BETTFOBD & SON, W atchmakers, JEWELLERS £ SILVERSMITHS JEWELLERS & SILVERSMITHS BEST VALUE. BEST VALUE. QUALITY GUARANTEED. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Repairs by Expert Men. Repairs by Expert Mm. 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne 100, Terminns-rd, Eastbourne IONABLE YISITO AND GUIDE And at EXBTBR. n e w sp a p e rs And at H im . over 20 Wo>d» and SiXFBKcn PRICE ONE PENNY, tVB BHILLINQ8 Me Q .P .O , CM a Nnoopaper. EA8TBOURNK, 8ATTJPDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1916 350, E a b t b o t o n i . ASTBOURHE COLLEGE. I H S LADIES’ COLLEGE, - GRA8S1NGTON ROAD. BASTBOURNB. President t j j ] MARY H. COOPER, A utistic C ourt THE DUKE OP DEVONSHIRE. The Wheel of Fortune Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, OOL OP GOMMERO! Ride a Rudge-Whitworth bicycle and cut your travel­ S ^ p II, Pevensey-road. Head Hasten ling expenses. Strongest, fastest and most reliable of Principal! .THAND AND TYPEWRITING. Latest Creations In PETE and EVENING GOWNS i The REV. » . Bt W ILLIAMS, M.A. British bicyles. The Rudge-Whitworth will quickly MISS HITCHCOCK. IN 16 LESSONS. save its cost. It's yours on easy payment terms, Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. \ : ' t F UTT ■ and every cyclist knows a Rudge will last a lifetime. Masters and Mistresses. ROBERTS, Diplomatkd e School Is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL foe the Sons Write for a Catalogue and for particulars of our easy plls prepared. If desired, for the Preliminary, Junior, (Awarded Gold and ailver Mi Telephone 7< antlemen. payment terms; •> olor and Higher Cambridge Local Kxamlnatton*. also E A 8 T B 0 U R N B Svll Undoes, Professions and Commercial Life, Rudge-Whitworth, Lid. LOCAL MADID B. ROAD, 8 . L I 8 MORE ROAD, ere are special Abu t and Navt Classes. 10, Terminus-road,- Eastbourne. X>HBS & Oo-’S (Ltd.) orised Agents. Preparatory School for. Boys. r Prospectus and Information as to reoent Bneoesess. w Bates. I ■ . loatton should be made to the Head H astes. rrsiOAL Drill Is oampulaory for the whole SohooL d i c k e r f t c o . y A GROCERS HIGH - CLASS PROVISION HER' C;. Fridays between 2.30 and 4 .S0 p m. and ab IW3IK other tlmsa by appointment. kx i . V. H. Browne & Visa Tait-Beid, B.A., V h 1, SPENCER ROAD Private School for Boys. A FEW SPLENDID (Late of 32, The Avenue). it YOUTH, as Port, 86/-A 42/-per down. Assisted by a larg Mtldent Staff of Trained bottle. Vine Old Tri Certificated Engl and Foreign Teachers. Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Old aienUvet Whiskey, 9/6 k 4/- per BC1SS LLOYDS has removed to more nommnfltnae (No Advance a Paica). '■ ' H '1 •ad, amomst many othew. to ths premises and la prepared to receive an Increases number of DAILY PUPILS. otic MAN; 1 NEW JAMS, BOTTLED FB -Apply, Box EOKGE’S SOHOOL (u: A SMALL CLASS FOR THE CHILDREN A . OF GENTLEPEOPLE ONLY OFFERING DURING FEBRUARY SUBJECT TO Is held at 8, ORANGE ROAD. Pupils can be prepared tor the Cambridge Preliminary SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF Examination. ihjeots Beginners are received. References from Parents of PupUa riR A N V IL L E HOUSE, GAUDIOK ROAD, Apply, Miss E. Cleathkb. MACHINE BREAD U t MEADS, BASTBOURNB. TEN PER CENT. u n ic ipa l s c h o o l o p a r t Rbsidbntial, P reparatory and F in ish in g (Tbcbnioal iNSiTTCTm, Grove-road). AfDHE.EUtfnlS PF.TRELLI, R.AJ4. M Girls’ School. ***■ (O r London) DAY and EVENING CLASSES are held In aU Principals—MRS. C. H. de la MOTHS and (Late pupil of Signor Randegger) Branohes of Art, Including Classes In M*tal Work, MRS. NELSON FOLEY, B.8o. (Lond.) late Prima Donna Opera and Prlnolpal London Concerts. Wood Carving and Leather Work. of the Ladles' College, Cheltenham. RECEIVES PUPILS tor LESSONS In SINGING j Visitors can join tor short periods. Assisted by a well-qualified Staff. nits, also Girls and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method). Vacant in all MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL House beautifully situated In its own Grounds. Good CRAIG-Y-DON, 9. DUKE’S DRIVE, EASTBOURNB, axd for particu- m nn htdtq ! | Also a t Messrs. Clift’s, GUdredge-road, and I FOR GIRLS Messrs. Hermitage Sc Sena, lermlnus-roeA s'-walk, Lewes, (CnSBXON-BOAD),. , MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY SCHOOL DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. nm ti' ‘fe/VTTQ Under Royal Patronage. WANTED, flannels Washed in Bairn IS S ELEANOR RATCLIFF*. M 10 years Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH. Has RESUMED HER CLASSES at the GRAND MAKSHALL a n d DUNBAR HOTEL, SATURDAY, 2.45. i m i t e d L , (Proprietors: MARSHALL and SON), Fanoy Dancing, 4.30. Juveniles, 11 o'clock. At DEVONSHIRE PARK, WEDNESDAY. 2 45. CLERICAL, NAVAL AND j MILITARY TAILORS, Baby Classes Wednesday and Friday, 1L15. g THE WARDEN. Speolal Class for Girls, 15 to 20 years, Wednesday, of Work tor Families, Lodging 6 o'clock. 'ork (Apartment visited. BIDING HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS, An Adult Class for Offloe rR, their friends and Eastbourne be given; good IBS BALLS, L.L.A Residents, Friday Evening, 8.30. lastbourne. lelephone 996. mmmseommmsmmmam Established 189' Special Classes for Operatlo Technique are held dally by Miss Maitland, PupU of Madame ankbstta idower Lotimer-rood, Bostboums. HIGH CLASS LADIES' TAILORS. Miss M , Pupil of M Z . Under Royal Patronage, Apply—ALLANDALE, COOMBS ROAD, CROYDON. HOSIERS AND 8HIRTMAKERS. CENTRAL GYMS Families or Schools. CORNFIELD ROAD, Bastbour Sole Highest Rktebenobs, DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. rtnr. P ear. GEORGE RABEY a A d d ress I l l & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. VflSS HUTTON MOSS and MISS PAIN* GRAHAM SCHOFIELD JJL have resumed their CLASSES. DlplOmde, P aris Children' s Class at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK SSSSSSS b GlaSe Certificate). ROAD, on SATURDAYS, at 2.30 p.m. ~ ' particular! apply at the Gymnasium. OETZMAN (TELEPHONE 106). ‘ In PRACTICAL DR^QUTTTOC Apply, 88a, HARRINGTON ROAD, LONDON, S.W. FOOTBALL, HOOKEY, I i Ac. — & CO., Ltd., - with private MARK MARTIN & SON DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. B. COINS’ BPOS SHOP, pupils and In dlus teaching In eoha i . f o r r - . I- i 7 i. '-■[ [ OOTJBT HOAD, L O N D O N , W Blouse Patterns a Speciality. m /fISS LUCY WAY is holding' her s MUSEUM MONB.’ LVJL CLASSES a t the SAFFRONS ROOMS, which LONDON.” OOfiyytikliP TERR AOK REALLY HIGH - CL A8S WOM oommonoed on SATURDAY, J and ary 22nd, a l l pan. IN ' • . ., Schools attended. - • 'BARTHOLOMEW Private Lee so— can be glrea at any time, — rinltT College, London, Building, Decorating, Electric Lighting, Hot application to 28, SOUTH BTRBBT, EASTBOURNE. A BOOK ON FURNISHING PIANOFORTE, Aim HARMONY, and Sanitary Work. d^or^att Examinations. 188 A. JEWELL, Telephone No 335. _____________ _ (five minutes from 8tatlon) DANCING AND ELOCUTION. 'l, WILMINGTON SQUARE, or Clift’s MubIc, Saloons, Eastbourne. CHARLES BREACH REPAYMENTS. FOR It la battel 'UAL LENDER than with Agent* £ PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY J~JRAWING ANI Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber. USB MARGARET West End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, Meads RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. D a . i a l j u t M .I a a Iw i inH HOLDS CLASSES AT PROMPT CASH ADVANCES. STUDIO, BA: ESTIMATES G1VBN FOB GENERAL BOUSE REPA1BS. CIO upwards. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. Y WORK In the LoDdi u Je Provinces Discount Company, Ltd., .S.Q., “Chronicle” ON SATURDAYS 19, Lanedowne-road, Croydon, on applleat a * mnUimda. Privacy. Easy Terms and Straightforward (RAWING AND PAINTING, MILLER & SELMES m KATHLEEN SHAW, Cert. Royal Drawing Decorators. DONE Builders T rainin'* C lasses D aily for T eachers and fo r itlng either Privately Or In Class. Every Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. th e Stage. • l. J—T - • j .w . embhaw holds positions as Visiting Teacher In Advances promptly made to-Farmers, our Home homes from PETER’S. B* Girls’ Bohools in London, and Is open to Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. article of Furniture in In Eastbourne and dlstrioh Pnplls have ymen and all responsible Applicants. & sd highest awwdi0[n_oomEetltlon with schools In United -road, Eastbourne. For Particulars apply: Strictest P rivacy Assured. Furniture to last many li Office and Works: 76, TIDES WELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. No Fee Charged. :AWING AND FAINTING LESSONS, 'anczs Completed on Day of Application. tinction to the Home, to be pieaging to the eye, iand of oomfort to the body, MONEY, WARDROBES. no! Attention given, a No Sureties required. 0 (Cert. Board of Eduratlon), newness to the last, to always proclaim that none but the best materials were xe Mnniolpal School of A rt WARDROBES, Apply by Letter, In Oanfideaoq, to _ executed it, and withal to herself entirely to PRIVATE MONEY, P HYSICAL EDUCATION for D k u c a t b manufacture, and only'the most-skilled labour -------T iA C B nraT Schools Visited. Children a t their own HOMES (any p a rt a t tSSRS. M. BARNARD & CO., Day and Evening ClassesI in own 8tndla England), inolndlng Dancing, Graceful Department. -Write, offer yon a 1 on application. Walking and Exercises. 44, L a n g n b y -bo a d , E a stbo u rn e. Prospectus A Lady, with twenty years’ experience In the Court m et attend! — tally erery Thunday, 11 am, to I ska. 82, WILUNGDON.!ROAD. BASTBOURNB. Circles of Society, will forward long List of Patroness— spent. and Terms upon application. Saving of 3/- in every £1 M.
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