Westfield, N.J
Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 111th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 20-111 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, January 25, 2001 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Rec. Commission Approves Field Maintenance Program By DEBORAH MADISON High School, the Policeman’s Be- explained. “Every user group had an Specially Written for The Westfield Leader nevolent Association, Union County opportunity to present their concerns The Westfield Recreation Com- Senior Softball, PAL Football, and and suggestions.” mission approved a comprehensive Holy Trinity Interparochial School. “This is not just Keith Hertell’s field maintenance plan at a special The purpose of the meeting, Mr. plan; it has been devised with input meeting held on Tuesday, January Hertell told The Westfield Leader, from everyone,” he said. 23. was to gather input from the field Although the four-man dedicated Recreation Commission Chair- users as well as to determine the crew will be a DPW-funded budget man, Keith Hertell said that the plan level of responsibility that each user item, the accountability of the crew’s will now be submitted to the Town group will contribute to a compre- responsibilities will rest with the Council at their January 30 confer- hensive field maintenance plan. Recreation Department, Mr. Hertell ence meeting for Town Council ap- The deteriorating condition of explained. proval. Westfield’s fields and the lack of an Additionally, almost every league An integral part of formulating the organized field maintenance plan, as has volunteered to adopt a field in plan, according to Mr. Hertell, in- well as lack of dedicated field main- order to enhance the field mainte- cluded a special meeting held on tenance workers has been an ongo- nance, which will be carried out by Tuesday, January 16, between him- ing issue in Westfield and the subject the DPW.
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