Grant agreement for: CIP-Best Practice Network Annex I - "Description of Work" Project acronym: AthenaPlus Project full title: " Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana " Grant agreement no: 325098 Version date: 2013-03-06 Table of Contents Part A A.1 Project summary ......................................................................................................................................3 A.2 List of beneficiaries ..................................................................................................................................4 A.3 Overall budget breakdown for the project ............................................................................................... 6 Workplan Tables WT1 List of work packages ............................................................................................................................1 WT2 List of deliverables .................................................................................................................................2 WT3 Work package descriptions ................................................................................................................... 6 Work package 1......................................................................................................................................6 Work package 2....................................................................................................................................11 Work package 3....................................................................................................................................15 Work package 4....................................................................................................................................19 Work package 5....................................................................................................................................25 Work package 6....................................................................................................................................31 Work package 7....................................................................................................................................35 WT4 List of milestones .................................................................................................................................41 WT5 Tentative schedule of project reviews ................................................................................................. 43 WT6 Project effort by beneficiaries and work package ................................................................................44 A1: Project summary 1 2 Project Number 325098 Project Acronym AthenaPlus One form per project General information 3 Project title Access to cultural heritage networks for Europeana 4 Starting date 01/03/2013 5 Duration in months 30 6 Call (part) identifier CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 Objective most relevant to 7 : your topic 8 Digital Cultural Heritage, Museums, Libraries, Archives, Free keywords LIDO, Europeana, Mint, Terminology, Aggregation 9 Abstract AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana’s ecosystem of projects including the ongoing Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other cultural institutions in their work to making available digital content through Europeana. The best practice network created by AthenaPlus (40 partners from 21 Member States countries + 2 Associate countries and 1 International Observer) is in a strategic position to address this challenge, due to: its high institutional value (hundreds of European institutions are involved or associated with the project); the large amount of content made available to Europeana; the powerful services for institutions to be created by the project; the new services for specific communities of users and generic citizens. The principal objectives of the AthenaPlus project are to: • Contribute more than 3.6 millions metadata records to Europeana, from both the public and private sectors, focusing mainly on museums content, with key cultural stakeholders (ministries and responsible government agencies, libraries, archives, leading research centres, SMEs); • Improve search, retrieval and re-use of Europeana’s content; bettering multilingual terminology management, SKOS export and publication tool/API for Content Providers; • Experiment with enriched metadata their re-use adapted for users with different needs (tourists, schools, scholars) by means of tools that support the development of virtual exhibitions, tourist and didactic applications, to be integrated into Europeana repositories and the repositories of national aggregators or individual Content Providers. The AthenaPlus content comes from more than 500 cultural institutions (more than 80% museums). 325098 AthenaPlus - Part A - 2013-03-06 12:49 - Page 3 of 7 A2: List of Beneficiaries 1 2 Project Number 325098 Project Acronym AthenaPlus List of Beneficiaries Project entry Project exit No Name Short name Country 10 month month Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le 1 ICCU Italy 1 30 informazioni bibliografiche 2 UMA Information Technology GmbH UMA Austria 1 30 3 KONINKLIJKE MUSEA VOOR KUNST EN GESCHIEDENIS KMKG Belgium 1 30 4 PACKED EXPERTISECENTRUM DIGITAAL ERFGOED VZW PACKED Belgium 1 30 5 OPENBAAR KUNSTBEZIT IN VLAANDEREN VZW OKV Belgium 1 30 6 MICHAEL CULTURE AISBL Michael Belgium 1 30 7 THE CYPRUS INSTITUTE LIMITED CyI Cyprus 1 30 8 NARODNI MUZEUM-NATIONAL MUSEUM NM NM Czech Republic 1 30 9 Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium EVKM Estonia 1 30 10 MINISTERE DE LA CULTURE ET DE LA COMMUNICATION MCC France 1 30 11 STIFTUNG PREUSSISCHER KULTURBESITZ SPK Germany 1 30 12 PHILIPPS UNIVERSITAET MARBURG UNIMAR Germany 1 30 13 NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS NTUA Greece 1 30 14 HELLENIC MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM HMCT Greece 1 30 15 PETOFI IRODALMI MUZEUM PIM Hungary 1 30 16 Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma 'Vittorio Emanuele II' BNCRM Italy 1 30 17 M.E.T.A SRL META Italy 1 30 18 BOARD OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF IRELAND NMI Ireland 1 30 19 LIETUVOS DAILES MUZIEJUS LAM Lithuania 1 30 STOWARZYSZENIE MIEDZYNARODOWE CENTRUM ZARZADZANIA 20 Icimss Poland 1 30 INFORMACJA JAVNI ZAVOD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE ZA VARSTVO KULTURNE 21 IPCHS Slovenia 1 30 DEDISCINE 325098 AthenaPlus - Part A - 2013-03-06 12:49 - Page 4 of 7 A2: List of Beneficiaries Project entry Project exit No Name Short name Country 10 month month 22 Departament de Cultura - Generalitat de Catalunya GenCat Spain 1 30 FUNDACIO PRIVADA I2CAT, INTERNET I INNOVACIO DIGITAL A 23 i2CAT Spain 1 30 CATALUNYA 24 COLLECTIONS TRUST LBG CT United Kingdom 1 30 25 RIKSARKIVET RA Sweden 1 30 26 SIAULIU AUSROS MUZIEJUS VALSTYBES BIUDZETINE ISTAIGASAM SAM Lithuania 1 30 27 Muzej za umjetnost i obrt MUO Croatia 1 30 28 AYUNTAMIENTO DE GIRONA SGDAP Spain 1 30 29 UNIVERSITY OF PATRAS UP Greece 1 30 30 KULTURAS INFORMACIJAS SISTEMU CENTRS KIS Latvia 1 30 31 ASSOCIATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA CULTURE JUIVE EAJC France 1 30 32 UNIVERSITE DE SAVOIE UniSav France 1 30 33 Biblioteca Academiei Române BAR Romania 1 30 34 ASSOCIATION DEDALE Dedale France 1 30 35 UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE UPMF France 1 30 36 CENTRAL LIBRARY OF THE BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CL-BAS Bulgaria 1 30 37 INSTITUTUL NATIONAL AL PATRIMONIULUI INP Romania 1 30 38 Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium KIK-irpa Belgium 1 30 39 ISTITUTO LUIGI STURZO-ILS ILS Italy 1 30 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCY-AN 40 LGMA Ireland 1 30 GHNIOMHAIREACHT BAINISTIOCHTA RIALTAIS AITIUIL LGMA 325098 AthenaPlus - Part A - 2013-03-06 12:49 - Page 5 of 7 A3: Budget breakdown 1 2 Project Number 325098 Project Acronym AthenaPlus One Form per Project Participant Participant Max EU Requested EU number in Personnel costs Sub contracting Other direct costs Total costs short name Contribution contribution this project 1 ICCU 788,895.00 80,000.00 201,000.00 1,069,895.00 855,916.00 855,916.00 2 UMA 53,600.00 0.00 13,000.00 66,600.00 53,280.00 53,280.00 3 KMKG 92,500.00 0.00 14,500.00 107,000.00 85,600.00 85,600.00 4 PACKED 109,695.00 0.00 18,500.00 128,195.00 102,556.00 102,556.00 5 OKV 44,198.00 0.00 10,500.00 54,698.00 43,758.00 43,758.00 6 Michael 59,325.00 0.00 13,000.00 72,325.00 57,860.00 57,860.00 7 CyI 71,595.00 0.00 15,000.00 86,595.00 69,276.00 69,276.00 8 NM 46,178.00 5,000.00 13,000.00 64,178.00 51,342.00 51,342.00 9 EVKM 45,775.00 0.00 15,000.00 60,775.00 48,620.00 48,620.00 10 MCC 38,620.00 0.00 10,000.00 48,620.00 38,896.00 38,896.00 11 SPK 123,013.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 163,013.00 130,410.00 130,410.00 12 UNIMAR 168,695.00 0.00 10,000.00 178,695.00 142,956.00 142,956.00 13 NTUA 205,570.00 0.00 40,000.00 245,570.00 196,456.00 196,456.00 14 HMCT 82,333.00 0.00 13,000.00 95,333.00 76,266.00 76,266.00 15 PIM 49,800.00 15,000.00 13,000.00 77,800.00 62,240.00 62,240.00 16 BNCRM 126,523.00 25,000.00 10,500.00 162,023.00 129,618.00 129,618.00 17 META 116,410.00 0.00 10,000.00 126,410.00 101,128.00 101,128.00 18 NMI 42,618.00 12,000.00 10,500.00 65,118.00 52,094.00 52,094.00 19 LAM 56,618.00 0.00 10,500.00 67,118.00 53,694.00 53,694.00 20 Icimss 80,974.00 0.00 15,000.00 95,974.00 76,779.00 76,779.00 21 IPCHS 78,753.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 108,753.00 87,002.00 87,002.00 22 GenCat 72,948.00 0.00 10,500.00 83,448.00
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