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ILLTOP The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper Volume 84, No. 17 Friday, January 19, 2001 htttp://hilltop.howard.edu Tuition Increase Proposed to Board "ft is fiscally irre­ Swygert, Elzey Balk at Committee Recommendation sponsible for the University to con­ snidents in the College of Den­ opposed to the fees outlined in By JASON T. SMITH calls for a S percent housing tinue to tax students Editor-in-Chief increase, a new $75 technology tistry; and a new $ISO fee for the proposal because those fee and an across-the-board each course taken though the funds are earmarked for specif­ Chief Operating Officer increase in meal plan rates. The Distance Education Program. ic purposes. Elzey said that without them know­ Thomas Elzey and President H. proposal also details a new lap• If the Board approves the pro­ tuition money is used for cam• Patrick Swygert will recom­ posal, it will be the highest pus maintenance, basic repairs, • ing where the money mend a proposal detailing a 3.5 Student Leaders tuition hike in five years. salaries for faculty and staff, Undergraduate Trustee new ventures and improvements percent tuition increase to the Speakout on Tuition . ,, Board of Trustees today, Elzey Charles Coleman pledged to on campus such as smart rooms. IS going said. A 10,A 11 oppose the tuition increase, Funds generated from tuition The proposal comes on the which he called "unnecessary." comprise 28 percent of the Uni­ heels of a recommendation by top computer fee for the college "I think it is fiscally irrespon­ versity's entire budget. the Tuition Rates and Review of Medicine; a $20 per year sible for the University to con­ Tu ition increases, though Undergraduate Trus1ee Charles Coleman, Jr. Committee that called for an increase in lab fees paid by tinue to tax students without unwelcome by students, are not speaking on a proposed tuition increase increase in fees but not under­ undergrads in the Division of them knowing where the money the preferred form of fundrais­ graduate tuition. Nursing: a $10 per year increase is going," Coleman said. ing for University officials Elzey's proposal to the Board in the association fee paid by Coleman said that he was less Please See 1/1i1ion, A2 Students Mason Tapped As To Play Elections Chair by Key Role In Bush General Assembly C o MPILEo FROM Sun the snident's college of enroll• Protests R EPORTS ment and classification will appear allowing students to Tori S. Mason, a junior Com• vote for the appropriate candi­ By Nicole Fuller puter Based Information Sys• dates. Once an lD number is Hilltop Staff Writer tcms major, was selected by used to vote, it cannot be used The Blaek Alliance Against the the General Assembly to chai.r again." Bush Agenda plans to pro<esl during the 200 I General Elections The General Assembly sug• President-elect Bush's inauguration gested that the General Elec­ tomorrow. Committee Wednesday. The Allinncc, which was recently Mason proposed "E-vote," tions Committee seek the help formed through a partnership with the an electronic voting system that of lSAS and members of the Black Panther Pru-ty. encourages col­ would allow students to vote faculty to ensure the integrity lege students as well ~ community members to use their \'l>ices 10 in.,1i­ for candidates in both the gen­ of the vote. tu1e change in go,-ernment. eral and local elections from When asked why she applied Brandy Brown. a Howard ~hman and student coordinator of The any Internet accessible com• for the position Mason said, "I Alliance, is hoping that as many as puter. Mason says that the sys• felt that I needed to do more as 1,000 protestors will come out in a student in whatever capacity opposition to Bush. tem would cut the cost of Gen­ Brown urges Howanl students to Pltoeo B) Vince Smilh eral Elections tremendously. I could. When the position was come clod in clothing d1at prominent­ 111• Jan. 19th ribbon rolling certmony for the Louis Stokes tlcallh Scienre; Ubniry wa.s p<15tponed to an While last year's General Elec­ announced, I thought of all of ly displays die Howanl Joio or "'all Ull5JM.'Cilied date after a portion or the buildins: went up in names i.n Oecem)>er. ~"~ "11' -..orldng around the black to show that you're 111 mourn• clock to finish the building, Uniwrslty officials said. Sec the ~lory on A2. tions' Chair Damon Waters the times when I felt that more ing." spent an estimated $21,000, could have been done to keep "We want 10 unite all college stu­ Mason's proposal includes a me informed about elections. dent.s, mostly black students. 10 let Bush hear our voice," Brown s.1id. budget of$l3,840. Keeping that in mind, I said to The Alliance is concerned wid1 The General Assembly had myself, 'I can do that."' Bush's stance., on an army of issues Originally from Memphis, such as welfare reform, racial profil­ questions about the electronic ing, school ,'l>Uchers. and the death The Crusade for Cable voting system's implementa• TN, Mason now resides in penalty. tion and the possibility of stu­ Philadelphia, PA. She served According to Dr. Alvin 1l1orn1on, chairman of the Howard University dent's abusing the system to on the 2000 Homecoming Political Science department. Howard A Senior Leads the Effort to sway votes. Steering Committee as vending students have a long rucord of protest• Mason said, "Students will coordi:iator. After being ing presidential policy. Thornton, who ha.~ been a Howard Wire the Towers for 2001 log onto the Howard Universi­ named chair of the Elections faculty menJW fur more than 20 ~ ty homepage, click on elec­ committee, Mason resigned s.1id students protested the election of By BRAKKTON B OOKER and a formal letter last Friday to Howard tions, and enter their student from the Hilltop Editorial Republican presidents, Lyndon John­ ID son, Richan.I Nixon. and Ronald Rea­ Hilltop Staff writer Plaza Towers Property Manager Larry A. and social security number. Board where she served as gan. Students also opposed President Frelow; acting Dean of Residence Life York Once this information is sub­ Life& Style Editor. Clinton's view on the death penalty t 9:38 p.m. Thursday Afi Bell Campbell; and interim Vice President of when he wns elected in 1992. mitted, a ballot specialized for Please See Mason, A3 "Srudetlls have opposed any view awaits an answer to her knock of Student Affairs Raymond Archer. Bell, a they think is against blacks,'" Thorn• a fourth floor West Howard Plaza Los Angeles Lakers fanatic and Inglewood, ton said. A California resident said that she had grown Brownalsoexpre,sedC011cemwith suite. When the door opens Bell smiles and Bush's cabinet nominations. citing hands the resident a clipboard while simul­ tired of having to leave her suite in the East their conservative ideologies as proof taneously saying Howard Plaza Towers, to watch her team University Trustee Powell, that '"Bush doesn't have blacks m his best iuterest." "Hi, you want free cable in your room?" play. "I can't stand missing a game," said Bush's cabinet nominations of Without hesitation the gentleman signs his Bell. The international finance major can Tapped to be First Black blacks like Condoleeza Rice and name and with that Bell is off to the next remember many nights where she had to Retired Gen. Colin L. Powell, who Brown referred to as "tokens," docs room in a race against time to collect as battle the brisk D.C. air and make the trek not register as a victory to Brown. many signanires as possible before a Friday up to the Cook Hall lounge to watch the U.S. ·Se~retary of State "Everyone sees the black faces, but Lakers play. Fueled by her love for the do th1 really care about our commu• deadline.Last at a higher priority. nities. 'she asked. Friday was the designated day for the defending NBA champions, and weary of CO)tPILED FROM 8-rAFr-R ~;POIITS Thornton thinks the appointment Powell, who was Bush's choice for silent cable crusade to strike. Bell worked watching late night news to see highlights, is significant on three levels. Secretary of State, will be the first African-American to ever hold the for three nights collecting 593 signatures for or even merely seeing the final scores Retired General find Hdward Uni• "'The elevation of a position of per­ pOSt. Powell is e><pected to resign from a petition to connect cable in the Howard scrolled before her, she took action. versity Trustee Colin L. Powell, was sonal acbic,-ement for Powell is first. his pOSt as a member of die Universi­ Plaza Towers. Bell delivered the petition Please See Cable, A7 tapped by President-elect Bush 10 be The second level is a statistical rep­ ty Board of Thtstees once he is con­ the next Secretary of State earlier resentation of African-Americans in firmed by die Senate.
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