Tateyama K. (2005) Ice- 客五百人/たっぷり4時間/珍味もたんのう] until the end of WWII in 1945. Therefore, the image was ropes to pull them up to the coast using a bulldozer. was a day of spring tide and the low tide came at 9:00 per historical tide height archives at Abashiri, the occurred in the late winter or early spring in the 2014). While stranded killer whales survived a few coastline of the study area is scarce habitation and observed roughly once per decade. Moreover, these entrapment of killer whales in the Sea of Okhotsk. Soya Nippoh [Daily Soya]. March 21, 1958[宗谷日報, Introduction Materials and Methods the village and locals consumed the whale meat. surely taken between 1930 and 1945. The whales were still alive when the locals arrived on pm; furthermore, the tidal range reached 136 cm at 18th and 19th were days with small tidal ranges of 55 region and seasonal winds generally blow from the days or longer in two types (blockage and re-touch) in uninhabited in place. It is possible that unobserved events are rare; however, they are sometimes experi- Poster presented at 16th Biennial Conference on 枝幸でいるか退治/思はぬ流氷の贈り物] Killer whales (Orcinus orca) have a cosmopolitan This study is based on a poster presentation Moreover, whale meat was obtained from the stom- Although the short note did not mention the the coast. The whale group comprised eight whales: Abashiri and 145 cm at Hanasaki and 67 cm, and the low tide came at 9:00 pm on the north during that period. All the locations of the the Okhotsk Sea and a few weeks in off-shore ice events occurred in the period. In this study, eight enced by humans living in the study area either by the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA. Soya Nippoh [Daily Soya]. March 23, 1958[宗谷日報, distribution, are commonly found in pack ice, and may for the 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of ach of a stranded whale and was salted for preserva- cause of the death, we consider the whales died by an two males and six females (The Hokkaido Shimbun, (http://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/kaiyou/db/tide/genb 18th and at 8:00 am on the 19th events were on the northern coast except the 2005 entrapment in North America (Westdal et al. 2017), such events were reported in 90 years from 1925, and direct observation or by news media. http://nodaiweb.university.jp/muse/unisan/data/bc 流氷も悪くない/「シヤチ」退治の攻防戦] extend their range into ice-covered water in the Ant- Marine Mammals in San Diego in 2005 (Uni et al. tion. The whale group comprised 13 whales that ice-related stranding because the death occurred in a February 12, 1977). One carcass was dissected at the o/genbo.php Accessed May 20, 2020). (http://www.data.jma.go.jp/gmd/kaiyou/db/tide/sea_l Aidomari event. Strong winds or storms were they died quickly within a day in brash ice-type the frequency of observation of such events was mm/bcmm_akw.html. Accessed May 20, 2020 arctic. In the southern Okhotsk Sea, which contains 2005). The study area was the southernmost Okhotsk included males and females, of which two whales sea-ice field at the shore because of mass stranding as site while the skeleton was sent to the Otaru ev_var/sea_lev_var.php accessed May 20, 2020). reported a day before or on the day of the events stranding, which was seen only at Aidomari in 2005. roughly once per decade. Acknowledgements Uni, Y., Kano, K. and Murayama, Y. (2017) Ice- オホーツク海南部の沿岸で発生した流氷によるシャチの the most southern offshore formation sea ice in the Sea, along the coast of southern Sakhalin, Hokkaido were able to escape. The weather and sea ice con- there can be no other reasonable cause of death for a Aquarium in Hokkaido as a specimen (The Hokkaido 6. Bettobu, Shana, Etorofu Island, February 27, There is no sex or age information for the whales. (e.g., 1925 Esashi event, 1943 Rubetsu event, and 2016 In the 2005 Aidomari event, on-site and labo- We thank KANOH Kazuko, MURAYAMA entrapment of killer whales in the southern Ok スト ラ ン ディン グ northern hemisphere, killer whales are often seen and Etorofu Island, between 44 ° and 50°N and 142 ° ditions were reported by local newspapers; there was group of killer whales. Shimbun, February 10, 1977). Moreover, this event 2005 Sakhalin event), moderate winds were recorded on events, except the 1930‒1945 Shari event. The strand- ratory necropsy demonstrated that all whales had The response of local residents Yoshiko, TAKABATAKE Takamune , YAMADA hotsk Sea, off Esashi, Hokkaido, Japan.
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