THE ISRAELITE PRESS Friday. May 15, 1959 HEAJrn7.sT n:ucrrA~XS O.~ !SBtn "'I Wh Bl'.BIBDAY AREYIEW By MONA RICH KAPLAN ~ thlnp JOU did wffll • -• WE REJOICE WITH ALL JEWRY ON THIS GREAT t'- _, SGPPflesan-1•w from GLOW'S PHARMACY 11th Independenc~ Day of the ENGLISH _JONE CHINA Audience Warmly _Applauds -''Of Mice And Men'' A COMPLETE LINE OF DRUG NEEDS 1.errnle and Gmrp md the Sal- -lhip with -&he big fellow'" and hb the slick, despicable tµrley, John than three cmtaiD,ca1ls. ~ped State 'Of Israel = 161 Osbo.-Tie St. Phone GL 5-6451 Winnipeg inas River Valley cf Northern call- adfgrg thrott&hout are a steady, lkGinnis seemed out ht his depth. their feet and shouted out their Uff oua POST O,:P'ICll-ff'S YOUU fomia came to life apln this =k lOfical development of dwacter. From John Hirsch we have come praise. 'lbi5 llilU the warmest first -----------------------' ln thf'! \fa:nltoba Theatre Centre'• Gordon Piment b apparemly plm- to expect the best and his direction night reception accorded any play dosing producticm..1or the eunent nlDg to aeek his fortunes in Toronto doubtless e<fah)isbed the mood and this season. Mr. and Mrs. FRANK MARANTZ season. an ablartm:lg .re-a-eatian o! and eompui.ng hl.l· perf<"'IDanl"t! 5ell5e of impending tragedy that Since "Of .Wee and lien" Is the ,---------------------- John stein~• drama, "Of Mice lull.all in -The Glall Menagerie" never left the acene even up to a final Theatre Centre production of and FAMILY and Hen." · witli bis he has made· full minute aftet' the final curtain. the current in reprise it is Infrequent.11' re-nieues of the real p:cCJgh::,11current.role-. in stagecraft md in- All season Ted Korol has de- worth notingsea.son. that the majority of ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=_ ll01P elm~ motiOJ1 pinwe Yffldon sight into eharactermtioD. We will signed first-rate, workable sets an.d the Centre's proc!uctions this year ----------------------Ml of the· novel md p~ have kept m probaI>Jy be bearing much more· this week he captured the mood of have been a blend of fine acting, Insist on our memori~ atr,,.7 of about 111m from down Steillbeck and translated it into ap- dlret:tmg, production and setting. GREETINGS TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL ON THIS / th1s tmielea East. · a frlendabip, Between. the bJ& ill- Th1s SteJnbed: drama is ao occu, propriately sombre, coarse and It is ~ting to think that ~ey will GLORIOUS ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY DAY ' fated simpleton, Lennie, and Jdl pied with its two central characters, earthy settings. As usual. the pro- doubtless keep 1>ll imJll"l.vmg each Jdnd·heartn Jl")tector, (Je(n'ge, that.without uception, every othef ductt011 left very little t? be d_esired season for then ~ wil_l, indeed, there existed companionship and a part is a secondary one. and Tom Hendry and his assistan!s be able ~ point with pnde to the RED SEAL WIRING dream. From the f.inlt curtain iheir A standout at the Dominion are . to be commended on their contn'bution •of our local the;atre WIN.NIPEG LEATHER GOODS best laid schemes are 1een to be re- theatre this week wa!J William Sel· smoo~. teamwork. to ~e national and even p0SS1bly, D.LEVtNE A.YUKELIS lor your home lentles.sly and inevitably doomed. len iii one of the lesser rolea as the _This is a_good production, spo~ In time, the International scene. ALL KINDS OF LEATHER. CAPE, SUEDE Jobn Pierce and Gordon Piment old-timer Candy. Tom Ashmore with a fe'f weaker m?ments,which Those wbo have regularly attend· AND LEATHER JACKETS are well cast and carry the burden portrayed Slim, who · Js about the may possibly· be eliminated by the ed the Do~niop have been well of the 'two heavy principal roles ooly normal character on•stage and weekend perfo~ces, It draws awarded with good theatre. For with mature performances. 'for th1s reason provided an eff~ a picture of the dismal and. pathetic next. season an ambiti_ous program 303 Plymouth Bldg., Winnipeg Phomt WH S.0122 When building or remodelling a home see that your Joltn Pierce, a CKY ·announcer tivecontruttotheothers. Hr.Ash- ::~'!rsof w:es~;:18!' :01::;:-ti:! :~ ~;~~oodan"J~ :!al: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ electrical wiring meets the "RED SEAL" standard. It and a ':"'iJia• Theatre Centre per- more has !113tured eonslderably as dream but they have neither the sele1:ted. provides for adequate "service" capacity; adequate cir• former m past •eUOllll, is mO?e than an actor 61Dce he took the part _of wit, the luck, no• the courage to · We have been undergoing a mod cuits for e,resent and future use; adequate outlets and visually ~ery effective u l=.ie. ~e Gentleman caller lit the hegm- turn it Into reality. welcome renaissance in local switches. RED SEAL" gives greater appliance efficiency He crept mto the heart of the char- mng of th! season In "The <f,Iass It is worthy of mention that the theatre and while they may say it and safety; protect.! the resale value of your home. acte• and his voice, gestures and Menagerie. audience was so overwhelmed by of another medium, tcio Winnipeg A PROUD AND HAPPY DAY facial apres!lion ~e those· of As the only feminine member of the play and its presentation that theatre is unquestionably better I~e. alow, dnll-witted and child the east, Jane Heff~er opened they accorded the actors no less than ever. For complete information eall an approved electrical · Israel, the miracle state, is celebritting th.e eleventh , like, unaware of the results of his gauchely but came to life suddeoly ---------------------­ contractor or the Electric Service League of Manitoba:. actiom and unable even to .-:mern, in the final ac& and proved tha'l Jter Anniversary of its Independence. ber the things he had done. earlier BUcce.ss as Blllle Dawn was Gordon Pinsent wu a fortunate no aci:ldent. Conversely, Murray · To Elect. Bond Officers We gt'8{!t the people and the Governlllent of Israel choice u George. The COl!..tt'ast of Senens and Paul Verden started on this proud and joyous occasion and wish them size and mentality-between l.enr.d,i 11trc;ngly In• mi.Do• roles . but faded and George was well-thought out awa, along with their lines. George peace and continued achievement as a nation. not only In easting but also in Mr. Werfer. did a fair job with the part At Annual Meet May 24 We are·bappy to have had some small part in the Pinsent'11 creation of George Iii! a be- of the Negro, Crooks, while Olie A highly significant and b~artwarming gesture of friendship lil!".Table, dimensional person. It ii Alto was a relaxed but unimpres­ for the State of Israel was shown this week by Kendall Weisiger, greal and noble work of building a land and a easy to understand hil odd friend- Bive bystander in the bunkhouse. AB of Atlanta, Geor,:ia, a member of the national council of the •Young.Men's Christian Association and treasurer of the southern nation. We pledge our help in Uie hJ¼avy tasks area council of the 8§~ociation, by purchasing a $1.000 Israeli which lie ahead. • · bond with funds of the_J.M.C.A. This act of an outstanding Chris· . •· tfan layman, community leader and iatton for Winnipeg, will make bm WE SALUTE ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY Industrialist, serves 1111 an lnspira• first, appear~ce and report on lut 1959 - 5719 tion for the Jewish community In year~ activ1ti_es and the plans for effecting a · durable. partnershii, the future drive. with the people of Israel In the Mr. Moranti and his associate upbuilding and development of the chairmen, Alex and Leon Cham, Win~ipeg · Chapter, Canadian May this 11th Independence Day country. urgently request the presidents Israel bonds have been instru,• and the bond representatives of all Friencis of the Hebrew U~iversity bring the State of 'Israel closer mental in changing the appearance Jewish organizations to attend this Mr. Justice Samuel Freedman, Chairman. of the country and making it pos• meeting and demonstrate their de­ . sible for the Israelis to envision temlination to become partners to lull peac~ and prosperity the goal of economic independence with the people of Israel and its II~_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_:._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_•_-_•_•_-_-_•_-_•_-_•_-_-_--,.•=~·~·=====::====-= in ihe foreseeable future. , government ,,jn. the · rebuilding of ,.-----------------------, The . Second Development Issue Eretz IsroeL ~ friends and well of the State of Israel Bonda has wishers of ·Israel · are asked to been . authorh:ed by the Israel attend this affair and belp In the WE TAKE PLEASURE IN SALUTING Knesseth last November and it b~ plan'nlng of a successful bond drive. came effective on March ls( 1959. ' ·. This issue, which pays 4% interest MEDINAT YISROEL. on the 15-year coupon bond an'd a Mr. and Mrs. H. ADELMAN 150% return on the purchasing ON THE ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY price on the 10-year savings bond, is being offered to Jewish and non• OF STATEHOOD Mr. and Mrs. I. D. OIRING Jewish investors throughout the . world. · · · May she continue to inspire JeV[f'1 throughout The $300,000,000 bond i11sue will provide funds for agriculture and the world, and may they stand ever ready to Mr. and Mrs. .A. ADELMAN ~l~a~ion, expansion. of industry., ·sustain· her in her every. need. · ::.:. and· electric poWl!r, low-cost • 0,:s: ·::,; .
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