MERCURY 05 27 2015 - CIVIL SERVANTS are ACCOUNTABLE - you KNOW accountablecount - http://7thfire.biz/accountablecount.htm GAY MARRIAGE DISTRACTION - HETEROSEXUALS can't get it RIGHT - what makes you think 2 TOMS in a TURD PATCH can?? https://www.facebook.com/maya.portal.92/posts/444349172403146 IF U RESONATE the REAL DEAL - CU on EDENs MEDICINE WHEEL 144, 000 oxoxox 7th HEAVEN is NORTH of HWY 7 - New York York Region Ottawa Kanata Kinakwii 555 UR aMERIca alieninvasion http://7thfire.biz/alienin vasion.htm // // http://canadastreetnews.biz/ // http://bawatingbarter.com // 777 numerology today - 70, 000 highschool students from PEEL REGION back in the CLASSROOM - WHY? Did you want to get caught in a FEMA CAMP or a FLOOD?? HIDING your SHIT for FUNNY MONEY since 2003. RETARDS - CANADIAN BANK stocks up = TIME to PULL your MONEY out. MORE CANCER PATIENTS to COME - even though we have HAD the CURE LONG AGO - CBCNN CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT here - SPEWING BAALSHIT as USUAL - FIFA 14 indicted by PEDOPHILE FBI in medUSA = JAMES COMEY is a NAZI NATO FEDERAL CHILD MOLESTER - TSUNAMI the PARASITES already - 7 arrested in SWITZERLAND - total RED BAALshit - teaching nothing but BAALSHIT to those STUDENTS. CIA - CRIMINALS in ACTION - PROJECT PROPHECY PORN RINGERS - NATO about to KILL their OWN PEOPLE- NAZIs on INDIAN LAND - http://jimrickardsprophecy.com/pp-home1.php?ad=economy // Victor Fletcher - Terrific. As you know there were no russian tanks, no soldiers that invaded Crimea. Total fucking lies by Harper and Baird. EU & NATO are trying to get into Ukraine -- not Putin. What fucking lies Obama, Harper, Baird tell! https://www.facebook.com/victor.fletcher.395?fref=ufi COALITION into SERENITY GLOBAL COOPERATIVE onwithserenity151515 -http://7thfire.biz/onwithserenity151515.htm NDP VICTORY for ALBERTA - GROW the HEMP OIL on the GROUND - KEEP the BLACK SUN 666 under GROUND 151515 KNIGHTS - TIME to TAKE your THRONES - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvoPm5lK-lE / /https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw / http://en.gravatar.com/da nahorochowski // http://bawatingbarter.com // KALI MAA still covering up for PATCH EYES https://www.facebook.com/maya.portal.92/posts/436353729869357 / htt ps://www.scribd.com/doc/264528362/ST-FRANCIS-of-ASSISI-PETRUS- ROMANUS-HILTON-PETER-MIJOVICK-NWO-NESARA-SCAM Round 1 by FEMASURVIVOR LAURAs MOTHER - SUSAN EISENHOWER CONCOCK- TED the WHOLE TERRORIST PLOT - IKE made a trade of TECHNOLOGY for HUMAN MEAT - with KROLL the TALL GREY - LONG AGO - enjoy your Mc DONALDS HAMBURGER https://www.facebook.com/agape.amor.35/posts/47172569631 1069 //https://www.facebook.com/agape.amor.35/posts/471733329643639 WHERE did TINY TIM IRELAND GO? LOOKS like I am talking to MYSELF in earlier POSTS now ?? TRYING to MAKE me LOOK LIKE a LUNA TUNA RU? What the Royal Family Doesn't Want YOU To See! Zion King - Well Who HAS HAD ENOUGH of seeing the pukes on our news media constantly, while the news cover ups OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS Eroding HERE IN AMERICA. The royals promote themselves as pure virginal royalty but what is the TRUTH. These people think that they are gods on earth and we are useless eaters. WAKE UP these people are not to be role models. DONT BE SLAVES WORSHIPPING YOUR SLAVE OWNER. https://www.facebook.com/danusia.horochowska/posts/4405380727 82037// Part 1 // Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 /Part 5 / Part 6 // Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 FRANKENSTEINERS GMO SATURNday 05162015 - - BLOODY VAMPIRE BAT WINGED DRACO REPTILIANS CONTROL the PYRAMID of MANIPULATION bloodbatfatrat - http://canadastreetnews.biz/bloodbatfatrat.htm GET OFF the 13 IT GOYIM - BULL LION BABALONI BITCOIN FOOLS GOLD GRAB- PROJECT PORN RINGERS = CLINTON CLITORIS FOUNDATION - When in Rome; don't be a Greek - Justin Trudeau's father pledged to the club of Rome. So we are in ROME, whole entire world is. And the priests are from Greece and Babylon. Of course its a one world religion because all the others fall into its arms. Beware our history tells us what happens. Like a thief in the night brothers and sisters! Seek not the light or the creation, seek the most high! Just a short history of Now Here, in Canada and every other place that Rome has touched. Who's King? https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yb1jv_IqfBM&feature=share - Evil "Holy Year of Mercy" Vatican Logo- https://www.facebook.com/da na.horochowski/posts/10155735503 450556 //http://7thfire.biz/goldglowi ngdoggod666.htm // https://www.yo utube.com/watch?v=PCfsNSZPews DARPA CIA NSA NATO NAZI FACEBOOK does not like SUPER SOLDIER SHIT - EXPOSE IT - http://thecontactbook.blogspot.ca // I HAVE HORUS on the fishHOOK - he isn't CUMMING ANYWHERE- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=10155738525450556&set=a.145299870555.234240.537275555 // Sex In The Ancient World - Ancient Egypt's SEX Life - A Documentary Filmhttps://www.youtube.com/watch? v=JySfvKPDFwc // https://www.facebook.com/furkan9s/posts/789525991145243 ROTHSCHILDS make HISTORIC DEAL with U S GOVERNMENT - IT'S OVER ? Our only hope left, if there is any, is in the next few months, and possibly the next couple years. If we could get enough people to become awake, and learn of this predicament, we MIGHT, possible, maybe, if enough were aware, take back the government and arrest the instigators, and disban the organizations responsible. I ask, can we do this? It would never have been suspected, no one could have imagined. that, one mans wealth could grow over several centuries, into such proportions, that, they would be able to buy the government of the United States, out right. You could argue that it is a joining of forces of some kind, but, that would not be accurate, The U S Government is owned by the American People, we had nothing to do with this merger. What has happened is more like a literal take over. They took the government without a shot fired, and since they had established so many chains of command, over centuries of time, and since they gave so many the illusion that they are, also, profiting from the Rothschild's, and the U S, MERGER. They have certainly aquired us totally. There is very litle we can do. Those traitors who benefit from the take over, are set in positions of power all throughout our governement. Though most of them only man their posts because they have been brainwashed by centuries of religious teachings, that the whole thing was God's will. They began infiltrating the Church from the beginning, and even making secret cults and societies for decades. Each of these Societies were carfefully created and organized, with the rank and file members being fed, bit by bit, that, if they joined the group, they had to give total allegiance to the higher ups, in their various orgs, and also, above everything else, believe the JEWISH people were the chosen race. And, that, they must never be hindered. They also orchastrated the propaganda, along the way, that this was all just and right, and their wars and murders were all part of God's Plan. Then, in the last several decades, they have achived another tier of power, through the Banking industry. Not just that, but also the Oil Companies, and other power structures, that they have made people dependent upon. People are now controlled, to keep them in Power for multiple reasons, none of which, we can overcome, or, alienate ourselves from. We cannot either physically, or emotionally. We are now Completyely trapped and enslaved. But, not just physically, also mentally and emotionally. The last piece of the Puzzle has now been placed. They have actual physical control of the government with technologies that can control and watch over, not just the government, but, even our individual lives. The trap has been sprung and we are in it and we cannot ever be free. https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski/posts/10155742350765556 // https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v=0LrSg3JIPxw FRIAday 0515 2015 - BANKRU PT BLACK FRIDAY FEDERAL RESERVE FREDDIE KROGER and the CROWLEY DIJJAL blackfridayfreddie666 - http://serenityglobal.net/blackfridayfreddie666.htm NESARA GOLD SCAM - "'They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin. " http://biblehub.com/ezekiel/7- 19.htm //http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/tons-tons-of-gold-n- e-s-a-r-a-and-our-gfl-cosmic-sting-operation / /https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski/posts/10155738525450556:0 GET RID of this SHIT !!! BLACK MAJICK THORSDAY - FRIEND RITUALS - PHILIDELPHIA and PHILI- PINES MURDERS - RAIL and FACTORY - LOTS of NUMEROLOGY HEXES http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.ca/ // https://www.facebook.com/agape. amor.35/posts/471875666296072 "For Reasons of National Security.. "...Is the reason Hitler gave the people of Germany, to invade Poland after he burned down a farmhouse and blamed it on the “terrorists”; immediately denouncing those who questioned him as unpatriotic and soon had their peers turning them over to the SS. False Flag Terrorism is something we are all hopefully quite aware of by now, but, as is often my question...How did we get here? A quick look at the history of corporations, just within the U.S. may help us to understand how we wound up in the burning Animal Farm, or this preparatory Orwellian state. A globalist takeover is an evident theme in all Nazi literature, as well as in the fundamentalist ranting of the novelists who were mouthpieces of modern organizations which currently push forward with their utopian plan for a "New World Order.” Because bankers and corporations do hold so much power, some of these ideas are far from conspiracy and they now constitute a daily reality which most people are at least partially aware of, even if it goes unmentioned for most of the time.
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